The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

1 THE SPRINGFIELD SUNDAY UNION AND REPUBLICAN, SPRINGFIELD, SEPTEMBER 1, 1946 5 TITLE OUTBOARD MOTORBOAT RACES TOMORROW AND MONDAY AT RIVERSIDE Outboard Racing Card On Today at Riverside Eastern Division Championships Continue Tomorrow -Dick Whitfield, National Titleholder, to Compete Mnay Women Drivers Entered Races Start at 1.30 By CHESTER Motors will roar a title tune panse of the Connecticut river as outboard specialists jockey their waterway in the Eastern divisional are scheduled to get underway at afternoon on both days. The entire surveyed and the drivers will go with the knowledge that" the if, marks and will he officially recorded, when they are made. Expect Crowd Interest in the exciting and precarious sport of outboard racing was stimulated here little more than a month ago when the annual Connecticut river classic inaugurated and it is expected that an even larger will be present at the two-day program to watch many of the same drivers and an even larger number of new pilots vie for the eastern laurels. Such importance has been atached to the local event. that four special trophies have pronounced at stake, which should serve to spur the drivers on to greater eforts and cause them to split the waves with even more than their usual reckless abandon.

Offcials have announced that the 1946 tests for the Detroit trophy, the Hall Scott trophy, the ACF trophy and the Duplex trophy will be conducted. During the initia! race, program here a month ago the outboard enthusiasts were emphatic in their statements that the local waterway. one of the finest in the section and that feeling apears to have been transmitted to higher circles as have expressed considerable satisfaction with the course and are of the opinion that excellent times should result in the various events. oBats Marked attending the meet will be able to follow acurately the progress of the boats and the results of all races as a public adress system will be set up to provide such information. The boats will also be plainly marked with official racing numbers in order that the audience may easiIv keep abreast of the happenings out on the course.

No admission will be charged. The sponsorship racing of the program New is England under other Racing association in cooperation with Edward J. Carroll of Riverside park. Officials of both the. National Outboard association and the American Power Boat asociation will be in charge.

Mr Carroll revealed recently that, a large pit has been constructed to ha.ndle the many, boats expected to he competing' in the numerous events. The pit has been located to facilitate refueling and any needed mechanical operations. A large clock awill also be in operation for the benefit of drivers order they may time their starts to the best possible advantage. Dick Whitfeld, one of the greatest midget drivers in the outboard feld, is expected to be on hand for a record attempt. while a number of topflight women pilots are slated to seek laurels along with their mal erivals including Marjorie Clarke, Jane Hendrickson, Helen Mack, Dorothy Mayer and Betty Van Hyfto.

M'FARLAND WINNER OF GOLF TOURNAMENT Rye Beach, N. Aug. 31-(AP)Medalist Don McFarland of Concord, who gained the final round by defeating Assistant Secretary of the Navy John L. Sullivan, one up, in 21 holes, today won the 34th international tourney at Abenqaui Golf club. McFarland stroked a birdie three on the 18th hole to beat Harry Caswell of Portsmouth, former New Hampshire junior champion, in the final match to gain a leg on the Whittemore cup.

Caswell entered the final match by edging Jim Nute of Manchester, three and two. Winner in the second, third and fourth divisions were J. C. Tonking of Baltimore, A. N.

Beals of Rye, and Hildreth Clark of Lowell. Mass. MONDAY'S ENTRIES AQUEDUCT AT FIRST RACE $4000: hurdles; three-year-olds and up: about one and three-quarters miles (10): Hobby's Ffirst 146 Yankee Chance 143 xxa-Cosey 142 Fieldfare 149 zzz Fourth Arm 130 Genanco*ke 137 Black Ned 149 a -Mat 143 Chen 137 Zadoc 146 a--Mrs F. A. Clark entry.

zZ-7: ZZZ-10 1bs. Apprentice allowance claimed, SECOND RACE $3500: claiming: three-year-olds and up; seven furlongs (18): Quiet Shot 115 xxls Is 108 xxArthur J. 108 Ask Me 113 Freelands Lad 118 xx Naval Station 105 4-Gay Legend 118 a-Easy Chair 118 Busy Edith A. 115 Beths Bomb 108 xxIf-If 113 Lady Romery 110 Phantom Peggy 110 Blue Serge 313 xxxBonnieberry 103 Chrysaloris 110 Blue Nose 113 Cadet Carl 117 -H. Hecht-R.

M. Downes entry. THIRD RACE $1000: maiden two-year-olds; five and one-half furlongs (14) a-Ominous 116 Col. 116 b- Sunmont 113 Teaneck Comet 116 Scotch Count 116 Nationwide 116 Who Cares 106 b-Drift 116 A White Field 116 Capt. Bernard 116 Forth 116 Port Raider 116 Ariel Pigeon 116 a-Graviton 116 a-Wheatles' stable-Belair stud 1 entry.

b- Foxcatcher farm- Montpelier entry. FOURTH RACE $4300: allowances; three-year-olds and up; Six furlongs (17): False Move 113 a-Adlibit 113 Uncle Byron 113 xxxThe Problem 106 Tex Martin 113 Blenel 113 Head Smart 110 Voloway. 113 Fox Brownie 113 Comanche Peak 113 Spartan Noble 124 Alouldo 113 Nowadays 113 Alstimu 108 6am Bernard 108 a-Amlick 113 Pickpocket 119 a--Trio stables entry. FIFTH RACE $4600; allowances; 1hree-year-olds; fillies; mix furlongs (6) Mil El 108 Bast Dress 108 Challadette 117 Darby Devon 113 Boolie: 108 Darby Dingo 108 SIXTH RACE $15,000 added; The Aqueduct handicap; three-year-olds and up; one and teenth miles (8): Let's Dance 112 King Dorsett 126 Frere Jacques 108 Coincidence Segula 104 Playful Pal 106 Aladear 109 Man 0 Glory 114 $4000; three-year-olds and up; A SEVENTH RACE pne and one-sixteenth miles (10): zzzlsatin 110 Shrub 114 Happy Forecast 114 Jersey Cream Chanteuse 110 Victory Lad 113 Alsigal 120 Salute: 117 Broadloom 117 Visor 113 EIGHTH RACE $4000: allowances; three-year-olds and pp: one and one-eighth miles (12): xxLloyds 109 Ayahs Boy 114 Burra 114 Bright Argosy 120 0x 114 Bulrush Boy Soldier J14 Grey Hood 114 Right Happy Sit 114 Gun Deck 114 xx Flying Fort 109 xxMr Dumjohn 115 XX-5: XXX-7 lbs. Apprentice ailawance claimed.

Weather -Clear and track fast. HATTON'S RECORD RATES AWARD AS N. STAR ROOKIE 3 Injured Cincy, Red Player Was Once -Headed for the Red Sox New York, Aug. 31-Just because Grady Hatton had been hitting .400 against, the Dodgers the season, was that a good reason why Rube Melton should have tried to dust him off the plate in the recent Brooklyn been Cincinnati series? not It by may any possibility a good one. Or, to be fair to the Rube, maybe Grady's habitual close stance at the plate, rather than any malice on part of the Brooklyn hurler.

may have made his deliveries look narrower than they otherwise would have appeared. But. at any rate two of Melton's high fast ones came so close to Grady's head that Coach Jimmy Wilson of the Reds, almost in consequence, took punch at the Gowanus heaver, Has Fractared Knee But that is all past. Of present import is that with 14 home runs to his credit, a high hatting average and consistently brilliant fielding at third, stalwart youngster from the University of Texas via the U. undoubtedly going to get laurels annually bestowed upon the of the year, even granted he is on the shelf perhaps for season.

with a frac: tured knee. It was due to Grady's ambition for a diploma that the Red Sox did not get this up-and-coming ace. Down at the University of Texas, where Grady played student ball, Billy Disch, the coach, is said to be on the Boston club's roll as scout and "Uncle Billy" knew just how good he was and recommended him to Joe Cronin. He worked out several times, as a collegian, in Sox spring practice and could have signed up 'then and there; but he wanted that diploma. This was probably due to his own inclination, but if it was not originally implanted by senior Hatton.

then Grady 'is regretably defcient in his receptivity of paternal' influence. He was first exposed to it when he was a boy of 12, playing on the sand lots of his native town, Beaumont, Tex. Jack Zeller, then general business manager of the Detroit Tigers, saw the kid at play and, keenly alert to signs of budding genius, wanted to hook him up as a future Tiger player then and there. But his father said nay. He wanted the boy to get an education and secured from the lad a promise that his first 'definite achievement would be the acquisition of a college diploma.

Switched Throwing Arm True to his word, Grady entered U. and did all right in studies. Standing 5 feet 10 inches, 185 pounds with columna underpinning. 'Hatton besides playing baseball, understudied the late Chow Daniels at guard until made him give up the rugged sport, lest he incapacitate himself for a prospective career in major league ball. He seems to have complete charge of his physique, meaning he can experiment in various ways with his physical equipment.

For Instance, originally a left-handed he decided he could do better throwing right-handed, so he shifted over and within a week found himselt pegging better than he ever had--just as in hitting, when he shifted from right to left, his average soared. Graduated from Texas, in 1943 Grady immediately into the army but for some physical reason he was not sent overseas. He Alled out his entire enlistment with an ordnance outflet at Greensboro, N. where he played a lot of inter-service ball and elicited predictions from such team mates as Lee Gamble, Cincinnati; Jim Castiglia, Athletics. and Buster Maynard, Giants, of that brilliant career in major company, which already he has fully justifled.

MONDAY'S ENTRIES AT NARRAGANSETT FIRST RACE 1-Apprentice allowance claimed, WILLIAMSTOWN SPORTS $2400: claiming: 3-year-olds and up: furlongs (16): Bleheim 100 Park Avenue 111 A Charm 111 Blanche Purcel 106 xl.ast Frontier 116 xSinging Bid 106 xGreen Log 109 Mountaloon 118 Funrow 111 Maeline 116 Jack Rubens 113 Mad Sadie 113 Buckle Up" 116 Buckets 109 Clack Africa 114 Mad Cruiser 118 SECOND RACE $2500: allowances: 4-year-olds and up; 6 furlongs (16): 108 Balmy Spring 120 xM: Jinx 110 Out Front .113 xMary Knoll 105 Sun. Talk 118; Gr63 Victory 120 Miss. Lucifer 110 Character Man 11.1 Mere Chic 110 Celtics 113 Jcrie-Mar 110 Jim's Jeanie xLittle Hoops 113 Dark Morning 110 Andso 110 THIRD RACE $2500; maidens; 2-year-olds; furlongs (16) Little Spooky 116 Count Royal 119 Dillsburg 119 Mary ElvinaV 116 Yankee Dollar 116 Nell Dunstan 116 Radar Man 119 Chipper Sally 116 Roxie 116 Agahadee 116 Gossip 116 xFranabe 111 Our Tryst 116 Devi! Daughter 116 Ser. Trait 119 Genil 111 FOURTH RACE $2500: claiming: 3-year-olds and up; 1 mile and yards (16): xhiodel Lady 111 xErown Fower 106 xsicanar 116 Sportsman 113 xHigh Fox 100 One To Two 116 Ting Sanjour 111 Brass Cannon 116 Skipper 109 Pior Man 114 Ruby Isles 111 Rear Guard 111 xErainstorm 108 Teddy Pon 107 Mill Tower 116 Roadmaker, 116 xErown Flower 106 FIFTH RACE $3300: allowances; 3-year-olds and up; 6 furlongs (12) Okapi Lancer 110 Brilliant Fly 107 axOn the River 97 xCooperativa 107 Little Sandy 107 Dune 110 Neti 113 Speedy Fellow 102 Swimmn Hole 105 Alison Peters 113 aAgate 107 Count Did 102 a- Good News stable entry. c-Mrs D.

R. Wiser entry. SIXTH RACE added: the Jeanne D'Arc stakes; 2-year-old fillies; 6 furlongs (13): Ipp 105 Pippette 119 Sig 107 With Honor 107 Ginny's Pride 104 Flag of Truce 107 Spring Thaw 105 Set Crest 105 Rosalu 107 Pituri Evening Story 105 Tiger's Gift 105 Three Passes 100 SEVENTH RACE $3000: allowances; 3-year-olds and up: 1-16 miles (16) xGino Ggold 110 xisle de Pine 108 Glenwood oy 121 Barnacle 118 Blue Wise 116. Penny Packer 11G Calimenow 115 xSuspark 113 Gut. Bearer 116 Lucky Irish 111 Phariah 113 Cane 115 Spiritual 114' Ceo Rat 116 Grier 113.

EIGHTH RACE $3000; 11-16 miles (11): Quick Lick 111 xMibill 102 Jeems 111 Stage Line 112 xRuck Sergeant 109 xHappy Pat 106 Shavo 107 Sorrowful 104 xTripos 110 xCold Scotch 104 Richmond Belle 108 Williamstown, Aug. 31-Some kind of recreational playground here would benefit the younger children in town. The last summer playground of any kind was back in 1939 and this was not a town project! Thin playground was sponsored adminis- at that time by the National Youth tration which was a government project. Fred Connors, all-around athlete and a top student at Williamstown High from where he was graduated in 1934, was in charge of this undertaking. There were swing, pingpong tables, volleyball games, two basketball hoope, and other similar playground The only ball game slated for tomorrow Outboard Motorboats Take Over, Riverside Pictured above is a large section of morrow during the Eastern division considerably enlarged for the and which will include tests for four the pit which will be the scene of outboard motorboat championships forthcoming event which has attracted special trophies.

The pit is used of mechanical difficulties. Major League Averages American League National League (Averages include day games played Aug. 28) Club Batting Club AR PC. Boston 129 4392 694 1220 .278 Washington 126 4294 49: 1104 Philadelphia 126 4263 437 1093 256 Chicago 127 4329 442 1094 253 St Louis 124 4258 501 490 1034 1016 .248 Detroit 123 4161 4234 452 1048 246 Cleveland 126 New York 125 4166 599 1027 .246 Club Fielding Club PO A DP PC. Cleveland 3341 1:90 112 120 Boston :419 1461 119 136 .976 St Louis 1361 119 126.

.975 New York 0347 1134 128 148 .974 Detroit .3307 1313 122 97 .971 Chicago 3362 100L 140 109 147 .97: .973 Philadelphia 3236. 1262 123 Washington 3393 1412 171 133 Triple plays -Detroit, Cleveland, New York, Chicago. Batting Records of Leaders Player, Club AB RBI PC Schultz, St Li. 21 89 16 6 ,410 Vernon. Wash, 119 469 73.

162 67 .346 Pesky. Boston 128 521 109 178 49 Williams, Bos. 126 441 125 130 112 Appling. Chi. 121 465 52 161 45 DiMaggio.

Bos. 117 4401 73 143 62 Becker, Clev. 117 13 38 16 Kell, Phil. -Det. 102 391 39 123 80 57 39 .313 .315 Robinson, N.

Y. 254 Culberson. Bos, 45 140 44 15 .314 Partee, Boston 27 70 22 .314 Edwards, Cleve. AR 363 112 .309 Souchock. N.

Y. 37 78 24 .308 Valo, Cullenbine, Phila. Det. 87 83 275 223 68 84. 33 28 .305 .306 M'C'sky, 95 329 39 .340 McBride, Bos.

47 123 37 15 .301 Boudreau, Clev. 122 455 1:36 49 58 .299 .299 Stephens, St 85 335 100 Doerr, Boston 127 494 344 106 292 Berardino, St L. 114 469 137 57 .292 DiMaggio, N. Y. 103 390 69 114.

72 292 Grace. St 94. 055 28 103 28 290 Dillinger, St 66 176 Cramer, Detroit 57 160 21 48 2.3 .288 Crosetti. N. Y.

26 59 17 3 .283 Rosar, Phila, 96 34:3 31 98 .286 Wasdell, 24 33 10 .286 Guerra. Wash, 33 74 3 21 York, Boston 128 477 106 Keller, N. Y. 121 437 123 87 .281 Fleming. Cleve.

SO 249 33 70 37 Caulfield. Phila: 44 93 13 26 10 280 Spence, Wash. 124 466 64 130 68 Lewis, 120 462 66 128 35 Heath, 112 414. 57 114 Wright, Chi. 93 338 34 93 47 105 380 104 39 Mackiewicz.

CI. 57 179 28 105 49 10 41 273 Kolloway, Chi. 98. 381 35 Chapman. Phil.

120 453 122 63 .269 Torres, Wash. 54 160 17 43 12 .269 Higgins, 71 220 59 269 Judnich, St L. 116 425 113 .206 Greenberg. Det. 113 417 110.

83 261 Kuhel, Wa. -Ch. 58 181. 20 47 14 260 Hayes, 86 278 20 72 29 .259 Ross, Cleve. 41 108 28 6 239 Tucker, Chicago 97 349 90 21 Dickey, N.

52 132 34 10 .239 Johnson, N. Y. 62 206 29 53 33 257 Niarhos. N. Y.

33 35 10 Lucadello, St I. 75 199 20 51 15 Trosky, Chicago 56 263 18 67 29 Laabs, St L. 71 243 62 Handley, Phila, 79 220 27 20 255 Platt. Chicago 76 220 26 28 .255 Moses, 82 268 68 Mayo, Detroit 51 201 51 Rizzuto, N. Y.

102 372 94 Wakefield. Det. 82 293 36 Hodgin, Chi. 16 225 27 57 21 Travis, Wash. 112 381 39 96 48 McQuillen.

St La 43. 118 18 30 8 Priddy, Wash. 462 47 116 51 Stevens, St L. .106 395 48 99 26 Lindell, N. Y.

84 279 34 10 33 251 Evans, Wash. 227 27 37 23 Pitching Leaders Ferris, Pitcher. Boston Club 229 IP 218 BB 58 sO 89 Ruffing. N. Y.

61 37 23 19 5 Newhouser. Det. 233 173 84 208 22 Caldwell, Chi. 43 23 34 11. Gumpert.

N. Y. 99 84 24 52 Wynn, Wash. 63 63 18 18 Feller, Johnson. Cleveland Boston '284 35 207 48 111 29 280 26 3 Chandler.

N. T. 212 139 16. 117 16 Harris, Boston 190 200 62 110 Murphy, N. Y.

39 15 18 Dobson, Boston 132 126 76 Bevens, N. 207 173 67 104 15 4 Trucks, Detroit 204 178 66 149 13 00 Hughson, Boston 229 212 47 132 14 10 Kramer, St Louis .162 142 60 64 8 Haefner, Wash. 187 174 64 68 Newsom, 185 164 72 97 12 Harder, Cleveland 77 26 16 Flores, Phila. 113 113. 38 Benton, Detroit 97 86 28 Page, N.

Y. 117 107 61 Lopat, Chicago 176 171 10 Potter, St Louis 130 120 47 Christopher, Phil. 93 91 29 62 5 Bagby, Boston 76 88 34 11 5 Trout. Detroit 179 218 147 19A 91 78 126 76 11 12 Marchildron, Ph. Smith.

Chicago 124 112 42 47 8 Reynolds, Cleve. 149 151 94 93 10 12 here in town Is between the Williamstown Boys' Club and the Shelburne Falls American Legion nine at the high school field. This will be the second clash between these two teams. Earlier the locals journeyed over the 'Mohawk trail and dropped a. closely contested 3-2.

decision. Coach Anthony Seney has 8 somewhat stronger team on the field now, and it Bill Danaher is in form, the club should add another win to their record. -Sincl*tico is expected to be Danaher's battery mate, while the rest of the lineup will be the same us in recent contests. (Averages include Club day Batting games played Aug. 283 Club AR PC.

St Louis 123 3243 568 1112 263 Brooklyn 123 4157 507 .263 Boston 120 4038 488 1057 .260 Philadelphia 120 4006 433 1062 259 New York 121 4104 1060 Chicago 122 4129 500 1049 251 Pittsburg 117 3861 411 916 Cincinnati 124 4183 421 1006 .240 Club Fielding Club PO A DP PC. Louis 3310 103 .979) 3309 1372 111 83 .977 Chicago 3470. 1520 123 154 .970 Cincinnati 3156 1298 109 109 .916 Boston 3169 123 105 .973 Philadelphia New York 3280 1376 134 95 .973 Brooklyn 3328 1383 143 128 95 .970 911 Pittsburg Batting Records of Leaders 80.77 1367 134 Club AR RBI pU. Player, St Louis 123 489 99 184 83 Musial, 100 342 61 125 33 .463 Hopp, Walker. Boston Bklyn.

116 447 60 164 1345 N. Y. 100 317 TO 127 .339 Mize, Dinges, Phila. 30 63 O'mueller. Boston 33 F4rT 74 24 .316 Pitta, 21 43 16 Sain.

NY. 103 352 51 109 39 .310 Gordon, 20 2 3 .310 Medwick, Bklyn. 70 53 13 .308 Sturgeon. Chi. Boston 113 140 62 143 .307 Holmes, 114 411 14 125 .:04 Cavarretta, 123 479 18 143 .299 Chi.

Slaughter. St L. 110 341 80 108 29 299 Stanky, Zientara. Bklyn. Cinci.

47 J.1 10 298 Ennis, Phila. 107 414 50 123 74 293 .297 McCullough, Chi. 101 70 361. 251. 32 49 106 H'man, 42 83 8 .294 Witek, New York 60 215 28 ti3 Salkeld.

Pitts. Galan, Wright, Bklyn. Boston 01 36 59 292 26 5 12 Gustine, Pitts. 98 338 47 104 39 .291 Litwhiler. .67196 37 30 .291 St Brooklyn 109 112 66 .289 Reiser, 66 90 19 26 .289 Rumker.

N. Y. St L. 109 459 132 .288 Waitkus. Schoend'n't, Chi.

80 106 34 88 38 Lopez, Pitts. 51 411 139 12 40 118 40 5.5 8. Lombardi. N. Y.

67 188 13 34 'Cormick, Phil. 107 94 318 26 91 286 Cox. Rice, St Pittsburg Louis 45 119 34 10 Wyrostek, Phila. 312 2:14 423 18 120 66 39 38 Reese, Patko, Furillo, Kurowski. Brooklyn St Chicago Bklyn.

I. ..109 118 ti5 83 398 424 217 61 54 16 119 61 69. Y. 83 271 34 76 .279 280 Rosen, Chi. 30 140 13 39 Br.

Livingston, Bos. 81 24.1 24 68 Fernandes, 112 415 44 114 36 Haas, Verb'n, St Cincinnati 108 378 35 104 28 Blattner, N. Y. 99 436 360 56 56 118 08 68 Hatton, Cinci. 116 Kluttz, N.

L. 99 46 3:30 46. 270 107 29 Seminick. Phila. 108 364 98 .268 Russell, Pitts.

107 369 33 99 43 .268 74 190 20. 61 Elliott, Pittsburg Young. N. Y. 85 226 35 .265 Whitman, Bklyn.

65 196 13 52 .263 Sisler, St L. 113 383 40 101 064 Kerr, N. Y. 113 413 109 .263 Lowrey, Chicago Y. 100 384 46 101 34 263 Marshall.

N. 100 338 47 89 23 .263 Moore, Culler, St Boston Louis 68 198 32 .263 102 366 38 .263 Libke, Chicago 80 286 21 Cinci. Hack, 83 211 36 262 Rickert. Chicago 33 42 9 .262 Masi. Rojek, Boston Bklyn.

101 307 80 .261 Phila. 105 371 47 56 Frey, Cincinnati 88 263 Northey, Rowen, Boston 83 241 273 34 39 62 38 Kiner, Cooper, N. Pittsburg Y. 108 73 363 50 93 59 .256 91 344 88 35 Tabor, 70 168 43 Phila. Gilbert, Gionfriddo.

Pitt. 64 102 26 257 Mueller, Cinci. 86 280 19 11 48 12 31 234 28 Anderson, Bklyn. 70 189 Club Pitching IP BB SO I. Leaders Wilks, L'itcher, St Louis 78 18 30 Kush.

Chicago 103 73 81 87 24 30 Higbe, Herring. Bklyn. Bklyn. 154 142 87 99 Dickson, St Louis 147 79 122 83 43 67 25 12 Burkhart, St L. ..137 112 49 Rowe, Phila.

104 81) 60 94 73 26 62 Erickson, Chicago Spahn, Boston Louis 212 176 61 100 Behrman. Bklyn, 130 116 Pollet, St Bahr, Casey, Pittshurg Brooklyn 88 79 3 80 83 1:2 123 55 54 Walters, Brooklyn Cinci. 89 87 3 Gregg, 155 146 49 Lombardi, Chicago Bklyn. 164 176 40 42. 13 Wyse, Phila.

67 70 15 21 Mauney, Phila. 68 72 29 Jurisich, 211 182 101 15 12 Sain, Hetki, Boston Cincinnati 91 94 02 27 Beazley, St Louis 81 89 87 89 48 Borowy, Chicago 133 173 Bithorn, Chicago 113 123 23 Lee, Boston 130 118 47 05 Passeau. Meer, Chicago Cin. 132 134 63 71 00 Vander 143 138 32 66 10 Cooper, Ostermueller, Pit. 133 138 43 50 Boston Schmitz, Chicago 179 146 71 51 113 30.

Wright, Boston 140 124 120 130 27 33 00 20 Beggs, Cincinnati 88 82 35 28 5 5 Chipman, Chicago EASTERN LEAGUE GAMES FOR THE WEEK EASTERN LEAGUE SCHEDULE TODAY 7. The opening of high school this Wednes- Hartford Scranton day will find Coach T. R. the Sylvester first calling time Albany at Wilkes- Barre out since football 1941. That candidates WAS for the last year the Utica Williamsport Red 'and White were represented on the Binghamton at Elmira gridiron.

TOMORROW This year's team will not be. entirely Hartford at Albany (2) green 2.8 inany of the hoys have played Binghamton at Utica (2) football before with the Boys' club. Elmira at Williamsport (2) The Williamstown American Legion will Wilkes -Barre at Scranton not play this weekend as they Are com- Scranton at Wilkes Barre (N) peting in the Holyoke Knights of Columbus TUESDAY tournament at Mackenzie feld in that city. No games scheduled The Legion played this Afternoon In the WEDNESDAY second game of the second day's opening Williamsport at Hartford round which tournament. marked Lou their Bush's first appearance Greenfield Elmira at Albany in Moose the proved too much for the locals, and Wilkes- Barre at Binghamton they.

dropped the contest, 7-1. Ciiff Taft Scranton at Utica took the mound for the locals and worked THURSDAY the first five innings. in which six of the Williamsport at Hartford visitors runs were scored. Ned Walden finished the contest. Elmira at Albany Rogers took the mound for the Franklin Wilkes- Barre at Binghamton county team and held the 152 club Scranton at Utica under control throughout defensive the bail, game.

but The were lo- FRIDAY cals powerless played at the good plate collecting only five Williamsport at Hartford hits. Joe Moreau of North Adams was Elmira at Albany with the club for this contest. Wilkes-1 -Barre at Binghamton will The open Northern their season Berkshire on Friday, Bowling September league Scranton at Utica 20, with eight teams again competing. There SATURDAY will be teams from Adams, Bennington, Elmira at Hartford Williamstown and North Adams team with in the the Williamsport at Albany Elks of the The latter Corner city Cafe a of new North Adams, Wilkes- at Utica league. who will again be league member, is the Scranton at Binghamton defending champion.

SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 8 Aram Duraniam the of league Bennington with Rudy is the Colo new of (FINAL DAY) North president Adams of as vice-president. For the Elmira at Hartford third straight year, both Fred Walden. Willlams sport at Albany of Williamstown and Harold Weirich of Wilkes -Barre at Utica and North treasurer. Adams are again serving as secretary Scranton at Binghamton Local Boys On BU Grid Squad Starting Practice Tuesday CANTERBURY today and tomorrow on the broad some of the Eastern seaboard's finest temperamental steed over the bumpy motorboat classic at Riverside. Events 1.30 and will continue throughout the mile oval course has been accurately about the business of setting records DARTMOUTH LOOKS FOR EXCITING YEAR ON FOOTBALL FIELD 'Mo' Monahan, Stellar End, Among Gridders Now Available to 'Tuss' Special to The Union- Republican Hanover, N.

Aug. 31-Coach "Tuss" McLaughry today announced that 84 Dartmouth "gridsters will report to him September 3 to begin practice for the 1916 football season. Big Green has its opener September sea when it meets Holy Cross Worcester. Twenty-seven lettermen are to be on hand to bolster Dartmouth's hope for a successful season. Two Sessions Per Day Coach McLaughry said two daily practice sessions be held throughout September to condition the team for Holy Cross encounter.

Most of the Indians will be war veterans returning to collegiate football for the first time in three or four years. Tommy Douglas, former captain and hard-hitting back from Chicago, returned to the backfield as does Larry Bartnick, expert. passer from Wakefield, Mass. "Mo" Monahan, said by many to be one of the great Dartmouth ends and chosen on several All-America teams in 1943, returns after a two-year absence. Allen Russell (Detroit, Mich.) also returns this year to capably fill the other end post.

Charles Clucas (Stockbridge, Jonathan Jenkins (Frostburg, and Jud Hanigan (Kittery will be relied on help fill the tackle slots. Veteran guards Charlie Bodley (Melrose, Mass.) and Donald Alvarez (Chicago, return this year to strengthen the line. Jim Biggie (Kenmore, N. and Jack Young (Narberth, all lettermen, will also be available. At center, Hal Bowman (Santa Barbara.

Cal.) and Fritz Alexander (Gary, will fill in the remainder of the line. The 1946 28, Holy Cross 'at Worcester: Syracuse: 12. Pennsylvania Philadelphia: 19, Brown at Providence: 26, Columbia: November Yale at New Haven; 9, Harvard; 16, Cornell; 26, Princeton at Princeton, N. J. CLASSY FIELD LISTED FOR 'HAMP INAUGURAL' Northampton, Aug.

31-Seven of the classiest runners ever to face starter' at races here will go to the post in "the Northampton feature event on the opening day's card at the Three County fair, Monday. The crack entry of Lawyersville and Algiers from the Kopper Wolf stable probably will go to the post cofavorite with Greenock Flame, speedy sprinter from the barn of Henry Kimball of Great Barrington. The Inaugural will be a fivefurlong sprint and will cofeature the first day's card with "the a race. The entries for Labor claiming. three-yearolds and up, about five 118 2-Carlaton, 118 3-Busy Easter, 115 4-Sir Islam, 118.

3-Beginner's Gold, 115 6-Panama Miss, 115 7-Bayford, 118 8-Blood Donor. 118 SECOND claiming. tifreeyear-olds and up, about five Charm, 119 2-Victory Boy, 119 3-Sunareve, 116 4-Tarfun, 115 5-Bonsweep, 119 6-Dixie Bound, 116 -Cruise, 116 8-Shasta Ko. 116 THIRD claiming. three-yearolds and up, about five.

Girl, 116 2-Thanksalot, 119 3-Not Yet, 116 4-Esther Mac. 112 3-Brutus Folly, 115 -Tiger Tess, 109 115 1-Rough Biscuit, 116 FOURTH claiming. three year-olds and up. about five 109 2-Gayalis, 114 3-Prince Hal, 117 4-Twinkatys, 114 5-Toraker, 111 FIFTH allowance, three6-Rasaw, 114 year-olds and up. about five Northampton Inaugural." Lawyersville.

109 2-Down Six, 112 3-aAlbiers, 111 4-Greenock Flame, 100 3-Say Sandy, 100 6-Lustrous, 109 7-Connie Sue. 109 Kopper Wolf entry. SIXTH claiming, three-year olds and up, about 1 1-16 Sign, 120 2-P'haratheen, 112 3-Dark Sissy, 107 4-Little Cecelia, 117 5-Burning Deck, 115 6-To Town James. 115 SEVENTH claiming, three 7-Stormy Night, 115 year-olds and up, about Beth Runn, 100 2-Margaret Louan, 114 3-Peck, 115 Woof. 113 5-Lady Mascara, 114 Elmo, 112 EIGHTH claiming.

three year olds and up, about 1-Hockey; 116 3-Liltette, 116 3-Maepal, 119 4-Wellmaid, 116 5-Captain Tower, -116 6-Sea Lord, 118 Post time, 2 p. m. Tom Sharkey, Ex-Ring Star, Is Suing the Hobo News San Francisco, Aug. 31-(UP)Charging he had been grossly libeled by a cartoon which made him appear "a giant baboon," Tom Sharkey, leading heavyweight conteder of the Gay 90's, today filed a $100,000 suit in federal district court against the Hobo News of New York. The suit, Aled by Attorney Jack Lawlor, charged the boxer head "lampooned and cartooned" by Bert Cassells, Hobo News and three officers of the paper in a New York issue dated June 15, 1946.

8 considerable activity today and toat Riverside. The pit has been entries from Canada to Florida for refueling and for, the repair Wake Forest, N. Aug. 31-Wake Forest appears to be weak in the line this season, but the Demon Deacons will have a strong backfield and figure to be. one of the top-ranking Southern conference teams.

Open Against B. C. Headed by Nick Sacrinty, ace tailback of last year's team which won five and lost three. and Johnny "Red" Cochran, 'sensational star of 1942, Wake Forest has the best array of backfield talent in the institution's history, although Head Coach D. C.

"Peahead" Walker, pessimistic' as ever, would be the last to admit that he has a good team in the making. from the 1945 team, which defeated South Carolina last New Year's day Walker has host of a stars back in the initial 'Gator bowl game at Jacksonville. Fla. The entire backfield from 1945 is intact and to go with the stars season, has a number of letter winners from other years who have been in service plus several promising frestmen prospects who will bear watching. Opening with Boston college the night of September 27 at Braves field in Boston, Wake Forest tackles a tough schedule that also includes Duke, North Carolina, Tennessee and Clemson.

BOSTON COLLEGE'S OPENING FOE TO HAVE FINE TEAM Wake Forest Team to Show at Braves Field On Sept. 27 RACE RESULTS AT NARRAGANSETT. FIRST claiming; 4-year-olds and up; 1 1-18 miles. Time 1.48 1-5. Tad Wes (P.

Keiper) .29.40 19.40 10.80 Darby Donna (Hernandes) 48.80 20.80 Might Be (A. Daniels) 3.60 Also ran: Cadmus, Roman Abbot, Bright Camp, Caroline Ann, Wise Timmie, Mokup, Devil's Bit, Plane Spotter, Joblots. SECOND claiming; olds and up; 6 furlongs. Time 1.12 2-5. Dispose (R.

J. Martin) 3.80 3.40 2.60 For Granted (H. Claggett) 10.40 6.00 Bee W. Bee (k. Bauer) 5.00 Also ran: Ten to Ace.

Abrego. Pompagle, Speed Up, New Dealer, Wise Chance, Noonday Sun, Fijord. THIRD allowances; 3-yearolds: 6 furlongs, Time 1.11 4-0, Lan N' Sea (W. Turnbull 43.10 13.60 6.00 Captain Bono (C. Veasy) 7.60 4.00 Desert Ration (R.

Bauer) 3.60 Also ran: Jingle-Jangle, Mel Cavano, Bahia Honda, White Wine, Undertow, Centre Ring, Linwood Wag. Platinum Sands. Donna M. G. FOURTH RACE $3000, allowances, 4- year-olds and up, 6, furlongs.

Time, 1.13. Ebro (R. Sisto) 8.00 4.60 4.00 Neverfret (G. Hettinger) 12.00 7.00 Soapsuds (1. Daniels) 7,60 Also ran: Listing, Anamosa, Jack's Girl, Mianami, Voucher, Miguelito, Comenow.

FIFTH allowances, 2-yearolds, 6 furlongs. Time, 1.12 1-5. Nilee (C. Rogers) 3.10 2.10 2.20 Black Knave (J. Pollard) 2.60 2.60 l'al ('ross (R.

L. Baird) 3.40 Also ran: Oro Rojo, Belrate, dJudge 0, Liberty Andy, dHyade. d-Good News entry. SIXTH Autumn handicap, 3-year-olds and up. 4 furlongs.

Time, .1.11. Agrarian-0 (G. Hettinger) 13.40 5.60 4.60 Shiny Penny (H. Keene) 6.20 4.80 Valdina Lamar (T. Guyton) 3.80 Also ran: West Fleet, Jo Agnes, Windmill.

Navy Cross. SEVENTH allowances. 3- -olds and 1-16 miles. Time, 1.45. Miss Balladier (F.

Hanes) .13.20 6.00 2.80 Winsome Lad (R. Bauer) 3.00 2.40 Eye (H. Keene) 2.10 Also ran: Pittobetied. Blenweed, Pilate's Own. Linwood Jim.

EIGHTH RACE $3000, allowances, year-olds and up, 1 1-16 miles. Time, 1.46. F. Chance (W. Turnbull) 5.20 3.60 3.00 Another Bel (H.

Keene) 4.60 3.40 Tee Midge (J. Brennan) 4.00 Also ran: Crazy Horse, Goody, Gumdrop, Sibsie, William Markham, Darby Diadem. AT SARATOGA FIRST allowances; 2-yearolds; furlongs. Time 1:04. Neenav (C.

McCreary) 3.70 3.10 2.30 Tavistock (T. Atkinson) 3.10 2.90 Nassau (A. Delara) 2.90 Also ran: Rhodelin, Marble Arch, Wejack, Jodine, Wise Friz. SECOND allowances: 3-yearolds: 6 furlongs. Time 1.09 3-5.

Kitchen Police (R. Donoso) 6.80 3.30 3.10 Class Day (T. Atkinson) 2.90 2.50 Queen's Chance (Mehrtens) 4.20 Also ran: Tel O'Sulivan, Bogging Bob, Calvados. Mercury Sun. THIRD allowances: hurdles; 3-year-olds and up; about miles, Time 2:48 1-5.

Bar Ship (F. Jennings) 16.60 6.20 4.20 Flying Dolphin (F. Adams) 6.40 4.50 Hard Facts (D. Marzani) 5.50 Also ran: Dunlin King. Allier.

Enterprise, Vintage Port. Jack Spraggon, Ringco. FOURTH Hopeful stakes, 2-year-olds. furlongs. Time.

1.17, Blue Border (A. DeLara) 5.10 03.80 3.20 Grand Admiral (J. Jessop) 5.20 4.20 bdohnny Dimick (E. Arcaro) 4.80 ran: Bomb, Gestapo, Brabancon, Noble Creek, aKhyber Pass, lanx, Cornish Knight, bClean Slate. 2-Finished 2d but disqualified.

a -C. V. Whitney. b-Sackett-King ranch entry. FIFTII handicap.

3-yearolds and up. 6 furlongs. Time. 1.10. Bossiney (W.

Mehriens) 19.50 6.10 3.20 Equanimous (.1. Delara) 3.30 2.40 Breezing Home (E. Arcaro) 2.60 Also ran: Sopranist, Midnight Oil, SEVENTH maidens. 3-yearolds and up, 1 mile. Time, 1.37 3-3.

Big As Life (C. McCreary) 8.90 3.20 2.70 Mr Chap (E. Garza) 2.30 2.30 C. Track (E. Gruin) 3.00 Also ran: Oh Ma Ma, Economical, Pasture Rider.

EIGHTH allowances. 3- year-olds and up, furlongs. Time. 1.24. Go Chicago (E.

Guerin) 5.20 3.40 2.50 Sole Parato (A. Kirkland) 4.20 2.60 Joe Spagat (J. Jessop) 2.40 Also ran: Sewed Up, Uncle Byron, Sheshoon. WINS FRENCH SWIM Paris, Aug. 31-(AP)-Alex Jany of France, won the preliminary of the 200-meter free-style event at the.

"Grand Prix. de Paris" swimming meet today with Halo Hirose, Hawaiian star, fourth. Jany's time was 2:14.8. Hirose started even with Jany in the four-lap race hut 800n fell back. Jean Valleray of France, placed with his brother, George, third.

Boston, Aug. 31-The largest ton university football squad in history will report to Coach Walt Holmer. at Nickerson field. Weston, on Tuesday afternoon. While invitations have been sent out to nearly 100 prospective CINCY'S REDLEGS MAY EQUAL MARK FOR DOUBLE PLAYS M'Kechnie's Cordon, Although Often Revamped, Has Made 156 Twin Kills Cincinnati, Aug.

31-(AP) -Despite 4004 an injury-ridden infield, the hapless Redlegs from Cincinnati top the National league in the double-plays department and stand a chance of equaling or bettering their own league record of 194 twin-killings. in today's opener of a three-game As the Reds met the Chicago Cuba series, their season's total for double plays stood at 156. The St Louis Cardinals were their closest rivals with 135 and Brooklyn was next with 129. Miller Out of Picture. Early in the season, the Reds were clicking off double plays at the rate of two and three a game when Shortstop Eddie Miller and Sacker Lonnie, Frey made up the keystone combination.

But then the Versatile Miller went into a batting slump that eliminated him from the starting lineup. He returned, after a time, only to benched again with a shoulder injury that may a keep him on the sidelines for the rest of the season. With Claude Corbitt filling in at short, Frey was moved to the outfield to bolster the Red's garden defenses. Rookie Bobby took over at second and the double-plays kept piling up. But then a leg injury sidelined Adams and Frey came back to the infield.

Cincinnati still came up with double-plays but the zest was gone. They were getting one or SO a game but lots of twin-killings were missed. Bert Haas, dependable. first baseman, is the only the double-play combination who has held his post throughout the season. The latest addition to the Redleg injury list is Grady Hatton, prize, third baseman, who may drop out for the season with a fractured knee.

The Reds have 31 games in which to execute 38 double-plays for a tie of their record established in 1928 when Shortstop a Horace Ford, Second Sacker Hugh Critz and First Baseman George Kelly were performing for the club. The Cincinnati team of 1931 came up with a tie of the record on the playing of Leo Durocher at short, Tony Cuccinello at second, and Mickey Heath at Arst, and club officials say the boys this year have a better than average chance to equal that mark for, 10 date, they're ahead of the pace set by both the earlier teams. PLAY FOR CITY LEAGUE CROWN NEXT SUNDAY The championship game in the City league, between the Sacred Heart, 3-year-kingping of the American division, and the Ludlow Wildcats, rulers of the National division, will take place next Sunday afternoon, with the site of play to be announced during the week by President John L. Sullivan. A week ago today the pair clinched their respective flags, the Sacred Heart nine turning bachel the Somers Wolverines, while Wildcats downed Neff's nine.

Race Selections At Thistle Down One best -Matchup CLIPS PRIZE TO CLIP HAIR AT THESE TWO SHOPS NO INCREASE IN OUR PRICES Jons Antonio Giannetti, Owner of the Two Shops REMEMBER WHO DISLIKES HIGH PRICES! TONY'S STATE BARBER SHOP BARBER SHOP With Manicurist 4 EXPERT BARBERS Located on the Second Floor 1048 Main Street Over WALGREEN'S Room 223-1200 Main Street We Welcome You at No Increase in Prices 1-Fompton, Native Land. Besserk 2-Shetack, Tetrad, Proud Helen 3-Country Style, Gay Youth, Flagsaway 4-Misty Eye, Red and White, Birrong 3-Gee Eye, Flying Buck, Patriotic Fox 6-Tommy Chic. Epic Lady, Side Order 1-Our Belief, Fee Dor. Pearl Harbor 8-Pillor Lad, Beamy. Press Boy 9-Visoon, Scuttle Ship, Muccy Creek One best-Tommy Chic At Dade Park 1-Halftime, Don't Miss.

Tide Run 2-Norman Sloat, Lesrun, Hadaway 3-Eyeful, Good Joan. Royal Ned 4-Sun Ivy, Tedwyn, Manyatime 1-Owen Joe Burman, Gold Clock 6-Col Teddy, Gomel, Mr Danny 7-Downsteam, Doubtful; Merrily San 8-Hello Joe. Board Bill, Bottle Knight One best Col Teddy At Timonium 1-Tie Me, Cast Out, Clock Time 2-Electric, Jack Horner, Ship Signal 3-Sir Bluesteel, Ducker, Anchorsdown 4-Movable Type, Jacks Toni, Valiant Dol 5-Boy Larkmeade. Erato, Baylette 6-Time Play, Beau Briar. Blitzette 7-Psychic Lady.

On the Run, Joe Smokey China Toy, Decisive, Happy Saint One best--Boy Larkmeade At Del Mar 1-Matchup, Cegas Chance, Piccadilly Little Ebony, Ocean Moon 3-Just Airing. Brack, Tolona 4-Persistent Fox, Joey "Activa 5-Agnes Tapebuster, Highland Max 6-Terry Bargello, War Spun. Alibi Kate 7-Bric A Brac, Signal Corps. Othaverry 8--Air Glory, Peace Parlay, Pharack candidates, the Terrier mentor expects this number to swell to between 125 and 150 before the week is out. Holmer predicted last night that it will be necessary for him to cut down the size of the squad somewhat he has seen his prospects in action days.

This will mark the first time in Boston university grid annals that such a move has been necessary. Lamana Now Pro Although Pete Lamana, captain-elect of this 1946 squad, will not be available since he has signed a professional football contract with the Chicago Rockets, Boston university will have more than a dozen lettermen as the backbone of this first formal postwar grid team. The Scarlet and White will not elect another captain at this time but instead will choose game captains each week and at the end of the season name an honorary captain for the year. Double sessions will be in store for the Terriers these first two weeks before school starts. Practice will be limited to the one two -hour period the rest of the campaign.

Forty-four lucky candidates, nine more than usual. will live and eat their meals at the Nickerson field clubhouse. These will be available to the top men on the squad but until the Terrier mentors have had a chance to size up their players, the boys from out-of-town will be housed at the field house. The extra space has been made available by changing over the visiting team's dressing quarters. They will now use the basem*nt in the main held house while Boston university will have the 'whole first floor to themselves.

A light workout will be held Tuesday afternoon. In the morning the boys will undergo physical examinations in town. Russ Peterson, Holmer's right-hann man, is counting on Cliff Fitzpatrick ct Brookline to blossom out into a great end. Fitzy played on the 1941 squad and was among the first Boston university athletes to enlist. Along with Wally Williams, one of Boston university's a greats, they Joined the marines a month after Pearl Harbor and saw plenty of action in the Pacific from Guadalcanalon.

Williams now is a regular back on the Chicago Rockets while his buddy, Fitzpatrick, is looking forward to another banner collegiate season. Three McCarthys There will be three McCarthys reporting for the initial practice session and two hail from Springfield. To complicate things further, two have the same first name--John. But Dan is the outstanding one of the trio. This army vet, a regular guard on the '42 club.

should be a hot contender for a starting assignment again. Don Giles, triple-threat ace from Milton, heads the returning ball toters sure of seeing action. Larry Kirkman, much heavier than his prewar 155 pounds, and Sylvio Cella, who added 20 pounds in the service to his prewar 160, are expected out the halfback situation considerably. Speed merchant Bobby Hatch, brother of the former Dartmouth tackle from Melrose, and Eddie Figueira, diminutive, ball carrier from Hudson others being counted upon for plenty of service. quick look at the list of freshmen who are expected to report assures the Terriers of a.

starting forward wall averaging more than 200 pounds. The backfield probably will be slightly light-" er. Nothing much is known about the ability of the newcomers except that quite a few of them have enviable prehigh school records, Very few members of the Boston university team will be nonveterans. The Terriers will operate from the double wing again this fall. Besides Peterson, Holmer will have as his assistants Bob McKelvey, former Villanova tackle, who will do most of the scouting, and Harry Cleverly, three sport Boston university star.

The former will work with the line as usual and Cleverly with the backs. Peterson, Holmer and Cleverly were navy lieutenants during the past three football seasons and are really hepped up to get the boys in shape for their opener under the lights at Syracuse on September 28. The home season will open the following week against American International college. third. Ferrara SPRING Inc.


The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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Name: Margart Wisoky

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