The Lompoc Record from Lompoc, California (2024)

382 JO RECORD (Lompoc. Calif Tuesday. Nov 2. 1 rpo jn INDEX 52 Moving and Storage 49 A Lost jnd. Found "Garage Salt Musical Merchandise 18 30 41 Help Wanted Houses For Rent Houses For Sale Boats and Marine Equipment 63 Bookkeeping Steno Tele Tax Svcs 1 3 Business Opportunities 2 1 Business Property 3T 41A 30 A 14 40-A Swap and Trade Tiiiw 5wti Far Ram Transportation Truck For Sale TVRadioRecording Upholstery ft Drapes Wanted To Buy Wanted To Rent -50 33 8 66 51 16 48 34 Painting and Decorating Personals Pets and Supplies Recreational Vehicles 64 A "Resort Property For Rent SO7" Resort Property For Sale 30-C Rooms For Rent 26 Roommates 26-A Schools ft Instruction 20-A Services and Repairs IS Situations Wanted 17 Store Office Equipment 11 Aircraft 56 Announcements 2 Appliances 46 Apt For Rent.

Furn 29 Apts For Rent Unfurn 28 Auto For Sale 67 Auto Repairs Pans Accessories -jf 81 Lots and Acreage' 40 Miscellaneous For Sale 49 Mobile Home ft Trailers For Rent 32 Mobile Home For Sale 64 Money to Loan 22 Motorcycle ft Scooters 66 Income 81 Investment Prooertv 39 Commercial Office Rentals Condominiums For Sale Cortdos For Rent DomesticChild Ore Farms and Farm Land Farm Equipment Financial Furniture and Carpeting coStefcnoivs 31 3 For Rent Cards of Thanks Commercial Industrial 54 Insurance 24 21 Lawn and Garden Equipment 55 47 Livestock 53-A Plumbing and Heating 59 Real Estate Exchange 36 Real Estate Wanted! 'V37 31 A Beauty ft Barber Shops 9 Rentals ERRORS DEADLINES You can charge a classr HOUR CLASSIFIED MON-FRI 8 a rh 5 736 5653 736 5654 price of one insertion No allowance will be made for errors not materially affecting the value of the advertisem*nt CLASSIFIED DISPLAY 2 00 pm two publication before insertion date 1 The LompoCgjPecord will not be responsible St more than one incorrect insertion and its liability therefore shall be limited to the on your BANKAMCRICARD Of MASTERCHARGE 15 words or less for one day S3 40 20' a word thereafter 15 words or less for three days. $6 95 36 a word thereafter 15 words or less for 6 days $9 90 66' a word thereafter publication date Sunday Same MISSIL1ER- 1 im Wed HOLIDAYS- Copy due 24 hours in advance of Corrections must be' in the Lorn doc Record office, by 8 30 a mtc be corrected lor that day paper Blind bb charges $1 50 if mailed S3 00 SUNDAY Same as Fn WANT ADS -RECORD 1 pm day before" egular deadline BUSINESS a- it- m- rem sr I 1 PuWk Notices AND SERVICE DIRECTORY -PUBLIC NOTICE- -PUBLIC NOTICE- With mil ires pcw- -PUBLIC NOTICE-notice Of TRUSTEE SALE Aido Ftoeale TRUSTEE SALES OFFICER TRUST ORDER NO. YOU ARE IN DEFAULT" UNDER A DEED OF TRUST OATED JANUARY 16. T981 UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTYNTT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLICx i. FENCING ASPHALT PAVING Lose weightf Now you can have your pie 8i eat it tool Call for revolutionary details 736-2148 CRAVE CENTEh Smoking Wt.

Cont. Compare price. Guaranteed results 9nta Maria. 1-922- ux. C1TY OF LOMPOC STATE OF CALIFORNIA NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at the office of the City Clerk at the City Hall.

100 Civic ASPHALT REPAIR LARSEN FENCE CO. The complete fence supplier and installer. All types. 850 McMurray Way. Buelfton.

Call collect. 688-8692. Lie No. 291 663 Small paving 1 925-1722 Seal coating job Free est SALE IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST ADVERTISING Center Plaza. City of Lompoc.

'California until 200 pm nn Wednesday. Dec 1. 1982 at which time, they will be publicly opened and read in the Conference Room for performing work as follows CONSTRUCTION OF 8' WATER MAIN IN NORTH AVENUE -I PROJECT NO FY-82-W-3 DISCOUNT FURNITURE 908 No St 736-4281 Quality and Service PERMALENS (Sleep-in) $190 include exam, lenses, initial solutions. follow-up visits. Dr Moore.

736-7858. Dance partner to marriage partner Action Dating. Box 825 Sana Maria. 93458 or 1 922 4852. If you want to drink, that's your business If you want to stop drinking that's our business Cji'i Alcoholics Anonymous.

736- KING'S FURNITURE 1 16 North Street Lompoc YOU. YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER On the 26th day of November. 1982. at 1 1 00 AN) at the front entrance of the Santa Barbara County Courthouse, located at 105 E. Anapamu.

City of Santa Barbara. County of Santa Barbara. State of California, BANK OF AMERICA NATIONAL TRUST AND SAVINGS ASSOCIATION, as Trustee under Deed of Trust dated January 16. 1981. executed by Vincent P.

Farr and Beverly Farr and recorded on January 21. 1981. a Instrument No 81-2748 of Official Records. County of Santa Barbara. California, given to secure an indebtedness in favor of Lompoc Lumber Co Inc Profit Sharing Trust by reason of the breach Srz: mm inn-, mrwi wuim i mii 'SWaBh- i dwnirlt.

tw. tT 9116 7 Lost and wtmht gysTTaw txto jf -j-I NOTICE OF DEATH OF IDA R. DAY AND OF PETITION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE Case No. SM38520 To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors. and persons who may be otherwise interested in the will or estate of IDA DAY.

aka IDA DAY. aka IDA DAY A petition has been filed by MILDRED COWGILL in the Superior Court of Santa Barbara County requesting that MILDRED COWGILL be appointed as representative to administer "the estate of the decedent The petition requests authority to administer the estate under the Independent Administration of Estates Act A hearing on the petition will be held on Dec 2. 1982 at 8 30 am at 312 Cook Street. Santa Maria CA 93454 YOU OBJECT to the giantmg of the petition, you should either appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections witfi the court before the hearing Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney IF YOU ARE A CREDITOR or a contingent creditor of the deceased, you must file your claim with the court or present it to the personal representative appointed by the court within four month6 from the date of first issuance of letters as provided in section 700 of the California Probate Code The time for filing claims will not -expire proor to four months from the date of the hear mg noticed above YOU MAY EXAMINE the file kept by the court If you are a person interested in Ihe estate, you may file a request wtth the court to receive special noticeof the filing of the inventory of estate assets and of the petitions, accounts and reports described in section 1200 5 of the California Probate Code GERTRUDE CHERN Attorney for petitioner Brenneman Garcia 301 East Cook Street PO Drawer 1945 Santa Maria. CA 93456 JEWELRY SERVICE Pearls need re-tying? broken, need replacing? For appointment please call Nick Diamond Pearl Re-stringing Service.

18051 735-4757. WISER PROPERTY MANAGEMENT 1012 No St Suite Lompoc 736-1293. Full service management maintenance. 1 1 $10 Reward Lost Kitten. 2" months old.

female, white with black grey spots. 736-0806 Lost BlackBrown Yorkshire Terrier, wearing flea collar Missing since October 23 around Base' Housing area Reward 734-4539 1 Lost Brown Poodle puppy, wearing dog tags with number Lost around East Pine St area 10-31 82 735-5075 Lost Black female Lab in Thompson Park area Reward! Collect 653-7427 or 643-741 1 I 1 I.E. VIDEO The Ad program A Private party ads on local television Call 736-2180 soma JOHN GAIT CO. Will do monthly 81 quarterly financial statements 905 Laurel St Call 735-3996 or 733-1689 for free estimates BUSINESS CARDS THE GRAPHICS SHOP Drafting commercial artservices 736-8161 CARPET clJwwT E.A.S.A. Carpet steam cleaning Residential Best commer-.

cial rates 735-3436 ouotsipweT GUERRA'S CUtt. ROOK 7Q9 Ocean Ave. Lompoc 736 6477 Carpeting, vinyls PAUUN'S FLOOR COVERING 123 Ocean 736-8595 See our Remnant Corner. rjHMNEY CLLUMG ACME SMOKESTACK CHIMNEY CLEANING CO. Professionally trained ft eqoipped Insured 736-5924 Professionally trained equipped Insured 736-5924 JONES' Carved wood signs 733 1956 Lj3rrU9eT--T-7'aBMW a-hen r.

"so! (This is not a Federal Aid Projectl No bid (proposal) will be considered unless it is made on a proposal form furnished by the City Each bid (proposal) must be accompanied by cash, a certified or cashier's check or bidder bond of the prescribed form and made payable to the City of Lompoc for an amount equal to at least ten (10) percent of the amount bid. such guaranty to be forfeited, should the bidder to whom the contract is awarded fail to furnish the required bonds and to enter into a contract with the City within the period of time provided by the Proposal Require ments In accordance with the provisions of Section 1770 et seq of the State Labor Code, the Director of the State Department of Industrial Relations has ascertained the general prevailing rate of wages and payments for health and welfare, vacation pensions and similar purposes applicable to the locality in which the work is to be done These prevailing rates are on file with the City Clerk They shall be obtained by the Contractor and posted by the Contractor at the job site It is mandatory upon the Contractor to whom the contract is awarded to pay not ies than the said specified prevailing rates of wage to all workmen employed by him in the execution of the contract In Federal aid protects, the Davis Bacon Act applies, and the Contractor shall pay the State determined wages and benefits or those determined by the Federal Secretary of Labor, whichever is greater No bid (proposals) will be accepted from a Contractor who has not been licensed in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 9 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code CONTRACT DOCUMENTS including GENERAL PROVISIONS as approved by the City Council on October 6. 1970, and PROJECT PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS may be seen and obtained at thetSffice of the City Treasurer City Hall. Lompoc. California The TIE WORK Transportation sat sWi Jtywtw sasB sjajejejf AitiRiiira CERAMIC TILE Contractor.

Jack Dolmage License No 230800 New remodeling. Call 733-2430. Have ride available to Florida a soon a possible Call Jim 866 5933 or 736 1489 1 I arj T.v i. V.5 3I TRAVEL Beauty and Barber Shepi of certain obligations secured thereby, notice of which was recorded on July 21. 1982.

as Instrument No 82-29876 of Official Records of said Santa Barbara County, will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash or a cashier's check drawn on a state or national bank, a state or federal credit union, or a state or federal savings and loan association domiciled in this state payable in lawful money of the United States of America, at time of sale, without covenant or warranty, express or implied, as to title, possession or encumbrances, the interest conveyed to and now held by the said Trustee under said Deed of Trust, in and to the following described property. Situated in the County of Santa Barbara. State of Califor nia, to wit Lot 1 13 of Tract 10358. Unit No 3. the County of Santa Barbara State of California, as per map recorded in Book 74.

pages 92 and 93 of Maps in the office of the County Recorder of said County The street address or other common designation, if any. of the real property described above is purported to be Improved 395 Daytona Drive Goleta CA-93 1 1 7 The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the street address or other common designation, if any. shown ne-em For the purpose of paying obliga tions secured by said Deed of Trust, including fees, charges, and expenses of the Trustee, ad vances. if any. under the terms of said Deed of Trust and interest thereon, totalling $736 91 and $15.000 00 in unpaid principal of the note secured by said Deed of Trust, with interest thereon at 20 percent per annum from 4-1 -82 to the date of sale ggjaSl ttrti MM Mtdto VILLAGE HOUSE OF TRAVEL For ad your travel needs Next to Lucky s.

Vandenberg Village imtj Beauty Salon has stations to rent, growing business, excellent opportunity to earn extra commission Great atmosphere 736-1600 or 736 7877 i COWGILL tt unity MILDRED Petitioner EH msmm -rwt''-JrT I mi WATER Oct 27 Nov 2 Nov 5. 3T (iteJ'w 14 Domestic Child Care Urn varm i 1 fw 8CV5MI' The Childrens School Accepting enrollments, full, half extended day programs, ages 2 6 years T35-4205 736-0466 i i'6iK film- H-rt iiSW'gWS OMWsii Jk 'TT ftl CUktrGAN Drinking Water Division Soft water, drinking water 1001 West Apple. Lompoc 736-1236: Santa Ynei. 1-688-5412 RAYNE WATER CONDITIONING Soft water and drinking water Call 735-2315 pu Santa YneM -688-541 2 Thanks to you, it works, for ALL OF US. Services and Repairs Mil CC laVVUUC I miiirn inni, QS, CONSTRUCTION sVUflVflW WISHHC Lie 391681 Room additions.

flk custom framing, concrete CLEAR LIGHT (. yf 1 1st class window" cleaning TX decks Call 735-4691 or 736- ,.688.4526. Buel- FflbSk. BEST NEWSPAPER BUY The best newspaper buy on the Central Coast is LAS VEGAS TURNAROUND $34 Round Trip Leaves 5 am, 2nd 4th Saturday of every month 8. returns 10 am Sunday 734-4204 Dated October 22.

1982 cost for all CONTRACT DOCU MENTS excluding GENERAL PROVISIONS is $10 00 per set. non-refundable The cost for GENERAL PROVISIONS is $2 00. non-refundable The special attention of prospective bidders is called to the "Proposal Requirements'' within the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS for full direction as to bidding, etc The City of Lompoc reserves the right to reject any or all bids (proposals) or make the award to the lowest responsible bidder THE LOMPOC RECORD Sun Fri. deliery taly $4.00 per me. BANK OF AMERICA NATIONAL TRUST AND SAVINGS AS SOCIATION.

as Trustee 615 So Flower Street. 7th Floor Los Angeles. California 90017 Tel 12131 228-3896 By Dorothy Schick Assistant Vice President By Aida Fressle Trust Officer Mineva Blades. Lompoc SLmm- i tea, 2.1982 Fi T9 Subscribe Today Call 7144570 or 7J4457 3T Nov 2 9 16 "P1 jjp 10MP0C RKORD ACROSS 5 1 Scratch S3 Indolent 1 Constellation 55 Summer hat 7 Structure type 56 Dye substance 13 South African 57 Make I city choice 14 Terminated 58 Most unique 1 5 Renounce oowN LLoM.iL.,.n vw it t.i Oku 11 16 Giving up 17 Springs 18 Compass point 20 Writer Marquis de 1 Totals 2 Jest 3 Celestial bear 4 Nigerian tribesmen 5 Ordinance illil fecial Security 7 -uh vis CHEER teremic ile work, new remodeled Lewis Tile Company License No 148818 736-5089 ur 7367811. I ll prove I'm the bestl Free estimates painting iwftnisr Affordable! Satisfaction guaranteed Ronald Gray 736-8878.

CONCRETE Qrout Pump Service Patios, driveways, planter, sidewalks. RV pad, shed slabs Free ei ttmetes John Vines. 738-2108. Tutoring grades 1-8. accredited teacher.

$7 per hr Call after 2 30 pm 736-1853 BATHTUB REFINISHING Like new use in 24 hours Nationwide service Guaranteeo 1-688-3769 GARDENING Weeding, tree trimrriing. mowing, edging, ft misc. Call anytime 736 8877 or 738-1 692 I'M FASTI Efficient, experienced and reasonable I clean homes, apartments and offices (I even do window!) Barbara 7364077. Cement work. Driveways patio, walka.

foundations, free estimate. Prompt service. spoken tcm io 6 Buildmn wino 25 Fasten 45 Songstress VJpK HFf HIUIVa IR IT MV A jTT 7 Give consent 26 Air (prefix! 21 Oxygen compound 23 Gold plated statuette 27 Accent mark 32 Greased 33 Fool UP 8 Retainer 9 Radiation measure (pi abbr) ViST' -compwd, I I JTWV 34 African nation 10 Huge 35 Consecrated continent 36 Shops 39 Southpaw J8 Motoring .3 iniormauu.i BjeBJ jfc SB BBJ r'-TMMA M5 J90 5 1 5 t27 'id I itlfo rhild u.uL-lu A rM 1 1 Repair 12 Brink 19 Thus (Lat 21 Fiats 22 Non toxic 23 Soak through We heard that so many of our customers really wanted to see our 40 Mamba 42 Cantle 46 Express 47 Handle roogtrly 24 Thailand -r i j. A wi.t.i ft A 6 Tf MM I ipeciui back. 1 OUINUM I 111 y.

vir 7 9 10 11 12 I 1 Ti I Today's Winner i 13 WE HEARD YOU 15 AND IT'S BACK 17 Beginning Nov. 1. 1982. you may run 25 24 23 32 a 6-day ad for our regular 3-day rate. That's 6 DAYS FOR Is your home clean enough for (he holidays CaH ABC cleaning for a thorough dean.

Bonded, insured. 738-6200 Painting Excellent work'. Reasonable price. Reference 738-2403. Trees.

Trees Topped ft. removed Also yard clean-up Free as ti males Fair price. 738-1838 or 736-0486. Carpet I Vinyl Flooring Instata-tion It repair. Quality work.

34 36 LOMPOC RECORD iii) i i 1 Proof of winning Social Security numbers must be made at the i I I Record circulation department by 4 00 the day following 2 B2' 28 29 30 Ji publication of the winning number except Friday and Sunday winners will have unnl the following Monday at 4 00 -H'- ENTER NOW 37 6 Winning Numbers Weekly BH I I I I Winning numbers published ao 41 I daily in the Record classified! 4S I Be sure your Social Security Number is entered at 63 54 the Record office at 1 1 5 North Street. Make 1 entry on 3 5 card LOMPOC RECORD I CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT 44 43 42 If 73.V5653 Expires 113082 55 15 words or leu no commercial accounts personal item for sale only. Yard work, reasonable rates 57 I laca:.

The Lompoc Record from Lompoc, California (2024)
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Author: Ray Christiansen

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Name: Ray Christiansen

Birthday: 1998-05-04

Address: Apt. 814 34339 Sauer Islands, Hirtheville, GA 02446-8771

Phone: +337636892828

Job: Lead Hospitality Designer

Hobby: Urban exploration, Tai chi, Lockpicking, Fashion, Gunsmithing, Pottery, Geocaching

Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.