Dirty Porcelain - strawberrygateau - リズム怪盗R (2024)

Chapter Text

A deep sigh comes from Vergier as he sits in his messy office, as he stares at the take-out coffee cup half filled with a standard Americano coffee, which is his usual from a small coffee shop close to the station that he visits often. But unlike his usual Americano coffees, this one has a note taped to the bottom, a handwritten note on A5 lined paper. One that has completely shifted his mood and mind, from the Phantom R heist happening tomorrow night, to being informed that he has been drugged. He rereads the letter again for the fifth time.

"To Inspector Paul Vergier,
I have drugged you and one other person in Paris. The other you know all too well. This drug will affect you instantly, causing an aphrodisiac to run through you. It will affect you negatively. As four days after initial consumption, you will fall unwell for two weeks, though you will survive.
This will be unfortunate, as you are aware that I have another attack planned in the next few weeks.
The drug has a cure, sexual intercourse with the other affected person.
Thankfully, I am kind, I am giving you a few clues.
1. It's someone you know
2. They're not blood-related nor a minor
3. You will know who it is at contact
4. They don't know
Good luck Vergier, I wonder if I will be seeing you soon.
L'insecte de Paris"

"L'insecte de Paris..." Vergier mutters as he glares at the paper, at the name he and everyone in Paris know all too well.

L'insecte de Paris is a criminal, but not a normal one like a burglar or murderer, they do what they want. In one letter they will announce that they have plans to knock out a theatre full of people, the next they have plans to steal a painting, though usually Phantom R gets to the paintings first and returns them thankfully, and next they will have plans to drug a companies' product. The Constabulary has no idea who L'insecte is, if there's one person or if it's a group, why they're doing what they're doing. Hell, they don't have a motive or a reason for why they appeared soon after the Chevaliers Diabolique were taken down. Not even if they have a plan, Vergier looks at his laptop which shows their past crimes, but there's been nothing to suggest an overall plan for their myriad of crimes, only that it all happens in Paris, they send a letter to Vergier, sent to Vergier by name, and gives a vague though concise run through of their plan.

Vergier massages his temple as he looks at the coffee cup, he has been drugged by L'insecte with an aphrodisiac. A crime L'insecte haven't done before, drugging civilians? Yes. Drugging someone with an aphrodisiac? No. Vergier ponders for a second if it's personal, as drugging one person in particular is usually a targeted and personal crime, though the thought of another person being involved does dampen his theory, once he knows who this other person is, then he can say. Another sigh comes from Vergier as he takes a sip of water, he needs to figure this out, but he doesn't want anyone else to know, when Loic came in earlier he had to hide the piece of paper. If a rumour goes around about this, either the Constabulary or Paris, a lot can go wrong. So he's made it his mission to solve this himself, it wouldn't be the first time he's done so. The piece of paper is picked up as Vergier looks at two lines that will be his ticket to identifying the other person.

"You'll know who it is at contact."

"The other you know all too well."

Although the second isn't in the list and instead in the text above, it means that it'll be someone that he knows a good amount. Not someone he waved to once, it's someone he can identify. A new document is opened on Vergier's laptop as he starts writing up people's names, those that he talks to enough. He notes down all members of the Constabulary in a general "Paris Constabulary" term, he notes who aren't in today and makes sure to approach them tomorrow, or well touch them. The first line that he picked out sounded a bit odd, with "contact" being the key word, he doesn't know how this "contact" needs to be done. Vergier guesses it will be by touch, but he's unaware if it needs to be on the skin or if just touching someone's clothed back, though he takes the risk and decides that any type of contact will work. Well, he hopes it will work. How Paul and this other person will realize through contact does make him quirk a brow, though the drug being an aphrodisiac does give him some type of idea.

After noting down who in the Constabulary will need to seen tomorrow, he notes down some members of the police force from the Municipal Police and some superiors, he then thinks to his friends such as his art friend, some people from high school he keeps in contact with, some of his neighbours, and some others who he knows. Then he gets to some people who would barely skirt under knowing well, such as the café waitress who he always talks to when he gets his coffee, as well as duch*ess Elisabeth and her daughter Marie, who Vergier has only talked to after the take-down of Jean-François and Leonard Bonar, though they're less friend and more acquaintances, with Vergier making sure Elisabeth has healed well, as well as making sure he has received a written statement from Marie. Vergier stops typing has he thinks of Marie, before thinking of her friend in red and black. Phantom R. Would Vergier say he knows Phantom R well as a person? No, but he knows the thief all too well, that he's co*cky but can hold his ground, has a background in dance and hand-to-hand combat, he steals and returns paintings for a reason, one Vergier has theories on but is unsure, and that Phantom R loves Paris as much as Vergier does.

"Could it? Perhaps..." Vergier mutters to himself.

Vergier looks back at the message, perhaps he misread the passage, that instead of it being someone who he's been good friends with and knows their dog's name, it means someone infamous. Or perhaps a mix of the two, as aside from Phantom R and Marie, Vergier is the person who knows Phantom R the best.

A red and black calling card sits on the mess of his desk and Vergier picks it up, there's a Phantom R heist tomorrow evening at Musée d'Orsay, for the painting Nuit d'été by Winslow Homer. There he can get into contact with the thief, who he bets has also been afflicted by the drug as well. Vergier takes another sip of water. In reality, he hopes there's another way to get the drug out of his system without having to have sex with Phantom R or being in hospital for two weeks. Even though the letter said that the other person is an adult, Phantom R is young, late teens to early twenties if Vergier guesses, and having a man who's reaching forty this year isn't the best way to experience sex for what Vergier thinks is the first time for the thief. Something else to consider is that Vergier hasn't done it for years, ever since Emma passed, he feels like doing it again would feel awkward. Especially since he still thinks about her, as if she'll be there when he opens the door when he gets back.

Another sigh from Vergier comes, as he now has to come up with a way to get hold of the thief, and try and sort this out. A way to figure out how Phantom R will be entering, the route he'll take, and how he plans on escaping. And find a way to intercept him alone and find out if he's drugged as well, meaning having to distract his own guards and get the acrobatic and athletic thief cornered. Vergier's eyes read another section of the letter.

"This drug will affect you instantly, causing an aphrodisiac to run through you. It will affect you negatively."

Currently, Vergier feels fine, though is unsure how "negatively" he will be affected. Though he does wonder about Phantom R, or who else the other person is and how they're reacting to it. Vergier has only had it in his system for an hour, but the other person could have had it days ago and could be struggling.

Vergier massages his head as he looks at the coffee cup, it's going to be a long day.






Saturday night has finally rolled around, the Musée d'Orsay is completely full of the Constabulary and Vergier is worried. He stands alone in a small store room full of portraits as he moves his hands around each other as he thinks and waits. He's gone through a majority of his list, all of his subordinates and friends have been marked out, they haven't reacted, there are only a few people left on his list, mostly those higher up than him, as well as Phantom R, he has seen Marie and Elisabeth, earlier that day, and discussed areas involving Jean-François and shook both of their hands when he entered, not getting any sort of reaction from any of them. Now stands alone, he has gone through a map of Musée d'Orsay and found a way for Phantom R to come in and hide the large painting for pickup later. Most of his men are at places Phantom R won't go to, some are scattered here and there, so Phantom R wouldn't notice a difference, hopefully. Though, if Phantom R is in any state close to how Vergier is feeling, he isn't doing well and may not notice the lack of Constabulary. Since waking up this morning, Vergier has been feeling under the weather, hot, struggling for breath, as well as feeling aroused, but not to a noticeable degree, he isn't hard or anything, but his thoughts have strayed oddly dirtier, and some small touches have felt somewhat stimulating.

"The- THE PAINTING IS GONE!" The police radio shouts. Vergier looks at his before grabbing it and talking into it.

"Stay alive, men, Phantom R has to be in this building. He couldn't of escaped yet, look around your positions!" Vergier says.

"YES SIR!" Multiple voices from the radio comes through as Vergier mutes it.

The radio is returned to its place as he walks to the only door in the room and opens it slightly, looking into the room he believes Phantom R will deposit the painting. The room is another storage room, filled with statues and paintings, a set of double doors lead to the main hallway, as well as another door that leads outside the building. Vergier believes that Phantom R is going to hide the stolen paintings with the other paintings, and pretend it's one to store and be put out later for an exhibit, then he will arrive the next day with some aid, Phantom R has been seen with two identical men, who can help Phantom R move it such as by disguising themselves as movers or staff of the museum. Vergier hopes that he hasn't put too much hope and faith into this idea. The thought that Phantom R isn't following this route, nor is he the other one affected is one that he puts to the back of his head. Vergier swallows as he keeps an eye on the door.

'Please let it be Phantom R.' Vergier thinks.

He keeps on looking into the empty room for a few minutes, silence is the only thing he hears, no footsteps can be heard anywhere in his vicinity as he closes his eyes to focus. Though the heat his body gives off and his fuzzy mind is the only thing hismind can focus on, his breath taking over his focus as he hears and feels himself breathing. He focuses on himself until he can hear the clack of shoes, Vergier can tell it's Phantom R's loafers and not the boots that his men wear, he puts all of his focus on the footsteps as they get closer and closer. Vergier notices that Phantom R's footsteps aren't as fast as they usually are, though he puts that down to how big and heavy the painting is, though he can hear the feet stumble as well as skid. The steps get closer and closer until they stop, he looks at the double doors as he sees the handle turn and one of the doors open. A smile comes to Vergier as he sees Phantom R enter the room, back to the room as he pulls in the painting, dragging the frame on the floor, which makes Vergier wince. Phantom R drags the painting into the room, not noticing the slightly open door nor Vergier's head poking out of it slightly, the painting is put Infront of a set of similarly sized paintings with cloth surrounding them as well as a piece of cloth next to it. Phantom R picks it up, Vergier does believe Phantom R placed the cloth beforehand, due to it being the only piece of fabric not tied to a painting, Vergier did notice it when he entered, but decided not to move it.

Phantom R finishes wrapping up the painting and hides it a few paintings in of the set, so it wouldn't be at the top of the pile and less noticeable. He walks backwards, looking at it before walking closer to the door Vergier is at, Vergier backs into the room a bit, though still able to observe, Phantom R comes to a stop and sits down on a crate, one not facing the door but one that gives Vergier a good look at the side profile of Phantom R's face, the visible side thankfully. He can see that Phantom R is breathing heavily as he wipes a hand across his face, as well as his eyes half lidded and lips pursed a bit.

"Damn." Phantom R says, Vergier can't see what's wrong at first, before he notes that Phantom R's eyes are looking down, he looks at what Phantom R is looking at and comes to his crotch.

Vergier has a good feeling that Phantom R is the other drugged person, though he still needs to check physically. Though in Phantom R's current state, there's a good chance Vergier is able to touch Phantom R. He opens the door with a slam and runs at Phantom R, who's head turns and can barely stand and step forward before Vergier grabs his wrist. A sensation sparks on Vergier's hand, one that feels so nice, it runs up and down his spine before fading like a firework. A gasp comes from Phantom R who volts at the touch before putting his other hand over his mouth. THIS is what the message meant, of course Vergier would be able to figure it out at contact, that was a full body reaction. Same for Phantom R as well, who he can say is definitely the other drugged person.

"What was... that?" Phantom R asks between breaths, obviously confused as he hasn't gotten the memo, unlike Vergier.

"You've been drugged." Vergier starts it, Phantom R's head moves to look back at him, his visible eye looking at Vergier's face, he doesn't say anything, so Vergier continues. "I've been drugged as well, I'm not going to arrest you as we need to get this sorted."

Vergier lets go of Phantom R's wrist as he puts his hand in his pocket and retrieves the piece of paper and puts his hand out. Phantom R turns around, now fully facing Vergier, he looks at the paper before looking at Vergier, who has a serious expression on his face, Phantom R looks back at the paper, he wonders if he should trust Vergier, although he has teamed up with Vergier briefly before, he knows that Vergier wants to arrest him. Though, a shock of pleasure goes through him and changes his mind, he takes the paper and reads it. Vergier stares at Phantom R as he reads, he saw Phantom R jolt a moment ago and wonders what that was, he hopes it isn't a symptom of the drug, but he's never seen Phantom R do that before.

"Ah..." Phantom R says as he finishes reading the paper and hands it back to Vergier, who puts it away. A shocked expression can be read all over his face.

"Have you been to the café next to the constabulary recently?" Vergier asks, as he notes the nervous and slight fear Phantom R has on his face.

"Y-yeah," Phantom R stutters out, "Right after I put the calling card on your desk I went straight to that café and grabbed a Latte... That would have been on Wednesday, midday..." Phantom R says the last bit under his breath.

"It's Saturday now, so there's less than a day left." Vergier comments, he now understands why Phantom R was so nervous a second ago. They have close to twelve hours left until Phantom R is affected. It's close to half ten now, and the calling card appeared on Vergier's desk somewhere near twelve on Wednesday. They don't have a lot of time.

"Just give me a minute." Phantom R says, as touches his chin while thinking. Vergier understands that he just threw a bombshell on Phantom R.

"No problem." Vergier says as he sits on the crate Phantom R was sitting on previously.

Vergier looks at Phantom R and the conflict on his face, which is understandable, being ill for the last few days while unaware as to why, before performing a heist and the detective inspector after you reveals that you and said inspector have both been drugged, and the only solution is to have sex. Well the only one written, Vergier begins to think about an alternative, perhaps they don't need to have full penetrative sex and perhaps jacking off or a blow j*b will suffice, just touching each other will be enough. If they had more time, then Vergier would have tried to get the drug team involved and see if they could do anything, but seeing as this is the first time Vergier has seen or heard about a drug that can force two people into arousal, which can only be fixed by intercourse wiyj each other. Vergier believes that it's a concoction of L'insecte. And just theirs.

A thought from earlier comes back, a mystery from before Vergier believes he can solve. Why they were chosen to be drugged. For Vergier, he's the detective on the L'insecte case, the one that's stopping them at every chance they get as well as digging up any information about them. For Phantom R, he's aided the police in some instances, including stealing and returning paintings that L'insecte were going after, Vergier has heard some people mention Phantom R aiding in some other cases, though he initially blew them off, now he wonders if Phantom R has been helping a lot more than Vergier initially thought.

Vergier opens his eyes, he wonders when he closed them, and looks at Phantom R who he can see trying to think, but his visible eye keeps on focusing before unfocusing, Phantom R brings his hands over his eyes. He's not doing well, anyone can see that, not just a detective, he's aroused and struggling to keep in place, moving weight from one foot to another. He wonders what Phantom R is thinking, what his plan is, as Vergier doesn't have one, hell, he didn't think he'd get this far. They sit in silence before Phantom R looks at Vergier and opens his mouth only to get interrupted.

"HE HAS TO BE SOMEWHERE AROUND HERE! CHECK EVERY ROOM!" Vergier's second in command shouts in the hallway.

The pair are both shocked at this announcement, Phantom R's eyes scan the room for a hiding place as Vergier does the same, they're both unwell, and even if Vergier is seen, he's going to have to leave, but he needs to talk to Phantom R, he needs to get this sorted. Scanning around the room, Vergier sees the door he hid behind and decides on that being the best place, not thinking, he grabs Phantom R's hand, forgetting the sensations that comes with touching.

"AH-!" Phantom R shouts at the unexpected contact as he looks back at Vergier who points to the door he came though and Phantom R nods as they start to run to it.

"I HEARD SOMETHING! IN THERE!" Some men shout from outside as boot steps can be heard outside.

Vergier and Phantom R get to the door and Vergier removes his hold of Phantom R and opens the door wide enough for Phantom R to slip in first with Vergier coming in after then shutting the door, he sees Phantom R next to him who bolts the door shut, with a lock he didn't even notice was there, Vergier look around and spies another near the bottom and locks it up. Just in time. The double doors open and multiple voices enter the room they were just in, he can hear the mumbles of conversation and Vergier just focuses on Phantom R, who has put all of his weight on the wall, and just focuses on breathing. The thief notices him looking and looks back at him, he gives a weak smile before feeling a familiar sensation come back and covers his mouth with his hand as he feels a stronger wave of pleasure, Vergier watches as he notices Phantom R's knees shaking and sees that he's about to fall, Vergier moves and just as Phantom R's left leg gives out he puts his hands on Phantom R's shoulders, trying to keep him in place. Letting another spark go through the two, with a muffled moan escaping from Phantom R. Phantom R looks at Vergier with a face painted red, his eyes open a bit as he looks down before looking away and to the door, as Vergier keeps his eyes on Phantom R and looks down to see a small tent, Phantom R's half hard.

"Damn, there's nothing in here!" One member of the constabulary says.

"Uh... Inspector Vergier isn't going to like hearing this report." Another says.

"How can we miss Phantom R carrying around a huge painting? It's massive!" One more says.

The trio can be heard talking as they get further away from the door Phantom R and Vergier are by, before the pair hear the door open and closing a second later. They both let out breath they didn't know they were holding.

"Can you stand by yourself?" Vergier asks, as Phantom R looks back at him, face still red as he removes his hand from his mouth.

"Yeah, just give me a second..." Phantom R says as he puts his hands on the wall behind him and stands up straight, Vergier lightens his grip as Phantom R stands, he lets go of the wall as he steps forward, with Vergier standing back. Vergier's looks at Phantom R, looking worse than he did, his legs have more strength though still look like they might give way, his gaze still half lidded with his breath still laboured, his hair messy and his jacket uneven. He looks worse than when Vergier first saw him. Phantom R puts a hand over his crotch as he looks at Vergier.

"Sorry about... this." Phantom R says.

They need to sort this out soon, they can't carry on like this.

Vergier unlocks the door and steps back into the larger and much brighter room of the two, with Phantom R a step behind him.

"You can't control it. Do you feel okay?" Vergier asks as worry carries over his face.

"I don't think I can take sincerity from you inspector." Phantom R says as he laughs slightly. Vergier's face sharpens, "I'm okay, don't worry Inspector."

"You're not, you nearly fell to the floor, and you've been heavily affected by the drug." Vergier says, he just looks at Phantom R's face, not thinking about how he's also affected and aroused.

"This has been happening since I woke up yesterday inspector, I'm used to it now." Phantom R says, trying to wave away some of Vergiers worry.

"Although you're used to it, it's gotten worse throughout the days, hasn't it? Also, you drank all of your drink, didn't you?" Vergier asks, Phantom R gives a weary nod, "You've had a heavier dose than me, I only drank half the cup." Vergier says, he feels off and hot though knows that Phantom R must be feeling ten times worse than him, hotter, more turned on, weaker.

Phantom R looks at Vergier and can tell he's right, he can see Vergier panting and affected, like he did in the first day or two, hot and unable to focus.

"Do you want..." Vergier starts, he feels a blush appear on his cheeks as he says this. "Do you want to... have sex and get this over with." He tries to say it with some kindness. He can see Phantom R's shocked expression from under the hat, and continues.

"We'll get it done and never have to think about it again, we'll both be able to save Paris. We won't rush it or anything, but It'll be done." Vergier stitches his sentences together as he feels hotter and hotter just talking about it.

"Musée d'Orsay is a unique place to do it." Phantom R says, Vergier gives a small huff at the joke.

"We'll have to meet up later- Wait, you're okay with doing it?" Vergier snaps his head. Phantom R is okay with having sex with him.

"When I read the letter sent by L'insecte, I knew whatever drug is in our body is something that I can't fix, unlike how I usually can. Especially with such a short time before more dangerous affects takes hold of me. I was about to accept it before your men came in, if me and you are both out of commission, then there's no one else to look after Paris, especially as fast as we do it." Phantom R says with maturity as he looks Vergier in the eyes.

"Ha... We surprisingly have the same mind." Vergier sighs, he is really surprised that Phantom R agreed. He's thankful for Phantom R understanding the situation, though he still is unsure, Phantom R is still young and although Vergier doesn't want to assume, this is probably going to be the first time that Phantom R has sex. With Vergier nevertheless for the sake of Paris, not a normal person's reason to have sex.

"You said about meeting up later..." Phantom R says, getting back to what Vergier said before.

"I'll have to round up all my men, get them to leave and get security to lock the place up, I also have to get Charlie home, so unless you feel like getting caught, it's going to have to wait." Vergier explains. He does have to set off and give an excuse to Charlie about having to leave the house late at night, oh how he's looking forward to that.

"Ah okay, I feel a bit better now so I should be okay till then. Do you have a place in mind? We could get a hotel? I ain't taking you back to mine." Phantom R says as he looks at Vergier.

"Charlie will be at home, so a hotel is the best bet." Vergier says, an image of himself and Phantom R at his house and a shocked Charlie arrives in his mind.

"I'll book the hotel, if you book a hotel and someone hears sounds coming from your room, then the newspapers are going to have a whale of a time." Phantom R says, looking a bit more confident than he did previously.

"That's... a good idea." Vergier regrets not thinking of it earlier. He continues, "Do you have anywhere in mind?".

"Yep, I know a place that'll work, do you have a pen and paper I can borrow?" Phantom R asks. Vergier digs thorough his back pocket and gets his small notebook and pen out, one that he usually uses for witness statements or notes in a case. He hands it over to Phantom R.

"Thanks-" Phantom R starts as he starts writing, "-one of my friends told me about an apparent Love Hotel in Paris, like one of those in Japan, completely anonymous and fully soundproof. I'll get a room there, I believe there's a door around the back that's open to the public, for more anonymity." Phantom R explains as he finishes writing and hands the notepad and pen back to Vergier.

Who grabs them and accidentally touches Phantom R when grabbing the pen, which he nearly drops due to the sensation but manages to keep a firm hold on it. He looks at Phantom R's face, for what will be one of the million times he does so today, and sees his now wide eyes, and open panting lips. Vergier swallows and focuses on his pen and paper. He puts the pen away and reads the message in Phantom R's nice handwriting, The hotel's name and address is written out, a place that Vergier is going to have to find later, and underneath that address in a string of ten numbers, written in double digits.

"What's this?" Vergier asks, looking at the string of numbers, Phantom R didn't give him...

"My phone number, how else are we going to know when each other get there or the room number. It's a burner by the way, I'll destroy it after this." Phantom R says, fairly calm, regaining some composure. Perhaps Vergier's touch aids him just as much as it destroys him.

"I'll just plug it in now." Vergier gets his phone out and decides to make sure the number is correct, no use finding out later it's been miswritten in their half clouded mind. He opens a new contact and puts in the numbers and sends a small message. Phantom R gets his phone out and gets the message.

Paul Vergier


"Good to know it's right." Vergier says as he puts his phone away, Phantom R does the same.

"Well, that's one thing going well tonight." Phantom R says as he sighs before smiling at Vergier.

Vergier has a few more things to ask, some more personal pieces of information, though valuable to what they're about to do. He wonders what the best way to start this, but his thoughts get caught off guard by the sound of boots in the hallway. Vergier puts his fingers to his lips before walking to the door, Phantom R leans on the wall by the door, completely hidden when the door is opened by Vergier.

"Ah inspector." A member of the constabulary say as he and another both walk to the door.

"Sorry sir! Phantom R seems to be gone." The other says, not knowing that Phantom R is less than 10 feet away from her.

"He is, no one else has found him, not even myself. And the painting is completely missing." Vergier says, fighting the urge to look right and see the hidden painting or Phantom R.

"Sorry sir! Well get him one day!" The second replies.

"Should we shut it down for the night inspector?" The first asks.

"There's nothing else to do, let everyone else know. Gather every one else outside for a short debriefing, I'll be out in a minute." Vergier says.

"Yes sir!" The second say as she walks away.

"Have a nice night Inspector." The first says, walking away with the other and grabs his radio.

Vergier keeps an eye on the two before closing the door, Have a good night Inspector. . Those last few words going around Vergier's head. He steps back as he sees Phantom R who stands apart from the wall and looks at Vergier.

"Well, looks like times ticking." Phantom R says, giving a nervous giggle.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Vergier asks, locking with Phantom R's visible eye.

"I can't live like this any more," Phantom R says as he puts his hand on his heart. "Even for twelve more hours, I just... can't. With Paris in danger, I can't take a blind eye. Also, you aren't as bad looking as you think you are Vergier, if that's also troubling you." Phantom R ends with a smile, not a smirk but an actual smile.

Vergier doesn't know what to say to Phantom R's last comment and just stands there looking at Phantom R.

"What about you inspector? Are you sure you want to do this?" Phantom R asks, spinning the question around.

"I wouldn't want to do this at all. But with having to, I'm fine with doing it. A saving grace is that it's someone I trust." Vergier answers, now leaving Phantom R at a lost for words.

"Do you..." Vergier starts again, "Do you know what we have to do, and how to do it?" Vergier says, his face more strict than usual. Phantom R blinks, and pauses before giving a small nodding. Vergier senses some uncertainty.

"Have you done, this before? W-with anyone?" Vergier asks, the awkward questions now making him blush, but again knowing makes it easier to move forward and prepare.

"No... It'll be my first...." Phantom R says quietly, he scratches his ruby red cheeks as he looks away. Embarrassed.

"I'm sorry for this happening." Vergier says as he sighs and massages his head.

"It's... Okay." Phantom R says.

They stand in the storage room in silence, not knowing what to say or do next. They need to go, but they don't know how to end the conversation. Vergier looks at Phantom R again, red face matching his red hair. His outfit still all over the place, with his hat barely hiding anything, and his trousers not hiding the tent still. Something they've forgotten, and Phantom R isn't hiding any more. Vergier still knows that he looks like he's been dragged through a brush, though Phantom R's compliment still goes through his mind.

"Crap Fondue!" Phantom R exclaims as he straightens himself up outside, remembering that Fondue is outside. Vergier gives Phantom R an odd look at his sudden shout.

"Sorry, gotta go Vergier, unless you want your men's ass being bit again." Phantom R says as he starts jogging to the other door neither of the men have been in today, the one leading outside that Vergier clocked on initially.

"I'll let you know when I'm on my way there Vergier." Phantom R says at the door, he look at Vergier who nods. Phantom R leaves the building.

A sigh comes from Vergier as he opens the doors and starts walking down the halls. It's going to happen, they're going to do it. A time and place have been set. They're going to do it.

Have a good night Inspector.

Vergier hopes it will be.






Phantom R

I'm nearing the hotel so give me a few minutes.

Vergier leans on the steering wheel in his car as he waits for Phantom R's next message, the previous one sent nearly ten minutes ago, he has read it a few times as it's the only physical indication that they are going through with it. As well as the plastic bag sitting next to him being the only other physical proof, having a few bits that will be useful for the night such as lube and a heat pack, Vergier had to make a pit stop before going to the hotel to pick them up, he was initially also going to get condoms but feared the newfound fame his name and face holds and what gossip magazines may say, as higher ups will use any gossip to get someone out of the job or on a break. So he had to get what he could. A nervousness comes as he looks at the bag before staring at the flickering street lamp that's on the hotel building which has a door under it, a normal looking hotel with the outside made of bricks with peeling paint and faded signs. Not the best looking building, but for their purposes it doesn't need to be, an advantage of the building is that there's no security cameras, well on the outside at least, which is definitely a good thing.

A flush of arousal courses through his veins as leans back and sighs, the arousal has stayed with him since the encounter with Phantom R and has been coming back stronger occasionally, he's not hard or half hard yet, thankfully. Over the last ten minutes he's been sitting in his car, Vergier has thought about just going back home and altering a superior about his illness, breaking off his deal with Phantom R and just suffering for two weeks. Letting Phantom R have his first be with someone he actually likes and not being forced to by a third party. As well as Vergier not having to think about sex as hasn't for years before this ordeal. Though, the way that Phantom R understood and didn't seem that distressed about the situation did calm his nerves a bit. Really, the only three things that are keeping him here is his desire to protect Paris, his arousal, and Phantom R's willingness.

Vergier's phone beeps, he grabs it within seconds, opening it to see a message from Phantom R.

Phantom R

Got a room, 304 on the third floor.

The back door's accessable by the car park, I'm unsure where though.

BTW only two other rooms have been taken tonight, one on the ground floor, and the other is on the fifth.

Vergier grabs the plastic bags and gets out of his car and locks it, he looks at the flickering light and the door that stands below it, the only door on the backside of the hotel and starts walking to it as he writes a message back to Phantom R.

Paul Vergier

On my way, I'll be a few minutes.

The phone goes back in his pocket as he arrives at the door, there's a metal sign on the left of the door which reads "Hotel back guest entrance". He puts his hand on the door knob and opens it with ease, he sees a gray room with a set of stairs, as well as a lift which he takes with open arms. He presses the button and the lift opens, he steps in and presses the 3 button, the doors closes and starts going up with an audible creak. Now he can't go back, there's only forward to go. The lift slows, and he steps out, seeing he's on the nicer side of the hotel, with an old patterned carpet and off-white walls with an strip of purple midway up. He steps forward and reads the nearest door number, 307, the room has another room on either side, he looks at the one on the right and has seen its decrease in number, 306. He walks down two more and makes it to 304.

Vergier pauses, mentally preparing himself. He has to do this, if he's not there for people in need, then who will? Phantom R won't and with how incompetent other departments are being. There is no one else to save Paris. Vergier notes this all could have gone south, and he should be thankful that it's ended out like this. He might have had to do it with one of his men, or a friend he knew better ten years ago, someone who wouldn't co-operate with Vergier or would use it as blackmail, or maybe he would of had to do something else, something different. He should be thankful it's Phantom R, someone who is understanding and trustworthy in a situation so dire. Someone he knows enough but not too much, not someone he has to look into the eye of the next day and tell them to do work, instead someone he sees once a fortnight and not even have a full conversation with. It will be understandably awkward, but they will go back to being inspector and thief and firing quips back and forth. It's only a one time thing.

Vergier knocks on the door and hears a chair squeak before he can't hear anything, until he sees the door handle move and the door opening. Phantom R's face appears on the other side, his face a ruby shade of red, he's breathing heavily as his only visible eye locks with Vergier, it's half lidded and can barely focus on Vergier's.

"Ah… You've made it." Phantom R says breathlessly as he opens the door wider as he steps back, holding the door for Vergier who takes it as he walks in behind Phantom R.

Vergier takes in the room he enters, before him is a small table with two chairs, one with a jacket hanging off. Vergier looks back at Phantom R and sees that he doesn't have his jacket on, he wonders for a second on how he missed that, a much thorough look of Phantom R makes Vergier take notice of the fact that his clothing seems a bit more unkept, his hat barely covering his other eye, his shirt untidy and his tie looser, as well as his shoes being missing. Vergier takes a scan of the room, he sees a coffee pod machine and a small basket of pods next to it, a tap with a cupboard next to it, a double bed near the window of the room, with the bed facing sideways to him, and a door which probably leads to a bathroom. He looks right next to him on his right and sees Phantom R's shoes and a drawstring bag. Vergier kicks off his own shoes and places them by Phantom R's. He then walks to the table and puts his bag down, he remembers at that point that he left his jacket and glasses in the car, but in his current state he's not surprised he didn't forget the bag.

"You feeling okay." Vergier asks, looking at Phantom R.

"Y-yes." Phantom R gets out, he looks at Vergier's eyes before his gaze drifts lower, to Vergier's lips before returning to his eyes. Vergier clocks this.

Phantom R looks at Vergier, with Vergier wondering what he himself looks like, he's not as bad as Phantom R, but he's nowhere near his usual standard. He expects himself to look a bit rough, shirt untucked and tie uneven, he wonders what his face looks like, he probably looks tired and with a feint blush on his face, he can feel his warm cheeks. Phantom R closes his eyes and touches the brim of his hat and takes the entire hat off his head. Vergier is surprised at Phantom R's sudden action, though in the back of his mind he knew it must have been done eventually. Phantom R opens his eyes again and looks at Vergier as Vergier takes in Phantom R's appearance, which isn't much of a difference, his covered eye is the same as his uncovered one, the theory of heterochromia with Phantom R can be thrown out of the window. His red hair messier with a stand or two over his usually covered eye, the red of his hair is a few shades darker than Phantom R's blush that is more noticeable without the hat.

"I trust you Vergier," Phantom R pants as he looks at Vergier, he places his hat on the table next to the bag as he looks at Vergier and continues. "A-a lot, both with how this is going to go and in general."

Vergier didn't expect Phantom R to say that, though is thankful of the thief's trust. He gives a nod.

"Phantom R, this is a unique situation we're in, and because of that I won't be using anything you do or say against you. What happens in this room stays in this room. And I hope you do the same." Vergier says as he looks at Phantom R, who nods.

This evening is a moment of weakness for the two, they are going to be intimate, and a lot will happen and show.

"Will you keep anything I say as a secret?" Phantom R asks, Vergier can see that he's contemplating telling him something.

"Unless you're going to tell me your plans to blow up the constabulary, then it'll be a secret. Promise." Vergier says, joking a bit to lighten the mood. Which works as Phantom R laughs.

"No, nothing like that, It's that..." Raphael says as he wonders the best way to say it, some words aren't appearing in his clouded mind. "... Well... call me Raphael."

Vergier eyes widen at Phantom R just telling him his name, he looks at Raphael and sees a look in his eyes, of trust and a fog of arousal that has clouded his mind. The fact that Raphael just showed Vergier both his face and name really sinks in that level of trust, a smile appears at that fact. Another reason for why Raphael told him his name is that it would be weird to moan out "Phantom R", he blushes still remembering that before the night is over him and Raphael will have sex.

Vergier looks back at Raphael's as he realises he hasn't said anything.

"Raphael." Vergier says it, he likes how it is on his tongue, and feels his skin blush. "Again, I won't use this against you or write it down." Vergier says as he clears his through, feeling more flustered as he looks at Raphael and that desperation in his eyes. Raphael nods again.

A heavy breath leaves Vergier's mouth as he looks at Raphael, ever since he came inside this room he's felt hotter and hotter, his arousal growing slowly over time and his excitement slowly overtaking the nerves. He feels more ready than he was when he first saw Phantom R this evening, as well as more confident. The desperation lingers in Raphael's eyes as well as the want, a feeling of needing of wanting something almost animalistically, a natural desire. The frantic desire has crawled into Vergier's own veins as standing next to Raphael has made him feel hotter than he was, he feels more excitement and his arousal still persisting and being his near one thought. Vergier wants to start this, to feel Raphael, a thought he wouldn't have had a day ago, a thought goes through his head of what Raphael has been feeling in the past few days as he's been affected. Not knowing what he wants, but he desires the unknown feeling still.

Vergier takes a step forward, him and Raphael aren't so far appart now, the pair's eye contact staying.

"Vergier..." Raphael says, as he's unsure what to say. "... Can we... Start?" He finishes with his face a blush.

The inspector swallows before answering.

"Yes." Vergier says, waiting for Raphael to ask first, the feeling of being wanted feels good in his polluted mind.

Vergier looks Raphael up and down before moving his hands to Raphael's hips, not wanting to wait and to start slowly. As soon as his palm hits Raphael's side, a feel of warmth and electricity hits his veins, alike being in a warm shower after a cold day, pleasurable. A squeak comes from Raphael, who jolts before calming in Vergier's hold like it's a heat pad, Vergier looks down at the top of the thief's head as said thief looks at Vergier's hands on him before looking up. Their eyes lock again, their eyes portraying a lot of their emotions and words. Raphael looks up with a face Vergier as never seen him make made before today, his body language is calmer than it has ever been in their many years of the constant chase between, his usually piercing eyes have dulled and softened. The expression that Vergier can see is so different from the usually co*cky thief, the clouded eyes and lust-filled red cheeks have been a staple of Raphael today, his open mouth and upward tilted eyebrows that can been seen whenever they stare at each other looks, it does odd on the thief, though not bad. The expression that usually sits on Vergier's face, one similar to annoyance, is gone and one of unsurety remains.

As they stare at each other, Raphael brings his arms up and on the back of Vergier's neck, his hands touching each other. That feeling goes through Vergier the most, a sharp feeling of arousal that reddens and warms his face. The want of more contact goes through Vergier's head as he pulls Raphael forward, with Raphael moving forward by himself after feeling the pull.

"Nhhh~" Raphael moans, electricity takes over his whole body, from his chest to his hips and his growing boner.

Their legs meet first, sending a welcoming heat to both participants before their torso's and chests meet and their arousal both increases, with Vergier feeling Raphael's half hard co*ck on his leg and Raphael feeling the outline of Vergier's on his lower torso. The want for more goes through the pair, almost as if their minds have connected with this electric meeting of warmth. Raphael looks up at Vergier with his mouth still open, he looks at Vergier's lips which are pursed open. A new way for contact. One that a sober Raphael wouldn't think of. He pulls Vergier's head down as he lifts himself up onto his tiptoes as he presses his lips to Vergier's. Vergier is surprised at the feeling but quickly loves it, Raphael lets go but Vergier decides to gain that feeling back.

Their lips come together again with pleads from coming from one another, Raphael opens his mouth to give out a moan which Vergier decides to cover with his own and puts his tongue in, Raphael stifles his breath before becoming more compliant and touches Vergier's tongue with his own. Vergier moans into Phantom R's mouth and goes in deeper, he puts one of his hands on the back of Raphael's head, who lets Vergier do so. Vergier's eyes have been closed for all of this, he opens his eyes only to see Raphael's blushed faced with dilated pupils, he opens his mouth and pulls himself off of Raphael with a moan, who turns his head in Vergier's hand and lets himself breath. Heavy breathing can be heard from the two stimulated men, the stimulant can be felt within their veins, almost as if it's a part of them. Vergier looks at Raphael as he slowly looks back to Vergier, it is obvious looking at him that he is the more stimulated of the two. Vergier realises that his hand is still on Raphael's head and decides to massage it, Raphael looks at Vergier as he lets out a little sound.

The hand on Raphael's head and is removed, only to be placed back on his hip with the other, Raphael looks at Vergier who turns Raphael, so that Raphael's back facing the side of the bed, Vergier goes to kiss Raphael again, but not as deep as before, he peppers Raphael's lips who does so in return. Vergier puts a leg in between Raphael's legs and Vergier's upper thigh touches Raphael's hardening co*ck, a moan comes through Raphael as he moans against Vergier's mouth, Raphael puts one of his legs behind him, with Vergier's hands steadying him, the pleasure is a lot and Raphael can feel that Vergier has a plan, Vergier gets closer again, touching him again, and Raphael keeping on moving back. Vergier has moves his kisses from Raphael's lips, he's moves to his chin and then to Raphael's neck. He kisses before sucking on a piece of skin, before moving off and seeing the growing amount of red spots on Vergier's neck. Raphael makes little whines as he can't feel the sucking but he can now feel the sensitive spots on his neck, a little voice in his head wants to see them, to look in a mirror and see what Vergier has done to him.

They keep on moving back towards the bed until Raphael's calf touches the bed, though Vergier hasn't stopped moving, with Vergier's leg sitting against Raphael's tent, Vergier quickly notes Raphael's sudden stop and Raphael's hard member on his leg, he stops moving as he keeps on making Raphael's neck red, but he now moves his leg that's on Raphael's co*ck.

"Ah-!" Raphael moans at the sudden sensation as he clings onto Vergier's back, putting his arms onto Vergier's shoulders.

Vergier's leg moves in all directions as he stimulates Raphael, he stops sucking on Raphael's neck, as he loves the sound Raphael just made, his initial fear and nervousness have all but been forgotten as soon as they kissed. He looks at Raphael and puts his arms over Raphael's shoulders, Raphael looks at Vergier's chest as he moans, Vergier moves Raphael's head so it's facing him, Raphael's face and eyes land on him as the near whisper of "Ver~" can be heard. Vergier puts his lips on Raphael's again, who moves much faster than before. Raphael's moans now go into Vergier's mouth, which fuel his stimulation. Vergier is reminded of the bed behind Raphael and takes the hand off Raphael's chin to the back of his head before moving his torso onto Raphael, who moves backwards before his legs leave the floor, and he's put on the bed. Only Raphael's top half, including his ass, is on the bed, Raphael moves his arms off of Vergier's shoulders and uses them to push himself further onto the bed with Vergier's lips returning as the other climbed onto the bed.

"Ver~ I'm... I'm nhhh~ahhh~" Raphael gives out a long moan as he leaves Vergier's lips, he isn't cumming yet, but close, he can feel the tent in his trousers and the pre-cum on his underwear.

Vergier moves up and practically sits on Raphael's legs, he looks at the moaning thief, his face fully flushed, pupils locked entirely on Vergier, his full attention on Vergier. His arms now lay on his side, not holding anything but wanting to, Raphael's chest goes up and down fast which coincide with his own breathing, and the most obvious aspect of Raphael, the tent in his black trousers. Vergier want's to touch it but decides to see if he can get Raphael to cum untouched. In his usual reasonable mind he wouldn't, but in one clouded by lust and electric stimulants it makes sense. A finger goes to the top of Raphael's tie before Vergier rips it off, throwing it with one hand whilst his other undoes the top buttons on his shirt, smaller moans come from Raphael until Vergier's palm ghosts over where his nipples are.

"AH~!" Raphael says in surprise, he puts a hand over his mouth at his mouth as he looks at Vergier for a second before looking away.

This reaction goes strait to Vergier's dick, which makes his unbuttoning go faster, as he gets to the bottom, he notices that there's something peach-coloured near Raphael's nipples, he moves both halves of the shirts to expose Raphael's naked torso. Which is mostly clean, with a scar on his right side and some red hair going under Raphael's trousers. Also, the plasters, also known as band-aids, on Raphael's nipples. Vergier's eyes are locked on these smooth peach-coloured plasters that barely cover the erect nipples, he puts a finger over one of them, which gives Raphael another spike of sensation as he moans loudly through his hand, he looks at Vergier as his eyes follows Vergier's to his covered nipples. A smirk goes across Vergier's face.

"Now what's this?" He teases as he flicks the top of the covered nipple.

"Nhh~ My shirt was rubbing up against them... and I kept getting... aroused… So-so I decided to cover them. It helped... a bit" Raphael explains as he looks at Vergier's hand as it plays around the area of his nipples, dipping in occasionally.

"Oh? I've heard about people do this when running, did it keep rubbing after we met?" Vergier asks, dipping his finger in.

"Mnnnn~ Yeah… Unnn~ Especially when we... ran into the other room Mhhh- every word kept on touching me." Raphael explains as he looks at Vergier's finger on the edge of the plaster, pulling it slightly which tugs on his nipple.

"Ahhh~" Raphael lets out at the slight touch, he holds the throw behind him, for something to hold onto, as Vergier looms over him, too far away for Raphael to latch onto his neck.

"I'm going to take them off, I wonder how pink they will be~" He ends with a smirk as he holds onto the edge again and undoes it in one go.

"AHHhhh~" Raphael eye's open wide as he moans loudly, before he looks down at his hard pink nipple before it's covered by Vergier's fingers as he touches it, another moan comes from Raphael.

A smirk now sits on Vergier's face as he pushes Raphael's nipples, he can tell this won't take long. Raphael's weak point is definitely his nipples and Vergier is definetly going to make him cum without going anywhere near his dick. Though Vergier wonders if Raphael would make him come this easily, with whatever their lust filled minds come up with. He takes off the other plaster getting a more shocked moan out, he uses both of his hands to abuse Raphael's nipples, one flicks up and down and the other one he uses to twist, he puts his mouth on Raphael's neck and collarbone as he begins sucking again, Raphael moves his head up as he moans again, his hands grip the throw as he moves his legs and shaking his hips slightly.

"Ver- I'm I'm gonna-" Raphael let out again, extremely close this time, although it is only his nipples, he knows that the drug is doing a lot of the work. Vergier hears this and pulls on one of the nipples hard, and bites into Raphael's neck before sucking.

"Ahhhhh~" Raphael near screams as he c*ms.

Vergier lifts himself off of Raphael as he looks down at him, Raphael's head lies on it's side, his cheeks bright red in lust as his head and eyes look at the wall. His chest rises and falls as he takes heavy breaths, Vergier looks down to Raphael's crotch, showing a wet spot. He sits back on Raphael's knees, he can feel how painful his own erection is, not only from the electric touches from every single touch and kiss he gives Raphael and also the sounds and moans Raphael is giving him.

"Hey, you okay?" Vergier asks, he didn't know if he was too rough on Raphael, he sees Raphael's eyes look to him as he lolls his head to face Vergier, and he gives a little nod.

"Ye... Yeah, just need to catch my breath." Raphael says as he looks at Vergier before his eyes shifts downwards, and his breath hitches. He didn't realise how hard Vergier is as he sees his tent poke through. Vergier notes what Raphael is looking at and gets off the man before sitting down next to him with his legs hanging from the bed, he doesn't want to scare Raphael or force him to think about it before he rests. This is his first time after all, they can take it slowly.

"'m usually not that sensitive, just to made things clear." Raphael jokes as he uses his arms to sit up, it takes him a second or two before he sits upright, his face is still flushed, but he's retained his sass so Vergier thinks he's doing better, well better than when they were at the Musée d'Orsay.

"Hmph." Vergier gives a little laugh at the clearly embarrassed thief, "Good to know, was wondering if you wear plasters in all heists." He says with a smile as he pokes Raphael's chest, making sure to not touch the pink nipples.

"No I don't thank you very much, more in exercise I guess I do..." Raphael pouts as he crosses his arms around his chest and goes quiet towards the end of his sentence.

Vergier snickers at the thief's honesty and Raphael slaps his shoulder playfully, Vergier jolts at the sudden touch, and it goes straight down to his painfully hard dick. Raphael jolts not realising how effective his little touch is, after his own release he can still fell the aphrodisiac, but it's affect has diminished somewhat and has become more manageable, the touch Vergier gave to his chest a second ago still sent sparks, but it wasn't as bad as when he was touching him before or even accidentally at the Musée d'Orsay.

"Ack- Sorry." Raphael apologises as he looks down at Vergier's tent, it does look painful and Raphael feels bad for adding to it. He puts his hand on his neck and rubs it, wondering what he can do, unfortunately his mind goes straight to a blowj*b. His face flushes as he keeps on staring, he saw it in videos like any teen growing up, but he doesn't know how exactly to do it, would he hurt Vergier with his teeth or would he even struggle to take him in. He gulped and looked at Vergier, he moves a bit on the bed, and it also looks painful, they can't have intercourse if Vergier can barely get off the side of the bed. Raphael lets out a sigh.

"Vergier." Raphael says, the other looks at him. "Uh, do you want me to umm... what's the best way to say this." Raphael feels somehow more embarrassed by just thinking about saying it out loud, "Do you want me to give you... a blowj*b… Like you helped me out before, y'know, 'You scratch my back I scratch yours' sort of thing." Raphael finally gets out, he blushes and still looks at Vergier.

"This is a bit more than 'You scratch my back I scratch yours'." Vergier mumbles looking at Raphael, blushing at just the imagery of Raphael below him.

"So is playing with my nipples like they're joysticks." Raphael retorts.

Vergier sits and contemplates before sighing. "Sure, Do you know what you're doing?"

"Nope." Raphael says as he pushes himself on the bed and walks in front of Vergier before getting on his knees in between Vergier legs, making sure not to touch him yet.

"Please tell me you have an idea of what you need to do." Vergier near begs, he trusts Raphael's watches videos before this, and from how he's sitting Vergier's probably right.

"I have an idea and a deep lust that's coursing though my veins, and I think that's good enough." Raphael winks, can feel himself starting to harden up again, not even half but just a bit.

Vergier sighs as he puts his hand on his belt and undoes it before pulling on one side taking it off, he throws it to the floor behind Raphael, near some of his stuff. He then unbuttons his trousers and unzips it, he stands up to push them down to his ankles so they won't get in the way, he would've thrown them off, but he doesn't want to move much and wants to carry now, same as Raphael. Leaving him in his boxers, he touches his waistband and pulls it down, making sure not to catch his co*ck. He lets it fall with his trousers. The cool breeze in the hotel room felt good to his restrained co*ck, and he puts his bare behind on the throw and looks in front of him, seeing Raphael with his eyes open. Raphael just keeps his eyes on the penis in front of him, he's a step in front of Vergier and gave him some room when he took off his trousers. Raphael has never seen a dick in real life sans his own, he's only seen them in videos, but in real life it's a bit more intimidating. Especially for someone who hasn't done it before.

"Do you need a hand with this or..." Vergier looks at Raphael, that look in his eyes isn't in disgust but more in surprise, fear, and a hint of lust.

"I'm guessing you know how it's meant to feel... A little guidance would be appreciated..." He ended off quiet, but Vergier could hear him. Nervous about his actions.

Vergier does his best not to sigh, he knows how inexperienced Raphael is, well he doesn't, but he can tell from how he's acting. He faintly remembers his first time with Emma, how unsure both of them were, but eventually they figured out how to do it. He looks down and wonders what best to start.

"You can just touch it to start, you don't have to start straight away with your mouth." Vergier says as he looks down, he knows that Raphael doesn't have to do that much to get him going.

Raphael moves his eyes from Vergier's face to his dick, Raphael puts his hands and wraps one hand around the base, Vergier reacts almost instantly as he puts a hand to cover his mouth, he's supersensitive now, not only from the stimulant but also his erection. Raphael moves to look at Vergier's face before going back to his co*ck and starts pumping. Moans come from above as Raphael keeps pumping, he brings up his other hand and starts to touch it, he touches the tip, being gently, then moving down with one finger then moving over a vein, he keeps on moving it around following an invisible track, getting more familiar with the appendage and his initial fear has mostly gone. Raphael looks up, unsure how Vergier's feeling, wanting him to feel as good as Vergier made him feel. Vergier's eyes are stuck on him and mmoan after every pump going into his hand. Raphael's doing good in his opinion.

Raphael slowly licks his lips as he decides to fulfil his promise of giving him a blowj*b, but still not going into it head first. He removes his hand dancing on the dick and the one at Vergier's base, he shuffles forward with his hands on the floor as lust and electricity comes back to him, he sticks his tongue out and gives the head a little lick.

"Aghhh..." Vergier lets out an audible half grunt, his eyes fly to the celing for a second before coming back down to Raphael, who looks up at him.

All of Raphael's focus is put back on the member in front of him as he gives it another lick, before another follows soon after, like a cat licking milk. Multiple strained moans come from Vergier, the little licks Raphael give his mind a sharp sense of clarity from the mumble of the cloud of lust, all of his focus and desire goes downward. Raphael twists his head to get in different spots, slowly making the dick wet, Raphael's mind, which was once full of worry, is now full of Vergier. Vergier feels the same, not ready to comment on the cat like licks or his posture, and just focuses on the sensations Raphael is giving him.

A breath is taken from Raphael, he's ready, he purses his lips, he knows Vergier is looking at him but doesn't look up. He puts his lips to the tip before opening his mouth as he slowly takes in the head.

"Arhg-" Vergier says from above, the encasing lips and warm mouth feel so good, better than the kisses from before, and better than the licks. He needs a second, he takes his hands and puts them to the side of Raphael's face, he pants as he looks at Raphael, he doesn't want him to move up yet, but he doesn't want him to let go. Raphael looks up with his eyes now wide, he wonders if he's hurt Vergier though he made sure not to have his teeth in the way.

" "Jus'... Give me a second Raph..." Vergier gets out panting. He holds Raphael's head softly, Raphael could definitely move out of his grip and continue, Raphael looks at Vergier and gives a little nod as he keeps on looking at Vergier to make sure he's okay.

Vergier keeps hold of Raphael's head as he focuses on his breathing, he keeps looking down at Raphael, his cheeks brushed with red, and he looks up at Vergier with patience, as well as lust that's not all that hidden underneath, Vergier's eyes move down and can see Raphael move his legs trying to create friction with his softly hardening co*ck. The aphrodisiac coming back again.

'There will need to penetration.' Vergier thinks, although in the letter that L'insecte wrote, they did say that penetration will be needed. He was wondering if the drug would be sufficient with just ejacul*ting with each other's touch, but it seems more complicated than that.

Vergier feels more in control and legs his hand remove off of Raphael's head, he blinks as he looks up at Vergier.

"You can continue." Vergier pants out.

Raphael stares at him for a second before moving his eyes down to the co*ck in his mouth as he moves forward with his hands on Vergier's legs so he has something to hold onto as he pushes it deeper into his mouth. His tongue meets with the co*ck and decides to touch it, it tastes odd, though not bad, the feeling of the co*ck is something his mouth is slowly getting used to. His tongue moves around and touches as much as he can, with the inside of his mouth also touching against the appendage. He barely hears Vergier above him moaning as he focuses on his task.

He licks all that he can as he feels the now wet appendage, he can feel another type of wetness that tastes odd, he moves himself up, his mouth going back to the head as he licks for more of the pre-cum.

"Ngh-!" Vergier grunts above him, Raphael looks up as he locks eyes with Vergier. Who doesn't move and nod as he keeps on breathing deeper.

Raphael looks down briefly before looking back at Vergier, he dips his head down to take in more of the appendage, this time doing the "blow" part of a blowj*b. As more of it goes into Raphael's mouth, he sucks this time as he stares at Vergier. The man's face contours into pleasure, feeling the pressure in his co*ck and the unintentionally sexual look Raphael is giving him when looking up with Vergier's co*ck in his mouth.

Vergier puts his hands on Raphael's shoulders, Raphael stops before Vergier can shake his head.

"You're doing good, keep going." Vergier says, knowing he's so close, and Raphael is getting him closer and closer to that point of release.

As soon as Raphael hears he's doing good, he gets back too it, he moved back up and down, sucking and licking, making sure this is as pleasurable as he hopes it can be. As pleasurable as Vergier made it for him. He quickens his pace as he keeps eye contact, Vergier's heated face and moans make him harder and gives him a drive to make it as best as he can...

"Anhhh-" Vergier says, feeling the pleasure go all throughout his body as he org*sms, before he remembers Raphael is still attached. Now getting a mouthful of cum. "Raph move." He says as he pushes Raphael's shoulders back as his widened eyes look at Vergier as he feels the salty, warm liquid going into his mouth.

At Vergier's command, Raphael opens his mouth with the liquid. The white liquid overflows out of his mouth and falls onto the floor, some of it goes down Raphael's throat. Raphael moves his eyes from Vergier's face to the dick, seeing it slowly soften after release, his eyes then go to the floor at the spilt cum. He closes his mouth, trying to not make as much of a mess, but the odd taste of the liquid makes him want to spit it all out, but his mind goes back to the videos and how easy people made it to swallow.

"Shi- Damn Raph sorry, I should've told you earlier." Vergier says, looking down at Raphael with a face full of regret. He continues, "You don't have to swallow it, don't worry. Just go to the sink and get yourself a drink of water." Vergier continues with his hands still on his shoulders, not holding on tight but more as support.

Raphael's full cheeks are obvious to Vergier, Raphael looks back at Vergier and decides that he wants to try and swallow it. He feels like it would ruin the better than average atmosphere that they have. He takes a few seconds before swallowing it like medicine.

"Guh-" Raphael says as the odd taste of cum goes down his throat.

"You really didn't need to swallow it." Vergier says, as for the moment, lust has exited his body, feeling some clarity back that he misses from yesterday.

"I didn't expect it to taste like that." Raphael says as he moves his hand to clean up around his mouth where he can feel some wet bits.

"What did you expect it to taste like?" Vergier asks generally as Raphael moves off his knees and stands up, bending his knees a bit from lack of movement.

"I don't know, just not bitter." Raphael says, biting his tongue, "I'm just going to get a drink." He also says as he moves to the kitchen as he grabs a glass and runs the water. He drinks the entirety of the glass.

"Hm... Apparently, how your sperm tastes depends on what you eat." Vergier states as he looks at Raphael, coming back with a new glass of water he puts on the bedside table and a kitchen towel on his arm which he uses to clean up the floor where the sem*n was spilt. Good to clean it up now so Vergier doesn't step in it, as well as helping out the cleaners a bit.

"Well, good to know, I guess. But it won't ever taste anything remotely nice." Raphael says he cleans underneath Vergier who uses his hand to hid his penis for now, as they're apparently having some breaks between activities.

The liquid gets cleaned up fast and Raphael throws the kitchen towel on the table in the small kitchen area, he returns to the bed and sits down next to Vergier, and immediately notices his tent and puts a hand over it.

Awkwardness comes back between the two as Raphael is feeling horny again and Vergier has just came and needs some downtime.

"Damn." Vergier says out of nowhere, making Raphael look at him.

"You okay?" Raphael asks, his hand hiding his own boner connected, and he jolts at the unexpected pleasure.

"I was hoping that just cumming whilst touching the other person would work. But no." Vergier says, feeling aroused again with his head in his hand. Raphael gives an awkward laugh.

"That would be the dream, wouldn't it? Being able to get home before..." Raphael looks at the clock on the stand and reads the time, "... One in the morning. But no."

"It's midnight?" Vergier asks, realising how late it is.

"Well, quarter past, but yeah." Raphael answers.

A groan comes from Vergier as he moves the hand in front of his co*ck slightly and Raphael sees it again, and it makes him even more excited. But no sparks are present, he moves his head to the right, not looking at Vergier but he wall. Raphael moves his legs together slightly as if trying to get comfortable, the bare pressure enjoyable a small spark comes from his mouth, which he quickly covers up with one of his hands. Raphael can feel Vergier looking at him, and the eyes stay on him. He wants to look back and try to confront Vergier, but they only just ended, and he knows Vergier needs some respite. A few seconds of silence can be felt between the two before Raphael can feel a hand on his own that's above his tent and moves Raphael's hands onto his clothed erection.

"Mnnn~" Raphael moans, snapping his head back to Vergier who's looking at him.

"You ready to carry on?" Vergier asks, moving his hand on Raphael's fuelling his excitement.

"Are.... Are you Sure...?" Raphael says breathlessly, he wants to make sure. He wants to carry on, have his release, have his pleasure. But he's sure that Vergier must be tired.

"I'm sure, I just want to make sure you are." Vergier explains, after hearing Raphael moan, the arousal came back. He initially looked at Raphael after his short little moan, and seeing his tent but not his face got him horny again. Ready to have their last stand, ready to finish, have a nap, and go back to their usual life.

"I'm... ready." Raphael says, looking at Vergier. Vergier smiles and palms Raphael with Raphael's own hand. Making him moan again whilst he looks at Vergier.

The hand on top of Raphael's hand moves to his waist, and the other one that was covering his dick, also moves to Raphael's waist. Vergier stands up and moves Raphael up as well, Raphael's hands move to Vergier's sides, unsure what to do. Vergier's eyes move to Raphael's still undone shirt and parts of the skin he can see, unfortunately not his nipples or the large amount of hickeys Raphael now wears.

"Let's take that off." Vergier says, obviously referring to his shirt, and Raphael catches on.

Raphael moves his arm out of one of his sleeves and Vergier helps him get his other arm out and throws the shirt on the floor and sees what he wants. The many red hickeys from his neck and around his nipples, Raphael's nipples are still pink and perky, the red hair running down, and the small scar. Though he feels some pressure on his shoulders, he looks up and sees that Raphael has put his arm on Vergier's shoulders and looks at him dreamily and a face covered with flush. Vergier smiles and puts his hands on Raphael's hips, making Raphael draw in a breath, Vergier's eyes look at Raphael and Raphael looks back, he can feel Raphael move his arms so that Vergier's head moves closer to him, and Vergier doesn't stop him.

Lust has overtaken the two and neither draw away from it, Vergier and Raphael kiss again, Raphael closes his eyes and opens his mouth for Vergier who enters. Vergier keeps his eyes open and just stares at Raphael's face, almost angelic if it wasn't for Vergier moving his tongue around Raphael's mouth, capturing his moan and tasting all of it. Vergier's hands roam around Raphael's torso, initially massaging his hips before one of his hand goes over Raphael's scar as he traces the line back and forth for Raphael to open his mouth to moan and Vergier captures his mouth again and keeps on roaming Raphael's mouth. His hands roam Raphael's body again, moving upwards until they reach Raphael's chest and nipples, he passes a thumb over one nipple and Raphael breaks the kiss.

"Ver~" Raphael gasps for air as he moans, he opens his eyes at Vergier who looks down at him.

Vergier stops messing with Raphael's abused nipples and moves his hands down to Raphael's hips, ready to continue and disrobe he puts a hand on Raphael's belt buckle with his fingers touching the top of his tent.

"Are you..." Raphael starts his question and Vergier stops so he can answer, "Are you... going to get as naked... as I'm going to get?" He finishes asking, nervousness in his voice.

"I will." Vergier says, moving his hands up to Raphael's hips and massaging them. "Do you want to help?" He asks with a smile.

A nod comes from Raphael as he moves his hand from Vergier's shoulders and undoes the tie with one hand, bringing it down before throwing it somewhere, he doesn't know if it's with some other scattered clothes or just entirely somewhere else, the room doesn't matter to Raphael any more sans the bed behind him. Raphael's skilled hands quickly undoes Vergier's buttons until peaks of hair can be seen, as soon as Raphael is finished, Vergier takes both sides of the undone top and moves it off his arms and throws it behind himself. Vergier then remembers his boxers and trousers around his ankles and quickly removes one leg from the clothing before kicking the rest of in a direction before he puts his focus back on Raphael.

"Huh, maybe I expected you to be a bit more muscular." Raphael says, looking interested down at Vergier's torso, his hands moving in the air above Vergier's stomach. Vergier is pencil thin with barely any muscles but without any fat, he's covered in hair, which is to be expected with a man of Vergier's age.

"Well, using guns and a car doesn't give anyone muscles, last time I checked." Vergier answers, now noticing that Raphael is somewhat muscular, more than him. He has some muscles in his arms and a strong core, with faint abs, Vergier is impressed, but clearly shows that Raphael does do exercises like he mentioned before.

"You expect me to be caught by a man without any developed muscles?" Raphael says with a grin as he moves his eyes looking up at Vergier who is looking at him.

Vergier smiles and places his hands on Raphael's chin, with his thumb going over Raphael's bottom lip.

"I can catch you this way." Vergier says as he moves down and kisses Raphael again.

It starts with just their lips before Vergier opens his lips with Raphael doing the same, Vergier puts his tongue in with Raphael touching with his own tongue. Vergier keeps Raphael right where he wants him with his hand on Raphael's chin, with his other hand on Raphael's hip, with Vergier touching Raphael's trousers that are still there. They may have gotten a bit carried away, hadn't they? Vergier feels Raphael's hand on his back in a hug, and pushes them towards each other, Vergier had worried that Raphael would be scared about touching him when naked, but he's glad it isn't the case. Vergier goes as deep as he can as he moves his tongue all around Raphael's, moving it like it's putty, on it, under it, twirling them around with Raphael joining in a bit here and there.

Vergier decides to break away this time as he breathes heavily at the saliva connecting them for a moment before it breaks. Raphael looks at him with an almost clouded gaze, his face full of flush up to his ears and panting. Vergier can tell that Raphael will cum before Vergier can even get an inch in Raphael, either from further foreplay or just preparation, and this realisation puts a smirk on his face.

"Let's take this off Raph." Vergier says with Raphael looking down at his trousers, forgetting that he had them still on. Vergier continues, "I'll let you sort them out."

Vergier is trying to keep in mind that Raphael hasn't done any of this before today, so they're going to have to take some time here and there, and Vergier decided that letting Raphael take off his own clothes should help a bit, maybe in confidence or with courage, either or. Raphael takes his arms back and Vergier gives Raphael some space to sort himself out. The belt goes easily enough, with Raphael throwing it to the side, before he then undoes his trouser buttons and, with a little bit of hesitation, moves them down, revealing Raphael's black boxers and still present tent. They're thrown soon, leaving Raphael in just his boxers, he seems hesitant, and a bit embarrassed from what Vergier can tell, he doesn't know where to look and just settles on just looking at his body in general, hoping to make the situation less embarrassing for Raphael.

After a few seconds of silence and staring, noticing Raphael's calf muscles being well-defined but with less body hair than he is expecting from a young man, Raphael takes off his shorts and throws them away. Vergier looks right back to Raphael's face who looks positively embarrassed, catching Raphael's eyes, who looks away.

"You... can look..." Raphael says quietly, noticing that Vergier isn't looking at his co*ck, and allows him to. Vergier wonders where the confident and easygoing thief had gone in such a short about of time, but being naked in front of an inspector you've only had chase you and it literally being Raphael's first time, there will be some nervousness, even from under the building aphrodisiac.

Vergier moves his eyes lower and notices that his co*ck isn't embarrassing, of an average size, and there isn't anything else to be embarrassed about. Vergier looks back to Raphael's face, he looks nervous and almost scared, Vergier wonders if they've gone too fast through all of this, and especially Raphael's, it has to be done. Vergier decides to stop with touching for a second, as Raphael is uncomfortable, which isn't good for anything and would just scare Raphael away from sex and anything sexual if Vergier just bends him over and does it there and then.

A deep breath is taken by Vergier as he steps forward as he puts a hand on Raphael's shoulder, who jolts and looks up at Vergier with nervousness laced in his eyes. Vergier swallows as he has to try and calm down Raphael, even though he has enough issues calming down his own child.

"Are you nervous?" Vergier asks bluntly, he realises a second later he should have had some delicacy to it.

Raphael opens his mouth before closing it, and nodding, seemingly not trusting his own mouth.

"I'm guessing it's about penetration." Vergier states as Raphael moves his eyes away from Vergier.

"Yeah..." Raphael says as he nods, he continues, "I... I just... don't know... I... guess I'm just scared, I heard that it hurts the first time so... It's been nice so far- don't get me wrong- but I just..." Raphael says through his rambles.

Vergier hums as he hears Raphael's thoughts, a breathy moan comes out as Raphael talks, still excited. Though that cloud of lust can't completly cover the nervousness, showing a scared thief who's not had his first time. Vergier couldn't even think to put himself in Raphael's shoes, being full of lust for days on end and being told that you have to have sex with a police inspector, or you'll get sick.

"Do you have any questions about what we're... about to do?" Vergier asks, thinking that answering a question or two about penetration may make Raphael much more comfortable. Raphael looks up at him in thought, taking in Vergier's question before thinking.

"Do you have... stuff... to make it better?" Raphael asks, he knows in his mind that Vergier isn't going to hurt him, if him taking a second out of this to reassure Raphael about everything as well helping him with earlier with the blowj*b. If that doesn't show that Vergier isn't being careful with him, then Raphael doesn't know what else to say.

"I have lube, It'll make it easier, it's in that bag that I brought." Vergier explains.

"Okay." Raphael says with a little more confidence back, he breathes in and out before continuing, "Would it be okay if I could... watch what happens, like I face you whilst it happens?" He asks, licking his lips as he looks to Vergier with a bit of a blush now back in his checks, the pleasure has overtaken the anxiety a bit.

"Yes, that will be fine, I'll make sure to be slow and as enjoyable as I can." Vergier says whilst maintaining his hold on Raphael's shoulder, and gives it a little squeeze with a small smile on his lips. Raphael is taking this all well, and Vergier wants to let Raphael know that he will be fine, and he can ask questions. This is about making him safe and have an enjoyable first time.

A soft smile comes to Raphael's lips, he moves his arms and puts them over Vergier's shoulder as he puts his head on Vergier's chest and gives a hum.

"Thank you." Raphael says with sincerity. "For… All of this, I don't think I would have gotten this far with anyone else."

Vergier looks at Raphael at this little moment of fluff they've had in this night of bad news and sex, a smile comes to his lips, and he uses his hand to ruffle Raphael's hair. They stay like that as Vergier can feel Raphael just breathing calmly, in anticipation, though with more knowledge about the situation and trust in Vergier. Eventually, Raphael unhooks his arms and pulls himself away from Vergier and looks at him with a smile, not the cheeky one he usually wears or even earlier today, but a confident smile.

"Are You ready?"


"Right," Vergier says, "I'm going to go get the lube, I want you to lie down on the bed, with your head on a pillow and with another put to the side. We'll need it in a sec. Any questions?"

"No, I got it." Raphael says as he looks at Vergier, who looks back and nods.

Vergier's gaze leaves first, and he moves to the bag on the table, he gets to it and starts looking through it. He hears glass moving and wonders what Raphael is doing, before he remembers the water Raphael got earlier, after the blowj*b. A few seconds later, the glass is put down, and bed springs can be heard as Raphael gets on the bed. Vergier can feel the plastic casing of the lube against his fingers, as he was too focused before on what Raphael was doing before. He takes his hand out of the bag and looks back to the bed where he can see Raphael, lying like he asked him to, side pillow included, he looks up with his arms on his chest. As Vergier walks back he steps on something soft and looks down seeing Raphael's top, he looks around and really sees how scattered their clothes are. But that's a job for morning Vergier and Raphael.

He returns to the bed and Raphael moves his legs so they're making a triangle from the side profile, his eyes follows Vergier as he walks around the bed. Raphael looks relaxed though flushed, with his cheeks the same colour as his hair. His anxieties have diminished, not gone but under control. The stimulant must have come back stronger, as it has for Vergier. Vergier gets on the bed and sits in front of Raphael, they make eye contact again as they just look at each other, with Raphael being quiet, though his half hard co*ck showing his arousal as well as the lust-filled looks he's giving Vergier with his lips parted. Raphael looks at Vergier, his blushed cheeks and want still in his eyes, as well as an eagerness to carry on, if his anxieties are playing on him then Raphael can't tell.

Vergier's hands move and Raphael's eyes follow as he grabs the pillow that Raphael set aside. "I'm going to put this under you, can you lift your butt?" Vergier says, looking at Raphael, who nods and does so. The pillow is put under with ease, and Vergier goes back to sitting in front of Raphael.

"Are you ready, Raphael?" Vergier says, his nerves play on him as he wishes the stimulant is doing a bit more like it is for Raphael.

"Yes." Raphael says as he keeps his eyes on Vergier, who nods back.

A breath is let out Vergier as he puts his hands on Raphael's ankles, and straight away the pleasure comes back instantly from the otherwise innocent gesture, the pressure driving a small jolt from Vergier and a quiet moan from Raphael. Raphael's ankles are pushed out a bit more so Vergier has a bit more room, as well as showing Vergier more of Raphael's butt and enterance. Vergier puts his pointer finger right on Raphael's hole, and a stifled moan comes out in response. The finger starts on the entrance before circling it and occasionally going to the middle, not yet going in as he hears Raphael let out little sounds here and there from his desire, especially seeing that his desire has been building from three days of want with no prize, as well as cumming earlier from Vergier and the from the teasing Vergier did before their short heart-to-heart.

Now satisfied with getting used to Raphael's hole and small moans, his nerves are pushed to the back as his dick and pleasure take control of Vergier's mind. He grabs the lube from next to him and squeezes the bottle until his pointer finger is covered and uses his other hand to make sure every inch is covered. He lifts his gaze to meets Raphael's as they can almost have a conversation with their eyes along, Raphael gets a bit more comfortable before opening his legs wider so Vergier can get in closer, he does while still giving himself room for his hand. Vergier moves his eyes to Raphael's hole and puts his pointer finger back there, with Raphael gives a little shocked sound.

"Probably should've mentioned it's cold." Vergier says as he looks back up to Raphael, who looks more awake than before, as he stares at Vergier with a face painted red and eyes wide and pined on him.

"Yeah probably." Raphael bites when pouting, Vergier gives a little huff at seeing Raphael back to how he was before.

"Let me know if you want me to stop, it can feel a bit... weird." Vergier says as he looks back to Raphael, who nods.

"I trust you."

Vergier focuses back on his finger and Raphael's entrance as he pushes through the ring of muscles slowly as he feels Raphael jolt briefly, he gives a quick look before seeing Raphael with his hand covering his mouth and gives a nod which Vergier takes and pushes in further. When getting to his second knuckle, he stops as he hears Raphael moan loudly and abruptly.

"Ahhhh~" Raphael moans through his hand, which doesn't dampen the sound at all, he soon realises how loud he was and tries to cover his mouth. "Uh," He says quieter, unsure what to say.

"Well, that isn't too hard to find." Vergier says with a smile, as he pushes in further, sliding his finger in deeper as he keeps on touching on Raphael's prostate.

He finally gets to the base of his finger, and he looks to Raphael, who is now keeping his voice more under control. Vergier stays there for a second, glad that the stimulant is doing Raphael a favour to not make this more awkward or uncomfortable.

"'M not usually that sensitive." Raphael says again, a bit breathy, as he looks at Vergier with his cheeks and nose still cherry red.

"I believe you," Vergier says a bit jokingly, before looking down and seeing Raphael's nipples again and gaining a smirk.

The finger almost leaves Raphael's hole with the tip still in before he pushes it back in, only feint little sounds come from Raphael as he uses his hand to cover some noises, Vergier sits up as he gazes at the pink nipples again, he lowers his other hand down and starts flicking it, a sharp moan breaks through Raphael's throat as both of Vergier's hands touch him. Raphael looks up at the ceiling, with the aphrodisiac already making him more sensitive and closer to burst as well as being riled up previously, he's close. He's very close. For Raphael, the sensation he feels the most is whenever Vergier rides over his prostate as it travels and shocks each part of his spine until it adds more and more to the pleasure that's nearly overflowing.

Though as he's so, so close, he feels Vergier leave him entirely and not come back in as well as his finger's leave his nipple. Raphael looks down at Vergier who's doing something with his hands, he sees him spread more stuff now on two fingers, more going over his prostate that'll drive him more wild. A small moan comes out at just that thought.

"I'm going to enter another finger." Vergier explains as he moves to sit down, and Raphael can see Vergier's dick again and at his current level. He just wants Vergier in him at this point, a fog of lust has overtaken the more rational thoughts he has.

"'n please~" Raphael pleases as he stripes his eyes off Vergier's dick and to his face, he moves his legs out wider hoping Vergier can understand Raphael's thoughts.

"Hm? Well, we need to stretch you more." Vergier pants with a grin, understanding what Raphael is getting at but understands that Raphael will be in pain if they just go for it. Though, with the drug returning a bit and his own dick telling him to put it in, he hopes he can stretch Raphael out enough.

Vergier's fingers enter, going in somewhat slowly, not the same speed as the first time but not where they ended with just one. Raphael moans as he feels the two at his pleasure point as he is reminded by how hard he is and how he wants to cum with Vergier in him. Now. Vergier's fingers get faster and faster with each thrust as his other hand goes back to Raphael's chest, ghosting up before pinching a nipple and pulling it, which makes another loud moan leave his mouth.

"I'm gon- Ah~ I'm gonna cum" Raphael pants between a moan as he scrunches up some of the bedding in his hand.

Raphael looks at Vergier as he looks back, Vergier gives Raphael a nod as he deems words are useless in this exchange as he keeps on looking at Raphael and keeps flicking though puts more focus on Raphael's prostate, stopping his fingers over it as Raphael gives a moan when he glides past it, and he stops in only to press down on his prostate, Raphael takes a big gasp of air as Vergier continues on touching and prodding it as Raphael moves his hand from is mouth to grip the bedsheets as Vergier does this. In conjecture with the nipple stimulation, Raphael can feel the tap nearly leak, and it's only with one more tap that makes Raphael loose it.

"Ahhhh~" Raphael moans as he c*ms, most going in the air before coming back down on his torso, stomach and chest.

As Raphael feels the org*sm slowly leave, he can feel Vergier's fingers still in him, and they still feel so good to him, he tilts his head to the right as he catches his breath as the only thing he can feel is Vergier's two fingers way too close to his prostate.

"Are you feeling okay?" Vergier asks, panting as he removes his fingers, and hears Raphael whine as he also removes his hand from Raphael's chest. "Do you want to stop?"

"...no..." Raphael gets out as he pants, his eyes go back to Vergier, "Please... continue... It feels good." Raphael says as he looks straight at Vergier, his legs still apart. He looks down and at Vergier's dick in particular, licking his lips.

With the org*sm, Raphael lost some of the pleasure that came with the drug, though now he still feels good and still wants Vergier in him. A less lust filled Raphael would probably never think about that, but with the night they've had so far, as well as how much Vergier has been calm with this, Raphael has been enjoying this, aphrodisiac aside. But that thought and feelings are meant for a less horny Raphael.

Vergier quirks a brow at how ready Raphael is, especially at how they had stopped before, though he is diffidently thinking with his dick and not his head. His breathing is laboured and loud in his ears as he stares at Raphael, the lick on his lips made Vergier's mouth feel dry, wanting Raphael's lips, his legs spread a bit further, he just wants to get in there, to feel Raphael's insides squeezing him and him sending Raphael to the moon.

"Just one more finger." Vergier says, as he adds more lube.

Raphael nods as he looks lazily at Vergier, his hands aren't covering his mouth this time, instead gripping the bedsheets. Three fingers go to Raphael's entrance and slide in, Raphael moans and Vergier can feel the tightness. Vergier's will to make sure he doesn't hurt Raphael is fading as he can hear Raphael moan so clearly, with those little moans and hums go straight to his dick. He looks at Raphael's face, making sure he is enjoying it. He is, his mouth is open with a never ending stream of moans coming out, he looks to Vergier's dick and licks his lips again, Vergier looks at that sheen that's on his lips that match perfectly with the look of desire on his face. Now Vergier can't stop his own desire, he leans forward between Raphael's legs with his unoccupied hand near Raphael's stomach as he keeps the other pushing in and out and moving around as much as he can. Raphael sits up a bit, and they meet midway, Vergier enters Raphael's mouth, exploring his mouth as he is with his ass, he can feel Raphael against his tongue as they go against each other, Raphael's curling around Vergier's before the latter moves his fingers and dance over Raphael's prostate making him open his mouth to moan and let Vergier go. Who moves up and looks down at Raphael, who keeps eyeing Vergier though his laboured meaning pants and is stretched out enough from what he can tell.

"You're ready." Vergier says as he moves back to grab the lube, which is already squirted on his hand and being massaged onto his dick. He breathes as he feels his own touch, which is different to the electric touch he feels when he touches, kisses and fingers Raphael.

"Please Ver~" Raphael almost begs as he looks at Vergier getting himself ready, he feels his body move on its on as he looks at Vergier.

Silently, Vergier moves himself to Raphael's ass and alights his hard co*ck to Raphael's readied entrance, he puts one hand on Raphael's hip and the other on the bedsheet, Raphael can feel Vergier and can feel that it's bigger than his fingers, that feeling almost makes him moan, he instead grabs onto the sheets and feels it ball under his hand. Vergier looks at Raphael's face, ready to ask if he's ready, but just looking at his eyes can tell him he's ready, open and focused on Vergier's lower half, he swallows and just keeps looking. A smirk comes to Vergier's face as he looks down and focuses on Raphael's ass.

Vergier pushes himself and can feel himself enter Raphael, and can feel how tight and warm it is.

"Nhhh-" Vergier moans as he enters in more and feels tightness surround his dick.

"Mhhh~" Raphael moans at having Vergier's dick now in him as he tightens his grip on the throw.

They come together more and more as Vergier slowly goes it, making sure not to be too rough, well for the moment. He feels his hips bump into Raphael's ass as he realises he's fully in, completely warm and surrounded by Raphael's electric touch of his insides. He slowly exits leaving a bit in before pushing in again, but this time a bit faster, as Vergier pulls out for a third time, he realises he hasn't touched Raphael's prostate, he would be hearing Raphael scream if he did. Vergier alights himself a bit differently, trying to remember where he found it the first time and pushing in faster than last time.

"AAHhhhhh~" Raphael moans as he feels his toes curl up, and he grips the sheets harder.

'Bullseye.' Vergier thinks with a smirk.

He pulls out and slams in faster, and faster and faster, both moaning like there's no tomorrow.

"Ahhh~" "mhhh-! "Nhhh~" "Aghh~" They moan together. Forgetting who they are in reality.

"Nmmm~ dee...Mmmmmn~ deeper." Raphael barely gets out between moans as he looks at Vergier who's coming down fast.

Vergier gets himself fully in before stopping, he looks at Raphael and exchange a look, before wordlessly taking one of Raphael's legs and putting it on his shoulder, then grabbing the other and doing the same. Raphael's ass is now the only part of his lower body on the bed, Vergier grabs Raphael's legs as he exits before using just his hips to slam in again. He feels himself in deeper and nearly stops at the pleasure, more room as well as a better way to do it. As well as a better view. Raphael's eyes have darted upwards to the headboard, with his eyelids fluttering as he lets his body feel it. Vergier pumps himself in from this angle and hears more of his own moans as well as Raphael's.

Vergier focuses on hitting his target and how good Raphael feels surrounding his co*ck, every little bump going in feeds his near org*sm. Raphael feels the same, Vergier's abuse of his prostate and him fitting in almost perfectly feels like heaven as he feels himself getting closer and closer. Both forgetting the reason they're doing this and now focusing on how good it feels, aphrodisiac or not, and chasing the high they're feeding off each other.

A feeling of a last want arrives on Vergier's lips, as he feels his dry mouth, he looks at Raphael's who's lips are still wet. Vergier licks his lips as he looks at Raphael, he sees Raphael do the same and takes that as an invitation, he stops his hip movements and bends down, for a second he wonders about hurting Raphael, but Raphael's open arms tell him of his welcomed presence. A sound alike to a purr escapes Raphael's mouth before it opens and they connect again. They have a brief, short kiss before Vergier bites Raphael's bottom lip and tugs it slightly, letting Raphael's mouth open and Vergier diving in. They go in as deep as possible, touching each as much as they can, Vergier licking all of Raphael's mouth as he starts pounding again. Going even deeper than before.

" I-I'm gonna" Raphael says breaking the kiss as he looks at Vergier who nods, not trusting his words.

They kiss again, with Raphael's arms on Vergier's shoulders bringing him down, this time the kisses are lot more fast and shallow. More pecks than anything. Vergier moves his head down and starts again on Raphael's neck. He wants to paint it, to wake up and remember, he liked this. He bites and sucks as he feels Raphael's legs react to him as well as Raphael's voice, which fuels his own, very near, org*sm. He's going to cum. Soon.

"Raph I'm-" Vergier says into Raphael's neck as he focuses on slamming into the younger. Who tightens his grip with his arms and nods.

"Ver~ Verrrr~ I'm- In a-" Raphael stutters out, losing his mind at his third org*sm arriving.

"AHHhhhhhh!" Raphael moans loudly as he comes, tightening up everywhere, which includes surrounding Vergier. Which is what makes Vergier finally cum.

"Agggghhhh~!" Vergier moans nearly as loud as he finally has his org*sm.

Tiredness is the first thing that hits the pair. Raphael lets go of his grip and Vergier moves upwards, he puts Raphael's legs down as his eyes flutter. Vergier takes himself out, which gets a mutter from Raphael. Vergier pants as he looks, Raphael's legs lay limply as his chess moves up and down, his own cum covering his chest. Vergier gives a little smile, before realising that the tiredness they're experiencing isn't normal and most likely due to the drug leaving their system, or something else related to it. He nearly falls asleep sitting up. They need to get to bed, everything else is for tomorrow Raphael and Vergier, who should hopefully be stimulant free.

Vergier pulls the pillow from under Raphael and throws it on the floor, covered in lube and sweat, thankfully Raphael used one of the decorative pillows. Vergier crawls to the top of the bed and grabs both the throw and duvet and pulls it from the protective sheet. He opens it full for himself before realising that Raphael hasn't moved, still breathing as his chest moves with his arms over his eyes.

"Raph?" Vergier pants, wondering if Raphael is awake, asleep, or passed out, which is apparently common during someone's first time.

"nn?" Raphael says, clearly one second away from sleeping.

"Get under the covers, or you'll get a cold." Vergier says as he gets himself under but leaves a bit open for Raphael to slip under.

Raphael moves his head so it faces Vergier and lets his arms fall off of him. He looks at Vergier with a desire of sleep on his face, he looks at Vergier then at the open bit of blanket. He crawls to where the opening is and moves more so he can get it, he gets himself under the cover and on his side facing Vergier. Raphael looks at Vergier as sleep slowly starts taking him.

"Thank... you...Ver..." Raphael mutters before his eyes close and he falls asleep.

Vergier blinks, not understanding which part of tonight Raphael was thanking him for. He delicates it for another job for day Vergier. He lands his head on the pillow and faces his body to the ceiling. After a few blinks, he fells sleep slowly take him. Though, he wants to get one thing out before he falls asleep.

"G'night... Raph." He mutters as he finally falls asleep.






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Author: Arielle Torp

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Author information

Name: Arielle Torp

Birthday: 1997-09-20

Address: 87313 Erdman Vista, North Dustinborough, WA 37563

Phone: +97216742823598

Job: Central Technology Officer

Hobby: Taekwondo, Macrame, Foreign language learning, Kite flying, Cooking, Skiing, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.