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Progress test 9 grade / 29 questions

READING Read the text and choose the correct option, A or B.Things for Joel changed when he joined an after-school music club two years ago. He couldn’t read music, but his friends taught him a few simple (1) ___ on the guitar and soon he was singing his own (2) ___. But he couldn’t write music, so if he had an idea for a song, he would (3) ___ the (4) ___ to his friends and they would write the notes. Then Joel wrote the (5) ___ to go with the music. It wasn’t long before Joel and his friends decided to form a (6) ___. Their style of music is alternative, and bands like The Stereophonics and Green Day have been a big (7) ___. They played at friends’ parties and at local events, and people started talking about them. Their first important (8) ___ was the end-of-year party at school. It was a big (9) ___! 1 A chordsB lyrics2 A lyricsB songs3 A humB influence4 A symphonyB tune5 A chordsB lyrics6 A concertoB band7 A influenceB songwriter8 A gigB tune9 A successfulB success #9: ___________________

Progress test 9 grade / 29 questions

Read and complete with the best sentence to make it coherent. You have some time to make up your mind about taking the job. You _______________________________________ until Friday.

Construction 9 grade A / 27 questions

Read and complete with the best sentence to make it coherent. Jill hasn't been feeling too well lately. She __________________________________ the party on Friday night.

Reading and writing - goal 1 - seventh grade - third term / 36 questions

D.Read and complete the conversation. For each number 1–8 choose the right option. Jan:Can you make spaghetti? I’m hungry.Pedro:Yes, it’s easy. I need (1) ____ cheese, (2) ____ tomatoes, ham, and (3) ____ olive.Jan:Just one olive?Pedro:Yes, I don’t like them. It’s for you.Jan:Oh, thanks.Pedro:Right, (4) ____ tomatoes are there?Jan:Four. Is that enough? And (5) ____ cheese do you want?Pedro:Yes, and give me all the cheese.Jan:Right, now is there (6) ____ garlic?Pedro:Oh no, not garlic. I hate garlic.Jan:It’s OK. I don’t have (7) ____ garlic. I’ll buy (8) ____ more tomorrow. 1. ____________

Reading and writing 10 grade / 33 questions

Vocabulary set 2: Types of evidence (difficulty level 2)Write the blank word to complete the sentences. Do not use capital letters 6 Follow the _____ of evidence – they might still be hiding in the area. 7 The detective collected _____ and then talked to his team. 8 It had been raining so the police officer checked for _______ in the garden of the house. 9 If you have a(n) _____ , you have nothing to worry about! 10 The half-eaten ______of a take-away meal suggested they had left in a hurry. Answer for 7: __________

Reading and writing 10 grade / 33 questions

Based on The LOST WORLD, fill in the blanks, do not use capital letters nor comma or any punctuation mark, just press the space bar if necessary What is Gladys new husband job? he is a

9 grade apropiación / 27 questions

According to Holmes' source, how have the Andaman islanders treated survivors of shipwrecks?

Knowledge test 9 grade 2015 / 31 questions

GRAMMAR Rewrite the sentences using the correct form of the verbs in parentheses. An example: You can´t park your car here during the day. (allow)Answer: You are not allowed to park your car here during the day. 1. The thief forced me to give him my cellphone (make)

Knowledge Test 7b First goal III Term / 31 questions

About Macbeth From chapter 1 to Chapter 4 Why is Macbeth so nervous

reading and writing 7 grade IV term / 30 questions

READING COMPREHENSION Read the following text and answer the questions LIFE IN ENGLAND IN THE 16TH CENTURYWhat was life like in England around five hundred years ago? In 1550 there were about 3.2 million people in England and Wales. By the year 1600, there were around 4.4 million. (There are now over 64 million people inthe UK.) Today, England and Scotland are part of the same country, but in the 16th century they were separate countries On 17th November 1558, King Henry VIII’s daughter became Queen Elizabeth I. It was a time of exploring and Europeans found the ‘New World’, as the American continent was called. Rich people could buy coffee and sugar and there were some potatoes and tomatoes to eat.Many people moved away from the country to expanding towns and cities because there were more jobs.Other people preferred to stay in small villages and they worked on farms. Some men became carpenters and they made furniture, like tables and chairs. Their sons had the same trade as them – they were carpenters tooIn their free time, people went to the theatre to see plays. The first ‘Globe Theatre’ in London opened in 1599 and actors performed William Shakespeare’s plays. In 1997 a modern theatre called ‘Shakespeare’s Globe’ opened in the same place as the original theatre. Match the numbers and dates (0-4) to what they relate to (A-E) 1 1550 _____ 2 4.4 million _____ 3 1558 _____ 4 1599 _____ B Elizabeth I became queenC in the UK todayD 3.2 million people in England and WalesE the Globe Theatre opened Answer for 4: ____ write the correct letter. Do not use capital letter

Practice Questions / 20 questions

Practice Question 6

Geometric Figures Vocabulary / 22 questions


Geometric Figures Vocabulary / 22 questions


Snowflake Bentley / 21 questions

What kind of figure of speech is found in this sentence? "Snow in Vermont is as common as dirt," they said.

GOAL TEST 7b First goal III Term / 36 questions

Grammar point 1: A lot of, much, many, some and any (difficulty level 2) Complete the sentences with a lot of, much, many, some or any. 11 Can I have __________ salad with my pizza, please?12 So that's how I make pizza. Do you have __________ questions?13 You can be healthy if you eat __________ fruit and vegetables.14 I drink __________ juice – maybe a litre a day.15 Would you like __________ juice with your breakfast? Answer for 15: Write the correct word, do not use capital letter

Test 1 - Part 1 (Vocabulary) / 30 questions

Write the plural of: bag

8th GRADE TEST / 42 questions

VOCABULARY 1 Car tires are made of this._____________

7 grade Apropiacion / 22 questions

WRITING QUESTION Imagine that you are going to create a city in a video game. What are the 3 most important places you want to create and why? 50 words.

8th GRADE TEST / 42 questions

WRITING Choose one of these inventions. Describe what life was like before the invention. (60 words) car cell phone clock Internet paper plastic telephone television train wheel Think of these things: • What did people use to do before?• Why do you think it was a good invention?• How did it change people’s lives?

Progress test 9 grade / 32 questions

VOCABULARY By winning the gold medal in teh Olimpics, she managed to ________ worldwide recognition.

Math Vocabulary Quiz / 10 questions

Which is the numerator for 2/4

Semester 1 Vocabulary Final / 50 questions

The Loudness or Softness of Music

Knowledge test 9 grade 2015 / 31 questions

READING Read the following covnersations between a father and his son about tuition costs. Then answer the questions given. USE ONLY THE LETTER FOR THE ANSWER IN CAPITAL LETTER Daughter: Uh, Dad. Are you going to miss me when I leave for college next week?Father: Yahoo! Daughter: No, Dad . . . seriously. I mean you're always talking about how much money you'll save on food, hot water, and gas while I am gone. Father: Of course I will . . . no, uh, well, I'll miss you, of course. No, honestly, I'll miss and worry about you, and you've really tried to prepare yourself. You know, I'm proud of you for that. You know, getting a university degree is a real accomplishment. Daughter: Exactly. Father: But, let's go over the to-do list. Do you have everything ready? I mean, did you pay your tuition and housing fees by the deadline? [Yeap.] Because, you know, if you don't, you'll lose your class schedule, and you have to register all over again. Daughter: Yeah, I paid for that a few days ago. Father: Okay, did you sign up for the meal plan at the university so you don't have to eat instant noodles everyday? Daughter: Yeap. But Mom said I could take some food from home to get me started. Father: Uhhh, well, yeah. The oatmeal is in the pantry. Daughter: Dad! Mom said I could take a bag of rice, some canned food, and . . . Father: . . . and grandpa's old army rations. Daughter: Ugh! Not that old stuff. Mom! Father: Okay, okay. And you know you should set up an appointment to meet with your academic advisor to help you select future classes, right? [Yeah.] You know, business administration will be a great major for you. Daughter: Well, Dad, uh . . . Father: And future possibilities . . . a great salary, opportunities to make a difference in the community, and [Dad. I changed my major.] supporting . . . Father: What? You changed you major . . . you switched majors!? Daughter: Yeah. I really thought about it. After talking it over with Mom, I've decided to major in wildlife science. Father: What? What are you talking about? Daughter: Yeah. I want to degree in wildlife science. You know, analyzing, maintaining, and conserving national forests and wildlife. Father: What? Uh, uhh . . . Daughter: Dad. You can close your mouth now. I mean, I've ALWAYS been interested in working with nature; [Well.] You know that, and this field will give me the opportunity to live out my dream. [Well . . . ] I've also looked through the online university catalog, and I actually qualify for a two-year, full tuition scholarship. Father: Wait. When did this all happen? Daughter: I can even go on to graduate school and further my education . . . after Todd and I get married, of course. Father: Graduate school . . . Todd? Wait, wait, wait!! Who's Todd? Ah, what's next? Daughter: Thanks for the credit card. Mom said it was a present. And I just tried it out to make sure it worked, and I had no problem buying my new laptop computer. [Oh, I'm doomed!] Uh, Dad, where are you going? Father: Uh, I've decided to enroll in night school to get another degree. That's the only way I'm going to pay for your college. 1. What will happen if the woman doesn't pay her tuition by the due date?A. She'll have to pay a significant late fee.B. She'll be required to register again for school.C. She'll need to wait a semester to take classes. 2. What is the woman planning to take with her to school from home?A. some foodB. warm clothingC. her game system 3. Based on her major, where will she most likely work?A. at a bankB. for a schoolC. in a national park 4. The father suggests a specific major based on the possibility of _______________.A. earning a decent livingB. traveling to different countries C. moving up in the company 5. The man is surprised by the fact that his daughter ________________________.A. already has a part-time job at schoolB. has earned a scholarship for the first yearC. is involved in a serious relationship 4. ______________

Geometric Figures Vocabulary / 22 questions


Vocabulary Quiz (1-9) / 20 questions

A person lost in the woods might use a compass to determine which way is north.

Vocabulary Quiz (1-9) / 20 questions

The rotation of the Earth causes day and night.

1-3 vocabulary test / 13 questions

An interaction where one animal kills and eats another.

Accounting Chapter 1 Vocabulary / 10 questions

A Review of the company's accounting systems and financial statements to confirm that they follow generally accepted accounting principles.

Middle East Vocabulary #1 / 10 questions

A large saltwater lake between Iran and Russia fed by the Volga River.

AIB VOCABULARY QUIZ #1 / 10 questions

A person who buys and uses goods and services.

Ecology Vocabulary Quiz #1 / 10 questions

a symbiotic relationship in which one organism benefits and the other is unaffected

Chapter 10 vocabulary 1 / 25 questions

encuente el Sinónimo: la cola

Vocabulary 1-26-2012 / 10 questions

The man was not just" a little careless" in hnadling the club's funds: he was ---- dishonest!

Chapter 1 vocabulary quiz / 17 questions

the surroundings in which people plants and animals live

Vocabulary Quiz (1-9) / 20 questions

Sensory details describe what can be observed through our eyes, ear, nose, mouth and hands.

Populations Vocabulary Part 1 / 18 questions

A group of organisms that are physically similar and can mate with each other and produce offspring that can also mate and reproduce?

Vocabulary Test Part 1 / 50 questions


Egypt vocabulary / 12 questions


SAT Vocabulary Test 1 / 20 questions

Abhor means

Y8 Vocabulary Test 1 / 15 questions

The Latin word "malus" means "bad".

Vocabulary Lesson 1-5 / 20 questions


Vocabulary Quiz (1-9) / 20 questions

A person lost in the woods might use a compass to determine which way is north.

8th grade vocabulary 1 / 15 questions

Evolve means to develop gradually.

ASR-part 1-vocabulary / 17 questions

Sophie reads magazines, but she also likes an………………………… good book.

CCE - Week 1 Vocabulary / 15 questions

__________ means an action done in preparation for something fuller or more important.

PROGRESS TEST. 9a grade / 33 questions

LISTENINGListen to the report and choose True or False.1 The report is about the history of the English language.True / False 2 Some children in different countries are being taught their school subjects in English. True / FalseTrue / False 3 This prepares students for studying English at college level.True / False 4 This means that students will be able to teach English anywhere in the world.True / False 5 Mandarin, French, and Arabic are three languages which are growing in popularity. True / False 6 Better-known languages are becoming more dominant. True / False 7 Not many people around the world speak more than one language.True / False 8 American people often speak only one language. True / False 9 A lot of new vocabulary is entering the English language. True / False 10 The report suggests that English may be replaced by Spanish as the world’s dominant language. True / False 6. ________________

English I Post Test: Vocabulary in Context / 18 questions


Polygons Vocabulary / 22 questions


Vocabulary 1-10 Review / 10 questions

What word means to border upon?

/ 25 questions

The entire part of a sentence up to its verb is the

CCE - Week 1 Vocabulary / 15 questions

Write the correct spelling of the word using the definition to help you. taimneennac (means: activities carried out after a project to ensure problems are solved)

Astronomy Chapter 1 Vocabulary / 10 questions

When planets move around the Sun, they __________ it.

/ 10 questions

A variable is any factor that does not change in an experiment.

Vocabulary 1 Second quarter / 11 questions

The keys above the home row keys has a spelling like?

Comcast Final Exam Part 1 / 37 questions

What is the percentage for each component of a conversation?

Egypt vocabulary / 12 questions


Flocabulary Unit 4 Quiz / 20 questions

Choose the ANTONYM of the vocabulary word. plunder

Blitz Vocabulary 2 / 12 questions

The answer to #1 is ______________.

Egypt vocabulary / 12 questions


Egypt vocabulary / 12 questions


Do you know......Ch. 7 Assessment / 14 questions

Twenty-0ne:Forty-nine Write the ratio in simplest form.

NEFI Unit 2 / 44 questions

(Strong adjectives) Write the synonym: very bad=

9a Progress Test / 32 questions

SPEAKING Follow the teacher instructions. Based on page 66 - 67

9b Progress Test / 32 questions

VOCABULARY Read the sentences and match these phrasal verbs with the words in CAPITAL. DONT use capital letter when writing the answer. blow up end up grow up look up make up sum up take up use up wake up 1 Can you PUT THE MAIN POINTS OF YOUR ARGUMENT in three or four sentences?__________________________________ 2 Mr. Walker wanted to STARTED DOING golf when he retired. He had never played before.__________________________________ 3 Do you sometimes feel scared if you STOP SLEEPING in the middle of the night?__________________________________ 4 Did Amelia Earhart’s plane EXPLODE in mid-air?__________________________________ 5 Did you FINISH all the coffee? It’s all gone.__________________________________ 3. ________________

reading and writing 7b III Term / 21 questions

Vocabulary set 1: Food and drink (difficulty level 2) Choose the correct option to complete the sentence. 1 Some people say you eat [cake / soup / onion] and others say you drink it!2 In England people sometimes have [cola / cake / soup] before their main meal.3 [Carrots / Chocolates / Sweets] are good for you. We eat them very often.4 Is he eating [chips / cola / chocolate] with his chicken?5 Can you get the [chocolates / soups / potatoes] ready for lunch, please? Answer for 4: write only the correct word. Do not use capital letter

The Iron Butterfly Vocabulary Quiz #4 / 20 questions

I stood watching him work, until I had a _________ sensation on the back of my neck.

Unit 3 Week 4 Vocabulary Test / 10 questions

Which word means separated into parts or pieces?

PROGRESS TEST. 9a grade / 44 questions

LANGUAGE WORKOUT(GRAMMAR) Complete the sentences with the correct passive form of the verb in parentheses. 1 I still _____________ (not pay) yet. They promised me a check by Friday.2 _____________ you ever _____________ (award) a prize for anything when you were a child?3 I _____________ (send) so much spam yesterday. I went crazy!4 The windows _____________ (clean) at 10 a.m. tomorrow.5 I think John _____________ (interview) for the job when I called. He wasn’t at home.6 That’s his boat. It _____________ (call) the Mariner.7 You _____________ (tell) what to do when you get there tomorrow.8 Joe _____________ (hurt) when he fell off a ladder. He had to go to the hospital.9 Have you heard? Michelle _____________ _____________ (promote)! She’s going to be the manager now.10 When _____________ he _____________ (question) by the police yesterday? 9. _________

English I Post Test: Vocabulary in Context / 15 questions


Countable / Noncountable / 10 questions

10) I learn more new word in English class every day.

3.6 CDE 3.7 B Vocabulary Test / 18 questions


Progress test - meta 1 - segundo periodo - 7 / 48 questions

VOCABULARY: Complete the sentences with the appropriate word. (Use lowercase) speedboats climbed bridge burned helicopter bicycle buildings flames smoke discovered planes trains car destroyed carried earthquake left 6 Fire can destroy houses and __________ very quickly.

Construction 8b / 32 questions

3. Complete the sentences with the simple present or present progressive form of the verbs in parentheses. 4 Jemma _____________ (play) tennis once a week in the summer.

Appropriation 7b / 21 questions

Grammar point 1: Present simple negative, questions and short answers (difficulty level 2) Complete the sentences with the correct present simple negative, question or short answer. Use the information in brackets. Do not use capital letter nor contractions 51 Marcus _________________________ doing PE. (not like)52 _________________________ football? (your brother / like)53 I love English but I _________________________ any other languages. (not / know)54 'Do your teachers often get angry?' '_________________________ .' (✘)55 _________________________ a school uniform at your school? (they / have) Answer for 55:________

8th-1st-6wks 2013 / 40 questions

"Put a Laptop in Every Lap" Which statement give the author's counterargument....

Apropriation goal 2. 7b / 27 questions

LISTENING Listen to the track and answer the questions: 1. What is the woman's name?A. JulieB. JennyC. Jane 2. Where is the woman from originally?A. ArgentinaB. the United StatesC. Chile 3. About how old was the man when he returned to the United States?A. 7 years oldB. 10 years oldC. 17 years old 4. What is the man studying?A. physicsB. biologyC. psychology 5. What is the woman's job?A. a sales representativeB. a computer programmerC. a receptionist Answer for question 3: ______ WRITE ONLY THE CHOSEN LETTER. DO NOT USE CAPITAL LETTER

Vocabulary #14 QUIZ / 25 questions

Question #6

Knowledge test 8 grade 2015 / 26 questions

VOCABULARY Complete the words in these sentences. Write the complete word. 1 A d_____________ is a large area of land with few plants and little water. 2 I_____________ is water that has frozen and become solid. 3 When the wall c_____________, it fell on top of a car.4 A r_____________ is someone who saves another person from a dangerous situation.5 A m_____________ is a very big hill that is higher than the land around it. 6 A d_____________ is a long period of time when there is little or no rain. 7 A f_____________ is a large area of land covered by trees and other plants. 8 A c_____________ is a small, round container. 9 A d_____________ is a wall built across a river to stop the water from flowing. 10 A m_____________ is a person who works underground, digging out something from the rocks. 3. _____________

Construction - Reading and Writing 8A / 33 questions

READING 1. Read the text. Then complete each sentence with one word. I’ll never forget the first time I tried windsurfing. I was 13 and I was on vacation in Puerta Vallarta with my friend Beth and her family. Her older brother Andy was a very good windsurfer and he wanted to teach us. I liked Andy a lot. I thought he was very good-looking, so I felt really pleased he wanted to teach us. So, on the second day of our vacation, Andy, Beth and I walked to the beach. It was very hot and sunny but it was pretty windy, too. It was perfect weather for windsurfing. At first, I felt really excited. I couldn’t wait to run into the ocean and jump on the windsurf board. It looked really easy and the other windsurfers were having a great time. First of all, Andy put the windsurf board down on the sand. Then, he stood on the board and showed us how to stand and hold the arm of the sail. It looked easy and I felt very excited. Beth wanted to be the first to try so we took the board into the water. Andy jumped on the board and showed us again how to stand up. When Beth tried, she immediately fell into the water. She tried again and again and each time she fell into the ocean. After ten minutes, she was really tired and miserable. I started to feel really nervous – and no wonder – I was a lot worse than Beth! Andy tried to teach me, but I was terrible. Three boys on the beach were laughing at me and I felt really embarrassed. After ten minutes, I was hot, tired, and totally fed up. In the end, we decided to leave the windsurf board on the beach and we went for a swim. That was the first and last time I ever trid windsurfing. 4 On the day they tried windsurfing, they had perfect __________.

9 grade reading and writing test goal 2 term 1 / 40 questions

VOCABULARY 1 Complete the sentences with these words. bronze cardboard concrete dung gold iron plaster plastic rubber sandstone wood 1 _____________ is a very strong, hard material that is normally used to create buildings.2 Chris Ofili used elephant _____________ in his paintings because of his African heritage.3 _____________ is a natural substance that comes from trees and is used to make car tires.4 Many artists like to use natural products like _____________.5 Anthony Gormley uses _____________, a strong, hard metal, for his large sculptures.6 _____________ is a stone that isn’t normally used by sculptors because it is too soft.7 Traditional sculptures are often cast in _____________, a heavy and expensive metal.8 _____________ is one of the most valuable metals in the world.9 _____________ boxes are strong, cheap, and they can be recycled.10 _____________ is a soft, white material that is used to finish walls inside buildings.11 Many everyday objects like toys and radios are made of _____________. 5. _________________

Document Formatting Skills Vocabulary test / 20 questions

How many inches is the top margin for a personal business letter in block format?

3rd six weeks review / 50 questions

Re-type the DEPENDENT CLAUSE in the following sentence: Because I like chocolate, I couldn't resist walking into the bakery.

8 grade Reading and writing goal 2 1 term / 43 questions

VOCABULARY Choose the correct option in each line. Last summer, I went to Mexico to stay witha Mexican family. I am always (1) nervous /embarrassed / tired when I meet new people, but I wasalso (2) miserable / cheerful / excited because it wasmy first time on vacation without my parents. At first,I was really (3) angry / lonely / bored because I didn’tknow anyone. The family was very friendly, but theirkids were much younger than me. Then, one day I wasin town and I met some teenagers in a park. They wereall really (4) cheerful / depressed / sad and having fun.I started talking to them, and although I was a little(5) tired / embarrassed / bored because my Spanish isn’tgreat, they were really friendly. I met them every day, andsuddenly I wasn’t (6) angry / glad / miserable anymore. I’llalways have (7) sad / scared / happy memories of my timein Mexico and I’m really (8) glad / depressed / worried thatI went. In fact, I’m going back next summer! 6. ___________________

8 grade Progress Test / 43 questions

VOCABULARY Match the appropriate meaning to each one of hte following concepts from the lesson. 2. Thriller

Notebook check / 13 questions

What is a noun that name any person place, thing, or idea?

9 grade reading and writing test goal 2 term 1 / 40 questions

GRAMMAR Complete the sentences with the present perfect progressive form of the verb in parentheses. 1 Jane ____________________ (study) art for two years.2 How long ____________________ (you/work) with bronze?3 My father ____________________ (collect) art since he first started work.4 ____________________ (you/sit) here for a long time? 5 I ____________________ (wait) for the bus for 30 minutes.6 Jade ____________________ (call) her agency every day.7 How long ____________________ (Scott/live) in his new house?8 ____________________ (a lot of people/come) to the art exhibition this week?9 Karl ____________________ (work) on location all day.10 What ____________________ (they/try) to do? 6. ________________

reading and writing 10b III Term / 20 questions

Grammar point 1: -ing forms (difficulty level 2)Write down the verb that needs to have -ing to make the sentence logical.For example 11 Marcia stood admiring the scenery for a while before get her paints out. Answer: getting 12 After shower, Simon put on his best suit and rehearsed what he was going to say. 13 What do you like best about live in the city? 14 Swim in the sea is one of life's greatest pleasures! 15 The collage was made by stickimages stick onto a piece of wood. Anwer for 15: _____ do not use capital letter

Goal test TERM 2. 7b / 31 questions

LISTENING Listen to the conversations and answer the questions. Conversation 2: What food doesn´t Harry like? Write the answer. Do not use capital letter.

Reading and writing 7b / 26 questions

READING COMPREHENSION Read the file and answer the following questions. First read the text. Then answer the questions. Hi to our new friends in London, UK. Here’s a description of life in Toronto. Toronto is the capital of Ontario in Canada. The city is very close to Lake Ontario. It snows in Toronto from December until March. For 65 days of the year there is one centimetre or more of snow on the streets. In winter we usually stay at home or go to shopping centres under the city. We love summer and on July 1st there is a big festival, Canada Day. We go to Mel Lastman Square to see the fireworks and listen to music. It’s fantastic! In winter, when it’s cold, we often go skating at the weekends, or we go to the cinema. We go skiing with our mum and dad on Saturdays too. It’s good to play in the snow, but it’s very cold, so we drink hot chocolate when we go home. In the autumn school starts at 8:20am and ends at 3:30pm. We do our homework at 4:30 and finish at 7pm. We have dinner between 7 and 8 o’clock. Sometimes we eat later because our mum and dad both work. Complete the sentences with one or two words from the text. 0 Toronto is in Ontario, Canada. 1 Toronto is near _____. 2 For _____ days each year there’s always snow. 3 People go shopping _____ the streets.4 July 1st is called _____.5 They do their homework between _____ and 7 o’clock Answer to the question 3. Write the words clearly. DONT USE CAPITAL LETTER.

English Lab 1 Unit 10 Quiz / 20 questions

Review the vocabulary in unit 10. Match the description to the correct word:You use this to tell the time.

The Metamorphosis Part I-PartII Vocabulary Quiz / 20 questions

7. I would gladly _____ those who represent things as different from what they are. Those who steal property or make counterfeit money are punished, and those ought to be still more severely dealt with who steal away or falsify the good name of a prince.

7 grade final test 2016 (weel before apropriation) / 25 questions

LISTENING SECTION1. Where was the man coming from when he first saw the UFO?A. He was returning home from a party.B. He just got off work when he saw the UFO.C. He was driving home from a restaurant. 2. What time did the man report the incident to the police?A. about 12:00 AMB. about 3:00 AMC. about 5:00 AM 3. What jumped out in front of the man's car?A. a giant deerB. a strange manC. a hairy alien 4. What happened next to the man?A. He walked to a flying saucer.B. He followed the animal to a plane.C. He was carried to a spaceship. 5. What does the police officer suggest at the end of the story?A. They should call the fire department.B. The man should seek counseling.C. The man should contact the newspaper. Answer for 5 : ______ Write the chosen letter, do not use capital letter

reading and writing 10a III Term / 20 questions

Reading comprehension [1] Stolen Paintings DestroyedSeven paintings, missing since being stolen from a museum in the Netherlands in October 2012, have beendestroyed by the thief's mother. The mother, being afraid for her son, admitted to digging the paintings out ofher son's hiding place in the ground and burning them.The paintings, including impressive works by Picasso and Matisse, went missing after thieves entered the museum through the back door and simply took the paintings off the wall. The stolen paintings were all portraits, with the exception of one, which was a subtle but powerful urban landscape by Monet. They were worth 130 million pounds. [2] Things to seePoppaea's Villa, lying between Naples and Sorrento, is a stunning example of Roman architecture and is well worth visiting. Poppaea was the second wife of the Roman emperor Nero and her house was buried during thevolcanic eruption of Mount Vesuvius. There are 55 rooms containing rich decoration and you can see some ofthe finest examples of Roman frescoes there. Most of the murals are still-life, with birds and fruit being the most popular subjects. Villa Poppaea is open to visitors seven days a week. [3] Frida Kahlo (July 6, 1907 – July 13, 1954) Mexico's best-known female painter, Kahlo started painting after being in a road accident and having 35 operations. The famous muralist Diego Rivera, who was impressed byher work, encouraged her to continue painting. After marrying Rivera in 1929, Kahlo travelled with him as he received commissions for murals. Kahlo is known for her many self-portraits, her imagination and her use of bright colours. [4] So guys, in a few seconds you're going to see the Louvre – home to some of the most famous works of art in the world! I'm sure you can guess the painting that attracts the most visitors, can't you? Yes, the Mona Lisa. Ibet you don't know about its dramatic history though, do you? It was once stolen by the guy who cleaned the museum, only to be recovered two years later. On other occasions, acid and stones have been thrown at poorMona but nothing seems to stop her smiling! Answer the questions: T or F, write the letter using capital letter. Choose True (T) or False (F). 15 In text [1] we are told most of the stolen paintings that were destroyed were paintings of people. T / F16 In text [2] we are told that the paintings in Poppaea's Villa are on canvas and paper. T / F17 In text 3 we are told that Diego Rivera thought Frida Kahlo's art was dull. T / F18 In text 3 we are told that Diego Rivera was paid to paint on walls. T / F19 In text 4 we are told that the Mona Lisa painting's past is full of action and unusual events. T / F Answer for 19:_____

Knowledge Test 8 grade / 35 questions

GRAMMAR Complete the sentences with the simple past or the correct form of used to and the verbs in parentheses. 1 When I was young, I ________________ (go) camping three times. 2 Carla ________________ (visit) six different countries while she was at college. 3 Dad ________________ (not like) classical music, but now he really enjoys it.4 I ________________ (know) that paper was invented in China until you told me just now!5 They ________________ (watch) the show once to see what it was like.6 He ________________ (not go) to the movies before he went to the restaurant last night.7 I ________________ (play) the violin at school, but I don’t now.8 They ________________ (buy) new clothes for the party tomorrow.9 Did you ________________ (invent) games and stories when you were young?10 He ________________ (do) any sports, but now he plays soccer every week. 2. ______________

Construction 9 grade / 45 questions

READING Read the text and choose the correct option, A or B. Having lots of gadgets in the kitchen makes life a lot easier by saving you time. Can you imagine life without an electric cooker, or a refrigerator, or even a tea kettle? And by saving you time, modern gadgets allow you to become more creative, to have fun, and to learn more about healthy food and new recipes. Sales of electrical gadgets have risen sharply over the last five years. This new interest in buying kitchen gadgets shows there’s a growing interest in cooking and baking, and a desire to eat more healthily. New kitchen gadgets make tasks in the kitchen easier, quicker, and better, and the rise in sales suggests that people are enjoying making meals, drinks, and snacks at home rather than buying them. But once we’ve bought these gadgets, how often do we use them? A recent survey found that 36% of people who have bought or been given a bread maker hardly use it. Sandwich toasters were hardly any better, with only 28% using them. We all know someone who has bought a bread maker because they had dreams of coming down the stairs every morning to the smell of freshly-made bread. Or someone who has come home with a brand new juicer and a recipe book full of ideas for fresh fruit and vegetable juices to improve your health and give your complexion a youthful glow. After a week of enthusiastic bread-baking and fruit-juicing, the gadgets are soon left on the top shelf in the kitchen and never used again! Why is this? It’s probably due to a number of reasons, but one could be the growth of the quality food industry in recent years. Good quality, healthy, fresh food has become more easily available in places like farmer’s markets, health food stores, and supermarkets. People living busy lives have to compare the time it takes them to buy the ingredients, make the product, wash the gadget, and risk a homemade “failure,” compared to the time it takes them to buy a good quality product that may cost slightly more. 8 Having a gadget doesn’t mean ___.

Construction 9 grade / 45 questions

10 _____________ (quit) smoking isn’t easy, but it will greatly improve your health.

General Speech Knowledge Chp 1-2 / 28 questions

Ethos is:

7 grade knowledge test unit 1 / 31 questions

Grammar 2: Complete the conversation with the correct form of have got.Jena: Happy Birthday Mariana! What gifts (0) have you got?Mariana: I (16) _______ a new mobile phone. Look, it (17) _______a camera! Here’s a photo of myblack cat. Jena: Great! Your cat is funny. Now we (18) _______ cameras on our mobiles, we can send lots of photos of our pets. What about your brothers? Write the correct answerDo not use capital letter. Write the compelte answerQuestion 17

7 grade knowledge test unit 1 / 31 questions

Listening Listen to the track and answer the following questions. Please write the correct answer. 3. What kind of puppet can you see in the city? do not use capital letter.

Goal test 1 7b / 31 questions

Speaking Follow the teacher instructions in your oral presentation.

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Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

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Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.