The Boston Globe from Boston, Massachusetts (2024)

ALL SOLD OUT Mny lealers were sold out of the Globe yr-werday Order tki Sunday Globe regularly from your jjewsd -aler or newsboy. Read Unrle Dudley. mi. a. o-on ri, matter BMtfM un-W th -t of 3.

1870. BOSTON, MONDAY EVENING. FEBRUARY 20, 192216 PAGES TWO CENTS copyright. 1r---2. bv Hie globe newspaper co.

7:30 FINAL CLOSING STOCKS HANOVER TRUST NO BILL GIVEN VES DRY 41 Years Older Than BISHOP BELIE A si Hi" A in. mwmn athilde McCormick ISTAKE SECOND GRAND JURY SO REPORTS Evidence Found Insufficient to Warrant Indictment USER'S COUSIN GIVES DETAILS DR IIEBER BISHOP DIED THIS MORNING AT THE AGE OF 64 YEARS For the second time a Suffolk Girl's Father Announces Engagement Widely Known Hunter and Fisherman and Many Years in the Insurance Business NORTH END FIRE DRIVES OUT 25 Grand Jury has reported a "no bill" I in the Superior Criminal Court as a result of an investigation of the af-: fairs of the Hanover Trust Com CHICAGO, Feb 20 Mathilde Mc- Corrnick, 16 years old. today had 'permission of her father, Harold F. i ormicli. to marry Max user, a i WOULD MODIFY VOLSTEAD LAW Address by Pres Gailor of Episcopal Council CHICAGO, Feb 2u Bishop Thomas F.

(iailor, president of the National Council of the Episcopal Church, said in an address here last night that he believed "the 18th amendment was a mistake." He also said that he believed in the modirica-1 tion of the Volstead law. "1 am in favor of morality," he nidi and I personally observe the I Volstead law, but I am opposed to putting sumptuary laws of so dras- tic a character in the Constitution. It partakes of the old philosophy ihat matter is inherently evil. I am not speaking in the interests of the underworld, but in the interests of intelligent, upstanding men." pany. Bank Commissioner Allen and Any Mother CaUSCS $5000 LOSS i Gen Allen have twice tried to secure indictments against officers of the I 'J' WashblgtOIl St North trust company.

Each Grand Jury found the evidence insufficient to warrant indictment, the Bank Commissioner testified this morning. horseman of Zurich, Switzerland. Mr McCormick announced the engagement last night in a i I statement. He said it was "hastened a few weeks by the fact of the recent newspaper publicity." The romance of the young grand- i daughter of John T). Rockefeller was pictured by Em 11 L.

Burgy, Chicago I interior decorator, who says he is a i first cousin of the Swiss equestrian. I as a love of Spring and Winter. King George's Principal Wedding Gift to the Princess Mary Is a Handsome Piece of Jewelry DR HEBER BISHOP AND "TAME" MALLARD DUCKS AT HIS CAMP AT ALLENS MILLS, ME Two exciting tires within an hour and a half of each other occurred in the North End this morning. One fire was in the dwelling at 430 Hanover st. The smoke was so dense, spreading from the cellar to the top floors, that 25 persona were forced to leave the house, some scantily clad.

The police, however, report there was no confusion among the occupants of the dwelling, other than leaving their rooms for the street. The blaze was practically out by the time the firemen arrived, and the property loss is estimated at about $200. The house is of wood construction, is owned by James Nutelli and occupied by Salvatore Perri. The causa of the fire is not known. The second Are was in the nine-story brick building at 77 Washington st North.

It is known aa a Trading Building, being owned by the Merchants' Realty Company and occupied w-here the fire was by the Daniel Print Company. The firemen thought they would have a hard fight when they saw the smoke coming out of two windows, but the blaze was soon extinguished. Type was badly wet down and the loss is estimated on the police bulletin as $5000. The cause of this fire is not known. i The evidence in the second inves-I tigation was presented for several I days, a number of witnesses having testified.

Asst Atty Gen Hurwitz and Asst Atty Gen Goldberg handled i the presentation of the testimony, i Henry H. Chmielinski, formerly president of the bank, and William S. McNary, formerly treasurer, and other officers testified and were sub-' jected to examination by the repre-i sentatives of the Attorney General's I office. The case closed this forenoon and after deliberations the Grand Jury voted "no bill" and then went into the Criminal Court to make known its finding. Various transactions that the Bank i Commissioner regarded as question-: able were inquired into, but the ofli-! cers of the bank steadfastly maintained that no attached to the transactions and asked each Grand Jury that Investigated them 1 for leave to testify for the purpose of explaining the deals that were der inquiry.

LONDON, Feb 20 Kin? Lieoige's principal wedding sift to Princess Mary Is Oser Is 57 Years Old "Mr Oser is not three times Miss McCormick's age, as the newspapers have stated," said Mr Burgy. "He is older: he is r7 years old. not 47. He is just my age. I am his cousin, and I should Friends of the McCormicks said last night Mr McCormick's announce- ment must have followed consent by Mr Rockefeller.

None had definite information, but all stated that even so determined a girl as Miss Ma- tiiilde has been said to be Would not i dare go through with such an engage- ment unless -Mr Rockefeller sane- I tioned it. That Oser is possessed of noble which has a liamlsonio niece of Jowelr MISS MATHILDE McCORMICK. her. says the lo already been I Dr Heber Bishop, aged 64. perhaps I die best-known and big-j fame hunter and sportsman in this I part of the world, and a prominent this State and Rhode Island.

His office was at 50 Congress st. While Dr Bishop was very prominent in the business world he was probably better known as a hunter and fisher- Dally Hall. She will receive anoiher present from h-r rather beforo her marriage to Viscount Lacelles, this i man. He had bagged 33 bull moose in i man in insurance circles, died morning at 10:13 in his apartment at the Copley Square Hotel. Dr Bishop had been in poor health for about 12 1 weeks but had not been critically ill -Maine, Canada and Brunswick and is said to have the record for both number and size of these great animals shot by any local sportsman.

As a fisherman he was equally proficient and enthusiastic. Dr Bishop founded the Megantir Club, which has now become one of the largest organizations of sportsmen RESTRICTIVE IMMIGRATION LAW EXTENDED TO JUNE 30, 1923 WASHINGTON, Feb 20 The House today passed and sent to the Senate a resolution extending until June 30, 1923, Hcljj Wanted? Rooms To Lett Boardo fi Business For Sak: Advertise in iomorroic's and Globe. Until a few minutes before his death. He Was a sufierer from heart dissarv He had. however, been fairly comfort able and was apparently In no worse condition this morning than usual when lie gut up.

After his breakfast he sank rapidly. th-3 world. Dr Bishop owned Har- blood, and also has a reasonably large mony Lodge at Aliens Mills, Me, and I as accustomed to go there at all times independent income, also was stated DOG the 3 percent restrictive immigration law. The rules were He believes that the oi cue year lor me game wnicn aoouna- Sd In thai region. The lodge was kept MT OUTgy suspended to permit action at this time.

Continued on the Second I'age. I'Hl: Annual Shptc of the EASTERN DOG CLUB 1000 Dogs on Exhibition open the year round. Many friends ot the doctor have been entertained at the lodge. Besides the Mecantic Club, Dr Bishop was a member of many other organizations, among them the Massachusetts Fish and Game Association, the Boston City Club, the Canadian Club, the Bri- 1 Bishop was born in Marbleton, i Can, and was educated in that eoun- try. He studied to be a doctor, finish -j ing his course in London ul the St Thomas Hospital.

his reiurn Jlr Bishop opened an ortice in the Hotei Hoffman, at the corner of Berkeley st i PJld Columbus av. He practiced medicine for about five years, then entered tlie life insurance business, in which h-. had been active for more than 30 years. He was manager for the Aetna Insurance Company, in charge of their health and accident departments for VV1NMM5 ESKIMO DOG TEAM 21. 22.

23, 10 R. M. to 10 P. M. ish Charitable Society and oth lis Feb.

MID-WEST COLLEGES FAVOR SUMMER BASERALL FOR MONEY MECHANICS BUILDING was also Alason. 1 'r Bishop is survived by his wife, who v. as Miss Emma O. Woolley ol" Montreal, atid two daughters. Miss Leta Bishop and Mrs Chandler Hearce.

Funeral arrangements have not yet been made. AUTO BANDIT ROBS NEW YORK BANK MESSENGER OF $22,000 NEW YORK, Feb 20 William A. Russell, messenger for the Greenwich bank, was robbed of $22,000 in currency today by three auto bandits who held up the truck in which he was transporting the money to a downtown bank. The robbery occurred cm 19th st, near 7th av. HAVERHILL MERCHANT INTERRUPTS BURGLARY ST PAUL, Minn, Feb 20 Representatives of seven mid-Western universities and colleges, meeting here today to formulate plans for a new athletic conference, tentatively decided to go on record as in favor of a rule permitting college athletes to play Summer baseball for money.

3 I STRIKE Speeinl Dispatch to the Globe HAVERHILL, Feb 20 When Albert Zeltzer. a merchant in the women's cloaks and suits line, with a store in the Webster Block on Washington st, stopped In on his way home last night see that the oil lights he had left burning were yoinq all right, he inter- Metropolitan Tryst Co. The Joint Business of the Oceanic National Bank and the Metropolitan Trust Co. Will Be Carried on Hereafter at Our Banking Offices 21 Milk Street, Boston Maverick Square, East Boston PEWS EMPTY, MINISTER GOING ON STRIKE FOR TWO WEEKS I lupted a burglary. i Four men were in 'the store busily bundling beautiful women's wear.

When Mr Zeltzer appeared they went out through a window in the rear, into an alley. The proprietor chased them I in vain. Then he came back and found that UNKNOWN MAN'S NECK IS BROKEN Found Lying at Sullivan-Sq Elevated Station BIDS FOR NEW CHELSEA DRAW Mayor Curley Authorizes Action Toward Bridge Time to get up if you want your breakfast, and your train! A lucky strike for you this morning. Member of Federal Reserve System BLACKPOOL, Eng, Feb 20 Rev Adam Hamilton, the pastor of one of the Congregational Churches here, has announced his intention of going on strike for two weeks. He said the empty pews in his church showed that there was something wrong with his sermons or the church.

LUCKY they had tied up, ready to take away, about J1o00 worth of women's coats, skirts and other articles. This morning he reported to the polica that one of the burglars had been so pressed for time that he left his overcoat behind. In the pocket of the coat the police found a letter. The name of the recipient was of course withheld by the police, but the writer of the letter congratulated his friend "on having pulled off so clever a job and got away with it." The Criend is expected now tj write a letter of condolence; the police, if they find a well-known burglar with such a letter on him. will make an Checks drawn upon the Oceanic National Bank will be honored as if drawn upon the Metropolitan Trust Company until new check books have been provided.

February 20, 1922. STRIKE; An unknown man wax found lying at the foot of a (light of stairs leading to the balcony at the Sullivan-sq terminal station, Charlestown. at 8 this morning, by George O. Childs. a guard.

The man, on examination at the Relief Hospital, was found to have a fracture of the neck and lacerated wound on the head. It is believed the man lost his balance and fell down stairs, striking his head with considerable force on the floor. If'- is about 50 years old. light com-plexioned, weighs about 150 pounds, Ave feet nine inches tall, wore a dark suit, black overcoat, greenish soft hat. brown shoes, black, overshoes.

lie- JOSEPH SMITH TO BE SECOND $5000 CITY PUBLICITY MAN THE WEATHER Mayor Curley today authorized the Public Works Department to advertise for bids for construction of a new bascule bridge, to replace the present temporary wooden structure at Chelsea south draw. The estimated cost is and Mayor Curley thinks the Job should be finished in two years. The Peters administration caused the designs to be made upon which the construction contract will be based. The wooden bridge has existed since 1913. and has been the oause of constant complaint since.

This draw trouble has impeded traffic on what used to be one of the most frequented highways between Boston and North Shone points, and Charlestown merchants have, emphasized again and again that their businesses were being hurt by continued neglect to erect a new draw. Bids will be advertised for in the next issue of the City Record. When we discovered the toasting process six years was a Lucky Strike for us. Why? Because now millions of smokers prefer the special flavor of the Lucky Strike Cigarette because It's Toasted "if which seaa in the delicious Bur ley flavor And also because it's Linked States Weather Bureau forecasts: For Boston and Its Vicinity: Fair and colder tonight and Tuesday. moderate northwest to west wind.

For New England-Fair and colder tonight, Tuesday fair and somewhat colder, fresh northwest wind. For Eastern New York: Cloudy an'd So Mayor Said, In Asking Appropriation From the Council of $20,000 For the Project I eolder tonight. Tuos- Joseph Smith, wit, raconteur, ex-newspaperman and long associated with the group hich maintained agitation of the poses to tell the truth, the whole truth I and nothing but the truth about the superiority of the port of Boston as a shipping center. OuwrantiT) Irist cause hereabouts, is to be the sec day cloudy and colder, fresh northwest wind. i Shippers should prepare t-hotur ship- i mcnts north for temperatures of 5 t.o 15; I west, 10 to 2: south.

15 to 25; Boston and I its vicinity. to Morning temperatures: New Kngland. 40 to 43; New York, 44; Washington, 4S; i Chicago. St Paul, North Dakota about zero; Highland Light, 40; sea I smooth. William McMasters, Curley publicity man in the campaign, will be associated with Smith in telling the truth about Boston.

Convict in Sing Sing Death Row Repays Warden's Kindness by a Sketch ALL SOLD OUT CIRCULATION INCREASING Newsdealers are frequently all sold out of the Daily and Sunday Globe. Make sure of vour copy of the Daily and Sunday Globe by ordering the paper regularly from your newsdealer or newsboy. Use the Globe's Want and Classified columns to get the best results. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE? BUSINESS FOR SALE? AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE? BOARDERS WANTED? MORE HELP WANTED? Advertise in tomorrow's and Wednesday's Globe. Read the Uncle Dudley Editorial in today Globe.

Tell your neighbors about the Globe's Uncle Dudley editorials. ond $5000 publicity promoter in charge of the new bureau for advertising the "ship from a New England port" movement which Mayor Curley has in mind. Joseph Smith made Lowell known to The Mayor said so this afternoon in i the entire world through his connection Send in your orders For Wednesday Morning Globe The Editions of the Evening Globe Will Be Omitted Wednesday, Feb. 22 Washington's Birthday Readers Place your orders now for the Globe of Wednesday morning. Newsdealers Send in your orders for Wednesday Morning Globe.

All the news of the holiday will be printed in the Thursday Morning and Evening Globe. I OS8INTNG. Y. Feb 30 The shadow Boston ot Nervations at 5 a Bar-i ometer. MJ2 inches; temperature 47 liKbesi yesterday.

48; lowest last night. 39; humidity. percent; cloudy, wind southwest, miles an hour, percipita- 'ion trace. making known his request to the City with its City Government in his youth-Council for a appropriatioi with ful days. He makes his home now at 5 which to push the project.

Besides sal- Wavne st, Rox'oury. ary items this snm is expected to cover Mr Curley also sent to the Council for traveling expenses and advertising in I action an order appropriating $10,000 the rirst year, as well as the expense with which to start the free employ-of transforming the abandonel Alder- i ment bureau, to which the city is com-manic chamber next the Mayor's office mined. Councilor David J. Brickley. to a headquarters for the commercial who introduced the order for the crea-and industrial bureaus.

tion of such a city department, said he The Temperature Today TUe tlieraiouiorer at Thompson's Sp rwords temperature up to 12 today us follows: lO-'l 1922 1921 1022 I a 34 45 9am 32 53 i oi 32 47 12 31 58 Mr Smith comes to citv service was moved to do so by the high fee BLACK STONE SAVINGS BANK 26 Washington Boston A "Mutual" Saving Bank. INTEREST rCO 04 begins rbD. CI Last Dividend at the Rate of 5. DEPOSITS interest MONTHLY of impending death in the electric chair has not obscured the gratitude in the heart of Herbert W. Smith, who from his cell In Sing Sing's death row today repaid Warden Lewis E.

Lawes' kindness wiui the gift of a crayon sketch, depicting three children and a dog. Awaiting decision of his two appeals from sentence of death for murder. Smith was wont to while away tedious hours by drawing. Guards, thinking his crayons contained poisons, deprived him of them, and the prisoner made appeal to Warden Lawes, who 'estored them to him. Today's gift, worked over with care for weeks, tu in recognition of this action.

that private employment agencies ex act for the service of securing for a tnan a ehance to earn bread and butter. from the publicity staff of the United Shoe Machinery Company, with which, said, he has been connected for five years. Before that he wrote a column for a morning newspaper. Previous to that he edited a magazine called Truth. There's an old adage that "truth crushed to earth shall rise again," but Truth has been deader'n a doornail The Council unanimously passed the Brickley order, and there is little doubt of its similar action in relation to the I K.

I GAIN STRENGTH AFTER GRIP Father John's Medicine rebuilds strength and health. Pure food Advt. Ward off influenza. Dr. Hilton's No.

3. Advt. Shields of Roxbury is said to be slated for the dhiefship of this new city activ- these seven years." Mr Smith now pro- ity..

The Boston Globe from Boston, Massachusetts (2024)
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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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