Winston-Salem Journal from Winston-Salem, North Carolina (2024)

WINSTON-SALEM, NORTH CAROLINA WINSTON-SALEM JOURNAL SATURDAY MORNING, JUNE 16, 1973 -Page 15 But Similar to U.S. Fall Fashions Giant Commercial Party Deadlines Canadian Styles Furrier LIKE IN THE MOVIES--A Cana- this sweeping cape of muskrat headdian film, Kamouraska, inspired pieces with raccoon capuchon, muff. THE CANADIAN WAY -Softly fitted coat (left) and suit are of jersey. Both are worn with white silk shirts and foulard ties. Canadians offer wide diversity explain that all native fur in fabric and color as well trapping quantities are conas sophisticated and un- trolled by federal and derstated styling.

provincial restrictions.) The same, trend toward sweater -dressing foretold for fall, USA prevails there and includes the "fur sweater," a neat, narrow fur coat combined with suede. designers and manufacturers are careful to Dinner, Luncheon Honors Miss Mitchell, Her Fiance Speaking of Food: Orchards Bursting With Red Cherries By Beth Journal Home Cherries are ripe. Shakespeare said it this way in "A Midsummer Night's "Cherry-ripe, ripe, ripe I cry, Full and fair ones; come and buy:" Mrs. S. R.

(Miriam) Levering of Ararat, who might be called "The Cherry Queen" says it this way: "It's cherry time at Orchard Gap, 12 miles north of Mount Airy. There are now sweet cherries galore and pie cherries will be coming along next week and should be available for a week or more after the 20th." She also wrote that "cherry gave her a couple of recipes." One for spiced MRS. THOMAS Miss Davis Is Married EAST BEND Miss Kathy Jeanette Davis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Claywell Davis.

was married to Richard, Mr. and Lawrence Mrs. Thomas, Thomas Elwood Thomas, at 8 p.m. yesterday in Friendship Baptist Church. The Grady Tutterow and the Rev.

Jim Byrd officiated. The bride is a senior at Appalachian State University and works for Kelly Girl. Mr. Thomas was graduated from Appalachian State University and served four years in the Navy. The bride was given in marriage by her father.

Mrs. Alvin Lee Starling, the bride's sister, was matron of honor. Mrs. Michael Haigwood of Winston-Salem, and Miss Regina Davis. the bride's sister, were bridesmaids.

Lorinda Lee Bowman and Giant Commercial Outdoes Broadway By Annie Lee Singletary Staff Fashion Editor NEW YORK It may not be the greatest show on earth, but the Milliken Breakfast Show was still better than most of those now running on Broadway. In fact, the musical succeeds in doing the Broadway musical that Broadway apparently can't do any more. because of current economics, the youth cult, sex and rock religion. Frankly commercial, the show that, in 20 editions, has become a tradition here during fashion week, mixes up the themes of "Damn Yankees" and "How to Succeed in Business" with sprightly music and lyrics. It had been seen by 25,000 when it closed Wednesday to SRO audiences that filled the baroque blue, red and gold Waldorf ballroom and its double tier of balconies for 14 breakfast and four afternoon performances.

Gwen Verdon, Robert Morse, Billy de Wolfe and Mary McCarty (of "Follies" fame) headed a cast of 65 singers and dancers, many of them borrowed from such current shows as "No, No, Nanette" and "Sugar." The show, which cost Deering Milliken $1 million, was given primarily for ready-to-wear buyers and executives, who are bused to it from their hotels. This year it told them, in professional comedy style, about 40 fabrics with such names as Brigadoon, Delicia, Milliskin, Tennis Fabric and Nature Boy. The opening scene revived all the nostalgia of "Irene" and "Gatsby" pulled with plus fours, polo uniforms, low waistlines, cloches and platform shoes. The enthusiasm with which such old tunes as "Has Anybody Seen My "Rose Marie" and "Varsity Drag" were received should serve as a hint to many Broadway producers moaning hard times. Outstanding scenes included a basketball routine and a carousel number that equalled, for sheer beauty and ingenuity, anything that Radio City Music Hall has to offer.

Lighting, sets, and costumes were all done by experts. How can the success of this giant-sized commercial, which might easily mark the end of the great industrial shows, be explained? It managed to establish that mystical rapport between cast and audience that is so rare today. It maintained all the excitement of of of of a first night opening. It was reminiscent of a type of of showmanship that once ranged from old-time Vaudeville to Ziegfeld. It was in short, something that, from all indications, the public would like to be able to plunk down its money for at Broadway box-offices again.

DAD'S THE ONE Party Deadlines By Annie Lee Singletary Staff Fashion Editor A look at the fall fashions shown by Canadian designers in Montreal last weekend might help dispel any current heat wave here. The styles are designed to combat cold weather to a much greater extent than those shown in New York, and they range from ruffled. Second Empire nightgowns to long fur coats of black cross mink. This is the second year that Montreal Mode has made a bid for the American market by inviting the American fashion press to its shows with the Canadian press. "Franglais" is the word they have chosen this time to describe a light -hearted mixture of English classics with French accent.

The bilingual nature of the country is reflected in its fashions for both men and women that emphasize suede and leather for entire suits or for trimming, fur-on-fur combinations of crown sable on broadtail or longhair furs like fox and lynx on smooth furs. Australian opossum muskrat in natural, tone or dyed blue or orange, beaver and mink are also included in the pelt variety. All is not fur north of the border, however. The George Hunyady of McKeesport, and Mr. and Mrs.

John Hunyady of White Oak, Pa. Miss Marian Wright and Don Calhoun, who will be married today in Germanton Baptist Church, were honored last night at a rehearsal party in the church fellowship hall. Hosts were the bride's grandparents, Mind and Mrs. Charlie J. Foy, her aunt and uncle, Mr.

and Mrs. Thomas A. Walker. Tartan Economist cherries, a tart relish, is a favorite of Mrs. Paul Layton of Mount Airy "who led a delegation of eight into the trees." I like to conjure up a picture of Mrs.

Layton leading eight people "resolutely" to pick cherries. This is that recipe which sounds like a grand gift idea for Christmas and other times. Mrs. Layton's Spiced Cherries 2 quarts cherries cup or more sugar 2 dozen whole cloves 1 stick (3-inch) cinnamon cup vinegar cups water Wash and stem cherries but do not pit. Tie spices in a bag, mix with sugar, vinegar and water; cook 5 minutes in a large pot.

Add cherries and cook slowly until tender. Remove from heat, cover, and let stand overnight. The following morning remove spices. Drain syrup from cherries; pack cherries in hot sterilized jars. Boil syrup rapidly until slightly thickened.

Pour boiling syrup over cherries, seal at once. Cool away from drafts. Wrap in brown paper to preserve color during storage. This is the second recipe Mrs. Levering sent.

An Easy Cherry Pie Beat 1 egg, 2 tablespoons lemon juice, 2 heaping tablespoons flour, cup sugar or to taste and 1 teaspoon vanilla. Heat enough cherries for a pie to get cup juice and add to preceding mixture. Fill unbaked pie shell with cherries and pour above mixture over them. Bake in a 350 degree oven until lightly browned or done. Serve with ice cream or whipped topping as desired.

A report has come on an unbaked blueberry pie recipe printed here a few days ago. The report was all raves. Fresh cherries shipped from WE'VE MOVED! To Club Haven Shopping Center PINEHURST Soap Candle Open 7 Days a Week Stories on parties and meetings for the women's pages are used no later than the day following the event. To be published in the Journal they should be reported to the women's staff before 3:30 p.m. on the day they occur.

To appear in should be reported by Sunday's paper, parties 3:30 p.m. Thursday. PHILCO TELEVISION FURNITURE COMPANY 1523. N. LIBERTY ST.

PHONE 722-6542 Refrigerators-Stereos-Freezers Sportswear ACRES PLAZA LEWISVILLE, N.C., SUNNY HIS HERS Cosmotique Shop Cosmetics for the Entire FamilyCOMPARE! (Next to Downtown Garage) 429 N. Main Winston-Salem PHONE 724-6662 SKIPS Canadian fashion offers plenty of refreshing variety that draws from different people and influences. While many of the designers are French there are also others from Britain, the Continent, Asia and the United States. to Miss Nancy Lee Chamberlain. The newlyweds will make their home in Pompano Beach, Fla.

Miss Melody Grey Huggins and Micheal Clint Clodfelter, who will be married today in Green Street Baptist Church, were honored last night at a cake cutting in the church parlor. Hosts were her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Huggins. ALL cream wheat germ, coconut, doesn't need baking.

fruits as desired or use other fruits as desired. Open nights 8 p.m. (except Wed. Sat. 'til 6) Club Haven Fashions Club Haven Sportswear CLUB HAVEN SHOPPING CENTER 5051 Country Club Rd.

SUN PRIMERS After Moisturizer Sun. Tanning Oil Spray Creamy Tanning Foam Sun Tan Gell MERLE NORMAN COSMETICS Thruway--Lower Mall 722-7601 Mon. Fri. 'til 9 for FATHER'S DAY try THE PIEDMONT CRAFT SHOP 936 W. 4th St.

10-5 Cufflinks Ash Trays Duck Decoys Ties Chess Boards CARPET FURNITURE LEWISVILLE, N. C. 945-3066 FABULOUS MUSIC LESSONS 722-9933 ROGER WILLIAMS International MUSIC CENTER Miss Shirley Ann Mitchell and James Robert Snow, who will be married at 11 a.m. to day in Flaking Knoll wood Baptist Note Church, were honored at a rehearsal dinner night at the home of the bridegroom's mother, Mrs. Homer Snow, on Sheffield Drive.

Hosts for the dinner were Mrs. Snow and the Mrs. Ingram Is a Bride Mrs. Sherry Johnson Ingram, daughter of Mr. and Bassett T.

Johnson of Rozianna Drive. was married to Thomas Seuberling, of Avera Street yesterday at Beck's Baptist Church. The Rev. Paul Wonders officiated. Mr.

Seuberling is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Seuberling of Greensboro. He was graduated from Notre a me High School in Greensboro and served in the Army in Vietnam.

He is assistant manager at Paul Rose Department Store. The bride was graduated Winsalm College and works for Krispy Kreme Doughnut Corp. The bride was given in marriage by her father. Honor attendant was Mrs. Jacob Horton of King.

Best man was the bridegroom's brother, Robert Seuberling of West Palm Beach, Fla. Ushers were Samuel Schlusser of Greensboro and Bill Gwynn. A reception was given by the bride's parents. The newlyweds will live here after a trip to Gatlinburg, Tenn. Warren, Spainhour Ceremony KING The wedding of Miss Vicki Ann Spainhour, daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Oscar Branson Spainhour, to Michael Wayne Warren was held at 7:30 p.m. yesterday at Bethel United Methodist Church. The Rev. Larry Bumgarner officiated.

His Parents The bridegroom is the son of Mrs. Alice Rudder and the late R. M. Warren Jr. He attended Forsyth Technical Institute and works for Hanes Hosiery Corp.

The bride was graduated from South Stokes High School. The bride was given in marriage by her father. Mrs. Bud Middleton, the bride's sister, was matron of honor. Bridesmaids were Mrs.

Frankie Barr, the bride's sister; Miss Terri Lynn Calloway and Miss Anne Shaw. Child Attendants Child attendants were Teresa Hubbard anal High Point, Robin Dyer Chad Middleton. Best man was Frank Calloway. Ushers were Jack Warren of Winston-Salem, the bridegroom's brother: Frankie Barr and Dennis Tuttle. A church reception was given.

a After honeymoon the newlyweds will live here. bridegroom's brother, John Allie Snow. Guests included the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson W.

Mitchell; Mrs. Posey Snow of New Market, Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Snow of Harrisonburg, Mr. and Mrs.

Nelson S. Embrey of Lynchburg, and Mrs. Dan' S. Williamson, of Fredericksburg, Mrs. C.

W. Warren of Upperville, and Mr. and Mrs. A. H.

Daves of Spartanhurg, S. C. A bridal lunch on for Miss Mitchell was held earlier at Forsyth Country Club. The bride-elect's aunt, Mrs. Nicholas Worth Mitchell, was hostess.

Among the guests were the couple's mothers. Also attending were Mrs. Richard Gregory of Atlanta, Mrs. A. S.

Jolly of Spartanburg, S. Mrs. Jeffery Warren, Miss Jane Williamson Williamson and of Fredericksburg, Va. A dinner was given reheaterda, in St. Augustine, for Miss Margaret Catherine Bailey and her fiance, Robert Edward Peterson of WinstonSalem.

They will be married today. The dinner was given at the Ponce de Leon Lodge by Mr. Peterson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas F.

Peterson his brother and sister Mr. and Mrs. James Douglas Peterson, and his uncles and aunts, Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Sams and Mr.

and Mrs. Perry Harmon, all of WinstonSalem. Guests from Winston-Salem included the bridegroom's grandmother, Mrs. D. F.

Peterson and Mr. and Mrs. Bonner Sams Jr. A rehearsal dinner was held MRS. WARREN was Vicki Spainhour last night for Miss Jo Alexandria Bell and Wayne Ellis Reece, who will be married today in Flat Rock Baptist Church.

The dinner was given by the bridegroom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James H. Reece of Boonville at Golden Key Restaurant at Brooks Crossroads. Among the 50 guests were Mrs.

James E. Reece of Gonic, N.H.; Mr. and Mrs. Ed Parker and George Parker of Maitland, Mrs. Johnny Starling were child attendants.

The bridegroom's father was best man and ushers were Robert Edgar Thomas and Lonnie Elwood Thomas, the bridegroom's brothers. The newlyweds will live here after a trip to the Smoky Mountains. Among the 60 guests were the couple's parents. Mr. and Mrs.

Bruner Wright and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Calhoun of Walnut Cove; and Mr. Calhoun's grandmother, Mrs. Virginia Calhoun of Walnut Cove.

Mr. and Mrs. Lacy B. Adcox of Regency Drive have returned from Raton, where they attended the wedding on Saturday of their son, Lindsay Barrett Adcox, TE CAN SHE BAKE A cherry pie in a crust of brown sugar and butter the west coast are also in stores here. The price, however, is such that they almost deserve to be mounted like jewels in platinum.

Here is another cherry pie idea. Cherry Ice Cream Pie 1 cup toasted wheat germ or toasted wheat germ with sugar and honey cup flaked coconut 2 tablespoons brown sugar, packed cup butter 1 quart vanilla ice cream Sweetened fresh or frozen cherries Combine wheat germ coconut, brown sugar and butter. Stir over low heat until butter melts. Reserve cup mixture for topping. Press remainder against bottom and sides of 9-inch pie plate.

Chill in freezer until firm. Spoon ice cream into shell. Cover and freeze until ready to serve. Spoon fresh or partially defrosted cherries on top of ice cream. Sprinkle with reserved wheat germ mixture.

Serves 6. If desired, combine cherries with other JUNE 17th HINE-BAGBY WANTS YOU TO GIVE YOUR DAD THE NEWEST IN SOCKS We know you've changed your style in shirts and ties -in sport coats and slacks. So we think it's time to change your socks! Especially when we can show you the perfect socks to change to: our new Gentlemen's Designs by Burlington Socks. One look below tells you how right these patterns are. And we have lots more to show you, in anklet, midlength and over-the-calf styles, most of them with that exclusive anti-static process that is anti-cling, anti-lint, anti and anti This great new change only costs you $1.50 to $2.50 per pair.

Burlington Socks a All of Your Personal Hine-Bagby Father's Day Gifts Distinctively and Attractively Gift-Wrapped Free. AT BOTH HINE-BAGBY STORES FATHER'S DAY JUNE 17 Co. INCORPORATED "The Style Centers of Winston-Salem and Northwest North Carolina" DOWNTOWN THRUWAY SHOPPING CENTER ON THE MALL Men's, Young Men's and Boys' Clothing, Furnishings, Shoes Men's and Young Men's and Complete Gift Bar Clothing, Furnishings, Shoes Open Monday and Friday and Gift Bar MUSIC AI SUNSET 9:30 'til 9 p.m. Open 9:15 to 5:30 Thur. and Sat.

Mon. thru Sat. Attend the Gala Opening "Music at Sunset" 'til 5:30 Concert, Sunday, June 17th, Graylyn Estate Phone 725-8727 John luele, conductor W-S Symphony, fed- Phone 723-4377 turing the Charlotte Scottish Pipe Band..

Winston-Salem Journal from Winston-Salem, North Carolina (2024)
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Name: Errol Quitzon

Birthday: 1993-04-02

Address: 70604 Haley Lane, Port Weldonside, TN 99233-0942

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Job: Product Retail Agent

Hobby: Computer programming, Horseback riding, Hooping, Dance, Ice skating, Backpacking, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.