After the Mourning Beauty Married a Disabled Villain/丧系美人替嫁给残疾反派后[穿书] - Chapter 3 - madawac13 (2024)

Chapter Text

Chapter 36-40

Chapter 36
Shen Jiali was also sizing up this uninvited guest.
The woman smiled, adjusted the mirror, and asked softly: “I’m sorry to disturb your conversation. Is this a place where graduates take pictures?” The
moment the voice came out, Shen Jiali was stunned.
Although the other party was deliberately hiding his identity, he would never forget this voice.
It’s just that this thing is not only weird, but also unbelievable. He doesn’t think it is what he thinks.
It must have been too hot, and my head started to feel dizzy and I was hallucinating.
“Excuse me…” The woman narrowed her eyes and looked at Shen Jiali’s face carefully, “Are you Shen Jiali?”
Shen Jiali nodded blankly.
The woman said, “That’s right.” Then she pulled down one side of the mask and hung it on the ear: “Do you recognize me?”
After briefly taking off the mask, she seemed to be afraid of attracting onlookers, so she immediately put it back on.
This time, Shen Jiali was completely stunned.
Taking off the mask briefly was like a flash in the pan, but the face that passed by was like thunder, splitting the dust in my heart that had been sealed for a long time.
“Oh my God.” The adoptive mother on the side widened her eyes in shock, “Bai…”
Before she could finish her words, the woman raised her hand to make a “silence” gesture and shook her head.
“Oh my god, why are you here? Did you also receive an invitation from the school?” the adoptive mother continued to ask.
The woman chuckled lightly. Although her face could not be seen clearly, there seemed to be a very subtle sarcasm in her laughter: “Isn’t the matter between Principal Yu and me well known to everyone? How could I come here to ask for trouble? Of course, because, There are people I have to meet, so I came here alone.”
The woman looked at Shen Gali in the complicated eyes of her adoptive mother, and stretched out her hand: “Classmate Gali, I wish you a successful graduation.”
Shen Gali, Petrochemical.jpg
has been looking up at Rome for a long time. Finally, I suddenly woke up and no longer had any extravagant hopes for the unreachable dream. At this time, the broad road leading to Rome suddenly appeared in front of my eyes, extending to the distant horizon.
Bai Wei appeared just like this, quietly and without any warning.
At that moment, he had a strong desire to go forward and hug her, but Shen Jiali knew that he couldn’t.
No matter how much the other person looks like, it can’t be his deceased mother, so he probably doesn’t have the qualifications.
But he still wiped his hands carefully on his clothes. He was a little nervous, his fingers were trembling, and he gently held the hand stretched out to him.
Warm, exactly like mother’s hands.
The only difference is that Bai Wei is a celebrity and has soft and delicate hands. In order to raise him, his mother went to an institution to teach children violin during the day, and when she came back at night, she would make some beautiful flower arrangements, and then ride the bicycle in an era when delivery was underdeveloped. The bicycle traveled through the streets and alleys to deliver the bouquets to the guests, so the palms of her hands had a slightly rough feeling polished by wind and frost.
The root of my nose felt sore, and an indescribable emotion surged in my heart.
“Ah, Ms. Bai, do you have time in a moment? Your endorsem*nt deal with our company has expired, and I haven’t been able to find a time to talk to you about the follow-up situation.” The adoptive mother put on a decent smile, which was completely different from the scolding attitude of the shrew just now. .
Bai Wei still maintained a good and humble smile: “Sorry, I came here today just to meet this child. You can contact my agent for work matters, so that’s it?” The adoptive mother’s face froze, and she smiled a little awkwardly
: “Do you know each other? I didn’t know anything about it before.”
Bai Wei still smiled: “I can only say that no coincidence can make a book, so, that’s it?”
She emphasized again, “That’s it.” The subtext was to tell the adoptive mother to ‘know each other.’ Stay where you can to cool down.”
The adoptive mother’s face turned pale and the corner of her mouth twitched: “I’m sorry for disturbing you.”
Before the company encountered a crisis, she had the honor to hire Bai Wei as a product spokesperson and signed a two-year contract. After the contract expired, she was very happy to renew it. However, Bai Wei said that she had accepted endorsem*nts for other products of the same type and declined her request.
Now the company is not as good as before, and it needs popular figures like Bai Wei to help attract traffic. She came to the door three times but was politely turned away every time.
And everyone knows that Bai Wei and Yu Yanxiang had an ugly divorce. It is said that when they gave birth to their first child, Yu Yanxiang received temporary instructions from his superiors to go to other provinces for a meeting, and Yu Yanxiang’s family disliked Bai Wei for being a Actors who appear in the public eye are not worthy of a scholarly family like theirs, and they are not willing to take care of the mother. As a result, Bai Wei only had a nanny by her side on the day she gave birth. The fetus was in an abnormal position and hemorrhage, and she was in a coma for a long time after the birth. It was at this time that she gave birth to her first child. Because of poor supervision at the hospital, she was secretly taken away by a nurse who colluded with human traffickers.
At that time, there was already a rift in the couple’s hearts.
When she gave birth to her second child, Yu Yanxiang was with her at least, but her second child had a congenital disease. As a principal, Yu Yanxiang was busy with official duties and was often away from home. Bai Wei stopped all work to concentrate on treating the child. But in the end, the child died. At the moment when the child stopped breathing, Yu Yanxiang was still attending an academic report meeting in another place and could not make it back to see the child for the last time.
Three feet of ice is not a day’s cold, Bai Wei filed for divorce, hoping that they would stop torturing each other.
However, Yu Yanxiang’s parents put all the blame on Bai Wei and took her to court. After losing the case, they continued to appeal. Although Yu Yanxiang intervened to stop her, it was impossible for him to tie up his parents, so it was extremely noisy at that time. Ugly.
Therefore, the adoptive mother could not figure out how Bai Wei could appear in Yu Yanxiang’s territory just to meet Shen Jiali.
It was impossible that Shen Jiali was the eldest son she lost back then. It would be too far-fetched to say this.
After thinking about it, I can only think that it was Nanliu Jing who had the ability to invite people here just to make his wife look good.
After thinking about it, the adoptive mother felt a chill on her back. Then what she did just now was seen by Bai Wei?
Isn’t the matter of endorsem*nt even more distant?
Bai Wei looked at Shen Jiali, who couldn’t even speak, and smiled gently: “Classmate Jiali, would you like to take me around the school?” Although
Yu Yanxiang had taken her around the campus many times before the divorce.
Shen Jiali nodded stiffly: “Yeah… ok.”
He was so nervous that he used all his strength to say these three short words.
The last time he waited for a day and failed to see Bai Wei, it had become a regret in his heart that he would lose whenever he mentioned it. Unexpectedly, God would still show mercy to him occasionally.
At noon, the students were hungry after working all morning. They crowded in the cafeteria in small groups, and the campus streets seemed a bit deserted.
Shen Jiali walked silently beside Bai Wei, always looking at her quietly from the corner of his eye, but not daring to be too obvious.
No matter from which angle you look at it, you look exactly like your mother. Is there really such a coincidence in the world?
He rarely takes the initiative to talk, unless that person is Bai Wei.
“Mom… Ms. Bai, why are you here today?” I was so frightened that I almost blurted out the word “Mom” out of habit.
Bai Wei looked at the fir trees on the roadside. The light and shadow overlapped, showing a dreamy color on her face.
“Actually, I didn’t plan to come, because I wasn’t happy with your principal at the beginning, and maybe he didn’t want to see me too much.” Bai Wei said calmly, and she no longer felt the pain of being betrayed by everyone.
“But your husband, Mr. Nan, came here specifically to ask for me yesterday. He hopes that I will definitely come to see you today.”
Shen Jiali was stunned.
who? Nanliu Scenery? Is there any misunderstanding?
“I also explained to him the reason why I couldn’t come, but he was very persistent and sincere enough. A consortium that is always aloof bowed its head to me with a humble tone, so I was a little touched.” Shen Jiali:…bowed
down? Humble? Why can’t he match up with Nanliu Jing? And, even if it was really him, what was his purpose in doing this.
“But what really made me decide to come here was when Mr. Nan showed me your photo.” Bai Wei smiled, “The stupid frog stood under the lively stage, but he looked even more lonely.” “I just
said I think, come and see this child, otherwise he will regret it for the rest of his life.”
Bai Wei said this, but the real reason was that she still couldn’t speak. She was afraid that if she did, the other party would find it rude, or even feel offended.
It has nothing to do with the lonely sad frog, but the first time I saw Shen Jiali, I felt a strong sense of intimacy, and it was a kind of… lost and recovered intimacy.
“By the way, is that lady just now your mother?” Bai Wei asked tentatively.
Shen Jiali felt that she should be the adoptive mother.
So he shook his head.
Seeing this action, Bai Wei was strangely relieved.
Then he asked: “Then why is your mother not here today? She is not a local? So she can’t come?”
Shen Jiali suddenly stopped.
He looked at the woman in front of him, and a strong and even impatient desire to cry burst out in his heart. If his mother was still alive, she would definitely be like Bai Wei, and gently let him take her around the school.
Because her mother has always been like this, although she has maintained a certain sense of boundaries since she became an adult, she still hopes that she can participate in every important node in her life and witness his growth with her own eyes.
She couldn’t say a word, her throat seemed to be stuck, and Bai Wei’s face in front of her gradually became blurry.
Afraid that the other party would notice his gaffe, Shen Jiali suddenly lowered his head and awkwardly untied the lisianthus bracelet on his wrist. However, the buckle was too thin, and he couldn’t move it after untying it for a long time. So he naively pulled it down, tightening it at the joints and couldn’t take it off. Not coming down.
Seeing this, Bai Wei anxiously held his hand: “Don’t move, I’ll help you.”
Shen Jiali stopped for a moment and stared blankly at her lowered eyebrows, feeling a surge of sourness in her heart.
“Lisianthus, I like lisianthus very much. I have a glass flower house full of lisianthus. It has been blooming recently, but the weather is too hot and the flowering period is very short. By the time I came back from the field, it had already bloomed. Withered.” Bai Wei took off the bracelet, her gentle eyebrows curved like crescent moons, “But I saw it today.”
Shen Jiali’s heart suddenly tightened, as if an invisible big hand was squeezing his fragile little heart.
She also liked lisianthus and had a glass flower house full of lisianthus.
Mom, woo woo woo. ↑Si↑Rabbit↑Net↑Document↑File↑Share↑and↑Online↑Read↑Read↑All this is a
dream, he is willing to sleep in the dream forever and never wake up again.
“This is for you.” Shen Jiali handed the bracelet over, then took it back, wiped it carefully with his clothes, then handed it over again, but took it back again.
Bai Wei raised her eyebrows, laughing and laughing as she repeated this.
“It, it originally had a packaging box, it was very beautiful, but… but I thought I couldn’t give it away, so I didn’t bring it.” The bare
bracelet suddenly became less bright after being rubbed by clothes. It was a gift. But there’s not even packaging.
In the past, Shen Jiali didn’t care at all about these things, but now the person he faced was Bai Wei.
Finally at this moment, he deeply felt his stupidity and carelessness.
I was so sad that my eyes were so sore that they were so blurry that I couldn’t even see Bai Wei’s face clearly.
On such a hot day, his face was no longer clean and fresh, and there was a layer of sweat on his forehead. He knew his ugly appearance without even looking at it.
The perfect first meeting in the fantasy fell apart. Bai Wei saw her embarrassing and ugly appearance during the first meeting.
I don’t want to live anymore, I’m so sad.
The other party must also dislike him in his heart now, and maybe he will think that this trip is a real loss.
Tears fell uncontrollably, and Shen Jiali sniffed hard. It was already ugly enough, but if two more snot came out, Bai Wei would probably run away with the train on her back.
“I’m sorry, it’s dirty. I…” He took back his hand and lowered his head helplessly, “It’s not pretty either.”
I’m such an idiot. I remember when I was nine years old and used my lucky money to buy something for my mother on her birthday. I bought a music box and packed it in a beautiful packaging box, but I ran too fast and broke the box. I cried and took it to my mother. Although my mother said, “The box is not important and I will throw it away anyway,” but looking back now, I still can’t forgive myself.
As a result, today, again.
Bai Wei did not take the bracelet, but looked at it carefully, and then said: “I have received many gifts, including jewelry, cars and even houses.”
Shen Jiali’s heart fell to the bottom again.
“But this.” Bai Wei pointed to the lisianthus bracelet, “it makes me wonder if this will be the last gift I receive.”
Shen Jiali didn’t understand and timidly retracted his hand.
“Because the highlight always comes at the last moment.” Bai Wei winked at him, “So when you get something you like too much, it makes people wonder if I am at the last moment of my life.” As soon as he finished speaking, she covered her hands with her thin white hands
. He stopped her mouth, then picked up a branch from the ground: “Touch it.”
Bai Wei thought for a moment and suddenly laughed.
It turns out that Shen Jiali also believes in the saying that “if you say something bad, you should touch the wood to avoid misfortune.” It’s so cute.
Bai Wei touched the wood and asked with a smile: “Can you put it on for me?”
Shen Jiali was stunned: “You like it?”
Bai Wei nodded happily: “I like it, and it’s very much.”
Shen Jiali had a hallucination
When he fell asleep, he seemed to see a bunch of naked little angels scattering flowers and blowing trumpets around him, with countless love bubbles lingering around him.
Her hands were trembling with excitement, and she finally put the bracelet on her. Bai Wei raised her beautiful wrist and asked with a smile: “Does it look good?”
Shen Jiali nodded vigorously.
“I won’t take it off anymore, not even when I take a shower, and even if it fades.”
“No… it won’t fade, it’s natural…”
After saying that, he suddenly thought of the packaging box again: “Wait for me, my house It’s close to here. Go back and get the box for you.”
Bai Wei pulled him and shook her head: “Don’t bother, the box will be lost anyway.”
My heart skipped a beat.
My mother also said this.
Bai Wei raised her hand and took advantage of the sunlight. Fei Wei watched the light flow, as if she was telling someone, or saying to herself: “Even if you are not beautiful, even if you are not smart, you still have the right to be loved.”
Shen Jiali Bai Wei’s eyes were completely blurred, and he finally felt that the tears were hot because they were touched by the warmth of his heart.
The two had lunch together across from the school. During the period, Bai Wei asked Shen Jiali many questions, such as how his homework was and whether he had any worries. But the most frequently asked questions were about Nanliu Scenery.
“Is your husband treating you well? Who does the housework at home?”
Shen Jiali seized the opportunity and complained: “It’s me.”
“Isn’t there a servant at home?” Bai Wei frowned, “Mr. Nan won’t even We can’t even afford a servant.”
Favorability established by Nan Liujing’s sincerity -10
“He doesn’t like having outsiders at home.”
“Then I won’t let you do housework. I will talk to him.”
Shen Jiali: It has to be my mother.
No, no, not even mom. If Nan Liujing takes back his right to cook and buy groceries, where will he go to line his own pockets and save eight million?
As a last resort, he said something against his will: “It doesn’t matter. In fact, I like it and asked for it.”
Bai Wei also wanted to ask something else. For example, seeing Nan Liujing’s legs would make her worry about the sex life of the couple. Harmony, but considering that this kind of question is too personal, I still held back.
It was getting late, and Bai Wei had an interview in the afternoon, so she exchanged a few words with Shen Jiali and prepared to stand up and say goodbye.
After the driver drove over, she saw the child following the car and looking at her eagerly. She felt sour. She got out of the car and bought him an iced drink. She left her mobile phone number and said, “Call me when you have time.” . “Shen Jiali’s cheeks were slightly red, his eyes were bright, and he nodded gently.
After the car carrying his mother gradually left, his face changed in a second and all the smiles disappeared.
I was so tired that I went home and lay down.
When he returned, Nan Liujing was still outside socializing with the leaders, and he was the only one at home.
He finally replaced the original owner’s strange cell phone screen saver with a photo with Bai Wei.
Then I found another movie starring Bai Wei. Although it was a horror movie, Bai Wei still amazed the audience every time she appeared. The innate tenderness in her body was like a big hand, gently soothing all his emotions. The mood was so strong that he fell asleep after a while.
In the dream, he went back to when he was nine years old. His mother was going to deliver bouquets to a client late at night. He sat on the back seat of his mother’s bicycle and watched his mother’s shirt being blown up like a sail by the night wind, and the tiny flowers and leaves flew out of the bicycle basket. The cheeks are dyed with the fragrance of flowers in the wind.
In the blink of an eye, more than ten years have passed.
In order to celebrate Shen Jiali’s successful graduation, Uncle Li showed off his talents and cooked a table of delicious dishes after he came back. He first pushed Nan Liujing into the yard to breathe in the fresh air, then turned to the kitchen to do the finishing work.
Nanliu Jing looked at the garden in front of him and remembered Uncle Li’s words,” You didn’t take a photo with Mr. Shen or send him flowers on such an important day. He must be very disappointed. “Although he explained it at the time, Shen Jiali probably didn’t want to see him on such a happy day. Besides, he had already put down his identity to ask for the person Shen Jiali wanted to see, so he should have met him.
Just as I was about to slide the wheelchair back to the house, I saw a patch of pink roses in my sight, surrounded by vegetation, so delicate and beautiful.
After a while, Shen Jiali was brought down by Uncle Li.
Confused, with half-closed eyes, always looking like he doesn’t have enough sleep.
Seeing the table full of delicious food, Shen Jiali was unhappy.
I couldn’t expand the small treasury today, I feel bad.
Uncle Li was busy and did not join the table. He found an excuse to go out, hoping to create a chance for the two of them to be alone.
At the dining table, Nan Liujing was calmly cutting steak, while Shen Jiali opposite had no appetite and tried to pick up a broad bean with chopsticks.
As soon as I picked it up, the broad beans slipped and slid onto the table. When I clamped them again, the broad beans slipped again and slid onto the Nanliu Jing plate.
Surprisingly, Nan Liujing didn’t find fault and silently picked up the broad beans with serving chopsticks and put them into Shen Gali’s plate.” Did you see Bai Wei today? “He continued to cut the beef and said casually.
Shen Jiali nodded.” Well, that’s good. I received your transcript. The results did not meet my expectations, but they are all qualified. I said I would give you a reward. “Nanliu Jing said.
Shen Jiali raised his eyes slightly. It turns out that the reward he was talking about was Bai Wei.” Thank you. “Shen Jiali said it simply, but sincerely.” Other than that, what else do you want? “Nan Liujing asked again.
When he was checking Shen Galli’s results, he needed to enter his ID number. He happened to see his date of birth and realized that his birthday was very close.
Coincidentally, their birthdays are on the same day.
But Nan Liujing didn’t think that asking Shen Jiali about his preferences was flattering, and he wasn’t a bad person. He would ask more even if it was Uncle Li’s birthday.
It’s not about caring.
What Shen Jiali wants is eight million, and the doll in the small dark room.
He didn’t really like that doll, but it seemed to have its own magic power, and sleeping with it was particularly sweet. Although he usually slept well, it was only so sweet.” No. “Shen Jiali said.
The former is a secret, and the latter will not be given to Nanliu Jing even if he says it.
Nan Liujing:” Forget it if you don’t have it. “Shen Jiali finished eating the broad beans and felt full, so he put down his chopsticks and prepared to go upstairs.” Shen Jiali. “Nan Liujing suddenly called him.
Shen Jiali sighed, sat tiredly on the stairs, held his chin, and responded with brainwaves: Talk when you have something to do, and lie down when you have nothing to do.
Nan Liujing suddenly lowered his head strangely, his eyes seemed a bit hasty, and he looked to the side in vain.
He stretched his hands behind his back and his Adam’s apple rolled, as if he was embarrassed and embarrassed.
After a long time, I heard him whisper:” Happy graduation. “His hand stretched out from behind, and a large bouquet of pink roses appeared, with scattered night dew on the layers of petals, rolling down.
No extra packaging, simple but not simple.
Shen Jiali blinked. This was completely unexpected. He thought Nan Liujing was holding back some bad tricks to torture him when he called him to stop him.
Under the crystal chandelier, Nan Liujing’s cheeks had an unnatural blush.
Shen Jiali didn’t pick up the bouquet, but asked,” Do you know what the flower language of pink roses is? “Nanliu Jing held up the flowers for a long time but didn’t see him pick them up, and his temper got worse:” I don’t understand the language of flowers, so I can’t send them? “Shen Jiali:” The flower language of pink roses is a beautiful first love. “His mother often played with flowers during her lifetime, so he knew the flower language of various flowers.
Nan Liujing opened his eyes and clenched his fingers suddenly. The small thorns on his penis dug into his palm. It hurt, but he didn’t react at all.
Shen Jiali said this because he knew very well that he was not Nan Liujing’s first love and he was not worthy.
He stood up and walked upstairs slowly, holding on to the handrail:” So give me sunflowers. “Nan Liujing:?
After Shen Jiali left, he took out his mobile phone and looked up” The Flower Language of Sunflowers “.
Search results: Silent love represents the father’s silent devotion and silent love.” Crack. “The tempered film of the phone cracked.
Ridiculous, what a flowery language, who cares about that, if you give it to him, he must accept it.
Nan Liujing stubbornly rowed his wheelchair to the second floor alone, pushed open the door of Shen Jiali’s room, put the pink roses on his bedside, closed the door and left.
Shen Jiali looked at the pink roses and felt that Nanliu Jing was very childish.
While I was looking at the rose, the game sound on my computer beeped twice.
Shen Jiali raised his eyes and ignored him. He was probably another one of those annoying people.
The other party is very perseverant and won’t reply? If he doesn’t reply, he keeps beeping.
Shen Jiali was going to quit the game, but when the battery screen came up, a dialog box popped up.
[SUN: Sleeping? ]
[SUN: Why don’t you say anything? I see you have hung up the game for several days. ]
[Tieniuju: I’m about to go to sleep. ]
[SUN: Long time no see, but it’s only eight o’clock now. 】
Xianyu sleeps at different times?
[Tie Niuju: Today’s graduation ceremony, I’m tired. 】 $This $ work
A gift? ]
[Tieniuju: No. ]
[SUN: Tell me a favorite color or food. ]
[Tieniuju: Doll. I’m down, I’m sleepy. 】
The end came to an end, and Shen Jiali quickly logged off.
Nanliu Jing, who was on the other side of the computer, looked at the word” doll “and tapped his fingers on the desktop, seeming to have an idea.
That night, Shen Jiali was sleeping. I don’t know whether it was because the fragrance of the roses on the bedside was too strong or because he slept too much during the day, but he woke up in the middle of the night.
Looking at the dark ceiling, he planned to continue sleeping.
Wait, there seemed to be a second person breathing in the room besides him.
Normal people would probably have a brainstorm at this time and go through all the horrific scenes they have seen in the past, but Shen Jiali:
Brother Death, here we come, sit down quickly.
He looked faintly at the side of the bed, and it turned out that it was not Brother Death, but Uncle Li, who was usually full of justice but now seemed a bit cunning.
Although his expression looked sad, the outline of his face looked like a benzene ring.
But Shen Jiali didn’t believe that Uncle Li stayed up late at night and sat beside his bed just to pour out his heart.” Mr. Shen? You’re awake. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to wake you up. “Uncle Li sighed and said it with a shy face.
Shen Jiali:” Let’s go slowly without seeing you off, good night. “Uncle Li suddenly cried out with a” woof “sound, which made Shen Jiali tremble and look at him with resentment.” Mr. Shen, what do you think I should do? “He started talking to himself.
Shen Jiali:” If you don’t like cold food, just spicy food. “Uncle Li ignored this sentence and continued to talk to himself:” Actually, the young master’s birthday is approaching, but I can’t think of anything to give him. He seems to be lacking everything. . “Shen Jiali:…” Fold him 10,000 paper cranes and write happy birthday inside each one. “Uncle Li:…
A warrior of pure love, right?
Seeing that Shen Jiali was not interested in discussing with him, Uncle Li also felt that he was no longer annoying:” Then I’ll think about it again. Good night. “Before leaving, he deliberately placed a travel magazine on the bedside table.
He discovered this when he was cleaning the young master’s car. The magazine seemed to have been turned over many times. The cover showed the sky of Bolivia. The young master probably also wanted to travel, but he was busy with work and probably didn’t want to be with an old man like him. We travel together, and other than that, we can’t find anyone close enough to travel with.
Hehe, Mr. Shen, it all depends on you.
Chapter 37
The next day, Shen Jiali woke up and found a travel magazine on the bedside table.
He had seen this magazine in the Nanliu Jing car.
The sky of Bolivia…
Located in the Potosi Province of Bolivia in South America, it is one of the rare wonders of the world. The conditions for its formation are extremely harsh. Even if all the factors are in place, not everyone can see it. It all depends on luck.
It is said that the accumulated water on the surface of the salt marsh is like a mirror, casting the sky into the sky, making it difficult to distinguish what is real and what is fake. Some people say that the endless salt marshes are like Jerusalem in the Bible, white and sacred.
Shen Jiali put the magazine back. Thanks for the invitation, limitless
Mingpiao, who was fifty meters away, had no idea.
When it comes to the villain’s birthday, the original text starts to fill his head.
The villain grew up in a conglomerate family and has never seen any rare treasures. He only has a soft spot for the original protagonist Shen Lanqing. As long as it is a gift from him, even the leftover hamburgers will be loved by the villain, so this is the only thing he looks forward to on his birthday. It’s Shen Lanqing’s gift.
Shen Lanqing considered that the other party was her brother’s husband, so out of politeness he specially prepared a gift, which was a portrait of the villain he drew himself.
But when giving the gift, he happened to see the famous watch prepared by his brother for the villain, and felt that the gift was too cheap to give away, causing the villain to lose his beloved thing.
The villain had already noticed that the original owner had installed a micro-eavesdropping device in the watch in an attempt to steal company secrets and add a copy of the villain’s book. As a result, the villain lost the gift from his beloved and was humiliated by the original owner in this way. The villain was furious. He grabbed the original owner’s hair and slammed it against the wall. The original owner’s face was covered in blood and he almost confessed here.
Not only that, he also found someone to take the original owner to Fengyue place and threw him into a private room of old men with special habits. After one night, the person became a little confused.
One of the old men was very satisfied with the original owner’s skin and asked him if he was willing to make a debut to make money. At that time, the original owner just wanted to escape from the villain’s clutches as soon as possible and agreed without thinking.
In the end, he entered the industry, but what awaited him was a job opportunity in exchange for his body, and all the money he earned was divided between the company and the old men.
Shen Jiali sincerely suggested that if you don’t know how to write, you don’t have to write.
Although, Nan Liujing put down his identity and asked Bai Wei to come to see him. If it weren’t for Nan Liujing, he might not be able to give away the lisianthus bracelet in his life. Although he didn’t understand his intention, the favor was owed.
I hate being owed favors and people who have no sense of boundaries.
He looked out the window casually. From here, he could clearly see the entire hundred-acre garden. In midsummer, everything was lush and green.
Shen Jiali was annoyed when he saw this vibrant scene. The strong vitality was a burden for a person who had no attachment to the world.
The classic line suddenly appeared in his mind:
“When the last leaf falls, it’s time for me to go.”
He raised his hand to count the leaves on a nearby tree.
After counting for a while, people felt suffocated.
How long will it take to wait until all the leaves fall off? Co-author I still have to live to be two hundred years old, right?
Evening, study.
Nan Liujing was facing the computer, and Uncle Li came in to deliver Tremella Fungus and Lotus Seed Soup.
As expected, the young master did not eat tonight, and Shen Jiali once again relied on his unique understanding to waste the ingredients in new ways.
Uncle Li handed over the account book by the way and said respectfully: “Master, we have calculated the family budget for this month. The total expenditure for meals is 55,000 yuan. The rest of the expenses…” Before he finished speaking, he saw
Nan Liujing’s brows. Frowned.
Nan Liujing took the account book and looked at the daily accounts: “Where did all the fifty-five thousand dollars go?”
He didn’t care about the small amount of money, but it was puzzling and he couldn’t even recall what he ate tonight or what he ate last night. What.
“Because Mr. Shen has been buying ingredients recently, so I can’t take care of the remaining money.” Uncle Li’s voice became softer as he spoke.
How about he take the blame? Don’t let this little money hurt the relationship between the two. They have finally made some progress these days. If the two of them returned to before liberation overnight because of a mere 50,000 yuan, the old man would become a sinner for the ages.
“It was me who failed to settle the balance with Mr. Shen in time. It was my dereliction of duty.” Uncle Li was a bright man but took the blame.
Nan Liujing suddenly remembered the scene where Shen Jiali asked him for the exam registration fee.
It turns out I really have no money.
When he entered the house, he seemed to have no dowry and came empty-handed. It seemed that the Shen family was really planning to abandon him, and they were not afraid that he would get a penny in dowry without being looked down upon.
No wonder he went out to work on a hot day, thinking he was playing some trick again, trying to win sympathy by committing misery.
I misunderstood.
“Forget it, it’s not a big amount of money, let’s leave it at that.” Nan Liujing closed the account book.
Uncle Li secretly breathed a sigh of relief and continued to report: “Master, there is a problem with the refrigerator at home. Do you need to call someone to come and repair it tomorrow?”
Nan Liujing wanted to say, “You can do it,” but suddenly paused and said after a while: “It may not last long after repairing it. Replace it with a
new one.” “Okay, I will contact the company tomorrow to deliver a new refrigerator.” The company Uncle Li mentioned refers to Huanhai Electronics. Their appliances never cost money to buy. The phone company can deliver it.
“Change the brand.” Nan Liujing looked through the documents with lowered eyes and said casually.
“Why, there is almost no product on the market that is better than Huanhai Electronics. The problem with this refrigerator is just an exception.” Uncle Li didn’t understand.
Nan Liujing: “I’m tired of it. Let’s switch to a new brand and study other products by the way.” “By the way.” He added, “I have a task for you tomorrow. Buy a new refrigerator and let Shen Jiali do it.” “Mr. Shen, I’m afraid. I have no experience in choosing a refrigerator, I’m afraid…”
Nan Liujing put down the cup, the sound he made was like a warning, and Uncle Li quickly shut up.
The next day, when Shen Jiali received the task of buying a refrigerator, he habitually complained in his heart that it was annoying, but he quickly changed his mind.
This is not a perfect opportunity to line your own pockets.
Nan Liujing adjusted his sleeves and asked casually: “What’s your budget?”
Shen Jiali had never bought home appliances in his whole life, and he didn’t know anything about the market price of home appliances. He only vaguely remembered the refrigerator purchased at home more than ten years ago. He casually When I asked my mother how much the refrigerator cost, she said nine hundred.
After more than ten years, the price will inevitably rise. Let’s count it as one thousand and eighty, and then expand the small treasury.
So he stretched out his fingers and made a sign of six, which meant six thousand.
Nan Liujing glanced at him and said to Uncle Li: “Give him 60,000 yuan. If it’s not enough, I’ll make up for it.”
Shen Jiali:?
Shen Jiali: !
Is there such a good thing?
A windfall of 58,000 yuan came from heaven, but he was too embarrassed to take it.
So he said to Nanliu Jing, “You go and have an affair, I’ll help you look after the situation.”
Nanliu Jing’s hand holding the cup suddenly stopped, and then he slowly raised his head and cast a suspicious and knife-like look.
I remember that when the psychiatrist came to the house for consultation, he asked Shen Jiali what he would do if Nan Liujing cheated on her but he was given 100,000 yuan a month. His answer at that time was that 100,000 yuan was too much and he was embarrassed to take it, but 50,000 yuan would be enough to look after him.
But I regretted saying it. Watching the wind is so tiring, and he doesn’t know how long it will take to build Nanliujing. If it rains all night, won’t he have to lay a floor outside the door?
Buying and selling at a loss.
Nan Liujing also recalled the questions and answers he had when he received psychological counseling. His low voice seemed to be a warning: “You’d better hope for the best, otherwise I will really cheat and you won’t get a penny.” Shen Jiali: It’s not a loss either
. At least I can find some peace.
The driver came to pick up Nan Liujing when he went to work. Uncle Li also carefully prepared a set of shopping reference for Shen Jiali. The location distance of major stores and brand sales were clear at a glance, down to the smallest detail.
After explaining the matters, Uncle Li went out to take care of the tasks assigned to him by Nanliu Jing.
Shen Jiali was suddenly the only one left in the huge mansion. Saving money was important, but sleeping well was always the first priority.
He decided to take a nap, which wasn’t long, just an hour.
Seven hours later—
yeah, I squinted too much again.
It was already four o’clock in the afternoon, and Uncle Li hadn’t come back yet, but according to the reference he made, most of the stores were almost closed, with only a few very far away, so far away that Shen Jiali would definitely get lost.
He thought for a moment and had a flash of inspiration.
Isn’t online shopping popular now? It’s convenient, quick and time-saving, go check it out online.
He made a new purchase. He had no experience in online shopping before, but at least he could use his smartphone. He entered “refrigerator” according to the prompts, and then saw a row of condition filters pop up in the window below, namely brand, capacity, structure and intelligence. Type etc.
Hmm… I can’t understand.
I scrolled until the end and saw the conditional filter of “price”.
Of course, he had to buy the cheapest one and choose a double-door refrigerator. Nan Liujing would definitely be satisfied with a refrigerator with a similar figure to his.
In order from low to high, the first one that pops up is that the sales volume is more than 30,000, and the price is only—
nine-nine yuan!
Also free shipping.
There is a picture hanging on the front page of the store. A farmer wearing a straw hat and a sad face is holding a bunch of small refrigerators in his hands. Next to it are a few big words:
[Refrigerators are unsaleable! Help us! ]
Shen Jiali:…?
Is this a popular trend? It’s so pathetic, so help them.
The refrigerator is still pink, and it is said that it also provides drinks. This is so profitable. Nan Liujing can not only drink free drinks, but also purify his dirty soul with this pink girl’s heart. It kills two birds with one stone. ^Si^Rabbit^Net^Document^Share^Share^and^Online^Read^Read^I
placed the order without hesitation. The address is also very close. It is not far from my home. The seller said it will be delivered in a moment. .
He had to prepare dinner before the refrigerator arrived.
When I thought about having to deal with pots and pans again, the pleasure I had just established because of the small gain instantly collapsed.
He picked up the recipe left by Uncle Li and glanced at it, still not understanding. Could practicing day and night change the fact that his cooking was unpalatable?
The more I think about it, the more upset I get, but I have to do it. If I don’t do it, how can I expand my small treasury?
After taking out the pot and filling the pots, the doorbell rang.
Shen Jiali didn’t move. No matter whether it was Nan Liujing or Uncle Li outside the door, there were people with hands and feet. Can’t he come in by himself?
The doorbell continued to ring, even with a hint of resentment.
If you didn’t hear it, you didn’t hear it. If you didn’t hear it, it didn’t happen.
After a while, the electronic sound of the fingerprint lock sounded, and Uncle Li’s voice came: “Is Mr. Shen at home? The master is a guest.”
Master? who? If you don’t know me, just leave it alone.
The next second, the kitchen door was pushed open, and Uncle Li and Shen Jiali looked at each other with big eyes.…
Nanfeng was sitting on the sofa in the lobby, with two bodyguards in black suits standing behind him. All three of them had serious faces.
Uncle Li brought the tea and took the blame: “It’s been a bit uneasy recently. I told Mr. Shen not to open the door to anyone. I offended you. I apologize to you on his behalf.” Nan Feng caressed the teacup carelessly and looked towards the opposite side
. Shen Jiali.
Shen Jiali half-closed his eyes, and the long hair covered half of his eyes, but it could not cover the long eyelashes passing through the hair. The whole person seemed to be in a fugue, as if he was about to fall asleep in the next second.
Nan Feng let out a heavy breath and looked away: “How long will it take Liu Jing to come back?” “The young master will be home in
ten minutes. You have tea first. By the way, will you stay and have dinner together tonight?” “Yes.” Okay, I just have something to discuss with Liu Jing today. “As soon as he finished speaking, Shen Jiali looked at the two of them faintly, with the word” sympathy “written in his eyes in advance.
Respect the fate of others.
Nan Liujing returned on time. When he saw Nan Feng on the sofa, his already cold face was covered with snow and frost, and there was a faint chill behind him.
He didn’t know what he thought of, and took the initiative to whisper to Shen Jiali:” You go upstairs first. “”
What, is there something hidden that I can’t see? Will I eat him again? “Nanfeng sneered.
Shen Jiali:” He might be afraid that you might accidentally injure me in a fight later. “No matter how slow he was, he could still detect the smell of fire and medicine in the air.
Nan Feng & Nan Liu Jing:…
Nan Feng waved his hand and motioned for people to sit down:” Sit down, I actually happened to pass by here today and came to see Liu Jing. I also complimented him on how well he handled the matter at the New College. Very good, both fame and fortune. “Shen Jiali: It’s Boqi who doesn’t deserve it.
While chatting there, Uncle Li went to prepare dinner, but saw that the freshly cooked dishes were already laid out in the kitchen, and the soup bowls were thoughtfully held to keep them warm.
Uncle Li smiled and said that this saved him a lot of time, and without thinking too much, he took the dishes to the restaurant.
But the moment he saw Shen Jiali, a thunder suddenly fell above his head!
This is Shen Jiali’s dish! ! !
The hand holding the dishes trembled slightly, the dishes clinked and clinked, and stopped above the dining table without any mention.
Nan Feng looked at him strangely: “Old Li, your hands started shaking before I was old?”
A line of cold sweat fell on Uncle Li’s forehead, and his smile was uglier than crying: “Master, these are simple side dishes, they can’t be served. Countertop, how about I go to the kitchen to prepare it?”
Nanfeng nodded on the tabletop and said, “No, I happen to be hungry too, so put it down.”
Uncle Li: I listened to others and told me to eat enough. Don’t blame me for not reminding you.
Put down the dishes and apply oil on the soles of your feet.
On weekdays, Nan Liujing and Shen Jiali would sit facing each other during meals. Today they had guests, so it was rare for them to sit together.
Nan Liujing cleared his throat gently: You did it?
Shen Jiali cleared his throat: Yes.
A few bowls were moved away, and a strange smell suddenly filled the air, like uncooked river fish, fishy and fishy.
Nan Feng looked at the unidentified unknown substance in the bowl and plate, and frowned: “Did the new wife make it?”
Shen Jiali nodded politely, his expression becoming more sympathetic.
The appearance was extremely cruel, but Nanfeng was straightforward and told the truth: “You don’t go to work at home on weekdays, so you are busy with this?” “Yes.” He said confidently.
It was Nan Liujing who spoke up: “He helped buy a new refrigerator today. He has a lot to do.”
Voiceover: It’s good to have food from you. Don’t look for trouble.
It was said that Cao Cao’s refrigerator had arrived. Before he could use his chopsticks, the doorbell rang, and the courier boy shouted at the top of his voice: “The express has arrived! Please come out and sign for it.” Uncle Li trotted over and called
two bodyguards: “I guess the refrigerator has arrived. Two I’m a helper.”
The two of them took off their suits, rolled up their sleeves, and got ready for a big fight.
Two minutes later.
The three of them are back.
They each held out two fingers and came in holding a computer-sized box in a three-legged manner.
Nanfeng took the lead and looked at Shen Jiali: “Is this the refrigerator you bought?”
Shen Jiali didn’t expect that he would be deceived by the farmer’s grandfather’s sad face that made me feel pity for him.
The refrigerator that comes with free shipping for 9 yuan… turns out to be a mini toy the size of an arm, and the drinks delivered are also toys the size of a finger.
“How much did it cost?” Nanfeng asked.
Shen Jiali: “Sixty thousand.”
He suspected that there was something wrong with Shen Jiali’s brain, and the evidence was conclusive.
“You bought a piece of junk for 60,000 yuan? New wife, I know you loved to play around before marriage, but you have to live a good life after you get married. How can you continue to live a life of jokes like this?! Do you think this thing can be used?!” Nan Feng slapped the table, forgetting that he was at someone else’s house, and his voice suddenly rose.
Shen Jiali was about to open his mouth —
“Why can’t you use it?” Nan Liujing interrupted him in a deep voice, “Bring over the refrigerator.”
Uncle Li respectfully put the small refrigerator on the dining table. Nan Liujing took a look and saw that it still had double doors.
That works.
He opened the refrigerator door and put in a plate of food, and asked his father: “It’s no problem, right.” He
took out the dish and put in a bottle of condiments: “It’s no problem, right.”
To sum up, , and came to the conclusion: “The refrigerator can be used normally. Why would my father get so angry in other people’s homes and easily deny other people’s efforts?”
Shen Jiali:?
Nanfeng stared with big eyes and touched his hair: Good boy, I really have no words to refute.
Nanfeng gritted his teeth.jpg
Seeing that his father was no longer making trouble, Nanliu Jing informed Uncle Li to take the refrigerator to the kitchen.
To put it bluntly, Nanfeng was here to cause trouble for Shen Jiali. On the day of the tea ceremony, he called him grandpa in front of so many people. This matter is endless!
He rolled his eyes and dropped to the dining table: “Forget about the refrigerator, I’ll try my new wife’s craftsmanship.”
Uncle Li’s expressions instantly turned to sympathy.
Nanfeng’s wishful thinking came true. After tasting the food for a while, he insisted that it tasted terrible and labeled Shen Jiali a “waste of food” to see what else he had to say.
Boy, can’t I cure you?
He picked up a piece of carrot and slowly put it into his mouth.
Everyone held their breath and stared at his mouth, their bodies leaning forward unconsciously.
After chewing twice, Nanfeng paused.
One second, two seconds, and one minute passed, and Nanfeng remained motionless, as if he had stopped breathing.
Not a still picture.
His eye circles suddenly turned red.
Uncle Li was so frightened that he quickly took the water glass and helped the old man rinse his mouth.
Nan Feng finally moved. He slowly pushed the water glass away, put one hand on the table, and his head sank.
The next second, the sobs buried in the sleeves slowly came out, getting louder and louder, and finally turned into child-like wails.
This time, it was Shen Jiali’s turn to become a non-still picture.
After passing it, even if it tastes bad, I won’t cry like a child.
“Master…” Uncle Li shrank his shoulders and didn’t know how to comfort him for a moment, “How about I go cook again?”
Nan Feng suddenly raised his head and grabbed the plate containing the unknown substance, as if he hadn’t eaten for a long time. Like a homeless man, he held tears in his mouth.
Everyone was stunned.
Is this, just being fooled by poison?
Nanfeng was whimpering and saying something while pulling. Everyone could vaguely hear two words:
Nanfeng’s family was very poor when he was a child. It was a time of famine, and people were starving and dying all over the place. Just for a bite to eat, their legs and feet were inconvenient. His mother, who was only seven years old, was carrying him up the mountain to dig tree roots. Unfortunately, he was bitten by a poisonous snake and died.
Later, his father took him away from home to a big city, where he made a fortune by selling sweet potatoes. His business grew bigger and bigger, and he became Huanhai Electronics today.
Now that there is no shortage of food and clothing, even if you want to buy the stars in the sky, it is just a matter of words. But my mother never enjoyed such a good life for a single day. Before she died, she was so skinny that she held a handful of tree roots in her hand and asked Nanfeng to go back and cook them.
“It smells like mother.” Nanfeng said, with mucus flowing from his nose.
In her childhood memory, the most delicious food she ever ate was the carrots cooked by her mother. She borrowed it from relatives’ houses but only got one small carrot, which she divided into three portions, one for soup, one for stir-frying, and one for cold salad.
That was the most delicious meal Nanfeng had ever eaten during the days when he was worried about whether he would starve to death tomorrow.
When I grew up, I hired many chefs to try to get back the taste, but it was never the same.
I thought I would grow old with my mother’s regrets, but today —
he stared at Shen Jiali, with tears streaming down his face, and softly shouted: “Mom…”
Shen Jiali: No, no, no, I can’t bear it.
The bodyguard was puzzled: “Is it really so delicious? It doesn’t look like it.”
Uncle Li whispered in his ear: “Actually, I have had taste problems since I was a child… but no one has told him about this.”
After a while . At that time, Nanfeng was so drunk that he wiped out the entire table. After eating, he had two drinks. In the end, he was so drunk that he could not walk, so he had to let his bodyguard carry him away.
Before leaving, Nanfeng lay on the back of the bodyguard, reluctantly holding Shen Jiali’s hand, with tears in his eyes and a loud tongue, saying: “New wife, come to my house often when you have time, and I will tell you. My mother’s story.”
Although Shen Jiali was annoyed with the old man, at this moment it resonated with him because of “mother.”
As time goes by, traces of the existence of many people and things are slowly erased. Death is not the end, but forgetting.
But the only thing that is deeply imprinted in my mind is my mother’s eternal face.
Nanfeng left with a whimper of missing him. Shen Jiali and the other three were stunned for a long time before they came back to their senses.
A sixty-year-old man cried bitterly when he missed his mother… This may be one of the few softness and innocence in his heart.
That’s all, just pretend you didn’t see it. ⊕This⊕work⊕⊕ is provided by⊕si⊕tu⊕网⊕⊕⊕online⊕⊕read⊕read⊕ “Shen Jiali.” At this time, Nanliu Jing spoke gloomily.
When Shen Jiali heard this tone, he knew that Nan Liujing wanted to settle the debt for the refrigerator with him. In order to prevent the small money from flying away, he held his forehead and almost climbed up the stairs with his strength: “I can’t do it anymore. My heart feels uncomfortable, I’ll go up and lie down for five minutes.”
Nan Liujing watched him disappear around the corner of the stairs, suddenly turned his head, and raised his hand to cover the smile on his lips.
That night, Nan Liujing kept accounts on the computer and typed “60,000” in the expenditure column, brackets: Shen Jiali’s pocket money.
Recently, Shen Jiali felt that all the electrical appliances in his home seemed to be breaking down very quickly. Today he was asked to buy a TV and tomorrow he was asked to buy an air conditioner. By lining his own pockets, Shen Jiali made half a million yuan into his small coffers in a short period of time.
Although it was still far from the back garden of his life, he had never seen as much as half a million dollars before he started reading.
Recalling the previous video of feeding each other desserts with SUN, I originally planned to show it to Nan Liujing as soon as I graduated so that I could be kicked out of the house as soon as possible, but now, money is more important, so I can’t bear it anymore.
And Nanliu Jing suddenly became mysterious recently. One day he came home and brought three oversized cardboard boxes. Uncle Li asked why he didn’t say anything and went upstairs to lock himself in the bedroom. Although he hadn’t eaten dinner before, he came down to take a look at it. I didn’t even look at it for a few days. As soon as I came back, I went upstairs and didn’t know what I was doing.
On the other hand, Uncle Li muttered something while helping him organize his suit: “Where did the young master go to attract cats and dogs? Why are there so many white hairs on his clothes?” It was equally strange that recently when
Shen Jiali was helping Nanliu Jing practice his game number, he almost I haven’t seen SUN online again.
He remembered that before he was admitted to the hospital, the patient in the next bed told him a story.
This person used to play a large-scale online game. There was a krypton gold boss in the guild who was very generous. He spent hundreds of thousands and hundreds of thousands on it. He also often gave out benefits to members, giving out red envelopes worth eight hundred or even thousand, until One day, he suddenly disappeared. Players went to him to say hello, but he never responded.
When everyone was surprised, they all received an investigation call from the police, and they learned that this person was specifically using games to launder black money, and was later caught.
Isn’t it possible that SUN was also arrested?
Considering this possibility, Shen Jiali, who did not want to be harassed by the police, ruthlessly deleted his friends.
Nanliu Jing was busy over there, and in a blink of an eye it was their birthday.
The day before his birthday, Shen Jiali pressed N number of Shen Lanqing’s phone calls, and finally turned off the phone because he couldn’t bear it, so Shen Lanqing went directly to find someone.
Shen Jiali was leaning on the bedside with anger, listening to Shen Lanqing chattering, and ran away angrily.
His cell phone is still ringing:
Nanfeng: [Child, when do you plan to come back and sit down? I’ll ask your mother-in-law to make delicious food for you. 】
Hain: 【Shen Jiali, I heard that your birthday is coming, let me know what you want, even if it is the stars in the sky. ]
Shen Lanqing: “Brother, I thought about it. It’s your birthday the day after tomorrow. I plan to hold a birthday party for you at home. It will be a small one, just the two of us. No one will tell him. Do you like chocolate cake or fruit?”
Shen Jiali: “It’s just his birthday.”
After his mother passed away, no one celebrated his birthday, and it didn’t matter if the days went by. If his birthday hadn’t happened to be the day after the Ghost Festival, he probably wouldn’t even be able to remember his own birthday.
It is said that the mother was in severe pain on the night of the Ghost Festival, but people also heard that the gates of hell were wide open that day, which would bring bad luck to the child, so she just held it in until after twelve o’clock the next day before giving birth to little Gali.
This was not like ordinary abdominal pain. Once the pain started, it would feel like her internal organs were about to burst. Even so, she survived. Therefore, after her mother passed away, Shen Jiali was even more reluctant to celebrate her birthday, because it was her birthday and her mother’s day.
But actually, who wouldn’t want someone to say “Happy Birthday” on this special day without being reminded.
But it’s definitely not the “Happy Birthday” from Annoying Spirit No. 1, 2, 3, and 4.
Shen Lanqing was still thinking about the birthday plan, and her face turned red when she got excited.
The original owner in the original article was looking forward to his birthday so much that he imagined countless times that when he opened the door, the sky would be filled with confetti, and everyone would hold cakes in their hands to congratulate him. But the villain would rather socialize with the drunken people outside than take another look at him. His birthday was just like any other, and even because the villain came back drunk, he was punched and kicked again and spent in a small dark room.
If possible, pray that you can spend your birthday alone in a dark room.
Shen Lanqing kept asking him what gift he wanted. He was afraid that his brother would not like the gift he bought and would disappoint him, so he just gave it a straight shot.
Even if his brother wants the magma from the center of the earth, he will do it without hesitation.
Shen Jiali did not answer him, but was distracted by his words of “gift”.
Speaking of gifts…
He and Nanliu Jing happened to have the same birthday, and Nanliu Jing put down her pretensions and invited Bai Wei, whom he wanted to see the most, for him.
I understand, he deliberately sold me a favor to make me grateful to him, so that I would remember him until my death.
Impossible, don’t even think about killing me with abacus beads.
It’s time to give him a shocking gift.
In an instant, Shen Jiali’s eyes fell on the travel magazine that Uncle Li had deliberately placed here —
On his birthday, Shen Jiali opened his eyes amidst the bombardment of countless text messages and phone calls.
It was rare for Uncle Li to be a good person today. Considering it was his birthday, he didn’t come early to call someone. He wanted him to sleep a little longer, but some people were not as knowledgeable as Uncle Li.
After turning off his phone, Shen Jiali slowly sat up and looked out the window at the hundred-acre garden. He got up and went to the kitchen, took out a brand new bag of salt and went downstairs.
He poured the salt into the ground and flattened it with his palm, and he probably had an idea in his mind.
On the breakfast table, two bowls of longevity noodles were placed neatly together. Uncle Li pushed Nan Liujing down and said enthusiastically to the two of them: “Master, Mr. Shen, happy birthday, I wish you a long life in Xuan Tang and a prosperous Lange!”
“Thank you, Tongfu.” Nanliu Jing said lightly, and then looked at Shen Jiali.
Uncle Li also quickly used his eyes to signal him to say something nice to the young master, but Shen Jiali automatically blocked it and looked at the garden outside the window, thinking in his mind.
“Come to think of it, the two of you have the same birthday. This is really destined. We must have traveled on the same boat in our previous lives!” Uncle Li clasped his hands in his fists and moved himself with tears in his eyes.
Shen Jiali: Withdraw. It’s already very low to stare at people with big eyes and small eyes every day in this life, and I will have to do it again for several more lives.
Nanliu Jing was still eating noodles in Gujing Wubo, then rinsed his mouth and went to work.
The driver had already come to pick her up, but he lingered on for some unknown reason. Sometimes he was adjusting his tie and sometimes adjusting his cuffs, wondering what he was doing.
Until he cleared his throat suggestively.
Uncle Li felt happy and whispered to Shen Jiali: “Go and say happy birthday to the young master, he has been waiting.”
Shen Jiali chewed the noodles slowly without raising his head: “Happy birthday.”
Nanliu Jing:…
“Yang Driver, let’s go.”
In the car.
Nanliu Jing stared out the window, feeling confused.
In the past, on his birthday, he would receive hundreds of birthday blessing text messages, and employees would specially create various birthday surprises for him. However, because there were so many, he never read the text messages and never opened the gifts.
It was the same this year, but the only difference was that he went through hundreds of text messages several times, trying to find the familiar sender who had never sent him a message.
but no.
A steady stream of text messages and blessings were mixed in with the phone calls. He had to look down at the phone every time it lit up.
still none.
It was gloomy outside the window, and the forecast said there would be moderate rain this evening.
Like his mood at this time, it was not beautiful.
Nan Liujing groped for the seat out of habit. After groping for a long time, his hands were empty. When he lowered his head, his travel magazine was gone.
Driver Yang took the initiative and said, “Uncle Li took away the travel magazine. I saw you read it many times. Mr. Nan, do you want to go traveling?”
Nan Liujing said nothing.
He had just taken over the company, and many people were watching him. Now he couldn’t get away. He should be more careful and step by step when he has reached this point. If he is not careful, many years of hard work will be wasted.
Driver Yang smiled and said: “The sky in Bolivia is beautiful, right? You must go there if you have the chance.”
Nanliu Jing stared out the window absentmindedly. The realm of the sky is very beautiful, but when will we have the opportunity?
In the next life?
Nanliu Jingjia.
Shen Jiali turned around. The villain is not here and Uncle Li is not here, which is good.
He searched online for a long time and found the idle construction team and the salt field.
It takes about 600 tons to cover a hundred acres of garden with salt. The price of industrial salt is about 400, so it is 240,000.
too expensive.
A tough co*ck like him doesn’t want to go out.
Although the wool comes from the sheep, in the final analysis it is all Nanliu Jing’s money.
But wouldn’t it be hard for him to think hard every day about how to expand his small treasury?
Tsk, in the final analysis it’s Nanliu Jing’s fault, he hates all people without any sense of boundaries.
Although I was indeed happy to see Bai Wei.
Shen Jiali lay on the bed and sighed for a long time, flicking the phone weakly, and his eyes were about to close for a while.
Suddenly, the words “80 yuan/ton” suddenly appeared.
Regardless of the quality of the product, the cheaper one is always the better product.
At ten o’clock in the morning, the construction team arrived on time with a forklift. Looking at the luxurious garden landscaping, a group of people hesitated: “Are you sure about such a gorgeous garden?”
Shen Jiali said “hmm”.
He added: “Leave half an acre at the south gate.”
Every point saved is worth a point.
Several large forklifts, loaded with guilt, slowly drove toward the garden.
The towering redwood trees were uprooted and collapsed, flinging their berries everywhere; the beautifully manicured lawns instantly turned into dirt, with grass seeds flying everywhere.
Large pieces of salt are spread flat on the dirt floor, and workers use forklifts to crush them and grind them into fine salt sand. Looking around, the surroundings are white, as if a heavy snowfall has just ended. It stretches as far as the eye can see, as if the whole world is covered by this clean white.
The white color is bright and dazzling, and Shen Jiali is full of joy.
This time, including labor costs, the total expenditure was 60,000 yuan.
Shen Jiali’s heart was bleeding.
It started to rain lightly in the evening, and a thin layer of water accumulated on the flat salt floor.
Shen Jiali took advantage of the sound of rain and fell asleep peacefully in this drowsy white noise. The screen of the silent mobile phone kept lighting up, and text messages came one after another.
Idiot No. 1:
[Brother, the rain has stopped. Shall I pick you up? ]
[Brother must be sleeping again, it doesn’t matter, I can wait (*^▽^*)]
Half an hour later:
[Brother, it’s six o’clock, haven’t you gotten up yet? Can I go there now? 】
【Brother, little lazy boy, it’s time to get up~ I’ll be there in half an hour, wait for me~ What the hell! ]
Shen Lanqing looked around the small villa in the suburbs, with beads of sweat on her face and her crimson cheeks soaked.
He got up at six o’clock in the morning and rushed here to arrange the scene. Even the position where the red wine was placed was carefully measured. The long oval table was covered with a snow-white tablecloth. Delicate pink roses bloomed in the artistic flower basket in the middle, and the crystal candlesticks were crystal clear.
Shen Lanqing firmly believes that today will be the most unforgettable day for her brother.
Chapter 38
The other side.
Nan Liujing declined numerous invitations from leaders and employees and got off work on time.
He looked at the phone again.
It’s six o’clock and I still haven’t received Shen Gali’s birthday wishes.
Is this person’s heart made of stone?
Suddenly, I remembered the life-size gift box hidden in the bedroom, and the Linshi who had specially sent Uncle Li to Linshi who wouldn’t be able to come back for a while, and I couldn’t help but feel upset.
When they got home, Nan Liujing didn’t rush in. Instead, he asked the driver to drive the car to the south gate.
As the main villain of the original text, it is standard to have a dark and undisturbed black place.
The south gate is the edge of the garden, with French plane trees planted behind it, which is dense and quiet.
When Nan Liujing is in a bad mood, he likes to calm down here and think of some dirty tricks.
Shen Jiali, give you one last chance. When I turn on my phone, I want to see your birthday wishes.
A long while.
He slammed the phone into the dirt. Shen Jiali, if you don’t use the opportunity given to you, don’t blame me for being cruel. Where did I put my little toy?
In order to get the small toy quickly, he pressed the forward button of the electric wheelchair, and Gululu drove forward.
After passing through a dense forest of sycamore trees, you will see carefully tended American redwoods, and then a turf that is even neater than a golf course…
Nanliujing’s wheelchair stopped.
Nanliu Jing looked at the suddenly enlightened scene in front of him:?
What about the garden…?
Only a vast expanse of white remains, with no end in sight.… Θ思ΘRabbitΘ.netΘDocumentsΘSharingΘandΘOnlineΘreadΘ “Shen Jiali!!!” The roaring sound of anger disturbed the birds that were chatting with each other on the branches, They flapped their wings and fled in all directions.
Nan Liujing stood up straight, dragging his wheelchair and walking away quickly, the salt grains crunching under his feet.
The royal garden he spent three years tending was gone, and it was gone without even seeing the bubbles left behind.
Shen Gali, Shen Gali! ! !
“Bang!” After entering the house, Nan Liujing grabbed the wheelchair with one hand and threw it to the ground. He sat on it and took a deep breath to try to calm down.
This breathing cannot be calmed down.
Nan Liujing pushed open the door: “Shen Jiali, get up.”
Shen Jiali slowly opened his eyes, looked at the clock, and closed his eyes again: “It’s six o’clock, go to bed, good night.”
Nan Liujing couldn’t help but pull him away Get up and pull him out: “See for yourself the good thing you have done.”
Shen Jiali was dragged out of the door in a daze. The sky cleared up after the rain and was covered with a large dazzling red cloud. It was unobstructed for hundreds of miles and had an unobstructed view.
He raised his hand to block the light, and said boldly: “This is a gift for you.”
Nanliu Jing gritted his silver teeth secretly, and his jawbone protruded.
He raised his hand and pointed at the bare courtyard: “You want to piss me off to death and inherit my inheritance as soon as possible. This is your real purpose, right?”
But as soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly froze.
Nan Liujing’s originally sharp eyebrows gradually relaxed, and then his eyes were filled with a hint of disbelief.
In the distant sky, the flaming red clouds are clustered into scales, just like the tassels of a phoenix spitting out and scattered into ribbons.
The originally snow-white surface of the salt land ripples with a thin layer of accumulated water, like a smooth mirror, reflecting the sky.
A straight and narrow horizontal line divides the world into two, and the perfectly reproduced scene suddenly makes it difficult to distinguish between reality and illusion.
Nan Liujing’s clenched fingers gradually loosened, and his pupils trembled, dyed warm red by the sunset.
The realm of the sky, the place he was looking forward to but didn’t know when he would be able to explore, was right in front of him at this moment.
Shen Jiali glanced at him silently.
Is it okay? He’s going to go back and lie down if it’s okay.
Oh, by the way, and also: “Happy birthday.”
The lingering red clouds were blown away by the silent wind. It was obvious that the two of them deliberately kept a distance, but in the vast world, they seemed to be closely dependent on each other.
Shen Lanqing, who arrived on time at 6:30, rang the doorbell for a long time but no one answered. He was worried that something might happen to Shen Jiali, so he climbed through the carved iron gate and entered the courtyard. He happened to see this scene and heard Shen Jiali’s indifferent “Happy Birthday” .
“Pa!” The bouquet in his hand fell to the ground, and the water on the ground soaked the card hidden in the bouquet.
The phrase “Happy birthday to my brother, we will be together forever” on the card was smudged by water stains, and the small edges were scattered.
His lips were trembling and his eyelids were red.
After preparing carefully all day long, looking forward to spending a wonderful night with my brother, my brother ended up saying happy birthday to another man.
The brother who was so lazy and never responded to messages cut down trees and spread salt on this man’s birthday, creating a perfect scene.
What’s so good about Nanliujing? Can a cripple who can only sit in a wheelchair forever give his brother the happiness he wants?
The soles of her shoes crushed the petals, and Shen Lanqing strode away, tightening her fingers and pinching her fingertips deeply into her palms.
When he returned to his suburban villa, he tore the tablecloth frantically, smashed all the dishes, and stabbed the table with force with a sharp knife as if to vent his anger.
Shen Lanqing turned 50% black—…
wasn’t until the sunset faded and the sky suddenly appeared that Nanliu Jing finally came back to his senses.
He had been thinking about it for a long time and finally planned to say “thank you”. When he turned around —
where is the big Shen Gali?
You don’t need to guess to know that he must have gone back to lie down.
Anyone who sleeps too much is stupid.
Nanliu Jingda
The hotel sent dinner and cake over the phone, lit candles, and placed a bouquet of pink roses in the middle of the long table.
Then blow out the candles and remove the bouquet.
Otherwise, if Shen Jiali saw him, he wouldn’t think that he was interested in him.
He went upstairs and rarely took the initiative to knock on the door, but Shen Jiali knew that Uncle Li was not here, so he could not respond and continued to sleep with his eyes closed.
Nan Liujing thought for a moment, then dialed Uncle Li and turned on the loudspeaker.
“Mr. Shen?”
Shen Jiali sat up and opened the door.
Looking at the phone, Shen Jiali gritted his teeth.jpg
Nan Liujing hung up the phone and said in a low voice, “Come down, I have something for you.”
Shen Jiali didn’t want anything except the underground CBD.
“It’s what you want.” Nanliu Jing said.
“I don’t believe it.” Shen Jiali didn’t believe it. There was no way he could have seen Nan Liujing cut out a matryoshka-style earth palace for him when he went downstairs.
“You will regret it.” Nan Liujing lowered his voice and said every word.
Shen Jiali doesn’t understand. Are you using this to scare people? Decades later, it will be a handful of loess, and you will regret it before the King of Hell?
Send guests off, close the door, and lie down.
After a while, the door was pushed open and an oversized gift box fell onto his bed.
Shen Jiali moved aside to make room for the gift box and glanced again.
Nan Liujing couldn’t bear it anymore. He grabbed Shen Jiali’s hand and led him hand in hand to open the box.
A big, round cotton doll popped out.
Shen Jiali slowly played one?
This… what is this?
He has never seen such an ugly baby in his whole life. The suit on his body was taped with double-sided tape, and there were three bare yarns standing on his head. The stitching was so messy that Uncle Li had to dispose of it directly as garbage.
The key is that this kid is cross-eyed.
There was also a bloody fingerprint on the shirt.
Cursed child!
The child has a sinister expression and looks like something extremely evil at first glance.
Nan Liujing silently hid his hands behind his back and looked down at him arrogantly: “A gift.”
Shen Jiali: “I understand, you want to curse me with this.”
Nan Liujing:?
I know all the words, but why can’t I understand them together?
Doesn’t he like dolls? Why is the expression flat?
Because of his words “I like dolls”, Nan Liujing stayed up for several long nights. Every day he was stuffing cotton or on the road stuffing cotton. The man who had never touched a small needle was wearing a thimble to thread needles and threads, and his hands were all scratched. It was tied into a honeycomb and accidentally left bloody fingerprints.
But he was indifferent? !
“Say you like it.” Nan Liujing had never suffered like this before, and his temper got worse, and Yi Qi ordered.
Shen Jiali:…
There are already a lot of ugly things in this world, and this person still wants to create garbage.
“You said you like dolls.” Nan Liujing stared at him, his eyes dark.
It’s not because his efforts were not recognized, but because Shen Jiali didn’t seem very interested.
Shen Jiali couldn’t remember where he said this, but he did say it.
But not this cursed child.
Shen Jiali didn’t like Xu and Snake, and said straightforwardly: “It’s ugly, do you like it? What I want is the doll in the storage room.” Although
Nan Liujing wanted to give this thing to him, he would probably let Uncle Li handle it directly, but his dignity could not leave.
“I like it.”
Shen Jiali stuffed the ugly baby into his arms: “If you like it, take it away. If you want to give it away, give it to me in the storage room.” He
didn’t like the baby either. Visually, it was the same model as Nanliujing, but for some reason, he held it in his arms. It just sleeps very soundly.
“I can’t give you that.” Nan Liujing closed his fingers and spoke calmly.
Shen Jiali didn’t want to know why. If he couldn’t give it, he couldn’t give it. Even if he knew the reason, he couldn’t get it.
That’s it, sleep.
Just lying on the bed, in the darkness, Nan Liujing said in a deep voice: “Do you know why you can’t give it?”
Shen Jiali: I didn’t ask, there is no need to tell.
“That doll was given to me by my mother on my sixth birthday.” Nan Liujing’s voice sounded like it was from another world, filled with a hint of loneliness.
Shen Jiali: I really didn’t ask, don’t talk to yourself.
Nan Liujing slowly lowered his eyes, seeming to be lost in reminiscing about the past.
He originally planned to keep this secret in his heart forever, because the intrigues around him didn’t deserve to know, but for some reason, after learning that Shen Jiali liked this doll so much, he felt a strange throbbing in his heart.
I thought, maybe this person will understand me.
Nan Liujing’s biological mother came from a wealthy family and was a well-known lady. There were many suitors in Linshi, but she couldn’t match any of them, so she fell in love with Nan Feng at first sight and took the initiative to propose a marriage.
This man in his thirties has a fatal attraction for her, but he is not interested in her. The more he doesn’t get it, the more he wants it. Due to pressure from his father, Nan Feng married Nan Liu Jing’s mother.
After the marriage, the two did not get along happily. No matter how hard the mother tried, Nanfeng was always indifferent and often absent from home. The mother thought that having a child would be good, so she gave birth to a child in the first year after marriage, named Nanliu Jing.
In ancient Chinese, Nanliujing represents the sun.
But contrary to expectations, Nanfeng was extremely cold not only to his mother, but also to Nanliujing. He never even called him by his nickname, and always called him “Nanliujing, come here” with a serious look on his face.
If you insist on following someone who doesn’t love you, you will inevitably end up in doom.
The mother knew about the existence of Yu Huaisu, and even knew that the woman secretly gave birth to Nanfeng’s child. Nanfeng often took Yu Huaisu home as a “friend”.
The mother didn’t dare to ask, fearing that if she asked, their marriage would really come to an end.
The depression and resentment that had been held in her heart for a long time, and the love that she couldn’t get turned into hatred with long legs, spreading crazily throughout her body, forming a cage, shackling her inside, and forcing her to be unable to breathe.
After that, my mother’s spirit became a little abnormal. She often asked some strange questions to the wall, and then asked and answered herself and laughed weirdly. In the end, she started to face Nanliu Jing, who was only five or six years old. Venting her anger, she raised a sharp knife and asked him why he betrayed her, and even raised him high to throw him to death.
Occasionally, the mother would wake up and look at the bruised child holding him and crying bitterly. She expressed her guilt and blame over and over again. Later, she gave him a pair of scissors and said that if she got sick again, she would use this to kill her.
This doll was a birthday present for Nan Liujing on his sixth birthday, when his mother was sober for the rare occasion.
But from that day on, she never regained consciousness.
In the end, my mother was lying in the hospital, as skinny as a withered rose, crying and begging Nan Liujing to unplug her oxygen mask.
Nan Liujing was still young at that time, but he also understood that his mother was really in pain, and the mental torture turned into pathological pain, tearing her body apart.
Without hesitation, Nan Liujing took off the oxygen mask, with tears in his eyes, kissed his mother’s forehead softly and said goodbye softly.
When others rushed in, what they saw was Nan Liujing unplugging his mother’s oxygen mask with his own hands.
The label of “pervert, devil, murderer” was placed on a six-year-old child without mercy. People in the world don’t like to trace the source of evil, and only think that what they see with their own eyes is the truth.
Nanliu Jing hates that doll, it always reminds him of his terrible past.
He wanted to throw it away several times, but he could never do it, because only by looking at the doll could he be sure that his mother had loved him and had always loved him.
Before her mother died, Nanfeng sat on the bedside and comforted her that she would raise the child well. However, after the first seven days, Yu Huaisu came in and brought a four-year-old son.
How could the perfectly fine stair handrail suddenly break, which happened to be the place that six-year-old Nan Liujing had to pass every day? By coincidence, he had been sitting in this wheelchair for twenty-three years.
Nan Liujing wanted to tell his father that he didn’t have to get married if he didn’t love her, but he couldn’t say it when he looked at Shen Jiali.
Some things are beyond your control.
He became the same devil as his father, leaving him terrified and unable to sleep well.
Shen Jiali was lying on the bed, his eyes closed and his breathing steady, as if he was asleep.
But he didn’t sleep.
He listened to the whole story word for word, wondering if it was because of this that his biological father, whom he had never met, cruelly left him and his mother.
If you don’t love, you don’t have to get married. Isn’t it difficult to understand?
The bed was quiet. Nan Liujing stared at Shen Jiali for a long time, thinking that he was asleep.
A soft sigh came from the darkness.
It’s good that he didn’t hear it, otherwise who would accept a person who personally pulled off the birth mother’s oxygen mask? It would be scary to live under the same roof with such a person.
Nan Liujing turned around and planned to leave.
Suddenly, he heard a rustling sound coming from behind him.
Looking back, he saw that Shen Jiali had already sat up.
The bright moonlight cast in from the window, forming a hazy halo around his body. ◎思◎Rabbit◎网◎
He still looked listless, rubbing his sleepy eyes, and said softly: “Suddenly I want to eat cake.”
Eat something sweet on his birthday, so that his mother in heaven can share the sweetness with him. .
Nan Liujing chuckled: “Okay.”
Shen Jiali always felt that Nan Liujing was different from the bosses in novels. He ate homely meals three times a day. It was rare to see him buying top-quality abalone wings and spending a fortune every time. He spent millions to hold a birthday party, but he was quite simple. Even the birthday cake was an ordinary fruit cake that was only 12 inches long. There were only two of them in such a big house.
Nan Liujing rarely took the initiative to cut a piece of cake for Shen Jiali, and it was the piece with the most fruits.
“Shen Jiali.” He suddenly said.
Shen Jiali looked up faintly, and the next second, there was a lump of cream on his cheeks.
Nan Liujing had a smile on his lips, and his fingertips were still stained with traces of crime that had not been cleaned up.
He thought that with Shen Jiali’s vengeful character, he would definitely wipe it out next. This was a scene he had seen on TV. The two protagonists wiped each other’s cakes and accidentally hugged each other while having fun.
Haha, childish, who would do such a thing as an adult?
But, fun.
He raised his hands to prepare for defense, but saw Shen Jiali squinting at him with a chilled look on his face.
Nanliu Jing:…
Why is it different from what I imagined.
“Is it fun?” Shen Jiali said lightly: “Rubbing your face with what you eat is a waste of food and water.”
So he couldn’t understand this kind of behavior. Would anyone really be happy because of it?
Try it?
In line with the concept of not wasting food and water, Shen Jiali slowly looked at the trash can.
He took out the bag of sauce…
Nanliu Jing felt intense uneasiness as he looked at the lump of sauce on his finger.
He held the armrest of his wheelchair tightly and watched with vigilance as Shen Gali approached him step by step: “What are you doing?”
Shen Gali said: “Revenge.”
He raised his finger covered with sauce and wiped it towards the southern scenery.
Nan Liujing held his hand and said, “Can this thing be applied to people’s faces?”
Shen Jiali: “Are you allergic to this?”
Nan Liujing: “Not really.”
Shen Jiali no longer struggled with him, and his whole body Pressing on Nan Liujing, he relied on his whole body weight to try to suppress Nan Liujing’s resisting hand.
The next second —
Nan Liujing was too strong. Every time the sauce was about to approach his face, he pushed it away. He was tired and didn’t want to take revenge.
Shen Jiali lowered his hands, his head crooked into Nan Liujing’s neck and shoulders, and his whole body clung to him, motionless.
At that moment, Nan Liujing’s body became stiff.
I hate physical contact that is too intimate, and getting too close, as if all my inner thoughts will be penetrated by others, and the blind spots that I have tried so hard to hide will be exposed to others.
He doesn’t want any dead ends in his life.
“Your heart.” Shen Jiali blinked and said in a hollow voice, “It beats so fast.”
Nan Liujing was stunned for a moment and looked away: “My heart has been beating very fast.”
Is that so? I don’t know, but The only thing that was certain was that his heart was beating so fast that he could feel it.
Next, Shen Jiali didn’t make any sound. When Nan Liujing lowered his head to check, he found that the man had fallen asleep again at some point.
When the other person falls asleep,
The already spacious room was even more silent, and you could hear the drop of a needle. In this way, the sound of your own heartbeat became clearer.
After calming down, the sense of smell will become more sensitive. Nan Liujing knew that Shen Jiali had a special fragrance. He once asked Uncle Li what brand of laundry detergent Shen Jiali used. Uncle Li said that the three of them used the same kind of laundry detergent. Liquid, Uncle Li has never smelled any special fragrance on Shen Jiali.
Then Uncle Li told him that the reason why he could smell the special aroma of Shen Jiali was a genetic choice.
The human body is always secreting pheromones, that is, pheromones. Pheromones can not be smelled through the nose, but through the plow-shaped thing on the bridge of the nose. At the same time, the nose plow has a screening function, and only the pheromones of interest can be smelled. Only pheromones can smell it. In other words, it is up to the individual’s genes to choose whether they can sense the pheromones secreted by the other person’s body.
Nan Liujing lowered his head and looked at Shen Jiali.
So, the genes in his body chose him.?
so weird.
In addition to controlling the degree of pheromones perception of the other person, the genes in the body can also control the brain’s desire to get close to and touch the other person?
While thinking about this problem, his hand seemed to have completely escaped the control of his brain and quietly covered Shen Jiali’s lower back.
Do you think that softness in men’s bodies is also a genetic choice? Otherwise, why did he never feel that Uncle Li was soft?
Troublesome genes.
Nanliu Jing quietly stared at Shen Jiali’s sleeping face, which was smeared clean by the moonlight and touched by the warmth of candlelight.
He breathed a sigh of relief: “Happy birthday.”
After a long time, he added: “Next year, we will celebrate my birthday together.”
It was already midnight when Uncle Li rushed back from the city next door. As soon as he entered the courtyard gate, he was dumbfounded.
He rubbed his eyes to make sure he went to the right door.
The original lush garden landscaping is now bare and bare for thousands of miles. He was shocked, and coupled with the strange silence that was different from usual, the image of the young master dismantling Shen Jiali into eight pieces and cooking them in an iron pot suddenly popped into his mind.
Uncle Li Meng shouted.jpg, performing on the spot what it means to be pissed off.
“Master! You must not! With your current physical condition, you won’t even be able to step on a sewing machine after entering the office!” Uncle Li shouted miserably as he entered the door.
The next second, the screams stopped abruptly.
The white and neat tablecloth reflected the swaying shadows of the candlelight, trembling slowly. Although the candlelight was small, it was enough to illuminate every corner, leaving all kinds of shadows.
In front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, the two figures, wrapped in the warm candlelight, were quiet and peaceful.
Nan Liujing fell asleep leaning on the wheelchair, with Shen Jiali, who was also sleeping soundly, lying in his arms. As if he was afraid that he would fall down, he gently held his lower back with one hand. Patting, as if to lull him to sleep.
Uncle Li immediately put away his exaggerated expression, smiled with tears in his eyes, silently took out his mobile phone and turned on the camera to face the two of them.
I have eaten my old man to death. I never thought that one day I would be able to see the young master put away his sharp claws and fangs, and be as docile as a little sheep. Although the movements of coaxing him to sleep were unrhythmic and stiff, this was the first time for him to do such a thing. Tried my best.
According to Ba Zongwen’s standard, Uncle Li couldn’t help but said: “I haven’t seen the young master be so gentle for a long time.” After all the
hardships, Uncle Li burst into tears. After taking more than a hundred photos, he covered the two of them with a blanket and blew out the candles. He turned on the lamp and silently entered the study.
When Nan Liujing woke up, Shen Jiali was still sleeping, and he kept lying on top of him in a difficult movement all night.
He wanted to shake the person awake, but hesitated when his hand came to him.
In the end, he just pulled up the blanket and looked out the window at the salt marsh covered in clear water.
Wait, what is that.
There is a stone pavilion outside the window, with a string pulled from the eaves from left to right, and the string is covered with photos. He
rolled his wheelchair and took a closer look —
in the photo, he hugged Shen Gali to sleep last night. Hundreds of photos were exactly the same, with occasional slight differences in movements. And Uncle Li was humming a little tune and hanging photos…
Not only that, when he looked back, he found that the walls of the hall were also made up of big hearts with photos, and they were blowing gently with the draft…
Uncle Li… I don’t want to pay. Be able to speak directly.
Forget it, it won’t happen next time.
When he lowered his head, he saw that Shen Jiali had woken up at some point, still maintaining the same posture, his eyes were distracted, and he was staring blankly at the love photo wall.
Nan Liujing subconsciously explained: “I didn’t post it.”
Shen Jiali nodded in confusion, got off him, and rubbed his sore waist.
He didn’t care who posted it, he just wanted to say: “Sure enough, you are not as comfortable as the doll.”
After that, he left.
Nan Liujing gathered his fingers and clenched them into fists.
As expected, this man is very capable of making people angry.
Shen Jiali returned to the room, took out his cell phone and took a look.
Hundreds of text messages, hundreds of missed calls, so scary.
There seemed to be a lot of text messages, but there were only a few annoying people sending them back and forth, and occasionally there were one or two text messages and phone calls from Bai Wei.
Bai Wei!
Shen Jiali became energetic and opened the text message:
[Good morning Li Li (*^▽^*), I wish you a happy birthday. I hope you will do what you want in the next days and get what you want. I have prepared a birthday gift for you. I don’t know. When are you free, I would like to visit you and look forward to your reply — Bai Wei]
The date of sending the letter was seven o’clock yesterday morning.
In order to avoid being harassed by text messages from annoying people, you ignored the text messages that your mother had been waiting for all day long. What’s wrong with people?
He quickly called Bai Wei back, frantically composing an apology in his mind.
Bai Wei answered the phone quickly. Shen Jiali said good morning and explained to her that he didn’t check his phone yesterday. Bai Wei said, “It’s okay. I guess you were busy. Did you have a good time yesterday?” Her voice was soft
. Gentleness eliminated most of Shen Jiali’s worries.
“Happy…” Of course it wasn’t happy, but in order not to worry Bai Wei, she could only say something nice.
“That’s good. By the way, I’ve prepared a gift for you. Do you have time in the evening? I’m shooting during the day. Can I send it to you in the evening?” If this were left to others, Shen Jiali would definitely say “I don’t have time, take it.” I won’t have time for a year, so don’t come. “But if it’s a mother, it’s different.” Can I go find you? “He didn’t want Bai Wei to make another trip for the gift after rushing for a day’s notice. Moreover, his patience did not allow him to wait until night.
Bai Wei readily agreed and gave him the address.
This was the first time that Shen Jiali had the idea of dressing himself seriously. Last time, Bai Wei saw him looking embarrassed with sweat on his face. This time, he must restore his image in her heart.
He took away those Lolita and put all the clothes Nanliu Jing bought for him last time on the bed.
It’s over, what should I do if I don’t have aesthetics?
After pondering for a long time, he stood at the corner of the stairs and said expressionlessly to Nan Liujing below:” Come up here and give you a chance to show off. “Nan Liujing:?
Shen Jiali thought that with Bai Wei as the driving force, changing clothes would not be so painful.
But it was still painful. He didn’t understand why the shirt had so many buttons. Why couldn’t it just be worn over the head?
After buttoning two buttons, the person was buttoned to the bed, just like a good boy who was forced to lose his virginity, lying on the bed and looking at the ceiling, mechanically touching the buttons as if his heart was filled with despair.
Nan Liujing was sitting next to him. Even though he had done nothing, he felt inexplicably guilty about forcing a girl into prostitution.
After finally buttoning up, Shen Jiali spread his weak hands and said,” Does it look good? “A
light and clean goose yellow shirt, with a simple white T underneath, and straight high-waisted jeans outline his long and straight legs, which is very suitable for hot summer. , looks fresh and clean.
Nan Liujing hooked his fingers:” Come here. “Shen Jiali didn’t want to move:” Just say it right there. “Without any explanation, Nan Liujing was pulled up, holding his waist with one hand and tucking the hem of his clothes into the waistband of his trousers with the other.
With a thin and straight waist, even if the clothes are tucked into the waist, there will be no unnecessary feeling. This suit of clothes matches his overall hair color, which is light and light, just right.
Shen Jiali looked at the time and hurried downstairs.” Where to go? “Nan Liujing asked from behind. _This_work_is_provided_online_read_by_si_tu_网_
Shen Jiali didn’t want to answer him, and felt that he had no obligation to inform him of his itinerary.
Nan Liujing didn’t have the habit of chasing after people with questions, so he directly informed Uncle Li to prepare a car.
In the car, Shen Jiali sighed and couldn’t help but ask:” Why are you following me? “Nanliu Jing stared straight ahead and chuckled:” Is there a law that stipulates that I can’t go where you go? “You have to
dress up carefully, but you have to Look who you put all your effort into dressing up for.
Shen Jiali looked sideways out of the window:” No, in that case, just pretend not to know me. “Nan Liujing felt funny:” What is something to be proud of knowing you? “” No, so don’t say you know me. “Shen Jiali Secretly, just wait for this sentence, don’t disturb his reunion with his mother.
Nan Liujing glanced at him and let out a cold snort.
The address given by Bai Wei was at the studio behind Changteng Entertainment Company. Shen Jiali got out of the car, and Nanliu Jing asked Uncle Li to drive the car to the back door. He wanted to avoid taking the usual route and try to hide it from others.
As soon as Shen Jiali arrived at the door, a little girl with a ponytail came up to him excitedly and said that she was Bai Wei’s assistant. Bai Wei was filming and called her to the door to pick up Shen Jiali.
Shen Jiali’s usually calm little heart beat an unusual rhythm. I want to see my mother’s photography.
The studio was very large, with several air conditioners blowing directly at it, but it was still stuffy because the sealing was not strong.
Shen Jiali waved his hand and wiped it across his forehead without leaving a trace.
Very good, refreshing and no sweat, mom, here I come.
I heard from the assistant that Bai Wei was shooting a jewelry commercial today, but in real life, her mother never wore any jewelry to save money. It’s not that she didn’t like it, otherwise why would she not be able to move while looking at the diamond necklace in the window.
Today, I can see my mother shining in front of the camera wearing exquisite jewelry. For the first time, Shen Jiali feels that living in the world is not too bad. There will always be someone who makes him like the world a little bit.
Inhale — exhale —
in the corner where no one is paying attention, the jewelry brand owner has respectfully led Nanliu Jing to the corner of the studio, and thoughtfully served a cold drink.
There were a lot of people in the studio, including the staff and artists who were participating in the shooting, but it was completely different from Shen Jiali’s fantasy. He didn’t see Bai Wei shine, but he saw a pretty boy showing arrogance.
Although he didn’t know the celebrity artist, he could tell at a glance that this pretty boy had a big seat. He was sitting on the boss’s chair with his legs crossed, surrounded by dozens of assistants and staff, all hunched over and trying to please him.
The pretty boy was drinking iced coffee, his face was as white as a layer of flour, his facial features were exquisite and beautiful, but his eyes were not very pleasing, and his expression was arrogant and domineering.” Mom… where’s Sister Bai Wei. “Shen Jiali didn’t see Bai Wei and felt uncomfortable.
Bai Wei’s assistant sighed and wiped the sweat from his forehead:” Sister Weiwei had a small disagreement with her advertising partner, and it was him. “The assistant nodded the pretty boy’s face with his chin:” He said
his wrists are white and thin. , suitable for that kind of platinum thin diamond chain, but what Sister Weiwei negotiated with the spokesperson was another set of pure gold bracelets. He thought gold was tacky and refused to say anything, so Sister Weiwei said to calm down first and went to the bathroom. “Shen Jiali:?
Am I… traveling to the Qing Dynasty? Have you met Aisin Gioro?” Who is better, him or Sister Bai Wei? “Shen Jiali didn’t understand the industry slang, so he could only ask this question.” Ah, you are talking about the coffee position. “The assistant lowered her voice,” Of course it is Sister Weiwei, but… “She didn’t know whether to take it seriously or not.” But, this Pei Jing… is supported by a big boss who spends a lot of money. I can’t say what the relationship is, but the big boss really can’t be offended, so he has been arrogant, and the director team has nothing to do with him. “Assistant The more she talked, the more she felt aggrieved:” Sister Weiwei has to rush for an interview at four o’clock. If he keeps putting it off like this, he will be late. “Just as he was talking, Bai Wei came out of the bathroom and saw Shen Jiali with a cold and tense expression. talent
Have a little relaxation.
“Sorry to keep you waiting.” Bai Wei smiled brightly and looked at Shen Jiali. “Is it hot? I’ll ask the assistant to buy you a cold drink?”
Shen Jiali glanced at the hot assistant with a red face from the corner of his eye and smiled. She shook her head: “It’s not hot, I drank on the way.”
“Yeah, by the way, let me introduce you.” Bai Wei pulled Shen Jiali to a middle-aged man, “This is Director He, the chief director of the commercial shooting .”
Director He was sitting alone, arranging the machine, while other staff members had already joined forces to fan the pretty boy, give him tea, and say nice words.
Shen Jiali was embarrassed. Although he hated socializing, it was his mother who introduced him, so…
“Hello, uncle.” He bowed slightly.
Director He made a low “hmm” sound, raised his eyes casually, glanced at it out of habit, but suddenly paused while turning his head, and then looked up suddenly.
His lips trembled and he couldn’t help but stand up: “Who is this?”
Bai Wei smiled: “He is a child who is very close to me, his name is Shen Jiali.”
Director He’s eyes were already big and round, and they were so wide-eyed at this moment Halfway through, his pupils were shaking: “Which company is he new to? I haven’t seen him before.” “He’s not an artist, he’s just an ordinary student. He just graduated not long ago and he’s here to visit the class today.” Bai Wei said.
Director He’s Adam’s apple rolled, and he asked tremblingly: “Boy, are you willing to give it a try?”
Shen Jiali: If you don’t want to, reject it first and then reject it. But what to try?
“You should know about Lancer Jewelry, a high-end luxury brand. The brand has named Bai Wei to be their spokesperson. However, the jewelry is the same for men and women, so a male spokesperson is needed. No, we are auditioning today.” Director He glanced at He glanced at the pretty boy named Pei Jing not far away, and deliberately raised his voice, “If he doesn’t want to f*ck me, why don’t you give it a try?”
Shen Jiali: Damn. The last time I made a campus promotional video, my energy was severely damaged.
But if he doesn’t, won’t the pretty boy have to keep dragging his mother away? Mom is very busy, okay? She has no eyesight at all.
Shen, risking his life for his mother, Galli: “Then die.”
“Crack!” As soon as he finished speaking, the glass hit the ground with a crisp sound.
Everyone looked towards the source of the sound —
the pretty boy named Pei Jing finally gave up on crossing his legs, stood up with anger all over his body, and said “ha” in disbelief.
“What did you say? He auditioned?”
Chapter 39
“Yeah, I auditioned.” Shen Jiali said in a nonchalant tone, “You can leave.”
Come on, don’t delay my mother’s rest.
“Which company do you work for? I’ve never seen you before.” Pei Jing looked him up and down with disdain in his eyes.
Although it was just an audition, he dearly said that it was enough to come over and go through the process symbolically. The director and the brand had already said hello, so everything was safe.
It’s a sure thing that someone is overestimating his capabilities. I don’t know which company’s newcomer is so arrogant. Even if the director asks, he should look at his eyes and compete with the top brother for an endorsem*nt. Is it worthy?
Shen Jiali was sincere: “I work in the company at home.”
Pei Jing:?
Jialiton? Is there such a company?
Director He didn’t want to waste any more time and called the staff over: “Every staff member is in place. The makeup artist will take people to do makeup. We will try to start shooting on time in half an hour.” Bai Wei gestured to
Shen Gali: “Gali, come on. .”
Shen Jiali nodded calmly. He was not very good at saying beautiful words, so he could only silently remind himself in his heart that he must go through it again for the sake of his mother’s rest time.
Pei Jing looked at Shen Jiali’s back as he left with the make-up artist, grinding his silver teeth secretly, and looked at Director He angrily: “Director He, what do you mean, can any cat or dog on the street participate in Lancer’s audition? The director is so arrogant. Now you don’t even pay attention to the brand?”
Director He wiped the camera with an expressionless face, without raising his eyes: “Sorry, I am a straightforward person and don’t like to gossip.”
Pei Jing said again in disbelief: “Ha”, unexpectedly, I hit a brick wall today.
As one of the top ten luxury goods in the world, Lancer jewelry has always been highly sought after by the fashion industry. Its exquisite and innovative styles and perfect services are the first choice of the wealthy and wealthy. It is also the first choice of the top row of artists in the entertainment industry. The top resources you want to get.
Lancer Jewelry has implemented a strategic cooperation with a domestic gold brand this year, so it needs a female artist with oriental characteristics as a spokesperson. After multiple selections, it finally settled on Bai Wei.
Bai Wei is also an Oriental female artist favored by foreign directors. The graceful grace and grace of Oriental women, the beauty and fragrance of the country are vividly displayed in her, and she also has a characteristic that many contemporary female artists do not have — a strong sense of emotion.
It has spanned more than 20 years since her debut, and she has witnessed the development of an era. People born in the 1980s, 1900s and 2000s have almost grown up watching her works, so in the eyes of the brand, there is no more suitable candidate than her.
As for Pei Jing, there is always a way to make money.
The big boss behind him loves him extremely, so he has been holding various big IPs since his debut. Although he always ruined the reputation of big IPs with his poor acting skills in the end, and was even complained about by the original author on Weibo overnight, but There is nothing in this world that money cannot solve.
Even more, money can blind the eyes of fans. Indiscriminate marketing on major platforms. Pei Jing’s suicidal acting skills once defeated various national treasure-level artists. Fans love to be partisan and opposed to dissenters. Different voices will always be endlessly harassed. Amway Or insult and ridicule.
He succeeded, at least topping the popularity charts.
With Jie Hu’s endorsem*nt, he could say with certainty that Shen Jiali was in trouble.
One phone call, and the financial backer rushed over immediately.
Shen Jiali was in the dressing room, and the makeup artist hesitated to speak. She wanted to persuade Shen Jiali to give up and not to offend people who shouldn’t be offended.
However, Shen Jiali took the initiative to speak: “Which company does that person with the flour on his face belong to?”
The makeup artist held it in for a long time, and finally couldn’t hold it in anymore: “It’s Changteng Entertainment, a subsidiary of Huanhai. I’m not questioning your ability, but I still want to advise you, don’t forget it. You also know that Pei Jing has a shareholder of Huanhai Group behind him, and he is very narrow-minded. If you offend him, it will be difficult for you to move forward in this industry.” The makeup artist didn’t know Shen Jiali and thought he was Bai
. As Wei’s younger artist, she has seen too many consequences for offending Pei Jing, so she tried to persuade him out of kindness.
Shen Jiali: “Oh.”
The makeup artist sighed. Forget it, she has done her best to say what she shouldn’t have said. Since the other party won’t listen, she can only respect the fate of others.
When the big benefactor came from behind, Pei Jing was sitting alone in the corner, feeling sad in his heart. The desolate look of the fallen leaves in the autumn wind was pitiful.
The donor was afraid of being criticized, so he was reluctant to come forward in person, so he sent an assistant to inquire about the situation.
At this time, Pei Jing had just finished posting on Weibo:
[I am still a little unwilling to accept it. After working hard to prepare for so long, I was finally defeated by reality. 】
He met the assistant as if he were a relative. The more he spoke, the more aggrieved he became, and his eye circles turned red.
The benefactor loved him deeply, and was even more furious when he saw him like this. He stepped forward in two steps and hugged him into his arms: “My little treasure, poor, tsk tsk, what’s wrong, who bullied you?” Come on, tell me? “Pei Jing trembled in a low voice, and was so aggrieved that he could cry out:” I don’t know him either. It seems that he is a newcomer brought by Sister Bai Wei. I haven’t auditioned yet, and the director said that I am not needed. “Jin When the Lord heard this, he was angry.
Is there such a truth in the world? All the money he spent on the favors was wasted? Whose newcomer is so arrogant that even Huanhai Electronics dares to look down on him?” Don’t be busy. “The sponsor waved his hand and stopped the staff,” Let the person who auditioned come out. I have something to ask him. “The staff
looked at each other, not daring to delay, and quickly called people out.
When Shen Jiali came out, she had three clips in her hair and a light makeup that magnified the advantages of her facial features. When the financial owner saw this person, she became even more angry.
Damn it, such a great face is not mine, everything that is not mine must be destroyed.” Which company do you work for? What’s your boss’s name? “The sponsor said in a bad tone, pointing his finger at Shen Jiali’s nose in an aggressive manner.
Seeing this, Bai Wei stood up and stood in front of Shen Jiali, pressing the rude finger of the financial sponsor:” Mr. Yu, the child is young and ignorant. If he has offended you in any way, I will apologize to you on his behalf, but this is a studio, and there are reporters outside. Duo, if you have anything to say, let’s talk somewhere else. “” No, just say it here, you go ahead and I’ll listen. “Shen Jiali said lazily. ∴This ∴ work∴ is provided by ∴Si∴Rabbit∴.com∴∴Online∴Read∴Read∴People are shouting and want to
move, but Lazy Patch is unwilling.
Shen Jiali is not arrogant, he is just talking about things.
But in the eyes of the funder, this is a naked provocation. The young man has never been beaten up by society and he doesn’t know how high the world is. Today, he has to dampen his spirit and let him know what the rules are.
The sponsor pointed at Shen Jiali’s nose, his cheeks reddening angrily:” You are a bastard who doesn’t know the heights of heaven and earth. He has the guts to come here to grab endorsem*nts. I don’t care who your boss is and who is behind it. Get out of here if you know what’s going on. Don’t do it if it’s not yours. “Delusion, a nameless third-rate guy is not worthy of carrying Pei Jing’s shoes. He has made him sad. If you don’t kneel down and apologize twice today, this matter will never end.” Pei Jing listened secretly to the side, but on the surface he still had to do something
. He showed an expression as if something sad had been mentioned again, and he shed tears in grievance.
Bai Wei’s chest heaved violently, with a sarcastic smile on her face: “Mr. Yu is really rich and powerful, running wild in front of other people’s houses for a newcomer who doesn’t even have business capabilities. Do your wife and daughter know about this?” The sponsor finally
said He didn’t want others to talk about the yellow-faced woman in his family. He had been arguing with him every day at home, and when he heard her name outside, he suddenly became angry: “You say that again?!” Bai Wei also wanted to
say What? Shen Jiali took her hand and hid her behind his back.
He said casually: “It’s troublesome to kneel down and have to bend over. I apologize. You can go and don’t delay Sister Bai Wei’s next trip.” The
financial owner did not expect that this wild 18th line came from nowhere and would not let him go at all. In his eyes, he was used to being praised, so he called a few bodyguards to come over, and winked at them to hold Shen Jiali down one by one, forcing him to kneel down and apologize.
He also said arrogantly: “You’re not afraid of death, right? If you’re not afraid of death, just keep choking. Even the king of heaven and I can’t save you today. Kneel down!” Shen
Jiali: It’s so annoying. When can my mother rest?
Just when the bodyguards’ hands were only a few centimeters away from Shen Jiali —
After two crisp sounds, the financial owner’s painful “Ouch” sound came immediately.
Everyone stopped and looked around, and saw the financial owner lying on the ground with his head in his hands, an iPad beside him, and the screen shattered into a spider web.
“f*ck!” was heard one after another, and several bodyguards hurried forward to check the situation.
When they looked in the direction where the iPad came from, they could only see a tall figure in a dark corner exuding distorted low air pressure. The face was hidden in the darkness, and no expression could be seen.
But the iconic wheelchair underneath the man invisibly announced his home.
The financial owner covered his head and jumped up like a rabbit, cursing, but the next second, it stopped abruptly.
“Nan… Mr. Nan?” he asked tentatively.
The man sneered: “So you know me and yet you dare to make a mistake. Should I say you are big-hearted or arrogant?” The
donor was confused, so it was Nan Liujing who hit him on the head with the iPad? but why?
“Mr. Nan, why are you here? I’m sorry that I was educating the ignorant newcomers just now, so I didn’t see you.” The sponsor covered his head and couldn’t open his eyes because of the pain when he spoke.
In fact, he is not afraid of Nanliu Jing, at most he is a little afraid, but the unpopular cripple is just a CEO. The only difference is working for outsiders and working for family members. If this iPad hadn’t flown over with his hand, what happened today It would take less than an hour for Mr. Nan to receive the news.
Nan Liujing played with the zippo and found it funny. He asked, “What are you going to do to educate my wife? When will it be your turn to educate my wife?”
Everyone:! ! !
The financial owner’s head was buzzing, and he didn’t know
Is it because I was hurt after hearing this unbelievable news, like a ball of paste.
Nan Liujing didn’t make any fuss when he got married. Many people had never met Shen Jiali, so they could only learn from Nan Liujing that the person he had just clamored for to kneel down and apologize was Nan Liujing’s wife.
Pei Jing felt a chill in his heart and stood up quietly, his eyes filled with panic.
The assistant pushed Nan Liujing to the front. Nan Liujing took Shen Jiali’s hands, looked around, pinched his chin, and turned to observe.
“Injured?” he asked softly.
Normally you shouldn’t ask “Are you injured?”, “Are you injured?” What’s going on? It’s as if you are sure that you hit him.
Shen Jiali shook his head, urging him to leave quickly. Dozens of pairs of eyes looked over at him. If he didn’t leave, he would be in trouble.
Nan Liujing was so determined after eating the weight that he wouldn’t leave today. He turned to Director He and said, “The shooting will continue today, don’t waste everyone’s time.” Director He beamed with joy and informed the people who were eating melons to get to their places
Damn it, this was something that could have been solved in one morning, but because Pei Jing and his financial backer delayed it till almost nightfall, someone finally did justice for him.
Mr. Nan, whether you agree or not, I love you.
The donor covered his head and stepped forward: “Mr. Nan, I am blind and blind. I didn’t know that was Mr. Shen. I apologize to you.”
Nan Liujing didn’t even look at him: “I have to give some apology .” Sincerity. “The financial owner:” What do you mean…? “Nan Liujing squinted his eyes:” Ask him to come with me. “Everyone followed his gaze and found that he was talking about Pei Jing, who was half petrified. .
The benefactor hurriedly came out to protect the calf:” He is mine… “His tone sounded as if he was afraid that others would miss him.
Nan Liujing snorted coldly:” Don’t worry, I’m not interested in this kind of thing. I just have something I want to ask him. “In the lounge.
Pei Jing stood opposite Nanliu Jing, hunching his shoulders like a primary school student waiting to be punished. He frequently looked at the door from the corner of his eye, hoping that the benefactor’s father would come in quickly to save him.
He had heard that Nan Liujing was so cruel that he even dared to kill his own mother. This time he fell into his hands, and the outcome was unpredictable…
Pei Jing was shivering so hard that he was covered in chaff, and he didn’t dare to let out his anger.
Nan Liujing looked down at his phone without saying a word, as if he was deliberately leaving someone behind.
The more he remained silent, the more panicked Pei Jing became, and his heart was tormented. Countless perverted punishment methods flashed through his mind like a revolving door.
One minute, ten minutes, half an hour passed —
Pei Jing’s legs were shaking, whether from fear or fatigue.
At this time, Nan Liujing finally raised his head.” Why don’t you say anything? “he asked in a confused manner.” Wha, what… “” Don’t you like to complain? Why don’t you say anything? Tell me how Shen Jiali bullied you. “”
No… he didn’t bully me. “Pei Jing’s face turned pale and his lips were trembling.” Don’t be afraid, tell the truth, I know his virtues. “Nan Liujing said with a smile.” You really didn’t bully me… “” Don’t you dare say it? “Nan Liujing raised his eyebrows and stretched out his hand,” Give me the phone. “Pei Jing was confused:” What do you want the phone for… “” Help you and your fans and family Complaining, artists have a lot of work pressure, and if you hold everything in your heart, it will break down. “Pei Jing was desperate. He knew that he would never get out of this house if he didn’t give him a mobile phone. He would die anyway, so give it to him.
Nan Liujing took the phone and as soon as he turned on the screen, he heard a series of Weibo notifications.
The Weibo post that Pei Jing posted just now rocketed up the hot search trend like a mountain. When fans saw that his brother had been wronged, they felt heartbroken. Although he worked so hard, he still couldn’t beat the money. What is the reason? Who is so bold as to cut off Brother Hu’s endorsem*nt?
The station sister said: [I stayed at Reuters today, and the only person who came in and out of the studio was photographed. [Picture]]
[Looks familiar, where did the 18th line come from? ]
[Not even an artist… Isn’t this Shen Jiali? Things are developing in a strange direction. ]
[It’s really SJL, isn’t it? The consortium won’t spend money to make a debut just to make people happy… [sweat]] [It’s
so annoying, can the consortium not get involved? Trying to get involved in everything will only hurt you. ! 】
【I feel sorry for our Jingjing, but he ran into a robber at the last moment. He was so simple and kind that he didn’t even dare to resist, and he got angry. 】
Extreme fans have begun to use what they have learned throughout their lives to output wildly:
【Draft to steal my brother’s endorsem*nt, are you crazy? Claws, don’t come to rub the heat. 】
【This bitch robbed my brother of representing me and I’m so angry that I’m going to die,丨ah! ]
[I really want to slap this bitch twice, go to hell, I hope you go out two hundred yards, I hope Huanhai will go bankrupt tomorrow. 】
On the contrary, the anti-fans are happy:
【Shen Gali, such a beauty, I will definitely buy it if he endorses it. ]
[Isn’t Shen Jiali better looking than this plastic surgery face? Lancer has a counter in the shopping mall in front of my house. Every time I pass by, I see advertisem*nts. I thought I would have to take a detour in the past two years. Thank you Shen Jiali for saving my life. ]
[Happy Klass, Galli is so beautiful, are you sure he is the spokesperson? If confirmed, I will place an order for Lancer. 】
Pei Jing’s true fans know that they cannot crawl along the Internet cable and strangle this nest of snakes and rats. They can only impose economic sanctions and express that they will never buy Lancer’s jewelry or the local gold brand that cooperates with Lancer in the future. Dujuba, if they dare to bully Jingbao, then they can stop making money and wait for bankruptcy.
The entry” Boycott Lancer Jewelry “quickly became a hot search, followed closely by” Feeling sorry for Jingbao “.
Most people don’t know that Pei Jing didn’t sign a contract with Lancer Jewelry for an advertising shoot or endorsem*nt at all. Although it seemed like a sure thing, it was just a little bit of a miss, enough to change the ending.
Nan Liujing was bothered by the messages from Pei Jing’s fans and almost cursed Shen Jiali. The dirty words even found the original pervert Nan Liujing shocking.
Everyone is cursing his death, like some kind of internet feature.
The next second, the mobile phone in Nan Liujing’s hand was smashed to pieces, and glass shards flew everywhere.
Pei Jing was stunned and his breathing stopped for a moment.
Nan Liujing looked at him coldly and said in a low voice:” Three things, first, clarify the facts online; second, you and your rude fans, wait for my indictment. “” Third, there is a comment
section Those who say they want to slap Shen Jiali, just slap yourself a few times. “Cold words will never have warmth. There are many ways to punish a person, and the villain will always choose the one that hurts his self-esteem the most.…
When Shen Jiali came out after putting on makeup, he heard the sound of slapping coming from the lounge next door, mixed with sobbing and crying. There was fear and regret in the crying, which was creepy just to hear it.
The benefactor stood at the door, clenching his fists as if he was on the verge of breaking out, but he really didn’t dare to come in to stop him. He could only swallow his broken molars and swallow them alive.
Shen Jiali doesn’t like to watch the excitement. He just wants to end the filming as soon as possible so that his mother can rest early.
The filming process went very smoothly, and the director shot three master films all in one pass.
Bai Wei was wearing a white sleeveless dress, snuggled closely with Shen Jiali, who was wearing a white shirt, and raised her hand to show off the jewelry on her wrist.
Shen Jiali glanced at Bai Wei secretly from time to time, and the feeling of regaining something that was lost made him feel the beauty and hope for the first time.
The director’s assistant whispered to Director He:” The auras of these two are super compatible, and their looks are somewhat similar. They are like mother and son. The atmosphere is great. “Director He happily nodded in agreement
After the shooting, everyone thanked each other for their hard work, and Assistant Bai Wei immediately took people to remove makeup in time for the next interview.
Bai Wei handed Shen Jiali a small box the size of a palm and said with a smile:” Happy birthday again, I made this myself. I hope you like it. “Shen Jiali held the box with both hands and stared intently
Like it, you must like it.
Opening the box, there is a key pendant made of clay. The pendant is two Q-version villains, one male and one female. From this look, it is completely made in the image of Shen Jiali and Bai Wei. They are cute and cute holding hands. Bai Wei Wei’s clay figurine is also holding a handful of pure white lisianthus in its hand. It is very delicate, and even the tiny flower center is beautifully made.
Shen Jiali raised his head in confusion, his eyes filled with emotions that could not be resolved.
This is the best birthday gift he has ever received.
Bai Wei raised her hand to brush the hair off his shoulders, clasped her hands without leaving a trace, and said with a smile:” You have worked hard today. You are great. How about we have dinner together when we have time. “Shen Jiali nodded, and his jade-like cheeks were stained with crimson. .
Bai Wei went to catch up with the next announcement. Shen Jiali was also tired and planned to go home and lie down.
Director He told Shen Jiali that he would talk to the brand and if the endorsem*nt was confirmed, the company would transfer the fee to him as soon as possible. If not, it would also give him a hard-earned fee.
After holding the little clay figure and going out, he saw Nan Liujing’s car parked at the door, as if waiting for him.
He wanted to hitchhike, but he didn’t have the energy.
As soon as Shen Jiali got in the car, Nanliu Jing said without raising his head:” It’s over? Big star. “think. rabbit. net.
Shen Jiali ignored him and just admired his cute little clay figure.
Nan Liujing glanced at the little man in his hand, and seeing how much he liked it, he remembered the doll she made for him as a birthday gift. He looked away with a look of disgust. The difference in treatment was really outrageous.
But, why does Shen Jiali like Bai Wei so much? It doesn’t look like a fan’s appreciation for the artist, nor does it look like a relationship between a man and a woman.
It can’t be mother and son.
Nanliu Jing quickly rejected this ridiculous idea.
However, they are obviously both dolls, and the one he made is bigger, so why should Shen Jiali treat them differently.
Not willing to give in.
When they got home, Uncle Li had prepared iced desserts for the two of them. Shen Jiali only took two bites of taro balls and frowned.
Too sweet and too cold, making my stomach upset.
The face that finally had a trace of color from meeting Bai Wei turned pale as paper again.
He put down the spoon and said” I don’t want to eat it “and went upstairs to lie down.
Nan Liujing looked at his back and asked Uncle Li to go to the storage room and get the box that was equal to his height.
Uncle Li had never seen this thing before and was curious about what was inside.” Open it. “Nanliu Jing said.
Uncle Li opened the box excitedly. In the next second, his face changed drastically and turned ashen.
He pointed at the contents of the box with trembling fingers, his throat tight:” Master, Master, who gave you this? No, let’s call the police! “Nan Liujing
:?” I have seen this thing in my hometown. There is a grandma in my hometown who is good at witchcraft. She has made this kind of thing to curse others. I heard that the people cursed by her suffered a terrible end. “Nan Liujing:…But
is He stayed up several long nights making dolls for Shen Gali.” The person who made this must have an extremely evil heart. He is going to kill people! “Uncle Li took the doll and stuffed it into the box.” Young Master, don’t worry, I will never let the person who gave you this evil doll go. I’m going to find a bamboo forest and bury this thing. “Nan Liujing:” Is it really that ugly? “Uncle Li:” It’s not just ugly, it’s simply outrageous! “Nan Liujing:” Uncle Li, I heard that you Did you break the bowl not long ago? “Uncle Li:” Sorry, my hands were slippery. “Nan Liujing:” It’s best to admit it, and it will be deducted from your salary. “Uncle Li:?
Nanliu Jing carried the doll back to the bedroom and took a closer look at it under the moonlight.
Isn’t it pretty? One or two, true love makes a fuss.
I took out my sewing kit, squinted my eyes and looked at the eye of the needle for a long time, and finally put the thread through.
Another sleepless night.
Next day.
Shen Jiali was awakened by the vibrating sound of his cell phone. When he opened his eyes, the evil cursed child was sitting on the bedside, leaning down and staring at him.
There is an extra bloody handprint on the baby’s body than last time. Although the stitching is obviously much more delicate than last time, it does not change its ugly nature.
He raised his hand and pulled the doll under the bed, out of sight and out of mind. If you want to harm him, you can come directly. Don’t do such disgusting things.
I picked up the phone and saw that it was Director He who we shot the commercial with yesterday.
After picking up the phone, Director He got straight to the point: “We have already contacted Lancer’s brand, and they said they would like to meet you in person before making a decision. Do you have time at ten o’clock? Come to Changteng Entertainment.” Shen Jiali got up early and asked three
questions :
Can I really get up?
Can I really pass the interview?
Do I really need this job?
Can’t get up; can’t
don’t need it.
Just when he was about to refuse, Director He said again: “The other party said that if the spokesperson is confirmed, even if they cannot give Bai Wei’s level of high-priced endorsem*nt, they will make a decision based on the circ*mstances. From this point of view, the fee should be indispensable.” Shen
Jiali I opened the drawer and took out the leaflet of the underground CBD, took two strong puffs on the luxurious cemetery in the photo, felt energetic, and got up.
There is a lot of rain in the summer, and cloudy days and thunder from time to time are the same today. When I woke up early in the morning, the rain was so fast that it made a loud banging sound on the glass.
The room was very dark, with a chandelier turned on. Nan Liujing was sitting at the dining table enjoying the beautiful morning time on vacation. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Shen Jiali sitting in the hallway changing shoes.
“Where to go?” he asked.
Shen Jiali said concisely and concisely: “To make money.”
Nan Liujing couldn’t figure it out. These days, he had already given him a lot of pocket money by replacing home appliances, so why did he still have to go out to work when the pocket money was not enough?
He looked around the room, thinking about what other excuses he could make. The electrical appliances that could be replaced had already been replaced.
Thunder rumbled outside the window and heavy rain poured down. It was not a good day to go out.
“Shen Jiali.” Nan Liujing called to him.
Shen Jiali changed his shoes and stood at the door, waiting for him to give orders.
Nanliu Jing looked aside vaguely: “Tomorrow, help me look at cars, the budget is about eight figures. Today, don’t go out, stay at home and research car models online.”
Shen Jiali calculated with his fingers, the budget is eight figures How much difference can the middleman make if he is not discovered?
No, it’s so troublesome. I hate comparing information and data. Don’t try to order me.
“No time.” He dropped the words and walked out the door.
Nan Liujing was upset, but he was still showing off when he gave him money for nothing. There was a sound of thunder, and he was silent for a moment, asking Uncle Li to drive Shen Jiali there, otherwise he would not be able to open the umbrella because of his laziness.
In the car, Uncle Li asked curiously: “I heard that Mr. Shen participated in the shooting of a big-name advertisem*nt yesterday? Is it Lancer? Are you going to meet with the brand today?”
Shen Jiali held his stomach and whispered “Hmm”.
I have an uncomfortable stomach. From last night to now, I feel like there is a dull pain in some part of my body, and I feel like I am in over my head. I can’t even explain why I feel uncomfortable.
Uncle Li glanced at him in the rearview mirror and saw that his head was lifeless and he reminded: “Mr. Shen, be careful today. The brand owner of Lancer is an Englishman. I heard that he was from the royal family and is famous. He is very picky and pays special attention to etiquette and rules. No one has ever seen him smile. Even artists of Bai Wei’s level could not catch his eye at first, so Mr. Shen must perform well today.” Shen Jiali said nothing
. Whether this matter is successful or not, he has to give up. At least getting up early will count as his hard work.
Changteng Entertainment Company faces the commercial center of Jinhai City. Opposite is the headquarters building of Huanhai Electronics. It is surrounded by large and medium-sized companies. It has divided a dining area near the road. In order to receive foreign businessmen, in addition to traditional Chinese restaurants and many exotic restaurants can also be seen.
The address that Director He left for Shen Jiali was the British-style restaurant in the center. From the outside, it looked like a crystal clear and angular diamond. The verandah was made of walnut wood, which was gorgeous and low-key.
The rain was still falling, and Shen Jiali stood alone at the door.
The rumored picky Lancer brand owner has not arrived yet, because he comes from a large British family, so he pays special attention to etiquette. On such occasions, he usually arrives ten minutes late to leave sufficient preparation time for the host.
Although in China, being late is extremely rude.
Director He had already contacted the restaurant in advance, and when the waiter saw the person, he respectfully invited him into the private room.
The decoration inside the house is very stylish, and the handmade fabric sofa has beautiful lines, making it easy to sleep at first sight.
The dark sky outside the window and the white noise caused by the sound of rain made
Shen Galli lean on the backrest, his body getting heavier and heavier. He tilted his body and fell asleep with his pillow on the armrest.
When he completely fell into a deep sleep, the private room door was pushed open, and the waiter led a tall man with blond hair and blue eyes in.
Taking a quick look, I saw Shen Jiali sleeping soundly. He didn’t regard himself as an outsider at all, and was as content as if he were in his own bed.
“Sorry, I’ll wake this guest up right away.” The waiter said awkwardly.
“No need.” The blond man said in a cold and indifferent tone as he was not very proficient in Chinese. “You go and do your work first.” The door closed
, the man pulled out his chair and sat down. He slowly arranged the cuffs of his shirt and his eyes fell lightly on the side. sofa.
The person on the sofa sleeps peacefully, like flowers and trees covered with snow, with long eyelashes covering them, casting fan-shaped shadows on the eyelids.
Half an hour later, the man finally lost his patience, frowned and coughed lightly.
Shen Jiali is not awake, indifferent, peaceful, jpg.
Outside the door, two waiters whispered.
“Unlucky, why is this guy here again? Last time, he gave us a gift package for complaining because of the discrepancy in the placement of knives and forks. What a big deal, we had to close the shop for a week for rectification. I’m scared to see him now.”
The guy he made an appointment with is still sleeping there. Let’s not talk about the outcome of the advertising endorsem*nt discussion. Don’t bring trouble to our restaurant. “”
Yeah, I didn’t know who to hold a moment of silence for. This guy is famous. Damn it, whoever gets involved will be unlucky. “” Boom — “The rolling thunder exploded above the restaurant from far to near. Along with the heavy rain, the evil wind raged, bending the small tree at the door.
Shen Jiali was awakened by the thunder. After opening his eyes, he couldn’t figure out the situation for a while. He was stunned for a long time and slowly looked to one side.
Under the circular crystal chandelier, a man in a suit and leather suit sat at the dining table, looking this way.
Shen Jiali was confused for a moment, and then realized that the other party might be the brand owner of Lancer.
The man with blond hair and blue eyes is tall and muscular, and his deep and three-dimensional facial features can easily tell that he is a beautiful Germanic race. However, his overly gorgeous facial features always give people a sense of cold alienation, making people subconsciously not want to actively socialize with him. .
The man frowned deeply and looked at Shen Jiali, his eyes dark.
Not only did the other party fall asleep soundly during an important interview, but when he woke up, he didn’t know how to take the initiative to apologize. Instead, he just sat there in silence. What was he waiting for, waiting for me to praise him for his good sleep quality?
In this case, whoever is more polite loses first.
The man took a deep breath, stood up with a cold face, and made a” please “gesture to the empty seat opposite, signaling Shen Jiali to sit down and talk about business.
Shen Jiali was full of resistance. As soon as he sat down, the other party stretched out his hand:” Hello, Mr. Shen, this is the first time we meet. I am Ivan Rossander, the global general agent of Lancer Jewelry. “Shen Jiali was impressed by this name
. The original article describes him as belonging to the Rossander family, one of the ten most famous families in the UK. They are extremely wealthy and mysterious. The most profitable industries are almost always monopolized by this family. The presidential elections in many countries will be affected by this family. Even The pure British royal family can only succumb to this.
And Ivan is the youngest son of this family. At only thirty years old, he has the agency rights for the world’s top luxury accessories, and this is just the tip of the iceberg.
Of course, this kind of Mary Sue-style supporting role is naturally one of the many suitors of the original protagonist Shen Lanqing. After the original cannon fodder became the bed-warming tool of the old men in the entertainment industry, in order to escape the swamp, he packaged himself as an understanding person in order to escape the swamp. The upper-class people who know the rules and etiquette are so shallow that they cannot catch their eyes.
The original owner turned to drugs in an attempt to cook the rice. The incident was exposed, which angered the agent, and was jointly targeted by major British families. Not only the original owner, Huanhai Electronics was also labeled as poor management, and the stock market suffered along with it. The plummeting price became the target of public criticism overnight.
Later, Mr. Nanfeng became furious and dismissed Nanliujing from his position as CEO. You can imagine the outcome of the original owner.
In the end, it was Shen Lanqing who stepped in to turn the tide and help save the reputation of Huanhai Electronics. Even because of him, the Rose End family and Huanhai Electronics started a cooperation for mutual benefit and win-win HE.
The memories are over, Shen Jiali… is gone.
He should have just pulled out his oxygen tube in the first place, otherwise he wouldn’t have heard such a low-key and mindless plot.
And now, he is at a plot point, where the original owner began to pretend to understand etiquette and general knowledge of etiquette. However, when the other party failed to fall into the trap, the original owner began to use his crooked ideas.
Chapter 40
Shen Jiali In total, he failed to obtain the permanent right to live in the small black house, and the essence is that he has not touched the south. The bottom line of Liu Jing is that if this incident can shake his position in Huanhai Electronics, the right to live in the small black room will be within his reach.
Shen Jiali: Let me use my brain.
It’s better to let me die than to use my brain.
The man named Ivan opposite rang the dining bell, and the waiters filed in to serve the dishes.
British dishes prefer meat, seafood, vegetables, etc. The cooking is simple and the taste is light. A simple Cornish pie is paired with a charcoal-grilled herring. Dessert is Yorkshire pudding and cream tea.
Ivan sits upright, keeping a certain distance between his back and the back of the chair. I heard that this is also their royal table manners. There are many details, and there are strict rules on which finger to use when holding the cup.
Shen Jiali looked at this table of dishes, and his already uncomfortable stomach became even worse.
Although he didn’t know what the other party’s intention was when they met, he also knew that the power of making money was in the other party’s hands. Whether he would live in the underground CBD or in a mass grave after his death, this man named Ai Fan played a decisive role.
So you have to eat this meal even if you don’t want to eat it.
It’s not that he is engaging in regional discrimination, but “eating” is really not within his scope of interest. Rather than eating, he wants to see Nanliu Jing’s face twisted with anger.
“Why, the food is not to Mr. Shen’s liking?” Ivan stared at the motionless Shen Jiali with a hint of ridicule in his tone.
Since Ivan was born, he has been exposed to people at the top of society. Those people are impeccable in their conversation and etiquette, and he has also become accustomed to these cumbersome rules under the strict guidance of his parents.
Shen Gali was an accident to him, from the moment he fell asleep on the sofa, so in Ivan’s eyes, Shen Gali was an uncivilized barbarian, ignorant of rules, etiquette, and general knowledge.
If the other person understands this, when he asks this question, he should answer “How could it be possible? It’s just because the meal is so rich that I don’t know where to start.”
Shen Jiali: “Yes.”
Shen Jiali doesn’t like to lie, because he knows that if he tells a lie, he will have to tell a hundred more lies to make it true. It is better to let him die than to let him use his brain.
“Are you kidding?” Ivan asked. In his whole life, he has never seen anyone with such a big personality.
“No, it’s really not to your liking.” Shen Jiali picked up a Cornwall pie and took a bite, “It’s really not tasty either.” You have to
eat it even if it tastes bad, for the sake of your garden.
Ivan stared at his hand holding the cake, frowning deeply.
In the royal table manners, you must not hold the pie with your hands. You can only cut it into small pieces with a knife and fork and put it in your mouth.
Not to mention the local residents, he has met so many foreign businessmen from all over the world that they would improvise the table manners of the British royal family before having lunch with him. He has never seen anyone who cannot learn this kind of etiquette. This Chinese Are men provoking themselves?
Ivan stopped what he was doing and stared at Shen Jiali: “Didn’t anyone teach you that you have to cut the pie into small pieces with a knife and fork?”
He did not dare to use such a spokesperson who did not understand the rules.
Shen Jiali glanced at the pie in his hand and wondered: “Would it taste better if cut with a knife and fork?”
Ivan suddenly felt very tired, but driven by a good education, he remained calm and smiled: “It tastes better.” irrelevant
, it is a rule and education to just cut and eat with a knife and fork. “Rules? Upbringing? Shen Jiali doesn’t understand. He has never been in contact with any rich people since he was a child. The only person he has been in contact with is Nanliu Jing, but even in Nanliu Jing, he will eat steamed buns with his hands. Shen
Jiali Confession:” My mother never taught me any rules. She only said that you should not smack your mouth when eating, and you should not take food from other people’s faces, otherwise the people eating with you will feel uncomfortable. “I only know that the so-called education is to make the people you get along with feel comfortable and relaxed, rather than forcing the other person to match your habits.”
He picked up the pie and said, “Also, respecting the cultures of various countries is the sign of true education.” Shen
Jiali said he was tired, but he still added the last sentence: “Chinese people have been learning to use chopsticks since they were born. Chopsticks cannot cut the pie into small pieces.” “Ivan’s eyes widened and his Adam’s apple rolled.
Is this the truth?
He has been to many places and met many people. This is the first time someone has made him feel this strange feeling. He is a little… ashamed.
After eating one Shen Jiali choked on the pie, and his stomach began to churn, and acidic water surged up.
Ivan on the opposite side was still doing it slowly — using an opener to open a small round hole at the top of the egg, revealing a little egg white, and then Sprinkle salt and pepper on the surface of the egg whites and scoop it out with a bone china spoon the size of a fingernail.
Shen Gali has reached his limit. He will really go crazy if he doesn’t leave now, but if he leaves now, the mass grave will be his end.
For Qian endured it again.
He picked up a hard-boiled egg and knocked it on the table. Knowing that the other person was wearing disposable gloves, he peeled the egg and handed it over:” Uncle, eat quickly, I want to go back and lie down for five minutes. “”
Ivan almost choked to death on the red wine.
Uncle? He is not proficient in Chinese, but the word “uncle” is not used to describe him, a man who is only thirty after a dozen. Look
at that egg again, peel it off It was in tatters, with unpeeled eggshells stuck to the corners. The
Asian man at the table was obviously impatient. He was so impatient that he even took the initiative to peel his eggs. I don’t know
how I could tell, but it was from There was a glimmer of motherly love in him.
Ivan cleared his throat covertly, took the egg from his hand, and whispered “Thank you” in English.
Shen Jiali wandered for a long time, and Ivan finally finished eating.
He left the restaurant. , the rain has stopped, but it has not cleared up, and the sky is still gloomy.
Shen Jiali was anxious to go back and lie down, but Ivan stopped him: “I’m sorry, Mr. Shen, my phone is out of battery, can you help me contact the driver to take me there?” Go back to the hotel and rest? Shen Jiali quietly took out his mobile phone: “Number.”
“I forgot… Could you please help me call a taxi?” “Shen Gali was speechless. Taxis are not allowed to pass through this place. To take a taxi, you have to walk to the intersection in front.
Ivan, the heir to the head of the top ten families in Britain, has visibly lost his aura in Shen Gali’s eyes. Although he didn’t have much aura in the first place. Come on
. When they arrived at the intersection, Shen Jiali stopped the car. The driver heard Ivan report his address. The driver said, come up and check the meter. Ivan was dragged out of the car
by Shen Jiali. He asked the driver:” How far is it from here to that hotel by taxi? “. Driver:” About twelve kilometers. “Shen Jiali:” Excuse me, master, walk slowly. “”
Looking at the back of the taxi driving away, Ivan: “Twelve kilometers alone costs dozens of dollars. Shen Jiali will never do business that loses money. Don’t even
think about taking a penny from me. Keep your wallet tight.jpg
Ivan Confused:” How can I go back without taking a bus? “Shen Jiali looked around, and finally his eyes fell on a row of motorcycle riders at the street corner. The motorcycle rider looked at Ivan, who was well-dressed, and showed an honest smile…
Ivan was sitting on the back seat of the motorcycle, dizzy from the damp wind. His hair was tangled, and the drizzle hit his face, which made him feel chilled and his heart was flying. The
uncle driver in the front seat asked him where he was from, what he was doing here, and where he had been, as if checking his household registration.
Out of politeness, Ivan used Not proficient in Chinese, he answered the uncle’s questions one by one. With each answer, Shen Jiali’s face deepened in his mind.
He remembered this man, the man who turned around and left without mercy when he hesitated to get on the motorcycle. That person.
Moreover, he was deeply impressed.
When he returned to the hotel, Ivan was almost soaked and soaked in the bathtub. The more he thought about it, the more outrageous he felt. This was not a private car transfer, and the receptionist was too embarrassed to drive a car with less than 10 million. Show it to him, but this man named Shen Jiali actually let him ride a motorcycle in order to save money. He was soaked in light rain and blowing cold wind, and had to accept endless interrogations from the driver. It was such an unforgettable day, and he gritted his teeth.jpg The more he thought about it, the more he
unhappy After taking a shower, I charged up my phone. I opened the browser and entered Shen Gali’s name. The first item that popped up was the most searched” Sad Frog “. The arrogant and domineering
man I met in the morning was in the photo. Holding a ridiculous and pathetic frog hood, looking up at the small stage, his hair was wet with sweat and stuck to his cheeks, his eyes were hollow, and he was incompatible with the warm atmosphere around him. Ivan’s eyes froze, and a feeling suddenly surged in his heart
. A strange emotion.
What was he thinking and what was on his mind at that time, and suddenly… he was a little curious.
Shen Jiali was also half wet when he came home. The moisture invaded, but his stomach was wrapped in a fireball and burned uncomfortably.
Entered He didn’t even have time to change his shoes, so he went straight to the bathroom and vomited violently on the toilet, until only acid water was left. Finally, he sat on the ground in a state of collapse, with his head hanging in confusion. Nanliu Jing heard the sound and went downstairs
. Sitting at the door of the bathroom, Shen Jiali’s pale and colorless face caught his eye.” What’s wrong. “He frowned and asked in a low voice.
Shen Jiali didn’t answer him, and now he didn’t even have the strength to say a word.
Nan Liujing came closer to him, feeling the cool dampness emanating from his skin, and held his wrist with all his strength. The man pulled him up and said,” Go take a hot bath. “Shen Jiali didn’t move or say a word.
Nanliu Jing knew Shen Jiali’s temper very well, and would never hear the word” good “from his mouth. He tried so hard to pull the person up from the ground, but Shen Jiali was so weak that he seemed to be falling. The dead leaves fell straight into his arms.
His body was cold, but his forehead resting on his neck and shoulders was as hot as fire.” You have a fever. “Nan Liujing’s tone was slightly hurried, with a hint of anger.
Children don’t have a long memory. Last time they got caught in the rain and had a fever, they didn’t hold an umbrella this time.
I don’t have a good memory either, so I should let Uncle Li wait there to take me home. , knowing that he didn’t like to hold an umbrella.
The arrogant villain felt remorseful for the first time.
He carried the semi-conscious Shen Jiali to the bedroom, filled him with hot water, and wanted to help him wipe his body first.
The process , he kept asking himself: What on earth am I doing, why should I care about someone who once wanted to drug me to death.
But his body was out of control, and he delicately brushed against his exposed skin without letting his fingers fall.
Shen Jiali His cheeks were flushed and he didn’t respond no matter how he called his name.
Uncle Li went out to do errands and couldn’t help, so Nan Liujing had no choice but to call the family doctor first.
The family doctor hurried over and gave Shen Jiali a surgery. During the detailed body examination, Nan Liujing could not be disturbed and waited outside alone.
But when the doctor opened the door, his puzzled expression was unsettling.” How is it? “” Nan Liujing didn’t realize how anxious his tone was.
The doctor pushed up his glasses: “To put it simply, it’s a fever caused by rain, a little malnutrition, and symptoms of gastric ulcer. I can’t do it now without equipment. Detailed inspection, but the visual inspection will not be wrong, and…”
Halfway through the words, the doctor looked at Nan Liujing strangely.
Nan Liujing closed his eyes irritably, and said almost word for word: “Say quickly—”
This There was no need to worry about it.
The doctor pushed up his glasses again: “When I checked Mr. Shen’s body just now, I found that there were traces of sutures on his left chest. Judging from the location, he should have undergone heart surgery. Did your husband have any heart disease before?”
Buzz —
At that moment, Nan Liujing seemed to have tinnitus. After the last word the doctor said, the sudden shock was like a blow to the head, and the next second he fell into a vacuum environment.
Nan Liujing lost consciousness. , the doctor asked again: “Don’t you notice anything unusual? Or is Mr. Shen taking his medicine on time? Or, you don’t know about it at all.”
Nan Liujing couldn’t tell what he felt in his heart. He felt that he should regard it as good news and laugh heartily. But don’t joke at this time. His throat felt like a ball of cotton was blocked. He used all his strength to spit out a few words. The key words: “I don’t know…”
The doctor was silent.
After a long time, he suggested that Nan Liujing take people to the hospital for a detailed examination, and then talked about some precautions for stomach problems, and gave Shen Gali glucose and antipyretic injections. Get up and say goodbye. ↓ This ↓ work ↓ work ↓ provided by ↓ Si ↓ Rabbit ↓ Net ↓ ↓ online ↓ online ↓ read ↓ read ↓ The rain started to fall again, and I didn’t know how to stop it. There was a dark and silent atmosphere in the
. Henan Liujing’s silence was just right. He stared blankly at the man on the bed. The thin blanket could not outline the outline of his body. He was so thin that he would be wrapped by the bed as soon as he lay down. After a century, he stretched out his hand and
gently Pulling open Shen Jiali’s collar, he saw the stitches that the doctor said were incisions. The
root of his nose suddenly felt sore,
and he hurriedly closed his clothes and couldn’t bear to look at it anymore. During the time he spent with Shen Jiali, he never noticed anything strange about his body, nor did he see anything strange about his body. He has taken such drugs, and now the voice in his head is asking:
Will he relapse?
If there is a major medical history, why is there no mention of it in the premarital examination report? Is it not found out or is it deliberately concealed.
But this question is not for him now. It’s not important.
Nan Liujing sat for a while longer, then got up and went to the kitchen.…
“Shen Jiali?” How does it feel now. “Drowsily asleep, Shen Jiali vaguely heard someone calling his name. His
eyelids were sore and swollen, and he could only open a small crack with all his strength.
In the dim light, he saw Nan Liujing’s face. The ends of his tangled hair hung down in his eyes, making his cheeks look a little thin, revealing a tired look.
Shen Jiali closed his eyes again and said” Hmm “aimlessly.
A big hand covered his forehead and lifted it. With his forehead open and his hair broken, he heard Nan Liujing’s indifferent voice:” Get up first and eat the porridge, then take the medicine before going to bed. “Shen Jiali didn’t move. He was feeling weak all over. Even moving his fingers would cause pain and numbness all over his body.” Get up and take medicine. “Nan Liujing’s tone became a bit harsh.
Shen Jiali still didn’t move, and there was a hint of irritation in his heart. He said in a hoarse voice:” I don’t want to eat… “Seeing that he was disobedient, Nan Liujing lost his patience and started to eat. He passed the back of his neck, held his shoulders and lifted him up.
In fact, Nan Liujing didn’t exert any effort at all, but Shen Jiali still felt that it hurt from being tormented by him.
Tears overflowed from his closed eyes and slid down his cheeks.
Trying to The hand he was raising up suddenly stopped and stopped in mid-air without making any next move. The
sudden tears were something Nanliu Jing never expected. The sourness and inexplicable guilt suddenly surged in his heart. He didn’t dare to take the next step.
He cried.
Shen Jiali cried, as if because of his rudeness.
As a big leader of the company, Nan Liujing has seen too many tears in society. The middle-aged man who was laid off cried. He said that he still had a family to support and could not live without this job; the secretary who was fired because of his mistakes cried and begged him to give him another chance, while Nan Liujing would only say the most ruthless words in the coldest voice: for
adults The world doesn’t believe in tears. I don’t care about your efforts. I only care about the results. I
have seen too many tears caused by emotions and I thought I was insensitive. But when I saw Shen Jiali’s tears for no reason, I suddenly felt a strange fear. He wanted to.
He took back his hand, rubbed the medicine box, and his tone became a little unnatural:” Why are you crying? I didn’t… “I didn’t bully you.
But the last four words couldn’t be said.
Human endurance is infinite, but there will always be a special point at which a trivial matter becomes the straw that breaks the camel’s back.
Shen Jiali tightened his grip on the quilt, and his silent tears turned into sobs with difficulty breathing.
He doesn’t like to talk to others about his emotions, because there is no such thing as empathy in the world. You only know pain when a needle pricks your body.
In high school, a student with congenital heart disease suddenly fell seriously ill while taking the men’s 1,000-meter physical test because he concealed his heart disease history when he entered school. He never woke up again. The parents and relatives of the students come over every day to make trouble, which makes everyone miserable.
Some people say: “You don’t want to be treated differently, so you conceal your medical history and lead to accidents. You must learn to take all the responsibilities yourself.” The words are rough and rational
, but if it weren’t for being treated as a time bomb by those around you at an age when communication is most needed, and being isolated, Who would want to hide it.
For young children, there are some things scarier than death.
So Shen Jiali was used to enduring alone, but today, the patience that had been accumulated day by day but could not be vented, hit the last straw of illness, and his emotions lost control.
“I told you I didn’t want to eat, but you still bother me. I just don’t feel well and want to lie down. What’s wrong with me?” He choked with sobs and tried his best to finish the sentence.
Nan Liujing frowned, with mixed expressions. His hands, which had always been confident and elegant, didn’t know where to put them.
“I’m not forcing you.” Nan Liujing explained, “You can get better quickly by taking medicine when you are sick.”
He never liked to explain and felt it was unnecessary, but today he suddenly had the idea of “I can’t do it without explanation”.
Although he did have good intentions, every word seemed pale in Shen Jiali’s tears.
Shen Jiali was still crying, his eyelashes were wet with tears, and the teardrops were hanging precariously, but they were quickly washed away by the overflowing tears.
Nan Liujing raised his hand and scratched his forehead awkwardly, not daring to look at him again. For the first time, he stuttered when he spoke:
“Yes… I’m sorry, I’m not very good at taking care of others, and I ignored your feelings. I……”
He closed his fingers: “I know I was wrong.”
After crying for a long time, Shen Jiali was tired of crying, and his sobs gradually became quieter, but he still said:
“I hate cooking, and you still want me to cook, every time The oil jumps very high and is very hot, and the food tastes terrible. I hate doing housework, wearing skirts, and going to painting classes. Why do I have to do these things?” “I don’t have to do it anymore.” Nanliu Jing answered instantly.
Shen Jiali: “But, you can buy food…”
He was so scared that he almost gave away the perfect opportunity to enrich himself.
Nan Liujing nodded slightly: “You can buy it.”
After saying that, he asked a little humblely: “What about porridge and medicine?”
“Let’s talk about it, I’m going to sleep.” Shen Jiali closed his eyes.
“Okay, you can rest first. If there is anything else you want, you can tell me.” Nan Liujing said again.
He asked Shen Jiali if there was anything he wanted to eat so that he could make a list for Uncle Li to bring when he came back.
Shen Jiali: “I want ten thousand paper cranes. When I wake up, I can see all the paper cranes hanging above my head.”
Nanliu Jing:?
“How many?”
“Ten thousand, a lot? Forget it if it’s a lot.” Shen Jiali pulled the blanket and said, ‘Sleep.’”
No, not many. “Nan Liujing said hurriedly.
In fact, Shen Jiali has no interest in Qianzhihe at all. He is not a pure love god of war. He just ensures that this can delay Nanliu Jing so that he can sleep longer.
After a long time, Nan Liujing secretly breathed a sigh of relief as he listened to the steady breathing coming from the bed.
He approached Shen Jiali, leaned over and put his ear against his chest, listening to the sound of his heart beating in his chest.
Back in the bedroom, Nan Liujing ordered delivery and bought a bunch of square colored paper for folding origami cranes. He had never folded this thing before, but he was confident enough that he could do it just by following the video tutorial and he had done it. By default, the folding may be slower at first, but later on it won’t be a problem if you get ten thousand.
Opening the video tutorial, he folded the colored paper in half according to the tutorial —
half an hour later —
he looked at the pitiful and lonely paper crane on the table, with its head and head drooping as if someone had broken it.
Although you have a bad start, you still need to have confidence. As long as you become proficient, you will soon be able to fold ten thousand beautiful paper cranes.
Nanliu Jing picked up another piece of colored paper and folded it in half —
one minute, ten minutes and one hour passed.
Outside the floor-to-ceiling window behind him, the thick ink faded away, the moon set, and gradually the sky turned white, and then the golden sun rose from the horizon, illuminating everything.
Its daybreak.
Nan Liujing squinted, his eyes sore and swollen.
He threw the half-folded paper crane on the table.
From eight o’clock last night to eight o’clock the next morning, for twelve hours and without sleep, I folded twelve paper cranes.
What on earth was I doing, even sewing that doll last time, just to make Shen Jiali happy so I didn’t sleep?
Come on, don’t treat people like fools.
Nan Liujing got into a wheelchair and went next door to check on Shen Jiali.
Shen Jiali was already awake, sitting on the head of the bed and rubbing his aching temples.
Although the fever had not gone away, he felt much more relaxed than last night. He planned to get up and go to the toilet and then continue to lie down.
Nanliu Jing said:” I’ll cook porridge for you. After finishing the porridge, take the medicine. “Shen Jiali changed the topic:” There are ten thousand paper cranes. “Again, he didn’t care about paper cranes very much. , just want to use this method to hold Nan Liujing away and not disturb him.
Nan Liujing cleared his throat covertly:” It’s folded soon. “Seeing his appearance, he knew that he was still one Milky Way away from 10,000. Shen Jiali shook his head weakly:” It must be very difficult for you, I don’t want it too Okay. “Nan Liujing:” No, it’s almost done. If you sleep again, you can see it when you wake up. “Shen Jiali lay down happily.
Uncle Li came back from doing errands out of town, just in time for Nan Liujing to go to work. He didn’t care about driving for four hours and went to wait for Nan Liujing to wash up and have breakfast.
As a result, he was seen folding paper cranes in his room.
Uncle Li:?” Master, what are you… “Nan Liujing opened his scarlet eyes after staying up late, and there was a thin green stubble on his chin, which made him look thinner to the naked eye.” Uncle Li, can you fold this? “Uncle Li glanced at it and shook his head:” No, but if the young master needs it, I can learn it. “Half an hour later.
Driver Yang pushed Nan Liujing out. He looked back at Uncle Li and a pile of colored papers on the table, and said calmly:” Uncle Li, I’m sorry to trouble you. I must fold ten thousand pieces before I come back. “Uncle
Li Smiling, confident and proud:” Young master, you can work with ease, leave the rest to me, and you go slowly. “In the morning, Nan Liujing, who was reviewing documents, received a call from Uncle Li, who burst into tears with a” woof “:” Master, I can’t do it anymore. I broke out three in one morning. These things are really not made by humans. “Nan Liujing:…
He raised his head and slowly looked at Secretary Yan in front of him:” Secretary Yan. “” Nan Liujing: Please give me your instructions. “Secretary Yan smiled brightly, not knowing that disaster was about to happen.” Can you fold paper cranes? “” Ah… no, but I can learn, I have a strong learning ability. “Nan Liujing thought for a moment:” Please tell Secretary Yang and the others to put their work aside for a while. I need 10,000 origami cranes, and I’ll give you the crafting fee at 50 yuan per crane. “The tea room in the break room at noon.
Secretary Yan, Secretary Yang and Assistant Lin worked hard on a pile of colored paper. For a long time, the three of them threw the paper crane onto the table at the same time, with highly consistent movements.” Why don’t I even do my job and fold things like this here! “Assistant Lin counted the paper cranes on the table and pushed up his glasses:” There are two hundred in total, which is still short of the ten thousand required by President Nan… A Great Rift Valley. “” I can’t do it anymore. Everything I see now is spent. By the way, do you have any friends who want to work part-time? Mr. Nan doesn’t give us fifty for one, we give them one. Thirty-five. “” This is the only way, otherwise it will be impossible to finish ten thousand before get off work. “←Thoughts←Rabbit←Net←…
Uncle Wang, who has been killing fish for ten years at RT-Mart, was killed because of the colorful paper crane in his hand There was a touch of warm human touch, but in the end he decided not to use this human touch, and introduced his part-time job to Lao Li from the repair shop next door for 25 yuan a piece.
Lao Li from the repair shop folded ten paper cranes, smashed them angrily, and introduced them to Ah San from the Indian restaurant next door for 20 yuan each.
Ah San introduced him to Long Zai from Vietnam, Long Zai introduced him to his brother who was studying at the International College of Jinhai University, and his brother introduced him to a schoolgirl from the Fine Arts Academy next door…
Shen Jiali was sleeping when he was woken up by the vibration of his cell phone.
Next up, it was the senior director who had previously shot a campus promotional video.
The senior sister got straight to the point:” Classmate Shen, do you have time? I have a part-time job to introduce to you. “”
Huh? “” It’s very simple, just fold a thousand paper cranes, fold as many as you can, and finish before six o’clock in the afternoon. Follow the instructions I’ll give you the price of eight cents a piece. “Shen Jiali:???
At 5:30 in the afternoon, at the entrance of the Huanhai Electronics headquarters building, a bunch of people of all kinds stood, each carrying a bag filled with paper cranes.
The secretaries and assistants were busy counting the quantities and settling the expenses, and finally confirmed the total number of paper cranes, 9,993, with 7 more to go.
Nan Liujing received a large box of paper cranes and was told that there were still seven missing. The secretaries said they could work overtime to make up for the seven.
Looking at the weak and messy looks of the secretaries, Nan Liujing said solemnly:” No, let’s get off work first. “With Shen Jiali’s laziness, it was impossible to count them one by one, and the number looked shocking enough to be fake.
Nan Liujing breathed a sigh of relief, looked at the ceiling and began to wonder, what would Shen Jiali’s reaction be when he saw these ten thousand paper cranes?
I’ve never seen him smile before. What does he look like when he smiles? I wonder if these 10,000 origami cranes can get him to pout his lips like charity, and suddenly… I’m a little curious.
As soon as he got home, Nan Liujing asked:” How is Shen Jiali? “Uncle Li said respectfully:” When I woke up, I drank some porridge and took medicine, but I still have a slight fever. The doctor also came today and said it was nothing serious. He rested. You can recover in a few days. “Nanliu Dingding nodded and suddenly remembered something:” By the way, find out Shen Jiali’s premarital examination report and give it to me. “” Okay,
and Master, my mother-in-law just called and said she wanted to come here tonight. We have a small gathering, we have something to talk about. “” I know, give me the pre-marital examination report first. “Nan Liujing went upstairs and saw Shen Jiali’s door was half open, and he could be seen sitting on the bedside through the crack in the door. I don’t know what I’m playing with in my hands.
After adjusting his collar a little and straightening the cardboard box between his knees, Nan Liujing knocked on the door and pushed in.
Shen Jiali lowered his head, and his loose pajamas fell off his shoulders, revealing a section of his snow-white neck connected to his distinct collarbone.
I don’t know what he is busy with, but he is concentrating on it. The dark and moist eyelashes cover his pupils, and no emotion can be seen.
He clearly heard Nan Liujing coming in, but he remained motionless, minding his own business at hand.
Nan Liujing didn’t expect him to be so cold, so he felt a little uncomfortable. He said bravely,” Are you feeling better? “Shen Jiali didn’t answer him.” Here, you want ten thousand paper cranes. “He opened the box and placed it next to Shen Jiali.
Shen Jiali raised his head and rubbed his sore neck. Gujing Wubo asked:” Are there really 10,000 of them? “Nanliu Jing:…
how… how did you discover it.
Shen Jiali took a deep breath and threw the things in his hands on the table:” Thank you for your hard work. I found so many part-time jobs to help you fold, and you even found one on my head, and it only had eight cents. “Nan Liujing finally looked at
it Clear the thing in his hand, Thousand Paper Cranes.
For the eighty-cent paper crane, Shen Jiali dragged his sick body to replenish his small treasury. He knew how to fold this thing.
In order to prepare a gift for my mother, I folded a thousand pieces in three days, but this time, I felt sleepy after folding for a while, and I folded five pieces in one afternoon.
Earned four yuan.
But Nanliu Jing was still angry: “I clearly bid fifty-one.”
Shen Jiali’s face turned pale, and he glanced at Nanliu Jing sideways, and it was clear from his eyes that “I am not alive anymore.”
Damn the middlemen, you can buy a villa on the beach just for the price difference.
Nan Liujing calmly changed his words: “Since you also helped with the discount, I will give it to you according to the initial price. Although it is 50 for the secretaries, the initial price in my heart is 50,000.” Nan Liujing opened the phone and transferred it
to Shen Jiali: 250,000: “Take the money.”
I thought I was saved in time, but when Shen Jiali saw the money, his face drooped even more.
Although the paper cranes were folded for him, there were only fifty thousand paper cranes, so why not fold all the ten thousand paper cranes for him? No matter how you think about it, you have lost five hundred million.
Seeing that he was still unhappy, Nan Liujing said again: “I remember wrongly. The price I had in mind at first was 500,000.” After saying that, he
called his assistant and asked him to go to the bank tomorrow and transfer 250,000 to Shen Jiali’s account. One hundred thousand.
Shen Jiali:!
Two and a half million!
Half of the dream of a backyard garden came true at once!
But be careful, the other party is Nanliu Jing, if you don’t keep everything, he will ask for your money back.
Nan Liujing raised his eyes and observed Xian Jia Li’s expression.
He still didn’t smile. It’s hard for a normal person not to be happy after receiving so much money. What on earth would make him happy?
Nan Liujing opened Shen Jiali’s physical examination report and read all the examination items carefully. There was no history of heart disease noted.
He found the phone number based on the doctor’s signature and called to inquire about the situation.
The doctor was deeply impressed by the name “Shen Jiali”. Because he was married to a consortium, he took a few more looks at his examination report and informed him that no major disease was found during the physical examination and that everything on the ECG and color ultrasound was normal. And there is no heart surgery incision like Nan Liujing said.
That’s very strange. It makes no sense if the surgery was done after marriage. When they were together day and night, it was impossible for Shen Jiali to take advantage of this time to have the surgery.
So where did the knife edge come from?
Nan Liujing decided to take Shen Jiali to the hospital for a checkup after he recovered.
Although he had undergone surgery, his heart disease was like a time bomb that might explode one day.
But I still can’t figure out why it wasn’t detected during the physical examination. According to the doctor’s instructions, he had to take off his shirt during the electrocardiogram, but no incisions were found on his body.
It would be even more unreasonable if it happened after marriage.
Nan Liujing pressed his forehead and took a deep breath.
This incident made him confused and even more worried. For the first time, he was in trouble for one person.
While thinking, Uncle Li came in and said that his mother-in-law had arrived at the door.
Nan Liujing tidied up her appearance, went downstairs to meet the guests, and asked Uncle Li to call Shen Jiali downstairs for dinner.
Uncle Li said that Shen Jiali didn’t want to eat, so Nan Liujing had no choice but to let him rest in the room first.
Downstairs, when the adoptive mother and her family saw Nan Liujing, they immediately beamed with joy and called “Long time no see, uncle”. Shen Lanqing on the side looked left and right behind Nan Liujing and asked anxiously: “Where’s my brother? Why didn’t you come down?”
“Mr. Shen is in ill health and had a high fever yesterday. He is afraid of infecting his relatives. When he recovers, I will take him back to his parents’ home to visit everyone.” Uncle Li couldn’t say that Shen Jiali just didn’t want to go downstairs, so he had to find an excuse.
The adoptive mother said “tsk tsk” twice, pretending to be worried: “This child, Gali, has been delicate and frail since he was a child, so it doesn’t make people worry.”
But in her heart, she thought: If he dies, he will ask me to handle the funeral arrangements.
Probably only Gong Yuan and Shen Lanqing were worried from the bottom of their hearts.
Shen Lanqing stood up and said, “I’m going up to see my brother.”
As soon as he took a step, an arm was placed in front of him.
He lowered his head and met Nanliu Jing’s cold and proud gaze.
“Your brother needs to rest, don’t disturb him.”
Shen Lanqing stared at him with dark eyes, and there seemed to be a fire burning in the dark abyss.

Chapter 41-45

Chapter 41
In the tense scene, the adoptive parents did not notice anything strange. Although the adoptive mother did not care about Shen Jiali’s life or death, she had to show off her skills and smiled a bit exaggeratedly: “My uncle cares so much about
us, Jiali. As a mother, I am watching. I’m really pleased.”
Shen Lanqing chuckled through her nose: “I’m very concerned, but people are cold in the dog days of summer. Brother Jing’s concern can be included in the joke collection.” The adoptive mother was startled by this provocation, and she didn’t know what
Shen Lanqing suddenly said. Crazy, she quickly winked at him to tell him to shut up.
Although she loved her long-lost son, she couldn’t help him in today’s situation. It all depended on Nan Liujing’s face.
Nan Liujing turned a deaf ear to these words, as if he didn’t even see such a person in his eyes. He extended his hand to his adoptive parents and made a “please” gesture: “My father-in-law and mother-in-law have been working hard on the journey. Uncle Li specially prepared dinner for them.” After that, he asked Uncle Li to hand over a hot towel to wipe your hands.
The adoptive mother wiped her hands and sighed at Nanliu Jing’s unique vision and the simple yet elegant interior decoration. The
adoptive father wiped his hands and looked at the stairs frequently, asking in a low voice: “How is Li Li’s health now? Is she still having a fever? If the injection doesn’t work, You can try physical cooling.”
Even while eating, the adoptive mother kept praising Uncle Li for his good craftsmanship, while the adoptive father was carefully peeling shrimps and picking fish. For fear of losing the temperature, he specially found a bowl to hold on, and warned: “If Li
Li I have no appetite, please ask the housekeeper to cook him some seafood porridge. He doesn’t usually eat fish and finds it troublesome to debone it. It is because he is a picky eater that he is malnourished and prone to illness…”
Gong Yuan couldn’t hold back his tears as he spoke.
After Lan Qing recognized his ancestor and returned to the clan, his wife insisted on giving Li Li away and leaving him to fend for himself. As a son-in-law who came to the house, he had no right to speak. He cried in his wife’s ears every day, and she reluctantly agreed until her ears became calluses from crying. Send Li Li to the suburbs and give up.
The family company is in crisis, and his wife plans to send Li Li to the Nan family for marriage. The marriage is still with the notorious eldest son, and she still has no say.
But this time, even if she talks about her wife until her ears quiver, she will never change her decision. All she can do is pray to the moon.
It’s not that he hasn’t read the news about Li Li on the Internet. He knows that this child has been used to spending a lot of money in the past. It will definitely be difficult for him to be cut off from his financial source. The most desperate thing is that his uncle doesn’t seem to be kind to him. After being married for several months, he has only brought… He went back to his parents’ home twice, and his wife kept a close eye on her, so he didn’t know what was going on with Li Li here.
I have failed to fulfill my responsibilities as a father because I am incompetent.
The more Gong Yuan thought about it, the more uncomfortable he felt. Looking at the table full of delicacies, thinking that Shen Jiali was still sick and could only lie down, his tears opened up.
The adoptive mother was speechless, what kind of stupid thing was this, what kind of fool did she make in front of her uncle.
Her small pointed high heels were dug into Gong Yuan’s leather shoes, and she scolded silently: “Don’t embarrass me.”
Nanliu Jing could see all Gong Yuan’s embarrassments, but he remained calm both on the surface and in his heart. , did not mean to ridicule, but instead called Uncle Li over and whispered in his ear:
“Father-in-law peeled the fish and shrimp for Shen Gali, brought it to the kitchen to cook a pot of porridge, added some fresh vegetables, and served it to him after it was cooked, and watched him by the way. Let him take the medicine.”
Gong Yuan watched helplessly as Uncle Li took the fish and shrimp away, and finally stopped crying.
Nan Liujing never made guarantees to anyone, and he never needed to care about other people’s opinions when making his decisions. Today, he said in a calm and firm tone: “Don’t worry, father-in-law,
I will help Gali get rid of his picky eating habits in the future.”
Gong Yuan couldn’t bear it. Holding Nan Liujing’s hand, her eyes filled with tears and she couldn’t help nodding: “Good uncle, good uncle!”
The adoptive mother rolled her eyes. If it hadn’t been in front of outsiders, she would have beaten him to death with the sole of her shoe today. Promising.
After the meal was almost done, it was time to talk about the business of our visit.
The adoptive mother wiped her lips elegantly and smiled brightly: “Uncle, how is the company recently? I heard that Huanhai Electronics just won the government’s bidding plan for the Huanhai Expressway. It will definitely make a lot of money this time.” ┆Thoughts┆ Rabbit┆Article┆File┆Share┆with┆Online┆Online┆Read┆Read┆Nanliu
Jing lowered his eyes and said “Hmm” casually while cutting the steak: “It’s a small business, not worth mentioning.”
The adoptive mother took a deep breath in her heart. gas. small business? Sure enough, Huanhai Electronics is so wealthy that it doesn’t take the Lianhuanhai Expressway seriously. Once this road is built, it will be more convenient to travel out of the province, and by that time the expressway fees will be gone.
She rubbed her fingertips slightly uneasily and smiled a little awkwardly: “If our family had the confidence of the Huanhai Group, we wouldn’t have to worry about trivial matters as big as sesame seeds and mung beans.” Her adoptive mother said this because the company wanted to bring the dead back to life
. I plan to invest in a new type of project, but this project is in full swing and the future is bright. Companies large and small are eyeing this big fat piece of meat. Even if I follow it, I will be guaranteed to be prosperous and wealthy for the rest of my life.
No, it’s rolled up. The rival company has already bid 200 million to compete for the right to invest as an investment agent. However, our own company is heavily in debt after encountering the economic crisis. Not to mention 200 million, even 20 million cannot be paid out, even if all the properties under its name are sold. I can’t even fill this big hole.
However, she couldn’t make enough money, so she still had Uncle Jin Gui.
Let’s not talk about how sincere Nan Liujing is to Shen Jiali. He always wants to sell his mother-in-law’s face, not to mention that 200 million is not a big sum of money for him, so gritting his teeth is not a problem.
“Uncle, do you know about the S2 project of the Research Institute? I heard from insiders that this is a new project that their top team spent seven years developing. Once it is launched, nearly half of the people in the country will benefit from it.” Nan Liujing: “I know
. .”
When the adoptive mother heard this, she was secretly happy and said quickly: “What do you think of this project? I have learned about it. If the project is really successful, it will at least make this amount.” As she said that, she made a “five” sign with her left hand
. He made a “zero” sign with his right hand.
Nan Liujing looked uninterested: “That’s it.”
The adoptive mother nodded like she was talking about garlic: “But you also know how many people are staring at the big fat guy, so…”
Nan Liujing finally raised his noble head. , looked at the adoptive mother with a cold and distant expression: “Mother-in-law needs funds?”
The adoptive mother smiled from ear to ear: “It’s just that the funds are temporarily limited, but if my uncle is willing, the investor must write my uncle’s name first…” Before she finished speaking, Nan Liujing interrupted her: “Mother-in-law, on Gali’s birthday a few days ago, did you send him a text message to wish him well and send him a birthday gift?”
Adoptive mother:?
This curved turn leads directly out of the atmosphere.
“I have celebrated more than twenty birthdays for Gali. The company happens to be busy recently. It is normal to forget once in a while. Don’t worry, I will definitely make up for him after I am busy for a while.” The adoptive mother said.
Nan Liujing was silent for a moment, then suddenly let out a chuckle with unknown meaning. The smile was like a needle, and it immediately pierced into the adoptive mother’s heart.
The joy on her face froze, and her voice was empty: “Uncle, is this…? What’s wrong.”
Nan Liujing slowly took a sip of tea, looked down at her adoptive mother arrogantly, opened her thin lips lightly, and said in a cold voice: “Mother-in-law , you may not know me. I am a person who evaluates risks before doing anything and never fights without preparation.” “First, I have learned about the project you mentioned. The scientific research team is indeed the top in the country, and the quality is absolute. Guaranteed, but they are R&D personnel, not businessmen, and do not understand the market. According to my budget, the curve chart within three years after the launch of this project will show a trend of short-term surge and long-term plunge, and finally fall to the freezing point, losing all their money.” After listening, the adoptive mother said
, His mouth was slightly open, as if he was in disbelief.
If it is true as Nan Liujing said, how could there be so many companies rushing to be investment agents?
“The above are objective reasons, let me talk about subjective factors.”
The smile on the adoptive mother’s face disappeared. She only knew that she had received a clear rejection, and the remaining subjective factors were not important to her at all.
Nanliu Jing adjusted his sleeves slowly, with a calm look as if he was talking about something as trivial as what to eat tonight.
“In addition to assessing product market risks, we also need to assess the risks of both creditors and creditors.”
Adoptive mother: I don’t understand. But the creditor
, could it mean him and me? So the money still counts as a loan, right?
Nanliu Jing said in a low voice: “My mother-in-law’s company is heavily in debt, and my mother-in-law has also been listed as the executor of the court. To be honest, it is very easy to raise my mother-in-law’s company, and I am not short of the money.” His voice became more and more intense
. Yue Leng: “But this is based on the fact that you are Gali’s mother, but if you don’t even know your son’s birthday, if your son is sick, you won’t even care about him when you come in, and you won’t be with your son on his graduation day. Just because he is the wrong fake son, I have no obligation to help my mother-in-law.”
The adoptive mother’s eyes widened suddenly, and countless small thorns seemed to grow on the stool, making her unable to sit still.
Shen Jiali is a bitch! I also learned how to complain!
“Although he is not his biological child, when Gali was sick and confused, he still called his mother.”
Nan Liujing’s voice was a little softer.
He suddenly remembered the woman who ended her life in madness. During the few moments when she was conscious, she sewed a doll as a birthday present for her son.
Then I remembered what I was thinking when I personally pulled out my mother’s oxygen mask.
I love her very much, so I can’t stand to see her continue to live in pain.
Although no one understands it, every child loves and relies on his mother extremely.
When I am in the most pain and when I am happiest, the first person I think of is my mother. There are many languages in the world, but “mom” is the only word with the same pronunciation.
I don’t know if it was because of these words, the adoptive mother suddenly fell silent, staring at the floor quietly, not knowing what she was thinking.
Nan Liujing called Uncle Li over and whispered something in his ear. Uncle Li then brought the checkbook over.
Nan Liujing wrote his name on a check in private, stamped it with his personal seal, and pushed it in front of Gong Yuan:
“Father-in-law can write as much as he wants, but I declare in advance that this money can only be used for daily life, and must not be used for other purposes. Investment or debt repayment, I will have expenditure feedback records here, that’s it.”
After Nan Liujing finished speaking, he put on the armrest of the wheelchair: “I’m full, I’m going to rest first, please excuse me.”
Looking at Nan Liujing, he decided to leave . Looking back, the atmosphere was indescribably awkward, even hurting one’s self-esteem.
Probably the only one who felt that his self-esteem was hurt was Gong Yuan, so his adoptive mother came over and whispered: “Write quickly, write more, at least settle the debt first, and launder the money for use.” Gong Yuan lowered his head, and a strip of blood burst out from his neck
. A blue vein, silent.
The adoptive mother pushed him impatiently and said in a sharp voice, “Write! You are good at making people look embarrassed normally, but now you are like a piece of wood!” “I won’t write.” Gong Yuan’s voice trembled.
“Are you crazy or stupid? Do you think a big conglomerate like the Nan family will give you a second chance to write a check at will? They are rich but they are not stupid! Write quickly!” “Pa!” Gong Yuan stood up
suddenly He stood up and threw the pen on the table.
His eyes were wide open, bloodshot, and his chest was heaving violently.
The adoptive mother was startled and pinched her angrily: “Why did you suddenly go crazy? You scared me to death.”
Gong Yuan didn’t care that he was in someone else’s house and screamed angrily: “Are you embarrassed to write this?! You earned it by selling your son. Can you sleep with the money?! If I don’t write it, you can’t even think of any ideas!”
After saying that, he tore up the check angrily and threw it into the trash can angrily.
Amid the sharp quarrel between her parents, Shen Lanqing raised her eyes tiredly and looked upstairs.
This time, it was not only the face of his parents that was humiliated by Nan Liujing, but also his fragile young heart.
Shen Lanqing blackened 70%—
As soon as Nan Liujing entered the room, he saw that Shen Jiali was still folding paper cranes as he had started. Uncle Li was muttering aside, but he turned a deaf ear.
Nan Liujing let out a chuckle and shook his head.
In fact, although Shen Jiali always complains when asked to do something, he still knows how to do it. Not to mention how well he does it, at least he can ensure that he completes the task.
When Uncle Li saw the person, he saw the person standing up and complained in passing: “The porridge is almost cold, but Mr. Shen won’t eat anything.” Nan Liujing nodded slowly
: “I understand, you go to see the guests off first.”
Li After his uncle left, Nan Liujing came to Shen Jiali and looked at the new paper cranes.
It was obviously folded wrongly and the wings couldn’t be spread out.
However, I finally folded seven of them, which together with the ones in the box were exactly ten thousand.
“Your parents are still downstairs, why don’t you go down and meet them?” Nan Liujing asked.
Shen Jiali didn’t even raise his head: “No.”
If only Gong Yuan was there, he might have taken a look at the stairs, but that woman was there too.
Nan Liujing was a little curious: “Last time I was sick, I was confused and shouted that I missed my mother, and now I’m gone again.”
Shen Jiali responded to him with brain waves: You don’t have to recognize the person or not.
Seeing that he didn’t want to answer, Nan Liujing didn’t ask any more questions. His eyes drifted to the bowl of porridge on the table. It had been left there for too long and the surface was half-solidified.
He picked up the porridge bowl, stirred it gently with a spoon, and handed it over: “You haven’t eaten much all day. Eat, and then take medicine.”
Shen Jiali always said the same thing to everyone who came today: “Don’t eat.”
Nanliu Jing frowned, habitually wanting to act like a big leader and ordering him, but his tears of grievance flashed through his mind, and he swallowed the words of order alive.
Shen Jiali is the most difficult person he has ever met.
However, when I watched him live a painting class before, because they were kindergarten children, their effective concentration was only a few dozen minutes. In order to ensure that the class went smoothly, the art teacher would use some small means to attract the children’s attention, such as competitions.
Nanliu Jing cleared his throat and sat upright.
“Shen Gali, let’s compete.”
Shen Gali:?
Why are you so crazy in broad daylight?
“I’ll eat too. Let’s compete to see who eats faster.” A confident smile appeared on Nan Liujing’s lips.
If you don’t believe it, he won’t take the bait.
Shen Jiali didn’t even raise his head: “Oh, you won, I admit defeat.”
Nan Liujing:…
Shen Jiali: “If you eat all these, I will reward you with a sticker.”
Nan Liujing:…
Never been like this I was speechless, and my self-esteem and self-confidence were both hit.
But if he doesn’t eat and take medicine on time, his recovery will be very slow.
Suddenly, a strange idea came to Nan Liujing’s mind.
ten minutes later.
Nan Liujing handed it over with his mobile phone: “Someone is making a video call for you.”
Shen Jiali: “I said I fell asleep.”
“Well, I will convey it to Bai Wei for you.” Nan Liujing pretended to press the video call.
Next, a white shadow passed by, pushing him away and grabbing the phone, quickly arranging his hair and pressing the answer button in seconds.
In the video, Bai Wei is wearing a simple white T-shirt, a high ponytail, and her long curly hair is swung behind her head. She is as young as a college student on campus.
Shen Jiali sat up straight, his cheeks slightly red and hot, whether due to low fever or other reasons.
“Sister Bai Wei.” He said shyly.
Nan Liujing was dumbfounded. Shen Jiali would actually take the initiative to say hello to others?
The speed with which he grabbed the phone just now was so fast that it turned into a ghost.
Bai Wei smiled with her eyebrows crooked: “Gali, good evening. I heard from Mr. Nan that you are sick. How are your health? Are you feeling better?” Shen Jiali nodded: “It’s much better.
Sister Bai Wei, don’t worry.”
Bai Wei raised the small hand in her hand. Fork, with a small piece of cake dotted with cherries on it, she tilted her head cutely: “I’m eating a small cake. I made it myself. I’ll bring you some to try next time we meet.” Shen Jiali nodded and nodded: “My
favorite I like eating cakes. I feel uncomfortable if I don’t eat them for a day.”
Nan Liujing:?
The person sitting on the bed should be Shen Jiali and not a fake person, right?
“When you are sick, you should eat more, try to eat as lightly as possible, and take medicine on time, so that you can recover quickly.” Bai Wei said with a smile.
In the blind spot of the camera, Shen Jiali stretched out his hand to hold the porridge bowl, scooped a large spoonful into the camera and put it into his mouth.
“I happened to be having dinner, and this is already the second bowl. Oh, by the way, take medicine.” Shen Jiali took the medicine box, swallowed the medicine with ease, and drank a few big mouthfuls of cold water.
“So good.” Bai Wei held her chin and looked at him with a smile, pretty and elegant, like the lisianthus flower arrangement on the table behind her.
The two of them were chatting, and before they knew it, a large bowl of porridge was filled to the bottom.
Nanliu Jing: I can’t say what’s weird about it, but it’s just weird.
It was getting late, and after making sure that Shen Jiali had finished his porridge, Bai Wei chatted with him for a while before saying that he was going to rest and there would be an announcement tomorrow.
Shen Jiali nodded, and until the other party hung up the video call, he was still staring at the screen in a daze.
Nan Liujing on the side heard his cell phone vibrating, took it out and saw that it was a message sent to him by Bai Wei:
[Mr. Nan, thank you for your trouble. If Gali doesn’t like to eat, you can make a video call to me like today. Will supervise him. 】●This●work●is●provided●●by●Si●Tu●.com●●Online●Read●
Nanliu Jing: [Thank you for your hard work. 】
He still couldn’t figure it out. Bai Wei’s call to the person who couldn’t persuade her adoptive parents was so strange that it was really strange.
I thought that the topic about Bai Wei would arouse Shen Jiali’s interest, so Nanliu Jing asked:
“Why are you so close to Bai Wei?”
Shen Jiali: “Does it have anything to do with you?”
Nanliu Jing realized, it was not about Bai Wei. topic, but only interested in Bai Wei.
Early the next morning, Uncle Li took Shen Jiali’s temperature, which was 37.6°C. It was almost back to normal, but he still had a slight fever.
“Young master has to go to the company today, so I can’t stay with you at home. I also have something to do. The doctor will come to check you in a while. Mr. Shen is not going anywhere today. He is resting at home. If you need anything, just send me a message. I will come back in the afternoon. .”
Uncle Li carefully helped him tuck the quilt and warned him.
Shen Jiali: Oh, thank Nanliu Jing for me, and thank you too.
Time has entered the end of August, and the hottest time of the year has gradually passed, and now there is a slight coolness in the morning and evening.
Nanliu Jing came in before going to work and sat for a while without saying anything. He just sat by the bed and stared at the floor in trance.
Even though Shen Jiali had his back turned to him, he was still pricked by his gaze.
“Get out.” Shen Jiali began to chase people away without mercy.
Nan Liujing has lived for almost thirty years, and this is the first time he has encountered such a ridiculous thing. This is his house, and he is being kicked out?
“The house is written in your name? If you want to go out
, you have to go out.” Shen Jiali didn’t bother to answer him and sniffed, which was very blocked due to the cold.
But to Nanliu Jing’s ears, this sound was a sob.
Crying again?
Nan Liujing was silent for a moment, and his tone lost the confidence it had just now. The awkward tone made it sound like he was the one occupying the magpie’s nest.
“Sorry, I meant…”
How to explain what I just said?
“Yes… I said it.” Nan Liujing really couldn’t lie. After thinking for a long time, he finally admitted his defeat, “My tone was not good. What I said just now was not true. Don’t cry.” Shen Jiali
What he was talking about was strange.
He had seen Shen Jiali cry once, and he didn’t want it to happen again. Shen Jiali didn’t respond to him, so he kept sitting by the bed, even if Uncle Li shouted over and over again downstairs.
No one was seen until Uncle Li went upstairs to check the situation and saw his young master sitting by the bed, holding his forehead with one hand, his brows furrowed and slightly annoyed.
“Master, Driver Yang has been waiting outside for a long time. It’s time to go to work.”
Nan Liujing raised his eyes and looked at the frail figure, his Adam’s apple rolling. After a long time, he whispered: “Go and see if Shen Jiali is still crying. .”
Uncle Li walked around and looked at the person carefully for a long time, and said respectfully: “Master, Mr. Shen has fallen asleep, and he is very peaceful.”
Nan Liujing:…
a waste of feelings.…
Every time Shen Jiali wakes up, he seems to be woken up by the vibration of his mobile phone. If there is no mobile phone, he may be glued to the bed.
The caller was Director He, with a voice full of joy:
“Xiao Shen, the Lancer brand just called me and said that it has been confirmed that you will perform the jewelry commercial. I asked if you are free today and want to discuss the contract in detail. Things.”
Jiali asked back: “If the contract is signed, will Sister Bai Wei go?” “Of course, she is the spokesperson, and of course she will be there in person.”
Although she still had a low fever, Shen Jiali sat up and took the porridge and medicine.
The high fever had just subsided, but my body was still limp, and the floor tiles under my feet seemed to have turned into cotton, with no real feeling when I stepped on them.
But his mood was extremely high. He looked in the mirror for a long time and took out the keychain that Bai Wei gave him. Although he didn’t need a backpack, in order to hang the keychain, he carried an empty bag and went out.
The address of this meeting was at the Lancer China Agency. It was very far away, and it happened to be the rainy season recently. It rained for three days and three nights without stopping. Shen Jiali was afraid that the hair he had spent time taking care of would get wet and embarrass him in front of Bai Wei. , for the first time, I took the initiative to call a taxi.
But when I got there, I realized that what Director He said “Bai Wei will be there in person” did not refer to today. The endorsem*nt contract was very important and could not be signed together with his advertising contract. The time had to be arranged separately.
Shen Jiali’s smile faded in a second.
He stood in the rain, letting the cold icy rain slap randomly on his face.…
meeting room.
At the top seat in the middle of the U-shaped conference table sits a young man in a suit and leather shoes. He has a high nose and red lips, and his light blue eyes are as clear and green as the sea water in Fiji.
To his left sat a row of middle-aged and elderly men with similar Western faces. They were all wearing suits and looked dignified and elegant.
The one on his right seemed a bit asymmetrical. There was only one young man sitting at the huge long table. He was wearing a plain, light white shirt with a loose hem, and paired with light-colored jeans that were so simple that they were completely incompatible with fashion.
In such a serious occasion, the other party even refused to wear a formal suit. The old ladies all shook their heads, but their own words had no weight, and finally their eyes fell on the man sitting above.
Ivan was also waiting, turning his eyes to the simple man aside.
Signing a contract was always just a process, but he didn’t expect that someone would actually read the thick stack of contracts word for word, reading very slowly, and sometimes he would have to go back and refer to the context to understand the meaning of the contract regulations.
The middle-aged and elderly men opposite waited for nearly an hour, looking at their watches frequently, and finally exchanging helpless looks, bending down and shrugging, their impatience evident.
The older man next to Ivan couldn’t help but type the documents, and used his eyes to signal him to urge Shen Jiali. This was too slow, and Diaohua was not as slow as him.
Ivan turned a deaf ear to his opinions and sat upright and dignified as before, playing with the pen in his hand and waiting quietly.
Two long hours passed, and the elders on the other side couldn’t help but dozed off. Shen Jiali finally finished reading the contract.
Contract-saving version: Not a spokesperson, just participating in advertising shooting, pre-tax advertising fee of 580,000.
After such calculation, the actual cost after tax is only 340,000.
However, having more money is less important. As long as the filming can go smoothly and the mother has enough rest time, it doesn’t matter if she takes less.
Shen Jiali slowly picked up the pen and was about to sign his name behind Party B —
“Sorry, Representative Rossander, I have a question.” Before he could finish writing, a man with gray hair and beard opposite raised his hand and spoke in unskilled Chinese. asked.
The man opened the file, pointed at the data and said: “According to recent market research, a large number of female groups between the ages of fifteen and twenty have issued statements about boycotting Lancer. I think this is related to the replacement of participating ads. It has something to do with the shooting of the artist.”
Ivan looked at the man with a sharp look, and said with an unhappy expression: “So.” “You
must know that women are the main purchasing power of Lanser jewelry, and they are also the target group that we focus on protecting. If the shooting artist is changed, Is it worth the loss if the brand is boycotted? So I hope Mr. Shen can explain this matter to the committee and what are the advantages of your participation in the filming.”
Shen Jiali was speechless.
What about calling people over to play monkey tricks? If you can sign it, sign it, but if you can’t sign it, you can’t push it back. I also explain the advantages, which is annoying and upsetting.
He is very uncomfortable now. The residual heat of high fever is like a ball of fire in his chest. Even his breathing is accompanied by noise. The dizziness caused by nasal congestion prevents him from fully concentrating. Therefore, he read a document for two hours. See clearly.
When it comes to signing and leaving, these people are going to cause trouble no matter what.
Shen Jiali didn’t want to sign the contract anymore. There were ten thousand ways to love his mother. The worst he could do was to stay by his side when filming. If his partner dared to mess with him, he would glare at her.
He stood up and said to the old men: “I see that you all seem to be very dissatisfied with me, so I will not disturb you and leave. I wish you can find a suitable photographer as soon as possible.” The old men looked at each other with livid faces, never seen before
. If you meet such a big-name person and the other person is not even an artist, why don’t you bother? We’re not here to serve you anymore!
Several people threw their documents angrily, packed up their things, and prepared to leave.
“Wait a minute.” When Shen Jiali stood up and passed by Ivan, he grabbed his wrist.
Everyone didn’t know who he was talking about by saying “wait a minute”, so Shi Shiran sat back with a cold face and murmured in his heart.
But Shen Jiali didn’t want to stay anymore. He felt very uncomfortable, his whole body ached, and he urgently needed to lie down.
“Sit down first and give me some time.” Ivan said to him softly.
Although his expression was indifferent when he said this, his tone was inexplicably pleading.
“Everyone, I think Mr. Shen’s advantages have been explained.” Ivan looked at the old men with a firm voice.
Ivan stretched out his index finger: “Yes, it’s personality.”
Shen Jiali: How, how could you tell?
“Not compromising with the world and pursuing authenticity. Isn’t this the concept that Lancer Jewelry has always pursued — individuality, not being secular, and being a unique brand in the world.” “That…” Shen Jiali tugged at the corner of his clothes,
“Don’t get me wrong, this isn’t
my personality, it’s just rudeness.” “Well, admitting that I’m rude is the most unique personality I’ve ever seen.” Ivan sat down, pushed the contract over and said, “Please” gesture.
“It’s not about personality, it’s just pure and rude.” Shen Jiali insisted.
Ivan chuckled lightly: “Look, insisting on one’s own opinion is also a symbol of individuality, right?”
Shen Jiali:…
I don’t want to argue anymore, everything you said is right.
“As for the boycott that you just pointed out about Lancer, I think you don’t need to worry too much.” Ivan crossed his feet gracefully and showed confidence in his movements.
“Based on the data from previous years, Lancer’s audience is mainly middle-aged people over forty who have a successful career and a stable life. Moreover, I don’t think Lancer’s pricing is affordable for the student group, so Lancer Faced with the boycott of some age groups, what we have to do is to reduce the number of topics to prevent the situation from continuing to ferment, and the rest will continue as usual.” Ivan glanced at
Shen Jiali and continued to say to the old men: “Or if any of you has better suggestions, the contract Find me in the office after the signing is completed.”
As soon as these words came out, the whole place was silent.
Since Ivan said this, it means that the photographer must be Shen Jiali, no objection, no objection, everything will be as per your request.
Shen Jiali finally signed his name on the contract.
The contract is made in two copies, with each party holding one copy. The shooting date will be notified separately, and the fee will be transferred to Shen Jiali’s bank card within three days.
After the signing meeting ended, Shen Jiali stood at the door, looking at the pouring rain, lost in thought. Should he walk back or call a car?
In addition to the more than 3 million given by Nanliu Jing, with 4 million in hand, can we have the luxury of taking a taxi back?
No, don’t lose big for small things. Sometimes just because of these ten or twenty yuan, the outcome will change qualitatively.
He had just stepped into the rain, with a silver Maybach lying in front of him. The driver’s window was opened, revealing an indifferent and distant profile. The high tip of his nose and chin formed a slanted straight line. His delicate and gorgeous facial features were very much like those of the old times. Close-ups in foreign films.
Ivan simply said: “Get in the car and see you off.”
Shen Jiali was not afraid that he had evil intentions, since he had nothing to lose anyway.
He got in the car and sat next to Ivan, a little curious that the heir known as the head of the top ten families could actually drive himself.
As if he felt hot, Ivan took off his suit jacket and threw it into the back seat. He quietly glanced at the man next to him from the corner of his eye.
This man is rude and doesn’t understand etiquette. He has the ability to make people angry in a second, but at the same time, he has an inexplicable feeling.
That day, I took a motorcycle back to the hotel. After taking a shower, my mind became clearer. Ivan lay on the bed and recalled everything that happened during the day.
What is it about this unruly, rude and willful man that he should never forget?
To be fair, the face is pretty. ① This ① work ① is written by ① Si ① Rabbit ① Read ① online ① Read ① Net ① friends ① Organize ① Upload ① ① Just as it is difficult for Easterners to distinguish the looks of Westerners, Ivan first set foot
on When he entered this land, he felt that almost all the pedestrians coming and going on the street were carved out of the same mold. He had been staying at the Chinese agency for more than half a month, and he couldn’t tell who the employees around him were.
But there is a difference between Shen Jiali and them.
As for what’s the difference? In addition to the facial features looking more refined, the temperament also seems to be quite different.
Eastern people have always given people the impression that they are extremely obedient, highly active, and polite and humble, but Shen Jiali seems to have nothing to do with anything.
He is casual, calm, and indifferent to anything. He is like a fallen leaf in the torrent of the times, decadent and gorgeous.
People are always attracted to the kind of people they envy but cannot be like.
The family where he was born and raised is full of dogmatic rules — what clothes to wear, what food to eat, what kind of people to marry… From the time he can remember, his life seems to be trapped within this framework, and the people around him are also… They followed the rules and were as numb as dolls. The most frightening thing was that they didn’t feel anything was wrong.
Or maybe it was already highly domesticated when it sensed something was wrong.
Therefore, he felt that Shen Jiali was very special.
He is obviously not lively or active, but he has the ability to make people shine.
I heard that Shen Jiali is already married, but it is a business marriage, and the other party is disabled and can only live in a wheelchair for the rest of his life.
There is no filial son before a long-term illness, let alone two people who have no emotional basis. So what if they get married. There is no rule that does not allow divorce and remarriage.
Ah… how could it be that even though we had only met her twice, we had already begun to fantasize about getting married.
On the side, Ivan was already thinking about the origin of the universe in his mind. Shen Jiali had a severe headache. Every time he coughed, the blood vessels in his brain felt so painful that they seemed to explode.
The mobile phone in his trouser pocket kept vibrating, and he had no energy to pay attention to it. He leaned against the car window and rubbed his temples tiredly.
And the other side.
“Sorry, the number you dialed is not answered at the moment. Please call again later.”
Nan Liujing put down the phone and looked up at the clock on the wall.
Twenty-eighth call, still no one answered.
In the afternoon, the doctor came to check Shen Jiali’s body. No matter how he called the door, no one responded, so he had to call Nan Liujing to inquire about the situation.
Nan Liujing had just finished the meeting and rushed home as fast as possible, fearing that he might have fainted due to fever, but when he entered the door, Shen Jiali was nowhere to be seen.
From two o’clock in the afternoon to five o’clock in the afternoon, there were twenty-eight phone calls and countless text messages, but Shen Jiali seemed to have disappeared from the world, with no news.
Chapter 42
Nan Liujing doesn’t understand, why does Shen Jiali want a mobile phone? Use it as a brick and a self-defense weapon when necessary?
Did he ever answer the phone calls I made to him? Even if you don’t like answering the phone or have a phobia of talking on the phone, you should at least say it when you go out.
No one has been seen for a long time. Uncle Li has contacted the security team to search for the person in the city. Nan Liujing is sitting on the third floor balcony looking towards the gate. This place has a wide view and can see people immediately.
He was anxious, angry, and helpless, because the other party was Shen Jiali, and any punishment method was not enough for him. In fact, he even enjoyed those punishment methods.
Nan Liujing lowered his head feebly and let out a long sigh. In the past twenty-nine years, he has never seen anyone more difficult to deal with than Shen Jiali, or rather,
I have never seen such a person who goes beyond his own plan every step of the way.
During the silence, a silver Maybach appeared from the corner, drove straight towards the housing area, and finally stopped at the gate.
Afterwards, Shen Jiali got out of the car casually without looking back, and the people in the cab immediately opened the door and chased him out.
After seeing the man’s appearance clearly, Nan Liujing suddenly stood up and moved closer to see more clearly.
Who is this person? Ivan? The youngest son of the Rossander family, the one who had business cooperation with Huanhai Electronics a few years ago?
Ivan chased after him and asked Shen Gali when it would be convenient, hoping that he could take him to visit Jinhai City. He came and went in a hurry every time, and he had not fully experienced the humanities and history of this city.
Shen Jiali said concisely and concisely: “I don’t have time.”
“I’m not in a hurry. I hope you have the right time.” Ivan said softly.
Shen Jiali stopped paying attention to him and entered along the courtyard.
Nanliu Jing looked down at the foreigner outside the door who was reluctant to leave and looked through the autumn water. He felt funny. What kind of affection is he showing off at the door of other people’s houses? Or is it to a married man? The so-called gentleman’s nation is such a gentleman?
Hearing Shen Jiali coming upstairs, Nan Liujing sat down slowly and sent a message to Uncle Li to inform him to go home.
A second before Shen Jiali entered the room, Nan Liujing stopped him.
“Where are you going?”
“Signing the contract.” Shen Jiali’s voice was thick and his voice was hoarse, and the original voice could no longer be heard.
“Didn’t I tell you that the doctor will come to your door today? Besides, even if it’s urgent, why don’t you answer the phone? You should tell your family about your location.” This was not the first time Shen Jiali did this kind of thing, but when he heard his broken
words With a gong-like voice and a murmur in his words, Nan Liujing suddenly felt an unknown anger igniting in his heart.
Shen Jiali hates settling accounts after the fact. Things have already happened, and accusations are meaningless. What’s more, even if it is a disciplined education, he will dare to do it next time.
So being embarrassed is the best response.
He stopped and turned his face slightly, his outline appearing blurry in the dim and diffuse light.
“So.” Shen Jiali’s voice was weak and weak, “Worried about me? Are you angry?”
Nanliu Jing’s vision dimmed, his eyes widened slightly unconsciously, and he almost blurted out the word “yes”.
He quickly changed the subject: “Why was Rose Ander sending you back?”
Shen Jiali: “Why, you suspect me of cheating?”
Nan Liujing was silent.
Shen Jiali stopped and went back to the house to lie down.
It wasn’t until he entered the room that the tension in Nan Liujing’s body was relieved and it became less stiff.
Strangely, when he asked that question, the first reaction in his mind was not denial.
Are you really worried about…?
When he couldn’t find anyone, he drove a hundred kilometers away and risked his secret being exposed. When he learned that he wanted 10,000 origami cranes, he put aside his work and led his secretaries and assistants to collectively transform into little handicraft masters; he said Wanting a doll, he fought hard for three days and three nights, his hands were pricked into a hornet’s nest, he was disgusted, and he continued to stay up late sewing and mending, and even tasted the feeling of loss because he preferred the doll pendant given by Bai Wei.
We can’t continue like this. If we really fall into this situation one day, the divorce agreement will become a piece of waste paper.…
She had a low fever, and it rained a little in the afternoon. In the second half of the night, Shen Jiali’s body temperature suddenly rose.
My head hurt, my throat felt like it was being torn apart, and there seemed to be countless ants crawling around in my chest.
In the next room, Nan Liujing was working on the backlog of work over the past few days in front of the computer, when he heard a heartbreaking cough coming from the other side of the wall, which lasted for a long time without any sign of stopping.
The typing hand paused, but quickly resumed its typing rhythm.
Ignore him, I am definitely not worried about him, I care about him, hold it in, as long as you can turn a deaf ear to his cough, you will never fall.
The sound of tapping the keyboard is getting louder and the rhythm is getting faster, as if to vent some emotions.
five minutes later.
“Your cough was too noisy, so you took the medicine.” Nan Liujing pushed open Shen Jiali’s door with a bottle of cough medicine.
Upon entering his eyes, he saw Shen Jiali curled up on the bed and coughing into a ball.
The sound of wheezing and coughing was like a knife cutting through gravel, and it seemed that all the internal organs were being coughed out.
Nan Liujing had never been so upset before, whether it was because his coughing was too noisy or because he looked so painful and weak.
At that moment, he made peace with himself.
Just taking care of patients is not considered a fall.
Nan Liujing was lying on the bed on his side, holding the edge of the bed. He put an arm around Shen Jiali’s shoulder and pulled him over.
Through the thin pajamas, Nan Liujing felt his fingertips were hot. Although he coughed violently, it seemed to be a conditioned reflex. He was still dazed with his eyes closed. The broken hair on his forehead was soaked with sweat. The fragrance on his body that only he could smell became stronger after the warmth of his skin. Strong.
It turns out that being soft-hearted is a concrete feeling, as if you clearly felt that your heart collapsed at a certain moment.
Nan Liujing’s brows furrowed deeply, and his dark eyes were as hot as lava in the center of the earth.
He hugged Shen Jiali into his arms and felt his body tremble once he coughed.
“Be good.” Nan Liujing said stiffly, and the hand covering his lower abdomen was also stiff and rhythmless. “The doctor will be here soon.” Uncle Li was also awakened by the
coughing sound and hurried over to help find him. Get a thermometer and measure, 39.8°C.
The excessively high body temperature suddenly gave Nan Liujing a deep sense of powerlessness.
I don’t know whether to scold him or coax him. It seems that he has no memory of anything he does. In his entire life, he has never seen anyone more troublesome than him.
While thinking, Shen Jiali suddenly straightened up, and what followed was a cough that seemed to tear his chest apart.
In confusion, Nan Liujing pressed the left side of his chest, held it tightly, and pressed it hard. He was really afraid that the violent cough would break the blade.
Then, he heard Shen Jiali’s breathless voice: “Pervert, take advantage of me at this time…”
Nan Liujing:…
I didn’t, I’m not.
He just moved his hand away to prove that he was not who he said he was, but there was another heartbreaking cough, and he quickly pressed his hand back.
The family doctor was woken up by a phone call while he was sleeping. After cursing the evil capitalism a thousand times in his heart, he finally came late.
After examination, the doctor concluded:
“The pneumonia is initially determined to be chemical pneumonia caused by acid reflux. The acid reflux is caused by gastric ulcer. It is caused by the patient’s long-term bad eating habits, and the cold and cold aggravate the condition. This is just me. Preliminary judgment, the specific cause requires going to the hospital for routine blood tests and other tests to determine the real cause.”
When he heard that he was going to the hospital, Shen Jiali, who was sleeping in a daze, took a breath and struggled weakly: “Don’t go to the hospital…”
It is difficult to find out the real cause of the disease without going to the hospital and through instrumental testing, let alone prescribe the right medicine, “the doctor said.” I won’t go… “Shen Jiali shook his head with all his strength, expressing his determination.
For most people, the hospital is a holy place for medical treatment and life-saving, but for him, it is no different from purgatory. It is no exaggeration. Every time he draws blood, he rolls his eyes with a big needle and a CT scan. I drank a barium meal when I drank it. I wanted to vomit but couldn’t. Even the small clip stuck in my chest during the electrocardiogram made my body hurt.” What can we do if we don’t go? Our family doctor can only help check for some routine minor problems, serious diseases… “Before he could finish his words, the doctor was stopped by Nan Liujing’s look and quickly shut up.
The doctor cleared his throat and picked up the medical kit:” I injected the patient with an anti-inflammatory injection of azithromycin. However, this injection has a certain irritation to the gastric mucosa and may cause nausea and vomiting. It is recommended to take some Ogilvy. “Lazole enteric-coated tablets…”
“No medicine…” Before he could finish his words, Shen Gali interrupted him again.
Can you not take medicine? It’s all in a medicine jar.
The doctor glared at him secretly and smiled on the surface: “Or eat some hot porridge, add some pumpkin to nourish the stomach, and don’t eat noodles, because the patient’s digestive system is very fragile now, and noodles will form sticky masses in the stomach if they are not digested in time.” He gave some instructions
. Note: The doctor said that he should go back to rest if he couldn’t bear it anymore, and call him if anything happened.
In order to prevent sudden symptoms, Nan Liujing asked the doctor to stay here to sleep tonight.
Uncle Li was shocked when he heard this.
The young master hates the presence of outsiders at home. Even the cleaning staff can only visit the house regularly, and it is the first time for a doctor to stay overnight. As expected, the young master loves Mr. Shen very much, and he will not hesitate to break his principles many times for him. Wow, oh, my old man is addicted. arrive. ▼思▼Rabbit▼Document▼Document▼Share▼and▼Online▼▼Read▼Read▼
Looking at the sick Shen Jiali, Uncle Li offered to help him make pumpkin porridge right away.
Nan Liujing said, “I’ll come. You can help him change the fever-reducing patch.”
He hated the smell of oily smoke, but he could never forget the bowl of pumpkin porridge.
On his sixth birthday, his mother rarely sobered up, so she sewed a doll for him, cooked a bowl of pumpkin porridge, and put a small candle in it as a birthday cake.
Pumpkin porridge is sweet and has a unique taste from my mother.
Twenty-three years after his mother’s death, he never ate it again. Perhaps it was because he was thinking about others. A bowl of simple pumpkin porridge reminded him that the only person who loved him in the world was no longer there.
Today, he inexplicably wanted Shen Jiali to eat the pumpkin porridge made by himself.
Pumpkins are very troublesome to handle. After peeling, they have to be cut into very small pieces, which tests both your knife skills and your patience.
When Nan Liujing struggled to cut the pumpkin, he finally understood how hard his mother had fought against her inner demons in order to make this bowl of pumpkin porridge.
“Gudu Gudu.” The porridge in the porcelain pot bubbled, and bursts of sweet fragrance wafted out.
The surface of the snow-white hot porridge is covered with pumpkin shreds like gold foil, and it is a little hot after being put into the porcelain bowl.
Entering the room with a bowl of porridge, Uncle Li sat beside Shen Jiali’s bed and dozed off with his head down. The old man and the young man were sleeping opposite each other.
Nan Liujing asked Uncle Li to go back to his room to rest first. Uncle Li was worried and said that he would wait until Shen Jiali’s fever subsided. As he spoke, he opened his mouth and yawned.
“Go back first.” Nan Liujing secretly scolded the old man for his lack of vision.
Are you worried about whether you got enough sleep? Is it because you think you are superfluous and can’t tell?
Uncle Li saw it and bowed respectfully: “Young master, call me if you need anything.”
When he went out, he even helped close the door.
When the porridge was not so hot, Nan Liujing woke up Shen Jiali and said, “Get up and eat the porridge, otherwise you will vomit all over the bed and no one will change the sheets for you.” In fact, Shen Jiali did not fall asleep at all, he had a severe headache, and as the doctor
said , now I feel nausea in my stomach, and my stomach acid seems to be rising crazily.
But he had no appetite because the anti-inflammatory injection left a rusty taste in his mouth.
Seeing that he didn’t move and knowing that he wasn’t asleep, Nan Liujing asked, “Do you need me to call Bai Wei to tell you about your current situation? Or ask her to come over and feed you with my own hands?” Shen Jiali gritted his teeth and sat up, his face full of expression
. Looking at him sadly.
Although I want to see my mother when I’m vulnerable, it’s two o’clock in the morning, so don’t bother my mother.
He slowly looked at the porridge bowl on the table. There was still steam floating on it. Although he couldn’t smell it with his stuffy nose, he could feel the sweetness emanating from the porridge.
“Did you do it?” He started to ask some questions, trying to delay time.
“Yeah.” Nanliu Jing looked away and looked out the window at the few remaining redwood trees in the courtyard.
The next second, he said in a daze: “My mother grew up in a wealthy family. She never touched Yangchun water since she was a child. The only thing she cooked for me was the bowl of pumpkin porridge for my sixth birthday.” That ugly doll,
that A bowl of simple pumpkin porridge bears the only trace of a humiliated mother’s nostalgia for the world.
If forgetfulness represents the end of a person, he hopes that they can continue in this world.
Shen Jiali stared at his side face quietly, and the redwood tree’s light flashed across his face, casting irregular mottled marks on his face.
Well, you win, you found the only way to beat me.
With a high fever of nearly 40 degrees, Shen Jiali’s eyes were blurred by the fever, and the cells in his whole body were screaming in pain. His numb hands could no longer hold the porridge bowl.
The moment it fell onto the bed, Nan Liujing raised his hand to catch it.
He scooped a spoonful of porridge and brought it to Shen Gali’s mouth: “Open your mouth.”
Shen Gali suddenly asked, “What will happen if I don’t eat? Will I die?” “No, but it will be uncomfortable.”
“It will affect me if I feel uncomfortable. What’s wrong with you?”
“No, it’s not me who feels uncomfortable.”
“Then why do you care about me.”
Nan Liujing’s hand paused in the air.
Why does he always ask questions that leave him speechless? She had made up her mind to torture him until divorce, but why was she always the one being tortured?
Seeing that he was silent, Shen Jiali stopped asking questions and lowered his head to bite the spoon.
Nanliu Jing saw him eating the porridge mechanically without saying a word, and suddenly he was curious whether this bowl of porridge was palatable to him and what he thought it tasted like.
But Nanliu Jing knew very well that given Shen Jiali’s character, he probably wouldn’t get any favors even if he asked.
However, I cooked the pumpkin porridge with my own hands and fed him spoonful by spoonful. Deep down in my heart, I still hoped to hear the word “delicious”, just like when my mother cooked porridge for me. In fact, it was very tasteless. I don’t know what was added in it to make it so bitter. It was hard to swallow, but I still insisted on finishing it. Finally, when my mother asked her expectantly, she said it was delicious against her will.
Now, I suddenly understand my mother’s original mood.
But Shen Jiali is not a Nanliu Jing. He feels that it is very tiring to say unconscionable things against his own heart, so often lying can cover up the past. He insists on telling the truth to appear to be so justified in doing wrong things.
The bowl of hot porridge quickly bottomed out, and my stomach felt better.
In the end, Nan Liujing didn’t wait for the words “delicious”, even if it was just comfort against his will. But the relationship between them is not as close as that of mother and son, not to mention Shen Jiali’s character, you will never hear a good word from him.
Nanliu Jing rubbed the empty bowl, as if waiting for something.
In the silence, there was only the sound of unsteady breathing, mixed with the murmur in the chest.
Nan Liujing didn’t wait any longer. He silently packed away the empty bowls and planned to take them to the kitchen to wash. When he raised his eyes, he met Shen Jiali’s eyes.
The high fever caused his cheeks to turn red, and his eyes were blurred, but it was certain that he was looking at him.
It seemed like he had something to say.
Nan Liujing looked back at him, also without saying a word. In silence, his eyes kept merging and diverging, pulling, as if there were thousands of invisible filaments, pulling back again the moment their eyes separated.
Shen Jiali blinked slightly and slowly looked at the empty bowl in Nan Liujing’s hand.
A century later, three words slowly came out from his pale and decadent lips:
“Is there anything more?”
“Pa.” Nan Liujing suddenly opened his eyes wide, and a certain string in his mind seemed to be quietly and intermittently broken.
“Is it delicious?” he asked tentatively, fearing that he would be happy too early.
Shen Jiali coughed twice, turned his head and said in a low voice, “Yeah.”
After the onset of the disease, long-term drug treatment destroyed his taste system, leaving him with no concept of the taste of food, and he could not tell whether it was delicious or unpleasant. When I eat them, they all taste the same.
Including this bowl of porridge, he couldn’t use his taste system to understand whether it was delicious or not. It was just the first time that he still wanted to eat it after finishing it, so he thought it was probably delicious, and delicious food would make people want it, just like now, Can’t stop talking.
But the only baby pumpkin, thanks to Nan Liujing’s uncanny knife skills, lost a lot of weight after peeling off a layer of skin. The already small pumpkin was only about the size of a child’s fist, and could only be cooked in one bowl.
“Wait for me.” Nan Liujing said and walked out the door.
He originally wanted Uncle Li to go out and run the 24-hour shopping mall now, but then he thought about it. Uncle Li, an old man, would definitely think that he cared about Shen Jiali very much, and he couldn’t let him have such thoughts that Ziwu must have.
Nanliu Jing went out alone and went to the underground parking lot. He put the wheelchair aside and got in the car.
The streets of Jinhai City were deserted in the early morning, and dim yellow street lights appeared one after another on the smooth and elegant lines of the car.
Nanliu Jing came to a 24-hour store a few kilometers away. He looked around but couldn’t find any pumpkins. The waiter said that they were sold out and asked him to go to another store to have a look.
I visited several stores and got responses that they were sold out.
Sometimes it’s just such an unlucky coincidence that all the pumpkins that are slow selling every day are sold out today. It’s probably because the season changes and gastroenteritis is prone to occur. Everyone knows that pumpkins are good for the stomach, so they sell better than usual.
Assistant Lin, who was sleeping soundly, was woken up by a call from his boss. He thought something had happened to the company that caused his boss to call someone at three in the morning, but the boss said: “Besides the 24-hour supermarket, where else can I buy pumpkins?”
Assistant Lin:? “??” You can go to the local farmers’ homes, but I remember that the nearest vegetable growing area is a hundred kilometers away. “Is
the boss okay? He is always on call every day but turns out to be a pumpkin?
The unlucky farmer was also the one who was woken up by someone knocking on the door before the chickens were up. He thought something had happened to his greenhouse, but ended up just buying pumpkins?
But the person who came here was very wealthy and spent a lot of money to contract the pumpkins for the next five years. Sure enough, the old mother was right, those who get up early will get three points of profit.
For the sake of a pumpkin, it was already five o’clock in the morning when Nan Liujing got home.
When the porridge is ready, it’s dawn.
Shen Jiali was woken up in a daze. As soon as he opened his eyes, a big hand covered his forehead.” The fever seems to have subsided. “The fever
should have subsided. Shen Jiali slowly moved his fingers and felt that his body felt much lighter. Although he still coughed badly, at least the soreness in his muscles disappeared and his head didn’t hurt that much.
He glanced over and saw beads of sweat falling from Nan Liujing’s wet hair and sliding down his cheeks.” Where have you been? “Shen Jiali looked closely, trying to determine whether what fell was sweat or water.
Nan Liujing brushed his half-wet hair and suddenly stepped back.
Does it smell like sweat? Will he smell it?” I’m going to buy pumpkins for you. “Nan Liujing turned away, pressed his fingers on his collar, and wiped the sweat from his neck without leaving a trace.
Shen Jiali looked at his movements and couldn’t help but sigh in his heart:” It’s very irritating to compare people with each other. I wipe my sweat like a little beggar, and he wipes his sweat like he’s taking a pictorial. “” Liar, you bought it? Are you torturing Driver Yang in the middle of the night again? “Nan Liujing took a deep breath and tried to control his emotions:” I bought it. “Without explanation, what I bought is what I bought.
Shen Jiali glanced at his legs and said” oh “with unknown meaning.
The next second, a big hand pinched his chin, forcing him to raise his head and look into Nan Liujing’s frowning eyebrows, piercing eyes and tight thin lips.
It seems to be a silent accusation: I bought it.
The facial features that were deformed in the rush for clarification were filled with unwilling anger.
Shen Jiali looked at it.” Pfft— “He couldn’t hold it back and laughed out loud.
It’s so funny, the arrogant Nan Liujing collapsed because of a pumpkin.
A smile triggered a series of coughs.
But at this time, Nan Liujing had forgotten to give him water and pat him on the back, and his memory was still stuck on the ill-intentioned ridicule just now.
This is the first time he has seen Shen Jiali smile in the more than four months he has been with Shen Jiali.
Although it is a joke.
Shen Jiali was always complaining, always unhappy, and always had that indifferent face. He seemed to have lost the ability to mobilize his facial muscles, so the moment his smile bloomed, Nan Liujing gained a strange sense of accomplishment.
It turns out that when he smiles, his eyes will narrow like crescent moons, showing neat teeth, and two small dimples will appear at the corners of his mouth.
So lovely.
Nan Liujing sat up straight in a second. No, it doesn’t look good, I just haven’t seen it before and it feels fresh.
But that fleeting smile was firmly imprinted in my mind for the next few days and could not be dissipated for a long time. Every time I think of it, I feel a strange sense of joy.
In the past two days when Shen Jiali was ill, no one knew who leaked the news. His mobile phone was vibrating at a frequency of N times per hour, and the number of annoying people was also increased from number 4 to number 7.
Ren Yinuo: [Brother Gali, I copied a top-secret prescription for you from the Chinese medicine doctor I know. If you follow this, you will be fine soon. 】
Nanfeng: 【Daughter-in-law, how is your health? If you need anything, ask your father. Don’t worry about money. ]
Ivan: [If you need it, I will call my personal doctor to come from the UK now. 】
Hain: 【Shen Jiali, get well soon, don’t let me worry, because you are sick, I haven’t slept well these days. 】∞ Thinking∞Rabbit∞Documents∞Sharing∞and∞Online∞Reading∞
Shen Jiali shut down his phone in anger, but was afraid of missing Bai Wei’s call, so he turned it on in despair.
Although they do care about themselves, do they understand that sick people need to rest most and don’t send meaningless text messages that can’t alleviate their condition! Don’t even make WeChat calls!
These people are not even as good as Annoying Jing No. 1 Nanliu Jing, at least he can cook porridge.
I just praised Nanliu scene in my heart. In the afternoon, a bunch of people came to my home, as well as countless medical equipment that are common in hospitals… The
barium meal that I didn’t drink in the hospital was finally drunk at home…
Nanliu Jing spent a huge sum of money to buy large-scale medical equipment and transformed the entire third floor into a small hospital. He even invited several top experts in the industry to surround Shen Jiali.
The final test results were the same as the family doctor’s conclusion: physicochemical pneumonia caused by acid reflux was not contagious, but he had to spend the past few days in endless treatment.
Bai Wei doesn’t call or send text messages, she comes directly to the door.
Because she was busy filming, she was the last one to get the news, and rushed to the door as soon as she finished work.
Shen Jiali, who had just finished the blood routine, covered the needle point. When he saw Bai Wei, his originally dull face became more joyful, which soon turned into a grievance that had been accumulated for many days.” Sister Bai Wei, it hurts… “Bai Wei looked at such a thick needle inserted into a blood vessel and then pulled out, and said angrily:” How can you still run out with a fever, and don’t hold an umbrella when it rains? If you don’t have an umbrella, buy one. “, if you don’t have money, just call me and I will deliver it.”
“Because they said that you will come over if we sign the contract.” Shen Jiali lowered his head, “But I still can’t see you.”
Bai Wei suddenly fell silent.
After a long time, she raised her hand to rub the child’s hair and said with a smile: “Call me if you want to see me. I wait for your call on my phone every day. I am also absent-minded at work. I want to take the initiative to call you, but I am afraid of disturbing you.”
“As long as you say you want to meet, I will rush to you in a snap.”
Nan Liujing said on the side:…
This is a strange atmosphere.
Taking advantage of her free time, Bai Wei made some snacks and served them. They were small and exquisite, with various patterns, and looked very nice on the blue bone china plate.
Nan Liujing looked at the two people chatting and laughing, and suddenly felt that he was superfluous. Just as the attending doctor called him, he left the room and left the two of them alone.
While Shen Jiali was eating, Bai Wei made mental preparations for a long time and said cautiously: “I would like to ask, I heard that you are not Mrs. Shen’s biological child?” She knew that this kind of topic might cause Shen Jiali discomfort, but she still
asked .
But Shen Jiali: “Fortunately, no.”
“Well, fortunately.”
“Then do you know who your biological parents… are?” she asked tentatively.
“I don’t know, but it’s not too important.” In the world of the book, who are the adoptive parents and who are the biological parents are just other people’s stories to him. He will not waste his emotions on other people’s stories. Knowing how to recognize a mother, blood relationship sometimes doesn’t matter. “Bai Wei stared at his eyes, feeling nervous. In the noisy environment, she still heard her own thunderous heartbeat.
Then she asked one word at a time:” Do you want it to be me? “The moment the words came out, whether it was a coincidence or a psychological effect, the noisy mansion fell silent for an instant, as if everyone had fallen into a vacuum.
Shen Jiali had not yet swallowed the half-chewed egg cake, and a round lump formed on his cheeks.
Bai Wei clutched the hem of her clothes tightly, her breathing stagnant, looking forward to but afraid to hear Shen Jiali’s next answer.
When she gave birth to a child, the hospital nurse colluded with the traffickers, saying that children with excellent genes like her son could be sold at a high price.
So another victim’s child was given to her, and her own child was sent away without anyone noticing.
But maybe there is that kind of indescribable telepathy between mother and child. The babies look exactly the same. She was so painful that she fainted during childbirth and did not see her son. But when the nurse brought the child to her, she changed at just one glance. His face changed.
It was the first time they met, but she was sure that this was not her child.
Even after being arrested, the nurse who colluded with the traffickers could not tell where the children who were sent to the traffickers were going. In order to cover up the situation as soon as possible, the traffickers might leave the children out of the province within a few hours and meet the police on the way. Don’t be afraid of interrogation. They have a special transfer station. If they can’t take action for a while, they will send them all there and wait for the news to pass before continuing to commit crimes.
Bai Wei has never given up looking for her child in the past twenty years. The second child is no longer here, and all her hopes are pinned on the eldest son who knows where. This is the flesh that has fallen from her body, even after more than twenty years. Emotionally blank, even if the son has recognized the thief as his father, he still has to find him.
Over the years, she had received countless phone calls and met countless children who were suspected of being her son, but with just one glance, she was sure it was not her son.
Only when I saw Shen Jiali’s photo did I really feel the flame of hope, which gradually turned into a fire that spread all over the world.
A few days ago, she and Shen Jiali were filming a commercial audition. She found a few hairs from the clothes he wore for the filming and took them for identification. She wanted to find a reasonable answer to her inner doubts, and the identification results were coming out today.
But suddenly I heard Shen Jiali’s words, “Blood relations sometimes don’t matter.”
Looking at Shen Jiali again, the child looked at her with tearful eyes, his mouth slightly opened and he wanted to say something, but before he could open his mouth, his cell phone rang.
Bai Wei was embarrassed and left the room to answer the phone. It was from the identification center.
“Hello, Ms. Bai, the appraisal results are out. Can you pick it up in person or have it delivered to your home by courier?”
Bai Wei stared at the marble floor tiles with smudged patterns for a long time, and said softly:
“No, please help me deal with it.”
You mean to deliver it to your home? “” No. “Bai Wei said,” Tear it up or burn it for me, that’s fine. “In order to wait for an answer, she couldn’t sleep at night this week and couldn’t work. Focused, she felt uneasy thinking about this, she was afraid that the final result would not be the answer she wanted.
But this child gave her a way to have both ends, no matter what the outcome.
He knew what was going on in his mind.
The staff at the appraisal center were confused. Although they rarely encountered such customers, they were not unheard of.
In this era, everyone hopes to use scientific means to find a definite answer, but some people still choose to leave their fate in their own hands at the last moment, because the answer is already clear in their hearts before the result appears.
Bai Wei took a deep breath, pinched her cheeks, and mobilized her muscles to put on a smile.
As soon as he entered the door, he was hit by a big boy who was coming towards him.” Why did you come to me? “Shen Jiali suddenly understood at this moment why people need hugs to express feelings.
He doesn’t care if Bai Wei is the rebirth or reincarnation of his mother or for reasons that cannot be explained scientifically, as long as that person is her.
Shen Jiali can’t make it as sad and emotional as in the TV series where relatives hug each other and cry together. My mother always said that when you see the person you like, smile, so that the other person will feel your mood.
Since you have come into this world crying, don’t leave crying. It is better to laugh than to cry to save energy.
Bai Wei patted the child’s back and chuckled in his ear:” Isn’t this coming? “Shen Jiali tightened his hands:” It’s a bit late, but just come over, mom. “This mother’s cry was smooth and natural. , there is no sense of disobedience at all, but I have been barking since I was very young, the moment I learned to speak.
He does not have any religious beliefs. Even if the facts tell him that he has traveled into the world of the book, he is still a staunch atheist.
And this natural and casual” Mom “just confirms the saying” A child only feels that he has seen God when he sees his mother. “This habit that goes deep into his bones is his only belief.
Nanliu Jing at the door was silent: Shall I go?
It’s not like he didn’t hear Shen Jiali’s” Mom “. When he said this word, it became the most beautiful language in the world.
It’s just that there is a high probability that I will never have the chance to say such beautiful words again in my life.
Nan Liujing silently exited the room and closed the door.
He went into the storage room and pulled out a dusty photo album from the old darkness. The dark red velvet cover was a microcosm of the past twenty years.
My mother loved taking photos during her lifetime. She was the daughter of a wealthy family and had a fashionable eye. She had a unique eye for taking pictures of landscapes and people, and her photos were beautiful. From the time he was born, hundreds of photos recorded his short childhood. After the age of five, there are no more photos.
At that time, she was already a little unconscious and gradually forgot her previous hobbies. However, when she had the opportunity to get a camera, she would still habitually take a photo of her son.
The last photo in the album shows six-year-old Nan Liujing standing next to her mother. There is no smile on her face, looking at the camera blankly, but it is obvious that her attention is not there.
Next to her is the mother with disheveled hair, a weird smile, twisted fingers and weird gestures, like a strange monster, which is creepy.” Bah. “Nan Liujing closed the photo album suddenly and threw it into an old corner where no one cared.
At this time, the mobile phone rang.
He took out his phone and looked at it. The cold word” Father “flashed on the screen.
Nan Feng has a good impression of Shen Jiali, but that doesn’t mean he also has feelings for Nan Liujing. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have answered the phone and just gave an emotionless order:” Bring Jiali back tonight. I have something very important to announce.”
Chapter 43 Chapter
“Shen Jiali is sick and can’t go.” Nan Liujing said coldly.
Nan Feng let out a cathartic sigh from the other end of the phone, and then asked: “The Shen family sent their child to you, did you really take good care of him?”
Nan Liujing’s fingers kept tightening, and his knuckles appeared due to excessive force. Cyan color.
The album was thrown into the corner, but that crazy and weird smile is still vivid in my mind.
After a long while, he chuckled, his eyes full of ridicule: “What right does father have to question me? Grandma sent my daughter to your house, and you, did you take good care of her?” There was sudden silence on the other end of the phone
It was like this every time. When it came to this topic, my father would just run away, as if he could pretend it never happened as long as he ran away far enough.
This time, Nan Feng still chose to escape: “I know, let my wife have a good rest, but you must be there tonight. People from the board of directors and the council will be there, you can’t be absent, that’s it.” After hanging up the phone, Nan Liujing was
tired He closed his eyes and gently kneaded his eyebrows.
When my father spoke these words, his purpose was clear.
During a physical examination at the beginning of the year, the doctor said that Nanfeng’s blood pressure was high, and suggested that he should put down everything and take a good rest in the past two years. It just so happened that Nanfiyao returned from studying at Oxford. Now the company is gaining momentum. It has been soaring since Nanliujing took over, and he has created several businesses. A new field, the stock price has soared, and the turnover is 30% higher than the historical high. At this time, if the position of chairman is changed, even if it is taken over by a little waste like Shen Jiali, it will be a sure win, let alone Nan Feiyuan graduated from Oxford.
The significance of Nanliujing’s existence is that it is a stepping stone for Nanfei to reach the sky.
Nanliu Jing slowly took a deep breath and opened his eyes again. His eyes were like a pool of death, dark and bottomless.
Uncle Li came over to help Nan Liujing change clothes. Seeing that he never said a word, he couldn’t help but worry: “Master, you really don’t want me to accompany you to the dinner party tonight?” “No,
your job tonight is to accompany Shen Jiali. And he must stay close. If he goes out, he must report to me.”
“Yes, Ms. Bai will stay to have dinner with Mr. Shen tonight, and he probably won’t go out.”
Nanliu Scenic Spot nodded and asked Uncle Li to prepare dinner first, while he He went straight to Shen Jiali’s room.
When they entered, Shen Jiali and Bai Wei were playing with the rope. Nan Liujing took the initiative to nod to Bai Wei. Bai Wei understood what he meant, got up and said to go to the bathroom, leaving the two of them alone.
Shen Jiali was still studying the wool rope in his hand, concentrating on it and turning a deaf ear to Nanliu Jing’s arrival.
Nan Liujing was also used to his coldness, and he didn’t expect him to take the initiative to say hello.
He came to Shen Jiali and raised his hand to test the temperature of his forehead.
Although the fever has subsided, the body temperature is still slightly high.
He tucked Shen Jiali under the quilt and said absently: “I’m going out tonight, rest at home and don’t run around. If you need anything, call me.” ‘Read’Read’
Shen Jiali said nothing, just arranging the wool rope in his hand. It had become a mess, and it was still messy after cutting it.
Seeing his attitude, Nan Liujing suddenly wondered if he didn’t even have his mobile phone number.
That’s all.
He whispered “Let’s go”, turned around and just arrived at the door, but suddenly heard Shen Jiali’s voice from behind:
“Cook me pumpkin porridge.”
Nan Liujing looked at his watch, it was getting late, and said: “Let Uncle Li cook it for you, I don’t have enough time here.”
Shen Jiali said nothing.
“Won’t you say goodbye to me?” Nan Liujing asked.
Shen Jiali still didn’t speak.
Nan Liujing didn’t say anything more, turned around and left the room.
When Bai Wei came back, she saw a mess in Shen Jiali’s hand. She tenderly took it and untied it bit by bit.
“Mr. Nan went to attend the board meeting?” she asked intentionally or unintentionally.
“The board of directors? I don’t know, he didn’t say.”
“Probably, I chatted with the boss of our company during the day, and he said that he would also attend the board of directors of Huanhai Electronics tonight. He said that the chairman had something very important to announce.”
This matter may be insignificant to Shen Jiali, but to Bai Wei, it is very important.
She hoped that Nanliu Jing could climb higher so that Shen Jiali could live a better life. Although it seems now that Nanliu Jing did not treat him badly, he spent huge sums of money to purchase imported medical equipment, knowing that Shen Jiali did not love him. When we go to the hospital, we transform the third floor into a small hospital.
Bai Wei asked tentatively: “I heard that Mr. Nan has a half-brother with a master’s degree from Oxford. He just returned to China last year for development. If Mr. Nan serves as CEO, will he miss the position of chairman? Will his younger brother Inherit?”
“Yes.” Shen Jiali responded. Anyway, that’s how the original novel was written.
Bai Wei wanted to say something else, but Uncle Li came over to call people for dinner.
Shen Jiali didn’t want to eat, but he had been looking forward to this day for a long time, where he and his mother could have fun and eat delicious food. Such a simple wish took many years to come true.
The dinner was very sumptuous, because Nanliu Jing specifically asked Uncle Li to cook pumpkin porridge before leaving, so there was an extra cup of simple pumpkin porridge on the table that was incompatible with the delicacies on the table.
But Shen Jiali had no intention of moving his chopsticks, as if he was not the one who pestered Nan Liujing to eat pumpkin porridge just now.
“Steward Li, please sit down too.” Bai Wei warmly invited Uncle Li who was standing aside.
According to the rules, he couldn’t go to the table to eat with the host. He usually had to wait for Nan Liujing to finish eating before using his chopsticks. But today, seeing the two of them enjoying themselves happily, he no longer shied away and sat down respectfully with the two of them. opposite.
He is fifty years old this year. He has no father, mother, wife or children. He has been working in the Nan family since he was twenty-six years old and has devoted most of his life to the Nan family. Although Nan Liujing once planned to introduce him to a job with good conditions. female, but he still refused.
Although it is disrespectful to say this, in fact, during these twenty-four years of getting along day and night, he has regarded Nanliu Jing as his own. If he were asked to leave Nanliu Jing at this time to marry a wife and have children, he would be reluctant and would not be at ease. .
Just seeing Bai Wei and Shen Jiali, I suddenly felt the warmth of an old father watching his daughter take care of his grandson.
Uncle Li stopped in time. The seniority is confusing, and the only reason is that I am older. In fact, I am only seven or eight years older than Bai Wei.
Although eating at the same table, Uncle Li
I couldn’t change my habit of serving others, so I didn’t eat much, and just focused on peeling and thorning shrimps for Bai Wei and Shen Jiali.
During this period, Bai Wei took the initiative to chat with Uncle Li, asking about Nanliu Jing’s situation overtly and secretly. She didn’t care about Nanliu Jing, she just wanted to make plans for Shen Jiali’s future by asking him clearly.
She was worried because she had heard about Nan Liujing’s glorious deeds many times. For example, there were rumors that he killed her mother with his own hands. There were different opinions as to how.
“So Butler Li has been with Mr. Nan for so many years. He was six years old? He was with Mr. Nan when he was six years old?” Bai Wei asked.
“Five years old.” Uncle Li corrected, his tone full of pride, “The first time I met the young master, he was only five years old and I was twenty-six years old.” “What was
Nan always like when he was a child? I am very curious, Li Can the housekeeper tell me something?”
Uncle Li’s hand peeling the shrimp suddenly froze. For a long time, a wry smile appeared on the corner of his mouth:
“The young master was very cute when he was a child. I have never seen such a cute child. He called me uncle politely. When I entered the Nan family, I was clumsy and often made mistakes. When the master got angry, he would deduct my salary, and the young master would secretly use his piggy bank to give me subsidies.” “Then… where is Mr. Nan’s mother?” Bai Wei asked cautiously
. .
“Well… the wife is also a very good person, gentle, kind, well-educated, without any pretensions, and treats the servants equally. It’s a pity that fate plays tricks on people. When the young master was six years old, he suffered from mental illness and was tortured every day. Finally, , it can be regarded as self-commitment.”
Shen Jiali listened silently and did not interrupt, although he knew that Uncle Li also deliberately concealed it.
It’s normal for people to have secrets that they don’t want to tell.
“After the death of my wife, the young master became taciturn. At that time, the master remarried and brought back a child about the same age as the young master. The new wife became powerful and took control of the household affairs. The servants were also supercilious and only wanted to please. The new wife, even, in order to please her, fool a child who is only six years old, this is probably the so-called, the tea is cool when the person leaves.” When
Uncle Li said this, his eyes suddenly turned red, and his voice was filled with a hint of sadness. Choked.
“On the second young master’s fourth birthday, the servants tampered with the stairs in order to make him happy, causing the first young master to break the handrail when he went upstairs and fall from the second floor.” Uncle Li clenched his fists and pointed hard at his fingertips. Pinch it into the palm of your hand.
He still remembers the scene at that time. The handrail of the stairs broke, Nan Liujing fell from the second floor, broke his leg, and his face was covered with blood, while the four-year-old second young master clapped his little hands and laughed innocently, He said that his brother was a fool, but none of the servants came forward to help, leaving six-year-old Nan Liujing to sit in a pool of blood and cry. After crying a few times, he fell into a coma, but they were still laughing with him.
Only by calling the emergency call in a hurry did the young master lie in the emergency room for a full six hours before he regained his life.
At that time, technology was not very developed and cameras were not common in every household. No one admitted to the investigation. In fact, a few criminal investigation policemen came to investigate the scene. It was clear who the murderer was, but because of Yu Huaisu’s words: “The police are here
. There is no guarantee that my Persian carpet will not be trampled, not to mention that children are very resilient and will recover in a few months. There is no need to make a fuss. If so many people come and frighten Fei Yao, it will really be more than the gain is worth the loss.” The thing is
. That’s the end of it.
Bai Wei said “ha” in disbelief: “Are these people crazy? For a six-year-old child…”
Uncle Li covered his eyes and kept taking deep breaths to calm down, for fear that he would be in front of Bai Wei the next second. Wei burst into tears.
“Furthermore, since my wife passed away, because she suffered from mental illness, the family also believed that the young master was a bad omen and were afraid that he would be like his biological mother and hurt others with a knife. Therefore, before the young master got married, He is not allowed to eat at the same table with the master and the others. He eats in his own room.”
The last word seemed to sound breathy.
“Oh my god…” Bai Wei covered her mouth, really couldn’t believe that there were such parents in the world.
“Fortunately, the young master has worked hard and prospered after taking over the company, but!” Uncle Li slapped the table, “The CEO sounds nice, but who doesn’t know that the first level of officialdom kills people? When the second young master takes over the position of chairman, the young master will become He is a puppet in name only. I am worried that it is possible that the second young master will find an excuse to remove him from his post if he becomes unhappy one day.”
Uncle Li sighed helplessly: “Even if he is not removed from his post, the young master will only be able to look at people’s faces for the rest of his life. Alive.”
“Mr. Nan is so, so pitiful…” Bai Wei shook her head sadly.
It is said that once one enters a wealthy family, one is as deep as the sea. Who would have thought that this sentence would be evident on the head of Nanliu Jing, who was born into a wealthy family.
Shen Jiali absentmindedly fiddled with the corn kernels in the bowl, picking them up, then sliding them down, picking them up again, and sliding them down again.
After a century, he slowly raised his head: “Uncle Li, I want to eat pumpkin porridge.”
Uncle Li quickly wiped his eyes, filled a bowl of pumpkin porridge for Shen Gali and handed it over: “Mr. Shen, eat it while it’s hot.”
Shen Gali Shaking his head slightly: “I want to eat the pumpkin porridge made by Nanliu Jing.”
The five-star hotel owned by Huanhai Electronics is built on the seaside. The fully tempered glass structure looks like a blue diamond standing in the sea from a distance. Luxury cars were parked outside the hotel, and celebrities from all walks of life were present, and everyone prepared gifts.
Although the invitation letter did not indicate what Nanfeng was going to announce, everyone felt like a mirror.
As soon as Driver Yang parked the car, a car parked next to him. It happened to be there when Driver Yang opened the door. As a result, Driver Yang accidentally made a small gash in the car when he opened the door.
A driver immediately got out of the car and trotted over to observe the damage to the car. He cursed angrily: “Don’t you have eyesight? Look at the scratches for the car.” Nanliu Jing opened the car window to check the situation and happened to see
Pei Jing’s gold Lord Yu Jin got out of the car.
Yes, he is called Yu Jinzhu, his surname is Yu, and his first name is Jinzhu.
“What are you shouting for? There are so many guests watching.” Lord Yu touched the scratches on the car door, “It’s just a scratch, what a fuss.” As he said that,
he looked at Nanliu Jing in the car next door, his mouth was evil. With a hook: “Hey, it’s Mr. Nan. Isn’t it a coincidence? Since it was Mr. Nan who made the mistake, I can’t hold him accountable.” Nan Liujing glanced at him indifferently, took out his wallet, drew a black card and handed it over
. Past: “The password is on the back of the card.”
Financial owner Yu waved his hand: “No, I have insurance. Mr. Nan should keep this money for his own retirement.”
After saying that, he turned around and left with the driver.
I smiled secretly in my heart: Nanliu Jing, your good days are over. Let’s see how long you can keep dancing.
Yu Jinzhu’s father and Nanfeng’s father were partners, and together they made a fortune selling sweet potatoes. Therefore, although Yu Jinzhu was not very talented, he had a good father, and he also occupied a seat on the board of directors of Huanhai Electronics. , although the shareholding is not as big as Ant sh*t, but the airs must be sufficient.
Driver Yang was still mumbling: “It’s obvious that they didn’t park properly, so they squeezed into the side of such a big place, and they deserved it.”
Nan Liujing interrupted him: “People are talking too much, don’t worry about it, just help me get out of the car.”
In the long corridor leading to the banquet hall, I met many people from the board of directors. They all brought their families with them. When they saw Nanliu Jing, they would take the initiative to nod and say hello. They wore fake smile masks on their faces, but they didn’t look down on her in their hearts. This person who is not favored can be trampled in everyone’s heart:
In addition to the members of Huanhai’s board of directors, companies that have cooperated with Huanhai, local senior officials, etc. were present at this dinner, including Shen Jiali’s The adoptive mother’s family and members of the Ross Ander family.
Before the banquet officially started, celebrities from all walks of life were chatting and laughing in pairs with champagne in hand, using Vanity Fair to build bridges and prepare for future cooperation.
Ivan was also present, together with his father. When the celebrities communicated with them, they spoke standard British English, and their words of praise were just right. Ivan’s father had not closed his mouth since he entered the scene. Pass.
However, Ivan was a little absent-minded, his eyes wandering among the crowd.
He saw Nanliu Jing, coming alone in a wheelchair, with nothing around him.
This is not the first time he has met Nan Liujing, but it is the first time he has met Nan Liujing in another identity.
“Father, I’ll go over there and say hello.” He said without saying anything, then took the champagne and walked towards Nanliujing.
Since Nan Liujing entered the door, only a few people came up to say hello. It seemed that the snobs were tired of dealing with puppets without real power. They knew that the only heir would be ushered in tonight, so they were all making plans. How to please Nan Fei Yao, turning a blind eye to Nan Liu Jing sitting in a wheelchair.
Nanliu Jing was also happy. If he could save these meaningless greetings, he could go home as soon as possible and cook pumpkin porridge for Shen Jiali.
He is worthless, is he living just to cook pumpkin porridge for Shen Jiali?
While thinking about it, a dark shadow fell beside him. ╩思╩Rabbit╩Online╩Read╩Read╩
He raised his eyes and saw a tall blond man standing in front of him, with the corners of his mouth curled up into a half-smile.
“Mr. Nan, long time no see. How are you doing recently?” Ivan asked with a smile as he picked up the wine glass.
Nanliu Jing remembered him. In addition to their cooperation, he was also the one who drove Shen Gali back on the last rainy day. He also stared at Shen Gali’s leaving figure with a reluctant expression.
In the evil Vanity Fair, even if the other person slept with his wife, he would still have to smile. But Nan Liujing just raised his glass and had no intention of clinking it with him. He took a sip of champagne and looked away casually.
Ivan wasn’t upset either. He looked around behind him and asked with a smile, “I didn’t see Mr. Shen here today.” “My lover is ill and can’t attend the dinner. Are you disappointed?” Nan Liujing smiled scornfully. road.
Generally, in such occasions, more formal words such as “husband” and ‘wife’ are used to address the other half, but neither word is as sonorous and powerful as “lover”.
It’s not impossible to use “wife”.
As expected, after hearing this, Ivan’s face became stunned, and he quickly returned to a decent smile: “I’m deeply sorry for this. Mr. Shen is a very interesting person. I thought I could have a relaxed conversation with him today.” “No. Yes.” Nan Liujing put down his wine glass, his intention to chase people away was obvious, “He probably won’t pay attention to others, I know him.”
Ivan recalled all the things he had to do with Shen Jiali, Nan Liujing was right, everyone Most of the time he doesn’t pay much attention to people. It’s good if you can reply two out of ten sentences to him.
So sad
but I will never give up! He is confident that in terms of family background and appearance, he will not be inferior to the man in front of him who has been living in a wheelchair all his life. Whether it is a harmonious life or a harmonious bed, he is confident that he can be the most perfect.
In the blink of an eye, Nan Liujing had already slid away in a wheelchair…
to the other side.
Nan Feiyao arranged his tie carefully and listened to Nan Feng chattering in his ear about what he should pay attention to tonight, but his mind was not here at all and he began to look for that figure in the crowd.
After looking around, he finally saw the man he was longing for, and the other man seemed to be looking for someone. He was looking around absently beside his parents, as if he was also looking for someone.
Nice, found it.
He left his old father behind and walked to Shen Lanqing’s side. He deliberately straightened his shoulders to highlight his strong and perfect broad shoulders under his suit. He smiled softly and said, “Lan Qing, long time no see. How are you doing recently?” Shen Lanqing didn’t say
. He was in a bad mood, and he didn’t even bother to respond to such a boring greeting.
As for my brother, it doesn’t mean that he will come too. Why didn’t I see him? He didn’t reply to my text message about his condition. I was worried to death. This damn Nan Feiyuan was still here blocking my view.
Unable to find anyone, he was so sick that he rushed to the doctor: “Where’s my brother? Have you seen my brother?”
Nan Feiyao’s face changed drastically, turning livid. He can no longer hear the word “brother”, whether it is his brother or Lan Qing’s brother.
He didn’t know whether Shen Jiali would be present tonight. He only knew that if no measures were taken, the situation would develop into an irreversible situation.
Just at this time, after saying hello to her adoptive mother, she turned around and saw Nan Fei standing beside her good son Shen Lanqing. Her eyes were glued to him, and the love shown in her eyes could never be deceived.
She has not forgotten Nan Liujing’s humiliating blank check. How the cripple insulted her that day, and she will ask him to pay back every penny in the future.
“Fei Yao, long time no see. How are you lately?” The adoptive mother covered her mouth and smiled, then she leaned close to his ear and said in a voice that only he could hear, “My future uncle, future chairman, huh?”
Nan Feiyao restrained and restrained again and again, but the restraint failed, and the corners of his mouth rose crazily.
This “Uncle” sounds so nice, even better than the word “Chairman”. It makes my whole body feel comfortable and numb.
“Yes, it’s very good. It’s just that I haven’t seen Lan Qing for a long time, so I’m often a little worried.” Nan Feiyao glanced at his watch, “There’s still some time before the dinner starts. Qingqing, would you like to go to the beach with me for a walk?” Shen Lanqing made a quick decision:
The adoptive mother smiled apologetically and pinched Shen Lanqing’s back quietly: “Go, let’s relax and talk with Fei Yao. Why are you following us all the time? You are still bored.” Of course
Shen Lanqing is not stupid. What her mother did He knew clearly what he was doing, and he also understood Nan Feiyao’s intentions.
If he had accepted it in the past, at least Nan Feiyao’s conditions were not bad, and he could be said to be quite top-notch. But not now, he has more important people to protect.
He wouldn’t trust anyone to entrust his future happiness to anyone. He wanted to personally shoulder the responsibility for his happy future.
“I like to be bored.” Shen Lanqing didn’t give any face, and even imitated Shen Jiali’s tone intentionally or unintentionally.
When Nan Feiyao heard this tone, he thought of the extremely unpleasant person, and was instantly discouraged. Shi Shiran turned away and said, “It doesn’t matter. Qingqing is tired too. Uncle and aunt have good food and drinks. I’ll go there.” Say hello. “As soon as
they left, the adoptive mother pulled Shen Lanqing aside and said anxiously:” Qingqing, please be obedient. Do you know who the dinner is for tonight? My father-in-law is going to announce that Fei Yao will take over as chairman. Do you know what chairman means? “Shen Lanqing said nothing, looking for the person he wanted to see in the crowd.” My father-in-law doesn’t agree with you and Fei Yao at all. If you don’t try hard enough, it’s only real if you seize the opportunity. If you and Fei Yao can succeed, they will be prosperous and prosperous for the rest of their lives, and my mother’s company will be saved. “Shen Lanqing was tired of hearing these words.
My brother was forced to marry a disabled pervert because of this reason. As a result, the company didn’t save him, and he even got involved. Today, he is being asked to make the same mistake again?
Seeing that Shen Lanqing remained silent, her adoptive mother became anxious and lowered her voice:” Qingqing, tell me what you want. “Shen Lanqing suddenly raised her eyes, stared at her mother’s face and said word by word:” I only want my brother. “” Who? “” Shen Jiali. “The adoptive mother didn’t react at first, but after thinking for a moment, her expression slowly changed. Her dilating pupils shook violently, and she was so shocked that she couldn’t close her mouth.
It was only after my precious son told me about the path I had never imagined, that I felt the fear of impending disaster.
Are you being arrogant? Therefore, she never took Shen Jiali seriously, and she should have noticed it from the moment Lan Qing posted photos of Shen Jiali all over the room.
At that moment, she and Nan Feiyao had the same idea. If she couldn’t find a way to stop it, the situation would develop into an irreversible situation, and her decades of hard work would be ruined.
Later, the chairman of FL Group also arrived with his seven-year-old primary school student. Like those in front, Hain started looking for Shen Jiali as soon as he entered the door.
Ren Yinuo also came to the dinner with his father. As soon as he entered the door, he looked around curiously, but his father scolded him, saying that this was inappropriate and unruly.
Ren Yinuo did not follow the advice this time and continued to look for the figure he was looking for. He said casually:” I’m just looking for someone. Isn’t it normal to turn around and look? After all, there are no eyes on the back, so father doesn’t have to overcorrect. “It seems that the whole world is watching . Looking for Shen Jiali, but he didn’t come.
Almost all the guests had arrived. Seeing that it was late, Nanfeng asked the waiter to clear the place, leaving only the distinguished guests. He made an imposing appearance under the spotlight.
First, he reported the company’s operations and financial statements for the first half of the year to the board of directors, and talked about the company’s future development prospects. The astronomical figures made some heads of small and medium-sized companies present feel bitter and envious, and they might ask God for another five hundred years. None of them can compare with Huanhai Electronics.
Subsequently, Nan Fung announced an important move to join forces with the Rose End family to enter the medical device industry, because the family controls 40% of the world’s uranium. The isotopes and rays produced by uranium fission can be widely used in medical sterilization and disinfection. , radiotherapy and imaging diagnosis, etc., and the price of uranium remains high, with one kilogram equivalent to approximately RMB 4.5 million. If we can join forces with the Rossander family, we will have a decisive monopoly.
Everyone applauded with smiles on their faces, but in their hearts:
If you have the ability, you might as well be reincarnated. Look at Nan Feiyuan. He was a heavyweight as soon as he took over. Will he join forces with Rossander to build an aircraft carrier next?
There is no harm without comparison, and everyone suddenly sympathizes with Nanliu Jing.
Who knows that Nan Liujing increased the company’s net profit by 30% in just six months after taking over the company? However, Nan Feng did not mention a word about these things and planned to change the company’s ownership at the best time. To Nan Feiyuan.
Yu Huaisu, who was sitting in the seat, accepted the envious gazes of everyone, with a smile on his lips, proud and proud.
To put it bluntly, it doesn’t matter if you have the ability, it is better to marry well. Nan Liujing’s mother graduated from Harvard, so what, he lived a crazy life and was despised by others, and in the end he didn’t even know how he died.
Before it was officially announced that Nan Feiyao would take over as chairman, Nan Feng didn’t think it was disgusting enough and insisted on letting Nan Liujing come on stage to give a speech.
The kind-hearted guests can no longer listen. What do you want people to say, saying that all the honor I have brought with my hard work, your old man, has gone into other people’s pockets with just one sentence? Saying that the meaning of my life is to be a stepping stone for others?
But most of them are watching the show.
Yu Jinzhu also took out his mobile phone to film the entire scene, intending to take it back and show it to his little lover Pei Jing, and it would not be in vain for him to slap the dozens of big dicks in his pocket.
Poor boy, his face was swollen.” Liu Jing, come up. “Seeing that Nan Liujing didn’t move, Nan Feng’s eyebrows became stern and his tone was stiff.
Don’t embarrass him in front of so many people.
Yu Jinzhu smiled contemptuously and said to Nan Feng:” Mr. Dong Nan, you should give him some time. After all, he is lame… After all, his legs and feet are inconvenient, and it will take some time to move. “Nan Feiyao laughed with arrogance, his eyes filled with pride
. .
Nan Liujing said nothing, and his tight lips were cold.
He could see that the so-called going on stage to express his feelings was just another way for his father to warn him that if he was disobedient, the position of CEO would be just a dream in the end.
Nan Liujing took the microphone, held down the wheelchair auxiliary ring with one hand, and just pushed forward a step — the
double doors of the banquet hall suddenly opened, and the slight sound of rubbing the carpet was particularly clear in this environment.
Everyone looked around and saw the backlit figure at the door, with a strange soft light surrounding its silhouette.
Nan Liujing frowned when he saw the person coming, but there was a feeling of warmth in his heart.
Shen Lanqing stood up in a second, like a puppy that had not seen its owner for a long time, swung its tail to greet him, and called” brother “in aggrieved manner.” Brother, your body… “Before he could finish his words, he was pushed away by Shen Jiali who suddenly arrived at the scene.
Lazy batch only takes straight lines, because the straight line between two points is the shortest.
Some guests were curious:” Is this Mr. Nan’s lover? She’s so young. “” It’s a
pity that you are not lucky enough to marry such a person… “Nan Feng suddenly became excited and his old face turned red. Ever since he tasted Shen Jiali’s craftsmanship last time, he had inexplicably gained a halo of great maternal love. The old man even had a vision of a huge, translucent shadow behind him, which was his long-dead mother, facing him. He smiled lovingly.
But why did Shen Jiali come here with a bowl in his hand?
Nan Liujing took his hand, frowned and asked,” I don’t want you to run around, so why are you here? “Usually this man is lazy and doesn’t even eat, but now he comes to join in the fun.
In full view of everyone, Shen Jiali handed the bowl to Nan Liujing with a calm and emotionless voice:” Pumpkin porridge, cook it for me. “”
Uncle Li didn’t cook it for you? “” It’s cooked. It tastes bad. I want you to cook it. “The guests around There was a lot of discussion, and Nan Liujing suddenly felt that this scene was strangely funny, but there was also a little warmth in it.” Sit down first. The dinner will be over soon. I’ll cook it for you when I go home. “His voice was soft, like comforting.
Shen Jiali was very stubborn:” No, right now. “After saying that, he pulled the armrest of the wheelchair and stubbornly dragged the wheelchair out.
Nan Liujing did not stop him. At this time, his frail back looked so majestic and tall. Of course Nanliu Jing knew that Shen Jiali’s socially fearful personality would not act up in front of everyone just because of a bowl of pumpkin porridge.
Shen Jiali dragged it for half a meter. When he was tired, he stood and rested for a while. ⑨思⑨Rabbit⑨ in⑨在线⑨read⑨read⑨Yu Huaisu
couldn’t believe it, but she also understood that this kid was here to cause trouble. She turned around and informed the bodyguard next to her:” Get him out, don’t let him delay things. “She was still anxious Waiting to hear the good news that my son has become the chairman.
When she raised her head —
she was dumbfounded and asked:” Why are you crying? “The bodyguard was also confused. How could he cry so deeply that it moved the world?
The strong bodyguard wiped away tears. If his employer hadn’t been present, he would have done a 360-degree roll in the air on the spot. After landing, he would have given the warmest applause to the pair of miserable and brave mandarin ducks!
Hain was overjoyed to finally see the fiancée he had longed for. As soon as he stood up, his mother pushed him back.
Probably only Ivan looked unhappy.
It’s a fact that Shen Jiali doesn’t care about others, but if he didn’t care, how could he give up lying down and come here just for a bowl of pumpkin porridge.
It means facing the southern scenery.
Nan Liujing paid no attention to the comments around him. He only saw this clumsy and stubborn idiot. He took a few breaths every step of the way, but don’t tire him out.
Looking up at him from this angle for the first time, it turns out that he is very tall, but his body is thin. The hand holding the armrest is connected to his slender wrist, and the radius bone is clearly prominent.
Nanliu Jing stared at his back quietly, then suddenly stretched out his hand.
Shen Jiali was dragging forward with all his strength when his hand was suddenly grabbed by someone.
Warm and refreshing fingertips stroked the palm of his hand, groping for his radial bone, and slowly pressed down the bulge caused by force little by little. Then, the long and powerful five fingers closed his hand into the palm of his hand, and continued Tighten.
Quietly, Nan Liujing pressed the automatic driving button of the wheelchair. It would be more appropriate to say that Shen Gali was pulling him, rather than that the wheelchair was pushing Shen Gali.
Nan Liujing suddenly remembered something, turned his head and said indifferently:” I’m sorry, father, Gali hasn’t had dinner yet. I have to go back now. As for the speech, I will talk about it when I go to the company tomorrow. “The two figures slowly disappeared in
the At the door, Shen Lanqing finally broke free from her mother’s hand and ran towards the direction where the two left.
Yu Huaisu couldn’t help but said” ha “, thinking it was so damn ridiculous, but even if the sky fell today, it wouldn’t stop Nan Feng from making an important speech. She wanted to witness her only son seize the power of Huanhai Group.
All this should belong to the two of them.
Yu Huaisu stood up and made a comforting gesture to the guests, smiling brightly:” I’m sorry everyone, my eldest daughter-in-law is not sensible and made everyone laugh. I hope it didn’t affect your good mood. “After saying that, she looked
at She smiled at her husband on the stage and said,” Well, Mr. Nan, continue? “When she saw Nan Feng’s expression clearly, the smile she had tried so hard to put on gradually faded away.
Nanfeng stared at the gate, expecting to see through Qiu Shui’s attitude. He was stunned. For some reason, his eye circles were still red.
Chapter 44
“Nanfeng, speak.” Yu Huaisu lowered his voice and warned.
If that little bitch ruined her relationship with Fei Yao, she would never forgive him.
Nanfeng was stagnant for a long time, and finally
When Yu came back to his senses, his expression was lost.
He seemed to be hallucinating. He saw his mother’s shadow disappearing as Shen Jiali left. Before leaving, his mother looked back at him one last time, and her originally loving and gentle face suddenly became serious.
In a daze, he seemed to hear his mother’s scolding from afar:
“Nanfeng, Mom doesn’t remember raising you to be such a child.”
“Mom has been telling you since you were a child that you must have a conscience and be grateful. You ate it that day. My granddaughter-in-law has a bowl of rice, but today she has been wronged in front of so many people, and my son has been wronged.” “Mom, it is true that you only have one child, but does it mean that mother will be separated and alienated because she has two children? The back of your hand, which side doesn’t hurt?”
“Nanfeng, God is watching what you do. Although your mother is no longer here, she is always watching you. You have done all the dirty things over the years, but your mother will punish you. Pass you once? It’s not because mom loves you.” “But how can you not love your child?”
“Mom is very disappointed in you and won’t see you in your dreams for the time being.” “Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, Mom……” Nanfeng shed two lines of thick tears.
Yu Huaisu’s expression was disgusted and stunned. Both of them have brain cramps today?
She quickly blocked Nan Feng, wiped away his tears, and shouted in a low voice: “Hurry up and announce the position adjustment, don’t embarrass me!”
Nan Feng glanced at Yu Huaisu, sniffed hard, and waved to the guests. :
“I’m sorry everyone, I remembered some past events and lost control of my emotions, making everyone laugh.”
This trip was not in vain.
“Then I won’t waste everyone’s time. Next, I will announce this year’s position adjustment.”
Everyone: Come on! Carrying my little bench and angrily grabbing the front row.
Yu Huaisu let out a long sigh of relief and looked to the side of the good boy Nan Feiyao.
Oh sh*t! You also made a fool of yourself, right?
Nan Feiyao didn’t care about the chairman at all now. He saw Shen Lanqing chasing Shen Jiali out with his own eyes. The high wall in his heart collapsed and his soul was taken away.
Yu Huaisu also understood that the top priority had to be this way. She held Nan Feiyao’s hand and lowered her voice to the lowest level:
“Feiyao, listen, there is nothing in this world that cannot be grabbed. You like Shen Lanqing, OK. I promise you to date. It doesn’t matter even if his heart is not with you now. I have many ways to make him hold his sincerity in his hands and give it to you, but you must cheer up now.” Nan Feiyao slowly looked over, Qi
An Her pupils were a little brighter because of Yu Huaisu’s assurance.
Yu Huaisu patted his hands gently and cast a firm look.
The two slowly looked at Nan Feng on the stage.
Nanfeng held the document and announced some unimportant position adjustments before coming to the last line.
“Finally, it’s the announcement of Aiko Nan Feiyuan’s position.”
Everyone in the audience looked forward to it. It was hard to tell whether they were looking forward to it or just watching the show.
Nan Feng seemed a little distracted and looked to one side: “Because Fei Yao is still young and has just returned from studying abroad, his experience has many shortcomings. However, I fully affirm his ability, so after careful consideration, I have made the following decision.”
Yu Huaisu could hardly control his smile, and the same was true for Shen Lanqing.
Nan Feng opened his mouth and closed it again. He took a deep breath, avoided Yu Huaisu’s hot gaze, and said slowly:
“Nan Feiyao, starting from September this year, the chairman of the board, that is, myself, appointed The position of chief operating officer of Huanhai Electronics Group is responsible for corporate operation management, supervising the execution of work by the general managers of each branch, and… assisting the CEO, the eldest brother Nan Liujing, in all work.” Nanfeng
hands Although the document contains the words “Chairman” after Nan Feiyao’s name, what he pronounced was “Chief Operating Officer”.
Because of his mother’s earnest calling, he suddenly felt like he was nothing.
What parent can not love their children?
Should I give this applause or not?
I thought I was appointing a chairman, but this is what happened?
Nan Feiyao didn’t seem to react yet and thought he was reading someone else’s name.
Yu Huaisu’s smile disappeared completely, his fingers trembled uncontrollably, and his eyes gradually became filled with red bloodshot eyes.
what did he say? Chief operations officer? Assist… Nanliujing work?
You mean, Nan Feiyao?
Yu Huaisu suddenly felt very cold. It was obviously September, but she still had goosebumps all over her body. She tried hard to calm down her breathing, but her upper and lower teeth were trembling. After inhaling, she forgot how to exhale.
It was clear that the board of directors had already voted on the election, and Fei Yao’s appointment as chairman was a sure thing, but why did Nanfeng change his mind temporarily and even arranged a dispensable position for Fei Yao.
Yu Huaisu repeatedly recalled the changes in Nanfeng’s expression from the beginning of the banquet to the present. Each scene, each frown, was constantly fixed in his mind, trying to find the link that went wrong.
The guests in the audience didn’t seem to expect that despite their crazy doubts in their hearts, they still had to maintain the qualities of upper class people on the outside — smile and applaud.
Although the applause was deafening, the banquet hall was still eerily quiet.
the other side.
Shen Jiali and Nan Liujing got into the car. The driver had just lit the ignition when he heard someone knocking on the car window.
Shen Lanqing stood outside the car, slightly hunched over, trying to see Shen Jiali inside the car through the privacy film.
Uncle Li helped open the car window, and Shen Lanqing immediately came closer.
“Brother, how is your health? Have you taken your medicine on time?”
The male protagonist Shen Lan, Qing Zhilan, and the jade tree in the original text are pure white and clean. The sun and moon are dim when you go to that station. Even if it is a dark seaside parking lot, in this dim environment It was still as white as porcelain jade, and even Uncle Li who was driving couldn’t help but look at it a few more times.
But not just beauties will be sought after by everyone. For example, Nan Shen and his wife, who have always been at odds with each other, kept their movements highly consistent at this time, turning a deaf ear to the beauty and looking straight ahead.
Shen Lanqing was not surprised by Shen Jiali’s indifference. On the contrary, he liked this kind of person. He would ignore him all his life and never look at him seriously. This kind of character had a fatal attraction for him.
“Brother, you have been sick these days and I can’t see you. I am very worried.” Shen Lanqing leaned forward slightly, mingling his hands together and rubbing them unconsciously.
Shen Jiali was very tired of these meaningless greetings, not just for Shen Lanqing, but all greetings without distinction.
Are you okay, how is your health, etc.
If it doesn’t work out, will I sit here and listen to your nagging?
In order to get rid of Annoying Spirit No. 1 as soon as possible, he made a prompt decision, covered his chest, and said to Uncle Li with a pale face: “Hurry up, drive quickly, my heart hurts, I’m going to die…” Uncle Li was frightened and immediately stepped on the car
. Press the accelerator and blast away a long way.
It was just a joke at first, but Nan Liujing suddenly put a big hand on his left chest, took out his mobile phone and prepared to call 120.
“What are you doing?” Shen Jiali pressed the phone, reasonably suspecting that Nan Liujing was trying to trick him again.
Nan Liujing pressed his chest harder, and his usually indifferent and cold voice now became anxious and urgent: “Where does it hurt, why does it hurt.”
Shen Jiali looked at him sideways, and sighed weakly for a long time.
Don’t tell me, it’s really like that.
“Speak, how does it hurt?” Nan Liujing’s voice suddenly raised an octave.
Uncle Li in the front seat finally couldn’t help laughing: “Master, Mr. Shen is just teasing you, can’t you tell?”
Nan Liujing was startled and slowly let go of his hand.
After calming down and thinking carefully, it was not the first time that he had acted like this, but it was the first time that he had been fooled after learning that he had a history of heart disease.
Of course he couldn’t just let it go after losing face, but he couldn’t get angry at Shen Jiali, so he had to shift the fire to Uncle Li in the front seat: “I don’t mean to tell
you to keep an eye on him, and take him out as soon as the fever goes down.”
Uncle Li didn’t think the young master thought that the young master She was really blaming him, so he smiled and said:
“Mr. Shen cares about you and insists on coming to you.”
Uncle Li understood that even if the sky fell, Shen Jiali was unwilling to separate from the bed. Although he wanted to eat Nanliu Jingzhu Pumpkin porridge “as an excuse to insist on finding the young master. It is nothing more than what he said” the young master is not allowed to eat at the same table with his family before getting married “and” a bunch of snobbish adults fooled a six-year-old in order to please the master. children “.
Therefore, Shen Jiali’s stubbornness was not because of the pumpkin porridge, but because he was worried that no one here would be willing to eat with him at the same table, and that those adults without conscience would fool him.
Uncle Li couldn’t restrain his aunt’s smile from his face. ◆思◆Rabbit◆Online◆◆Read◆Read◆
Nanliu Jing suddenly fell silent. After a long time, he asked Shen Gali softly:” Is that so? “Shen Gali
leaned against the car window, his voice hollow and weak:” No, I just want to eat pumpkins. Porridge. “” You really want to eat it? You even gave up the opportunity to lie down and came all the way here. “Nan Liujing’s voice was very soft, with a tenderness that he had never seen before.
Shen Jiali was tired and didn’t want to argue anymore. He slowly closed his eyes and said,” I can’t help you if you think so. “Nan Liujing chuckled and slowly looked out the car window at the neon street.
Uncle Li in the front seat grinned almost to his ears. At the same time, he also admired Shen Jiali. How could this mouth be harder than the young master’s? The combined mouths of the two of them can crush diamonds directly.
The old man was so happy that he couldn’t stop talking. He started chanting sutra mode again and started talking about Shen Lanqing.” The young master of the Shen family is really a rare beauty. His beauty is beautiful, beautiful and beautiful. Even an old man like me can’t take his eyes away when he sees it. “Shen Jiali: This is the first time I’ve seen someone talk about his beauty like this. Fresh and refined.
Nanliu Jing disagreed:” Yeah, just ordinary, just like that. “Yes, just like that. If she was as beautiful as Uncle Li described, how could Shen Jiali not even give her a good look?
The flickering lights flashed across the car window, inadvertently illuminating Nanliu Jing’s face.
His pupils quietly turned to the side, and his eyes fell on Shen Jiali’s face intentionally or unintentionally.
The person next to me, although the Internet praises him for having a great face, is just like that.
At most a little stronger than the average person.
Much stronger.” Ah~ what the young master said is conservative. More than that, young master Lan Qing is outstanding wherever he goes. In the words of young people, he is the kind of person who can ignore his own personality and even his character because of his good looks. “Li Shuyou Sometimes I don’t have much discernment, so I keep expressing my opinions.
Nan Liujing snorted contemptuously, but couldn’t help but pull down his mask and look at his face through the rearview mirror.
Well, it’s pretty good, probably better than Shen Lanqing.
Uncle Li was not done yet, so he wanted to pull Shen Jiali to seek collective comfort:” Mr. Shen, what do you think, young master Lanqing is very outstanding, right? “Shen Jiali has no idea about personal appearance. At most, he can distinguish the toilet lever from the person. The difference, but in order to prevent Uncle Li from continuing to pester, he said without conscience:” Yeah. “However, he felt that Nanliu Scenery was quite beautiful, and it was more in line with his aesthetics of human beings.
But just this simple” hmm “caused Nan Liujing to sit up straight suddenly.
What did Shen Galli say? Does he think Shen Lanqing looks the best? What about his Nanliu scene?
With this reluctance, Nan Liujing returned home, while cooking pumpkin porridge for Shen Jiali, he said to Uncle Li:” You can ask around in the past few days and make a ranking list of Shen Jiali’s favorites. “After that, he explained:” Declaration For a moment, I don’t care about his preferences. “Uncle Li: OK, OK, I definitely don’t care about his preferences.
Uncle Li is a man of action. He immediately made a scoring list, listed the names of everyone around Shen Jiali, and then ranked them in order.” Ahem. “Uncle Li sat on the head of Shen Jiali’s bed and cleared his throat.
Shen Jiali ate pumpkin porridge and looked at him strangely.
Although Nanliu Jing is not that good,
, but the porridge cooked is indeed remarkable, and it is not without merit.
“Mr. Shen, please take your time and just answer a few questions.” Uncle Li picked up his pen and prepared to give points.
“Among the following people, please select your favorite candidate, who will be given a perfect score of ten.” Naturally,
those who participated in the selection included Nanliu Jing and Bai Wei, and even Hain and Ivan were among them.
After hearing Uncle Li’s list of names, Shen Jiali said without hesitation: “Bai Wei.”
Uncle Li nodded, as expected. He wrote “NO.1” after Bai Wei’s name. As for the young master, second place is also good. After all, Bai Wei is Mr. Shen’s mother, so it is normal to be ranked first.
“Then, please choose the nine candidates in your mind.” Uncle Li said, the tip of his pen has already landed on the name of “Nanliu Jing”, ready to go.
Shen Jiali ate the porridge slowly, one grain at a time, but did not answer for a long time.
Uncle Li’s Adam’s apple rolled, his eyes fixed on Shen Jiali’s lips, and the hand holding the pen trembled slightly due to the long wait.
After a long time, Shen Jiali took out a tissue and wiped the corner of his mouth, lowered his eyes and said casually: “No.”
Uncle Li swallowed. If not, then not. Even if the young master only scored eight points, he would still be second only to Bai Wei.
“So, what about eight points?” Uncle Li asked.
Shen Jiali: “No.”
Uncle Li:…
But no one can top the nine-point and eight-point high sections, and Bai Wei dominates and crushes them like a fault.
“Then next, please choose the candidate with a score of six.”
Still thinking about those names, Shen Jiali thought for a moment and said: “Gong Yuan and Shen Lanqing.”
Gong Yuan is one of the few people he has a good impression of, even though he is a loser. A man doesn’t have much say. A dog can kick him when he walks, but at least he is not a bad person.
As for Shen Lanqing, he is annoying, and he is also the male protagonist who in the original text slandered the original protagonist. He was supposed to be sworn in, but these days, apart from being annoying, he is okay in other aspects, and occasionally I find him a bit cute.
Uncle Li’s face changed slightly, and his old fingers trembled slightly.
How could… how could these two people score higher than the young master?
“So, where are the five candidates?” Uncle Li asked cautiously, hoping to hear the young master’s name next.
But Shen Jiali said: “Ren Yinuo, Hain.”
Uncle Li’s face turned pale, and his lips hidden under his beard couldn’t stop trembling, and he almost cried with a “woof”.
“What about… four points?”
Shen Jiali thought for a long time and shook his head, saying no.
“Three points…?”
Shen Jiali continued to shake his head.
Uncle Li’s heart trembled, and there was already a hint of despair in his tone.
“Then, two points.”
Shen Jiali said: “Ivan, Nanfeng.”
If nothing else, Ivan made him money, and Nanfeng praised him for his delicious cooking.
Uncle Li sighed. No need to ask, the young master is at the bottom, but according to the process, you still have to ask.
He looked at the only two names left, one was his adoptive mother, and the other was his young master. He swallowed: “What about one point?” Uncle Li had already thought of
the words of comfort — it doesn’t matter, the young master, not one point. It’s good, at least it occupies “one”.
Shen Jiali thought for a moment and suddenly said: “Now, get up, go out, turn left to the end, enter the first room, the southwest corner is at 45 degrees, that one is one minute.” Uncle Li
According to Shen Jiali’s instructions, Uncle Li met some candidates.
Uncle Li:…
if he read it correctly, this should be a toilet pusher.
Shen Jiali didn’t lie to him, he was talking about the toilet pusher.
He has been observing this leather shovel for a long time. It has a white background and a faint pink edge, which looks very much like his mother’s favorite pink and white lisianthus.
Aiwujiwu, he likes this leather shovel.
Uncle Li thought hard for a long time, but he couldn’t remember how to write the word “抯”, so he had to draw a circle.
In this matter, how can we rely on the charm of language to ensure that the young master will not be injured?…
in the study.
Nan Liujing just hung up the call from the board of directors to congratulate him on his continued appointment as CEO, and informed him that Nan Feiyao had taken over as COO.
Unexpectedly, whether it was his father’s original intention or a temporary change of mind for some reason, he gave Nan Feiyao a position that was neither good nor inferior. If it was a temporary change of mind, it would be difficult for him not to think of Shen Jiali who suddenly appeared.
He knew that his father liked Shen Jiali very much, and he also thought that Shen Jiali must be the reincarnation of his grandmother’s soul.
As for tonight’s banquet, although it seemed to everyone that Shen Jiali carrying a bowl was completely unreasonable, but no one understood that this little thing was rushing to be a husband-protector.
Nan Liujing recalled Shen Jiali’s indifferent but determined expression at that time, and a smile appeared on his lips.
And said you don’t care about me.
I wonder how Uncle Li is doing on the ranking list. Thinking about it, even if he is not first, he must be second. After all, in his heart, it is normal for his mother to be ranked first.
Regarding Bai Wei’s matter, Nan Liujing believed that there was no need to investigate the whole matter. As long as Shen Jiali was happy, then this was the truth.
When he raised his eyes, he saw Uncle Li standing at the door like a resentful spirit, which made his fingers tremble in fright.
“Master, this is Mr. Shen’s favorite ranking list…” After Uncle Li finished speaking, his lips tightened and he presented the ranking list with trembling hands.
Nanliu Jing glanced at him lightly.
Does this old man need to be so excited?
Nanliu Jingzhi took the paper with great satisfaction, and did not rush to read it. He made the default settings first.
Bai Wei must be first and he second, and the rest A, B, C and D are all squeezed into the last place.
Nan Liujing glanced at him with a smile in his eyes.
Well, just as I thought, Bai Wei was first, and it would be my turn next.
He cleared his throat, deliberately clearing it to Uncle Li, as if deliberately showing off: Look, I am second.
But he lowered his eyes and looked over —
The second is empty?
Nan Liujing was unhappy, but quickly comforted himself. It’s normal, after all, he and Shen Jiali are not so close now.
Third, third is okay, just barely.
But when he saw the blank space behind the third one, his heart suddenly went cold.
Looking further back, Gong Yuan and Shen Lanqing…
He couldn’t believe that Shen Lanqing was ranked higher than him.
Nan Liujing slowly closed his eyes and tried hard to restrain his trembling hands.
It’s normal, after all, they have been brothers for a while.
But next time, his heart felt cold every time he looked down at a name, until he saw the tenth one. There was no name behind it, just a circle.
“What does this circle mean?” Nanliu Jing changed his tone, and the last word was filled with a trill.
Uncle Li’s face was full of regret, and he leaned into his ear and said in a breathy voice: “Yes, the toilet lever.” The
next second, the paper was torn in half, and Nan Liujing slapped the table with his big hands angrily:
“What do you mean, in Shen Jiali’s heart, I still have Not as important as a toilet pusher?!”
Uncle Li didn’t dare to speak and nodded silently in his mind.
“What about me?” Nan Liujing asked without seeing his name.
“Young Master, it’s on the back.”
Nanliu Jing turned over the paper and saw it written on the door:
[NO.11: Nanliu Jing, adoptive mother (score: -1)]
Nanliu Jing:.
He wheeled his wheelchair to Shen Gali’s room, which had never been so fast before.
As soon as he entered the door, he slapped the torn paper in half on the table, and Nanliu Jing asked in an evil voice,
“Shen Jiali, do you not like me as much as a toilet pusher in your heart?”
Shen Jiali glanced lightly. Let’s just say that Uncle Li created a favorite ranking for no reason. Nan Liujing wanted to find an opportunity to express his feelings. ◣This◣work◣◣ is provided◣ by ◣思◣TU◣网◣◣◣online◣◣Read◣Read◣
He responded calmly and calmly: “Yeah, yes, why don’t you pick a stick? That pick is quite nice.”
Nanliu Jing:…
Nanliu Jing was once again pushed to a lower limit of speechlessness by Shen Jiali.
Shen Jiali raised his eyes and met Nan Liujing’s dark eyes.
I’m afraid Nan Liujing himself doesn’t know what his expression is now. The pride of the upper class is gone, leaving only sadness mixed with unwillingness. His slightly parted lips seem to be eager to vent the injustice he has suffered.
“Pfft—” Shen Jiali laughed shamelessly again.
The way Nanliu Jing was so angry that his facial features were distorted was so funny. The more a man who usually looks like a noble man, the more obvious the contrast is when he is embarrassed, so he looks weirder than the average comedian.
As soon as he smiled, he couldn’t breathe easily, and he kept coughing with his broken gong-like throat, his cheeks turned red. After finally catching his breath, he simply leaned on the small table on the bed and laughed and coughed at the same time.
Interesting, it turns out that there is also such absurd humor in the world.
Nan Liujing looked at him silently and saw that he was laughing so much that he couldn’t help himself. His long eyelashes were wet with tears. His flushed face was connected to his neck and was half hidden in his loose pajamas. The small crimson mole on his neck looked even more… It is gorgeous, like blood jade falling on a plate, rolling and tinkling.
Inexplicably, Uncle Li seemed to be infected. Although he didn’t know where the laughter was, he just couldn’t help covering his mouth and laughing together.
Nan Liujing finally understood that it was not that Shen Jiali couldn’t laugh, and the price for making him laugh was that he was embarrassed.
But this smile is so bright, as if everything is blooming behind it.
He raised his hand to cover the smile at the corner of his mouth, and asked in a pretentious manner: “Is it funny to compare people with leather sticks?”
Shen Jiali rested his head on the small table, smiled and slowly raised his hand to give a thumbs up.
Funny, and very so.
Nan Liujing smiled contemptuously, said “boring”, and turned to leave.
After thinking about it for a long time in the room, I still felt that this ranking list was too hurtful to my self-esteem, and I had to do something, at least to be better than Pei Chuzi.
On the other side, the Nan family.
As soon as Nanfeng got home, he lay on the bed. He covered his eyes with one hand and kept mumbling:
“Mom, I know I was wrong. I am definitely not the bad boy that my mother thinks. I will apologize for my past mistakes.” To atone for my sins, I hope my mother will come on time to meet me in my dream, touch my hair and kiss me. “If Nan Feng, a villain, has any weakness, it is probably his mother.
He watched his mother die in front of him for a morsel of food, and later lived a good life. He lamented that his mother did not enjoy a day of happiness when she was alive. This was a pain that he could not let go of for the rest of his life.
Therefore, he temporarily changed his mind and appointed Nan Feiyuan as COO. He also wanted to give Nan Liujing another chance, which could be regarded as the beginning of atonement.
Looking back on the past, although his mother was bad at walking, she still carried him all over the mountains and dangerous mountains. However, decades later, as a parent, she could behave shamelessly and abandon her own children and not allow her son to eat at the table. , leaving the best resources to the young and old.
Heartbroken, what would a child who was only six years old at that time think.
Yu Huaisu followed him in and threw his handbag heavily on Nan Feng. He was even more angry when he saw his useless and dead look.” Nanfeng, get up! Please explain to me what chief operating officer means! Do you think a position that is neither high nor low is rare?! Or do you think you have other plans? “Nanfeng had a headache from her
quarrel , with a stiff tone:” Yes, even if you have other plans, Liu Jing is also my son. Why did you resign as chairman to Fei Yao without asking his opinion? Is Liu Jing’s ability lacking?! “”
Buzz— — “Yu Huaisu suddenly had tinnitus, and the tight string in his mind finally broke.
Sure enough, not killing Nan Liujing and leaving him alive was the stupidest decision in his life! It is said that to cut the grass, you must remove the roots. If the big ones are gone, the small ones will not be left. They will only become a big disaster on Feiyao’s road to success in the future!
Do you want to deal with the small ones like you did with the big ones? But Nan Liujing is obviously much smarter than his idiot mother.
The more Yu Huaisu thought about it, the angrier he became, and blood flowed all over his body.” That’s why I decided to let the two children compete fairly. Huai Su, the Qing Dynasty has died. If you ignore your personal ability and create a hereditary system these days, it will make people laugh. “Nan Feng has always been consistent, so he decided. .
At that time, the board of directors will also vote to elect new directors based on their performance.
Sir, it is reasonable, fair and just.
Yu Huaisu stared sideways at Nanfeng, his beautiful eyes widened to the extreme, and the whites of his eyes were covered with scarlet bloodshot eyes.
She finally understood why Nanfeng suddenly changed his mind, because there were force majeure factors in the process, which was comparable to Shen Jiali’s natural disaster.
The last time he came back from Nanliu Jing’s house, the old man made a fool of himself. While crying, he said that Kali’s craftsmanship was exactly the same as his mother’s, and that this child must be the reincarnation of his mother.
Isn’t it ridiculous?
But now that the disaster has emerged, measures must be taken as soon as possible to avoid additional complications.
Yu Huaisu found Nan Feiyao. Nan Feiyao looked haggard and disappointed. She ran into her son’s arms and cried, “Feiyao, mom only has you. Your dad is different from us now.” In his heart, he still thinks about the third person and the little bastard she left behind. No matter what, he cannot be defeated by them. “She held her son’s face, raised her head and cried so hard, saying,” You are the mother. The only hope. “Nan Feiyao was a little upset. He grew up listening to his mother’s words, and his mother always called Nan Liujing’s biological mother a third party, but he still understood what was right and wrong.
But the only thing his mother said tonight that made him less irritated was:” Don’t worry, if you like Shen Lanqing, her mother will risk everything to get you married smoothly, so before that, you must also work hard and win the directorship. “You understand, no matter what means you use to obtain the position of chairman.”
Understand, the prerequisite for marrying Lan Qing is that he must win the position of chairman.
Chapter 45
“Congratulations, Mr. Shen, your fever is gone.” Uncle Li took the thermometer and looked at Shen Gali on the bed with a smile on his face.
Although the fever was gone, the coughing sound still filled the house early in the morning.
Uncle Li stared at Shen Jiali and took some antibiotics, and then insisted that he take a sip of Sichuan clam loquat ointment, saying it could clear the lungs and relieve coughs.
Shen Jiali refused to obey. His bottom line was only tasteless capsule pills. Things like Chuanbei loquat paste tasted like slightly sweet mint-flavored plastic. I drank a spoonful of it last night and spit it out. Don’t think about using it again today. This thing harmed him.
He refused to drink, so Uncle Li kept urging him. The noise attracted Nan Liujing.
Today is Nan Feiyao’s first day on the job. The board of directors and all employees will be there to welcome him and familiarize him with the company’s work. Therefore, Nan Liujing got up early and passed by Shen Jiali’s room. Hearing the noise, he went in to check on the situation.
Just as he had guessed, Shen Jiali was misbehaving again.
“Are you a child? You have to be coaxed to drink medicine.”
Shen Jiali was nestled in the bed, making a loud noise: “It tastes bad, like plastic.” “How do you know it tastes like plastic? Have you eaten it?”
“Have you eaten it.”
Nan Liujing:?
Have you really eaten it? It’s not just random talk.
“How come I don’t know when to eat.”
“You forced me to cook, and I was very angry. I bit the handle of the spatula to vent my anger.”
Nan Liujing sneered.
Sure enough, his answers every time were beyond the expected atmosphere.
“Okay, forget it if he doesn’t want to eat, he can eat whatever he doesn’t want to eat.” Nan Liujing said to Uncle Li.
But when he was going out, Bai Wei happened to come to his door, so he heard the following conversation:
Bai Wei: “Li Li, look what mom brought you.”
Shen Jiali: “Wow, it’s Chuanbei loquat ointment. How did mom know about me?” I like to eat this. “Bai Wei:” Because you are my child, of course I understand you, and I cooked it myself. “Shen Jiali:” Then I will drink it all, and no one can compete with me. “Bai Wei:” Drink them all. This will be very helpful for your cough. “Shen Jiali:” As expected, it has to be mom. Nan Liujing just said that this is something that can be eaten or not. “Nan Liujing:…
feeling He was stabbed in the back, so is this the difference between ranking first and last?
At nine o’clock, Nan Feiyao and his party arrived outside the Huanhai Electronics headquarters building on time. The senior leaders had been waiting at the door for a long time. When they saw Nan Feiyao, they all sent applause, flowers and greetings.
Nan Feiyao had a dull expression. He was not satisfied with the COO position that everyone envied.
Not long after getting off the car, the black Cayenne stopped at the door. Driver Yang trotted to the back of the car, opened the trunk, took out the wheelchair, and helped Nan Liujing get out of the car.
When brothers met each other and it was the younger brother’s first time in the workplace, it was supposed to be a harmonious scene of warm greetings, hugs and encouragement to each other, but neither brother spoke a word, and neither of them even looked at each other.
All the people from the board of directors came to the scene, and the sponsor Yu was naturally among them. When he met the people, he seemed to have only Nan Fei Yao in his eyes. He greeted him warmly, and praised Nan Fei Yao for his talent. He repeatedly emphasized:” They say that physical health is the health of the soul
. On the basis of the foundation, Director Nan is a talented person with a tall figure and strong legs. He is the image representative of our Huanhai Group. I believe Director Nan will lead our Huanhai Group to new heights. “Overt praise and implicit sarcasm, in other people’s
ears It was a bit jarring, but Nan Liujing’s face remained calm, calmly adjusting his tie and waiting for the secretary to come down.
When passing by Nan Feiyao, Nan Liujing raised his hand to signal the secretary to pause.
He looked straight ahead and said in a standard leadership tone:” Come to the conference room at nine-thirty to hold the autumn product project presentation. By the way, the company requires that employees wear their badges during meetings. “After saying that, he put down his hand
. , the secretary understood and pushed him into the company.
Yu Jinzhu looked at his leaving back and sneered, then patted Nan Feiyao on the shoulder:” Director Nan, come on, I’m optimistic about you. “Nan Feiyao glanced at him lightly and led the employees Entered the company in stride.
The badges are small and made of metal. In order to facilitate the identification of positions, they are also made in different colors. The badges worn by the chairman level are made of pure gold, the CEO badges below are made of platinum, and the COO and CFO below are made of platinum. It is made of silver. Even if the position on it cannot be seen clearly from a distance, the position can be distinguished at a glance through the material.
In the office, Nan Feiyao took the silver work badge handed by his secretary, his fingers tightened, and he suddenly dropped it to the ground.
Everything in this office is unpleasant, whether it’s the size of the CEO’s office next door or the job title card on the table, the word COO stands out more.
This cripple Nanliu Jing must be extremely proud now.
The secretary didn’t dare to express his anger. After a while, he saw Nan Feiyao pick up his work badge and pin it.
At nine-thirty, the leaders entered the conference room one after another.
As soon as Nan Feiyao walked in, the company executives immediately stood up, bowed and said” Good morning, Director Nan. “The conference room is spacious and empty, with only a large long table with seats neatly distributed around it.
Nan Feiyao sighed irritably, pulled out the chair at the long table and sat in.” Um… “The manager of an unknown department suddenly wiped away a cold sweat and seemed to have something to say.” Why. “Nan Feiyao became angry when he saw his deathly appearance, and nothing went as he wanted when he got up early in the morning.
The person next to the manager poked him with his elbow and lowered his eyebrows as if to hint at him. The manager also lowered his head, said” It’s okay “and sat back.
Even the expression on the donor’s face is intriguing.
Nan Feiyao was not in the mood to face this group of unattractive old men and opened the laptop at hand:” So, the meeting… “Before he finished speaking, the door to the conference room was pushed open.
The tires made a slight rustling sound on the carpet.
Nan Liujing came, followed by several executives, who seemed to be talking about something.
The senior executives habitually looked towards the top seat of the long table, and were stunned for a moment, with eyes wide open. ☉思☉Rabbit☉ is ☉online☉read☉read☉
again! That expression again!
Nan Feiyao suppressed her anger and didn’t understand whether these old guys were deliberately playing tricks or something.
Nanliu Jing looked leisurely and contented, not looking at him and adjusting his sleeves carelessly.
An executive ran over and approached Nan Feiyao with a cold sweat on his forehead:” Director Nan, I’m sorry, I am the note-taker of this meeting, and… this position belongs to the CEO, because he is the one who is responsible for the meeting. Chief host, your seat… “The executive made a” please “gesture and faced the empty seat on the right hand side of the seat:” Here. “The corner of Nan Feiyao’s mouth twitched uncontrollably, and he pressed the pen hard with his finger. , in full view of everyone, annoyed and a little embarrassed, he pulled out his chair and sat down.
Nan Liujing sat down at the chair of the meeting happily and put the folder on the table:” It’s getting late, the meeting is about to begin. “Although Nan Liujing was not favored in the Nan family at first, when he first joined the company due to his health The reason is not favored by others, but it is feared by all employees with its cold-blooded, iron-fisted and decisive management methods.
The employees all nicknamed him behind his back, saying that he had seen living Bodhisattva many times, but this was the first time he had seen the living King of Hell.
The content of today’s meeting is mainly focused on the purchase of uranium elements currently held by the Ross Ander family and the implementation of the” New Fourth Edition “policy for allotment of shares, that is, allotment of shares to shareholders in proportion to raise funds.
In order to show off his power, Nan Feiyao directly expressed his disagreement. He does not want the original shareholders to continue to expand their shareholding ratio. Once these people have tasted the sweetness, they will never let go, which will be obviously detrimental to his succession as chairman.” The additional allotment of shares will increase the stock price, which is not conducive to more people buying our company’s stocks… “”
So. “Nan Liujing interrupted him coldly,” Are you planning to use the New Year’s money to raise funds, or are you able to avoid risks? Guarantee. “Nan Feiyao was momentarily stuck, her mouth still open before she could close it.
Nanliu Jing definitely did it on purpose and made it clear that he would not let him get down! Just to make him embarrass himself in front of the public on his first day on the job!
He pressed the pen, his thumb turned green, and his hatred for Nanliu Jing grew stronger. I have never hated someone so much in my whole life.
I wish he would die quickly.
Nan Liujing, however, didn’t even bother to look at him and gave an order:” Everyone’s plans will be implemented as soon as possible. As for Director Nan, in addition to paper strength, you must also increase practical experience. In recent days, you have been responsible for goods with Japanese companies. Docking is a very important batch of precision parts. I hope you can cheer up. “After Nan Liujing finished speaking, he flicked the folder with his fingers, closed the cover, and whispered:” Today’s meeting is over, everyone will return to their posts and continue working. “After the words fell, the executives and shareholders stood up and filed out. Nan Liujing also let his secretary push him back to the office, leaving Nan Feiyao alone, sitting where he was without saying a word.
After the crowd dispersed, he suddenly raised the pen and slammed it on the table. The pen was instantly separated from the body, and the ink splattered stained the carpet in patches.
He wanted to show off his power to the employees, but was tricked by Nanliu Jing first.
At this moment, he finally understood that Nan Liujing was a time bomb that could never be left behind, in any sense.
Not long ago, there was a lot of commotion on the Internet because Shen Jiali” cut off Hu “in the advertisem*nt of the young star Pei Jing. Pei Jing’s team believed that this was a great opportunity to attract fans. Although they did not dare to cause trouble to Shen Jiali, as long as they found a marketing account to lead The rhythm and how miserable Pei Jing is described will always arouse the compassion of netizens.
But even though the team was wary of Shen Jiali’s identity, the meaning of” miserable “can only be understood clearly through comparison. In the later stage, it became a little out of control. Pei Jing’s extreme fans went out to police everywhere, boycotting Lancer Jewelry and Huanhai Electronics. , Shen Jiali became a tragic cannon fodder in the raging war.
This development is the same as the original text. After the original owner was sent to the old men’s box by the villain, an old man took a fancy to the original owner and was willing to bring him into the circle to make money. He said so, but in fact he was used as a bed warmer. No announcement? I received a few, but I served a lot of donors, and all the money I earned in the end was divided among the shameless old men.
It was already infamous and it was thrust into the public eye. Naturally, netizens did not buy it and sprayed it into a sieve on the Internet.
Compared with the original plot development, although the voice of opposition online is much weaker, it does not mean that there is none.
Although Nanliu Jing had already sent a lawyer’s letter warning the trolls a few days ago, the trolls are not afraid. They will fine them up to two yuan. Other than that, what else can be done to them, as long as they feel good about it.
There were a few ID thieves who were able to jump and curse very dirty words. It was surprising that a person could be so foul-mouthed. They even threatened to tell Shen Jiali to be careful when he went out.
Private message: [No. 011, Huaihai South Road, Shen Jiali, this is your home address, right? Hehe, we’ll see. ]
[Shen Jiali, let me show you something interesting. [Picture]]
There is nothing wrong with the picture at first glance. It is a long picture. You need to scroll down to see the complete picture. At the beginning, it is just a picture of a suspension bridge in an ordinary scenic spot, but if you scroll all the way to the end, a ferocious and bloody female ghost head will appear. , causing blood pressure to soar instantly.
These people kept sending some disgusting pictures to Shen Jiali’s private messages, including pictures of his car accident, pictures of his shroud, etc.
Fortunately, Shen Jiali has no interest in the right and wrong on the Internet. He has not opened the original Weibo account for half a year, and private messages containing curses and insults are invisible to him.
Since she met her biological mother, Bai Wei has been coming frequently these days. If the announcement is not too late, she will definitely come here for a visit, bring some desserts made by herself, or force herself to make clay with Shen Jiali. manual.
Although Shen Jiali habitually “tsk” in his mind when Bai Wei took out the clay tools, it was not troublesome to do things with his mother, so there was a row of clay and fleshy ornaments on the windowsill.
And the Sichuan Fritillary Loquat Paste that Bai Wei brought every day. After eating too much, Shen Jiali actually found it quite delicious.
Because my mother did it (instant answer).
I don’t know if it was due to the Chuanbei loquat ointment. Shen Jiali’s cough symptoms were significantly relieved and his voice returned to normal. After a few days in bed, he actually gained some weight and his face looked very healthy.
Nanliu Jing also contacted the doctor and said that Shen Jiali had indeed undergone a heart bypass, but current observations showed that he was recovering well. He also prescribed some commonly used medicines and wrote down some precautions.
Today, Uncle Li went out to do errands, and Nan Liujing went to the company as usual. After the doctor left, Shen Jiali was the only one left at home.
He held his cell phone and watched videos, trying to get sleepy.
Suddenly! He sat up suddenly.
The worst news is like a bolt from the blue!
The price of the cemetery he liked has increased…
Because of the news that the typhoon caused damage to the houses but the cemetery remained standing, unscrupulous developers drove the price of the cemetery to sky high. Eight million turned into 16 million. Doubled.
Those who are not short of money have begun to examine the situation. There are fewer and fewer places, and the price of cemeteries will only get higher and higher due to capital-hungry marketing.
Shen Jiali is emo.
All things considered, he only had 3 million on hand. What if it increased to 200 million on the day he returned to the West? And if the cemetery was not renewed in the future, it would be dug out for him when the time came.
He raised his eyes faintly, and in his mind was the image of annoying spirits sitting on his grave, crying and expressing their longing for each other. As he lay in the grave, he could hear the buzzing like a gathering of flies.
It hurts, it hurts so much.
No, we still have to expand the small treasury.
Shen Jiali, who had been lying leisurely for a few days, opened the phone book and fell silent.
So what is Nan Liujing’s idiot number?
There was no other way, so Shi Shiran had to open WeChat, find Nanliu Jing, and slowly typed a few words:
[Give me money to buy dinner ingredients. 】
Nanliu Jing seemed to be very busy, and it took a long time to reply:
【How much. ]
Shen Jiali: [Look at it. ]
After a while, Nan Liujing forwarded the dinner recipe Uncle Li sent him to Shen Gali: [Today is the fasting day. Calculate the price of vegetables in the market based on the recipe. Fifty yuan is enough. 】
Shen Jiali:…
Suddenly I don’t want to go back.
He threw the phone away and poured it into the pillow.
Nan Liujing on the other end of the phone has not received a reply from Shen Jiali for a long time. Although he is working, he has to look at his phone every few seconds.
Thirty minutes later, the chat record was still at “fifty yuan.”
Nanliu Jing smiled helplessly. This person is so realistic, he won’t give back the small money.
But there is no way, who makes him less important than a leather shovel in his heart.
Nan Liujing: [[Transfer 50,000 yuan], the maximum limit in a single day. 】
It’s not that I want to please him, and I definitely don’t care about him, it’s just that I’m not reconciled to being ranked lower than Pi Chuzi.
That’s right, I’m just not willing to give in.
Shen Jiali still uses the avatar used by the original owner on WeChat, and the chat background has not been changed. Because he is lazy, he only sets a special reminder sound for transfers.
He picked up his phone, charged the money in seconds, and got up to change clothes without saying a word.
Nanliu Jing smiled helplessly and shook his head when he saw the person taking the money but not saying a word.
Money string.
After waiting for a long time, there was still no reply from Shen Jiali. Nan Liujing turned off his phone and opened his work file.
After a while, he suddenly raised his head strangely, thought for a moment, opened the new document, typed out a long string of words like a gust of wind, printed it out, signed it, stamped it with his personal seal, and then notified Driver Yang to pick him up.
Driver Yang asked Nan Liujing where he was going. Nan Liujing loaded up the newly printed documents and said, “Notary office.”
Shen Jiali came back from buying vegetables at the market. This time, he spent a total of 20.3 yuan and made a net profit of 49,979.7 yuan.
He was carrying a few rapeseeds and two mushrooms. As soon as he walked to the door, he saw a familiar figure.
Annoying No. 1.
I wanted to hide, but it was too late.
Shen Lanqing waited at the door for a long time. Although his back was to Shen Gali, he seemed to be equipped with a detection radar, instantly sensing Shen Gali dozens of meters away.
“Brother… you are back. I have been waiting for you for a long time.”
Different from the previous meeting, Shen Lanqing lost the joy of the little sun in the past. Instead, she was burdened with a bleak haze. She tried hard to maintain a smile, but she also forced a smile. .
Probably since I saw my brother leaving with Nan Liujing in front of everyone, my mood has changed and I can no longer deceive myself.
Shen Jiali knew he couldn’t escape, so he entered the door, took off his coat, put his cell phone on the table, and carried the vegetables into the kitchen.
Shen Lanqing followed in, took the vegetables, and forced a smile: “Brother is in good health, don’t be too tired, let me help you.”
Shen Jiali calmly took back the vegetables, and used silent silence to advise him to go back and forth.
To be fair, he didn’t hate Shen Lanqing, but he didn’t like his private time being invaded by outsiders either.
Shen Lanqing saw his indifference and felt disappointed, but she couldn’t continue to pester her. She could only say: “I’ll wait for you outside. If brother needs help, just call me.” When she came to the living room, Shen Lanqing sat on the sofa and her eyes suddenly dropped
. Shen Jiali’s cell phone came to the table.
He stared at it for a long time, then accidentally took the phone, tapped the screen, and found that there was no password lock. After a moment of silence, he opened WeChat.
The first recent chat record on WeChat is the transfer information between Shen Jiali and Nan Liujing.
Shen Lanqing quietly glanced at the kitchen location, and after confirming whether her brother would come out soon, she quickly swiped up the chat history.
Shen Jiali and Nan Liujing had almost no interaction in the chat software, and Shen Jiali’s reply to Nan Liujing’s message did not exceed ten words each time.
Shen Lanqing flipped through the records, becoming more convinced that her brother and Nan Liujing must have been forced to be tied together. How could two people with truly deep feelings end each time in a hurry.
After closing WeChat, he looked through Shen Gali’s other software. The large number of red dot prompts showed that the owner of the phone would not normally open these software, and there were 99+ messages accumulated next to the Weibo icon.
Shen Lanqing suddenly remembered that his brother had been a hot search topic recently because of Lancer’s filming, so he clicked on the private message on Weibo without hesitation.
In an instant, an overwhelming wave of insults and curses invaded, mixed with a large number of bloody pictures against humanity.
Shen Lanqing suddenly felt her blood pressure soaring rapidly, and the disgusting and terrifying pictures made her heart skip a beat.
It turns out that my brother has been enduring this kind of online violence. Although there are many private messages of comfort from kind-hearted netizens, one vicious comment is enough to ruin a good mood for the day.
No, we can’t go on like this. My brother must be clean, and he must only accept praise and admiration from everyone.
Shen Lanqing’s fingers holding the phone gradually tightened, and the veins on the side of her neck popped out with hatred.
Suddenly, the electronic sound of fingerprint unlocking came from the door. He quickly put the phone back and quickly straightened his clothes.
As soon as Nan Liujing and the driver entered the door, they saw Shen Lanqing sitting on the sofa in the hall.
When the driver saw the guests coming, he said, “Let’s go first.”
Shen Lanqing lowered her eyes, stood up, and called “Brother Jing” in an obscure voice.
Nan Liujing didn’t look at him, casually took off his tie and said casually: “The company is busy, isn’t it? It’s very difficult to operate with debt, but it still runs here every two days.”
Shen Lanqing said softly: “Well, busy , but I am worried about my brother’s physical condition, so come and have a look.”
He definitely hates Nan Liujing no less than Nan Fei, but he also understands that power is supreme, and he has no advantage at all when facing Nan Liujing, a cripple.
In the past, the only comfort was his brother’s indifferent attitude towards him, but after the dinner, it seemed that his brother’s attitude had quietly changed. ﹌思﹌Rabbit﹌Read﹌Online﹌Read﹌
He suddenly felt that he was very sad. He should have been the closest person to his brother, but because of a ridiculous marriage, he became the person furthest away from him.
Nan Liujing didn’t seem to want to talk to him anymore. His eyes passed by him, then he picked up Shen Jiali’s cell phone on the table and went to the kitchen.
Shen Jiali was still choosing vegetables in the kitchen. He cut off the heads and tails of the nice and tender rapeseed, leaving only the stems, which were soaked in a basin of different lengths.
Nan Liujing put his cell phone aside and reminded: “Put your cell phone away, especially when outsiders are present.”
After a while, he passed the vegetables in Shen Jiali’s hand and said, “I’ll do it.”
Although he has never done any of these tasks, But at least in a short period of time, he needs to catch up with Pi Chuzi and occupy a place in Shen Jiali’s heart.
Shen Jiali couldn’t wait to sit down next to the vegetable and rest.
This was the first time he had seen Nanliu Jing choose vegetables. His movements were not very skillful, and the vegetables he picked were the same as his. Anyway, he chose all the vegetables that were edible or not.
Shen Jiali looked at it and suddenly laughed.
Nan Liujing glanced at him and counted silently in his heart: the third time.
Although Shen Jiali laughed three times, he was the only one who had ever seen him smile.
“What are you laughing at?” Nan Liujing asked pretending to be serious.
Shen Jiali turned away and blocked the smile on his lips with his fingers: “I think you are stupid.”
Nan Liujing:…
I can see that Shen Jiali only laughs when he makes a fool of himself.
Nan Liujing cleared his throat and his eyes fell on the small bottle of salt that Shen Jiali had just taken out to clean the bayberries.
“Is this used up?” He raised the vial and asked.
Shen Jiali didn’t look at it, closed his eyes and said perfunctorily: “Yeah.”
Nanliu observed the changes in his expression without any trace, and when he had a tendency to open his eyes, he said in a deep voice: “Put things back in their place after use. He
straightened up and stretched out his hand to open the wall-mounted storage cabinet. After confirming Shen Jiali was looking this way with his peripheral vision, he held up the salt shaker and quietly swept down the other small bottles containing condiments.
With a clanging sound, the small bottles fell one after another, each one landing firmly on top of Nan Liujing’s head, and then rolled to the ground.
Immediately, he rubbed his head and cursed” Damn “in his mouth.
Next, wait for Shen Jiali’s ridicule.
But after waiting for a long time, the people around him remained silent.
Nanliu Jing’s Adam’s apple rolled down and he looked sideways.
Just like that, he met Shen Jiali’s eyes.
Shen Jiali looked at him expressionlessly and blinked indifferently.…
Awkward, the atmosphere is indescribably awkward.
Then, two voices sounded at the same time:” Doesn’t it hurt? “” Isn’t it funny? “Shen Jiali didn’t think it was funny, and asked:” Are you going to laugh at an injured person? “Nan Liujing:”… “Misstep .
He seemed to see a ranking list appear in front of Shen Jiali’s face, and the name “Nanliu Jing” dropped one place from the position below ‘Pi Chuzi’, ranking behind “Adoptive Mother”, and there was another name after the name. A bracket was added, and two large Chinese characters appeared:
Nan Liujing sighed softly. Not to mention catching up with Pi Chuzi, now she is even worse than her adoptive mother.
His virtue must have been foolish in his eyes.
Nan Liujing lowered his eyes, and his tone became awkward and uncomfortable: “I’m going out first.” As soon as
his hand was attached to the wheelchair auxiliary ring, the top of his head suddenly felt hot.
He subconsciously looked up, and happened to meet Shen Jiali’s lowered eyebrows, which seemed to be looking at him, but also seemed not to look at him at all, but the position where his eyes fell was on him.
The two hands covering the top of the head were slightly warm and gentle, without any force, just clinging to the surface.
When Nan Liujing realized that Shen Jiali was covering the top of his head, every muscle in his body slowly became stiff little by little.
At that moment, my brain stormed back to the origin of the universe:
when did I wash my hair, is there any dirt, what is the shape of the top of my skull, is there anything strange about it.
Thinking about these strange questions, the palms covering the top of the head radiated warmth, blending into the cerebral cortex along the hair, quickly wrapping every cell, making it tingling.
Nan Liujing is sure: He cares about me.
“Why.” He knew the answer, but he wanted Shen Jiali to admit it himself.
Shen Jiali’s voice was light and contained no emotion:
“It feels like it will bulge like in a cartoon. If you hold it down, it probably won’t.”
If Nan Liujing really had such a bulge on his forehead, Uncle Li would definitely do it tonight. Read it by his bedside! read! read!
Should I put a piece of tape on his head? Put an “×” sign like in the cartoon.
Forget it, I don’t know where to put the tape, and it’s too troublesome to look for it, so I’ll hold it like this for him first.
He kept pressing it, and Nan Liujing remained motionless until Uncle Li came back and greeted Shen Lanqing on the sofa. As soon as he entered the kitchen, he saw such an intimate and slightly strange scene.
Uncle Li burst into tears.
Although it may seem like normal physical contact to others, for the young master who never likes to be close to others, it can be counted as XXOO if rounded up!
The young master has finally grown up, and I, the old man, will die with no regrets.
Uncle Li was gearing up, feeling that such a good atmosphere between the two of them should not stop there. He had to find a way to do something to take the relationship between the two further.
“Young Master and Mr. Shen, please go and rest first. I’ll be here as long as you can.” Uncle Li put on his apron and urged.
Shen Jiali held it for a while and felt that it didn’t seem to be bulging. He held it for a long time. When he was tired, he lay down for five minutes.
He let go of his hand and turned away.
The moment his hands left, Nan Liujing felt a strong sense of loss inexplicably. This uneasy emotion blinded the nerve center of the brain, causing it to issue strange instructions to the body.
Nan Liujing urgently stretched out a hand and grabbed Shen Jiali’s wrist.
Shen Jiali withdrew his hand and looked at him warily: “Don’t touch the porcelain until the drums are ready.”
Nan Liujing:…
Uncle Li on the side looked at the cautious look of the two who did not dare to take a step closer, clenched his fists, Secretly swearing:
Master, I will work hard, and you must strive for success, so it’s settled, I will do my best to help you, and I will definitely see you get on base safely tonight.

Chapter 46-50

Chapter 46
After the two left the kitchen, they looked at the empty hall and realized that Shen Lanqing had left quietly again. He only left a text message to Shen Jiali, saying that he would visit again when he had time.
It’s unlike him to know how to advance and retreat so well.
Shen Lanqing really planned to stay a little longer to chat with her brother, but she received a message from Nan Feiyao at the last moment, saying that she had something important to talk to him about, and it was related to Shen Jiali.
For the sake of “Shen Jiali”, he decided to meet Nan Feiyao.
On the dinner table, Uncle Li used simple vegetables in many ways.
This should be the first time Nanliu Jing had a normal dinner since Shen Jiali came in.
Uncle Li took off his apron and spread his hands respectfully: “Master, Mr. Shen, please allow me to introduce tonight’s dishes to you two.”
Nan Liujing felt that he was unnecessary: “They are all common dishes, so I won’t go into meaningless details. Let’s sort them out. Dining table.”
Uncle Li was rarely stubborn. Even if the young master said “no,” he still said plausibly: “I used some new techniques for cooking vegetables tonight. Please allow me to introduce them to you two.” He pointed to a plate of green rapeseed
. Heart, his voice slowed down: “This is the first dish tonight, stir-fried rapeseed hearts.”
Inexplicably, he pronounced the word “stir-fried” in a long and loud voice.
Nan Liujing looked at him strangely, wondering where the old man had made the wrong move.
Uncle Li cleared his throat and continued: “The second dish is navel-orange-milk custard.”
Just like before, he deliberately prolonged the word “navel orange” to highlight it.
Nanliu Jingkuo raised his eyes slightly and stared at Uncle Li without saying a word.
If these words were presented in writing, he probably wouldn’t be able to understand the connotation, but if they are pronounced with deliberate emphasis, even a fool can understand what they mean.
Strictly speaking, Nan Liujing had a rough understanding of it when Uncle Li insisted on naming the dish.
In the world of three people, both of them have their own thoughts. Only Shen Jiali, I am afraid that even if someone gives him the equation and tells him in detail, he will not understand the meaning. Just shaking his body, he can hear the sound of Chuanbei loquat paste in his stomach, facing I also lost my appetite for dinner.
It was clear that he had not cooked dinner, but he still felt tired. His tired eyes were lowered, and he was holding the spoon and pulling it across the table.
Across the way, Nan Liujing pushed the sweet orange milk custard over: “Eat this, it will stimulate body
fluids and relieve coughs.” Shen Jiali didn’t like this kind of fishy food with a hint of sweetness, but the eggs that others tasted normal came to him. But it has a disgusting fishy smell. If you add the sweetness of oranges, it will be a dark dish for him.
To put it more simply, smelly feet are sprayed with perfume?
Shen Jiali said bluntly: “I don’t want to eat it.”
Uncle Li advised him: “It’s medicine that’s poisonous. Mr. Shen can’t just rely on medicine to relieve his pain, as it will lead to dependence. It’s better to try food therapy, which is delicious and healthy.” That’s what’s best for the long term. “Nan Liujing said,” There’s no need to persuade him, it’s his own business to eat or not. “Uncle Li: Master, I don’t want to say that.
Shen Jiali: Le, just wait for this sentence.
He put the spoon down, got up and went upstairs to lie down happily.
Nan Liujing looked at the untouched dinner and put down his chopsticks:” I don’t have any appetite, so just take it away. “After returning to the room, he turned on the computer to process documents, but he always seemed a little absent-minded.
Finally, he opened the browser and entered a line:
[What should I do if my child is picky and doesn’t like to eat. 】
The search answers are varied. Some say that the food should be made into shapes that children like to attract their attention, and some say that there should be fewer snacks and more types of tableware. All of them seem to be unsuitable for Shen Jiali.
He is no longer a simple-minded child, at least not that easy to coax.
Until an answer with the lowest adoption rate caught his attention:
[It’s very simple. As an adult, you also have things you like to eat and things you don’t like. You think you are not picky about food just because you have the right to be picky about food. You are in charge of the kitchen on weekdays. You can avoid foods you don’t like, but your children can’t. ]
[Furthermore, children’s picky eaters may also be determined by genes. Genes determine taste and smell, so there will be a controversy over coriander. Instead of forcing children to eat foods they don’t like for the sake of so-called nutritional balance, it is better to make something they like to eat, with nutritional elements. It can always be made up for in various ways. 】
Although parents from all walks of life were arguing under the comments because of their own opinions, Nan Liujing felt that this was reasonable.
He hates bitter melon because the bitter taste gene TAS2R16 is developed, so he is more sensitive to bitter taste than the average person [gǎn].
And Shen Jiali probably has an extraordinary sense of taste, so he is very sensitive to many types of food [gǎn].
Pretty awesome.
Nan Liujing took off his glasses, rubbed his eyebrows, and looked up at the clock on the wall.
Fortunately, it’s not too late.
He went to the kitchen, looked around, and saw a few fresh oranges left in the fruit plate.…
Shen Jiali was sleeping, and he vaguely felt that there seemed to be breathing sounds other than his in the room.
Youyou opened her eyes and met a pair of star-colored eyes in the darkness.
Shen Jiali closed his eyes. I didn’t see it, I didn’t see it, I continued to sleep. ~Si~Rabbit~File~Share~with~Online~Read~Read~” I saw you open your eyes. “A deep voice sounded above the head.
Shen Jiali:…
I don’t have a good personality, but my eyesight is pretty good.” Get up and eat the porridge before going to bed. “Nanliu Jing said.
After saying this, Shen Jiali really felt hungry. He slowly sat up and looked at the bowl of light yellow porridge in his hand, exuding the aroma of sweet orange.” What is this? “he asked.” Sweet orange porridge. “” Can anything be put together with the porridge? “” This is what I was taught on the Internet. “Shen Jiali was leaning on the bedside, his tired eyes slightly drooped, and he wanted to reach out and take the bowl, but felt tired.” Tired. “” There will never be a day when you are not tired. “Although Nan Liujing’s tone was harsh, he honestly scooped up a spoonful of porridge and brought it to his mouth.” Open your mouth. “Shen Jiali bit the spoon and warmed it
. The thick porridge slides into your mouth instantly.
Different from the sweetness of pumpkin porridge, it has a fresh and fruity aroma. The sweetness of rice itself complements the sweetness of oranges. The two seemingly contradictory foods combined unexpectedly produced a magical chemical reaction. .
Just like Shen Jiali and Nan Liujing, they seem to be full of contradictions and it is impossible to imagine the process of their getting along, but when they are combined, they are surprisingly harmonious.
Shen Jiali is probably the only one in the world who can coexist peacefully with him.
Uncle Li next door tossed and turned, always unwilling to give up.
It had been half a year since Shen Jiali came to the house, but the two of them had always slept in separate rooms. As the saying goes, physical distance is an important part of shortening the spiritual distance. Although the young master is paralyzed from the lower body, at least what should be useful is still useful, so he chose navel orange Hint, I hope Shen Jiali can understand.
But these two people always have the ability to turn an ambiguous and harmonious atmosphere into a battlefield, and a good meal ends up in a bad mood.
Forget it, get up and drain the water first, and then think of another way.
Uncle Li passed by Shen Jiali’s room and unexpectedly found that there was a light on inside. The dim yellow light spilled through the ajar door, making it quiet and peaceful.
Strange, at this time in the past, Shen Jiali should have been asleep.
He looked in curiously, and after a long while, his eyes suddenly widened, sparkling with water.
The warm desk lamp illuminated a small area at the head of the bed. Shen Jiali was leaning on the bedside, and the young master was sitting on the edge of the bed, holding a bowl and feeding him one spoon at a time. His movements were stiff and stiff, and the tightness of his back could be seen through the thin pajamas. Tight muscle outline.
He seemed nervous.
As for Shen Jiali, he did everything slowly and took a long time to swallow the porridge with clear soup and water, but the young master did not complain at all and waited silently.
The old man stopped peeing, knocked on the door and pushed open the door.” Master, Mr. Shen, you haven’t gone to bed yet, can’t you? I happen to have a movie that was released recently, and I just bought a new home theater at home. Can you try the effect? “The beginning of this sentence does not match and the end has nothing to do with it
. , even a fool can hear his subtext.
Without waiting for the two to respond, Uncle Li had already turned on the player, imported the video, turned off the lights, pretended to be like” I suddenly remembered that I had something to do “, put on my coat and went out, walking aimlessly on the street. stroll.
Uncle Li clenched his fists with tears in his eyes: Master, I can only help you so far.
In the dark room, the blue light cast by the large-screen color TV formed small dots of light in the eyes of the two of them.
Shen Jiali didn’t understand why he didn’t sleep but sat with Nan Liujing watching boring literary movies.
It was really boring. It was difficult to construct a complete story line with scenes piled up with various long shots and only a few lines. The film lasted for half an hour, and he couldn’t stop thinking about it.
I don’t know what this movie is about.
All we know is that in various camera cuts, the two male protagonists, who had nothing to do with each other, were suddenly cooking instant noodles under the same roof. Amidst the disturbing background music, they inexplicably got together.
The narrow kiss and aimless caressing, the sound of intertwined breathing became more and more intense.
The surrounding temperature seemed to slowly start to rise, and Shen Jiali heard Nan Liujing next to him take a deep breath.
He must also feel bored. Interesting movies often arouse the emotions of the audience and trigger a series of random comments. But because the movie was so boring, Nan Liujing never said a word.
It’s boring, boring to the point of irritation, and emotions can cause body temperature to soar. This is an indisputable fact.
Shen Jiali doesn’t understand, are all movies nowadays so chilling? The boring plot can only be made up for by the intense action of the protagonist? Or is it to attract attention?
In order to prove that this was a bad movie, Shen Jiali looked away and looked away.
After the visual line of sight loses attention, will the hearing become sharper? Or is it because the volume is deliberately turned up, or is it because it is a high-end theater and it has a 360-degree surround sound?
The male protagonist’s hot breathing and uncontrollable short moans seem to be close to the ears. If the audience chooses to close their eyes and not watch, it will announce its existence with a deafening voice.
Unscrupulous filmmaker.
The redwood trees outside the window are swaying in the wind, and the “snap” sound of the needles hitting the window creates the same rhythm as a certain shot in the movie.
Shen Jiali slowly looked at the screen. The blood vessels around his heart seemed to have thickened, and the blood flowed faster. The hot waves seemed to burn the blood vessel walls.
This was his first time watching this kind of film, and it silently opened the door to a new world.
Nanliu Jing next to him, whether intentionally or unintentionally, bumped his shoulder lightly. The night in September became slightly cooler, and the 26-degree air conditioner was the most comfortable and refreshing temperature, but the moment the body touched, She still felt an inexplicable burning sensation, which made Shen Jiali shrink his shoulders involuntarily.
Then subconsciously look at the people around you.
Nan Liujing sat upright, with a dull expression on his face. He couldn’t tell his mood at this time. He just looked at the screen silently, and the blue light flickered on and off his face.
Shen Jiali unexpectedly met his eyes.
He was also looking at him out of the corner of his eye.
Perhaps it was due to the atmosphere, but the cautious glance just now turned into a blatant stare.
Did Shen Jiali look like this before?
The slightly upward eyes are somewhat charming, and the moist eyelashes cover the pale pupils, which are stained by the mottled starlight of the blue light screen.
The center of the shallow and fleshy lips seemed to be embedded with a small high-ice jade bead, which was completely powdered.
Nan Liujing felt itchy in his heart, like pain and numbness, and his limbs once again began to gradually escape the control of the central nervous system of the brain.
Shen Jiali looked at him and felt that something was wrong in his eyes.
This guy, who obviously never looked at people, stared at him for a long time inexplicably, and his gaze shifted from focused to unfocused, as if his original consciousness was shattered by too strong emotions.
Those black and bright eyes were as deep as a sinking pool, and it was impossible to reach the bottom.
Shen Jiali clenched his fist. An effective way to avoid embarrassment is to make the other person feel embarrassed first.
“Why do you keep looking at me?” he asked in an awkward tone.
With Nan Liujing’s arrogant character, he would probably say, “You are so sentimental, you just happen to be looking here. You don’t think you are good-looking so others keep staring at you.”
After he finished saying this, he added “boring” and left the room haughtily.
In the silence, he suddenly heard a low and hoarse voice:
“Because it looks good.”
Because it looks good.
Shen Jiali was stunned for a moment.
But Sang Pi didn’t believe it. “Because it looks good” can be an affirmative sentence or a sarcastic tone.
Just as he was about to look away, he realized that the other person seemed to have taken a step closer. Just now he could clearly see all the facial features, but now only the tip of his nose was enlarging.
The heat spread out, clouding your vision.
Nanliu Jing’s aura with a strong sense of oppression suddenly hit him.
Shen Jiali had never felt that the bed was so small, otherwise he wouldn’t have touched his body temperature if he turned around.
Bang bang, bang bang.
Strange, why can I hear the sound of heartbeat? Is this possible?
A big hand covered his laryngoscope, and his slender fingers spread out to support the back of his head. With a little force, his head was pushed forward uncontrollably.
Getting closer and closer, the breath became clearer, and the annoying pressure became more intense.
The tips of Ruojiruoli’s noses briefly brushed against each other, and the blue light emitted from the screen flickered on and off their faces. The shadows cast by their high noses and high eyebrows covered half of their faces, leaving only warm-colored lips, clear and abrupt.
the other side.
Uncle Li looked at his watch. Twenty minutes had passed. The young master should be done.
Ah, what should I say when I get home later?
Master, congratulations on your official adulthood? Or, congratulations on that perfect home run, my great baseball player.
Uncle Li performed on the spot, grinning from ear to ear, rubbing his hands and walking back home with light steps.
Uncle Li looked around and found that the door that he had closed before leaving was now open. It would be over in twenty minutes, excluding the fifteen minutes when the film gets to the point. Five minutes of Speed Warrior, the young master is worthy of you.
Uncle Li smiled and opened the door: “Young Master…”
Before he could finish his words, the smile froze on his face.
If Uncle Li were forced to describe the scene at that time, he probably saw the young master holding the back of Mr. Shen’s head, suppressing the opponent’s momentum from top to bottom, looking down and slowly approaching Mr. Shen’s lips, but was interrupted by his sudden entrance. , and then cast a stern look as if he wanted to kill someone.
Uncle Li knew very well that this month’s salary would have to be deducted. In order to stop the loss in time, he turned around and muttered: “Oh no, no, no, no, if things are not done right, I will do it again.” His back felt hot, and his eyes were about to close
. I burned through.
Shen Jiali was brought back to some sense by the sudden sound of opening the door. He tilted his head and escaped from Nan Liujing’s hand.
Just as he lay down and prepared to continue lying on the corpse, his chin was suddenly held up by an irresistible force, forcing him to raise his head.
A quick kiss fell suddenly, prying open the lips and teeth, and invaded with Nanliu Jing’s unique breath, occupying the entire mouth.
The teeth inadvertently grazed the lip flesh, and slowly and delicately nibbled the tip of the tongue, attacking the city without giving anyone any room to breathe.
Shen Jiali slowly closed his eyes and thought:
Should I resist?
Forget it, resisting is troublesome and tiring, and it may not be successful. The situation is compelling, so I just sit back and let it go.
His hand on Nan Liujing’s chest slowly lowered, and his expression gradually became peaceful.
a long time.
Moments before he suffocated, Nan Liujing separated from him.
Looking at the peaceful Shen Jiali with his eyes closed, he suddenly felt that there was nowhere to attack.
How could anyone fall asleep during a kiss?
Sure enough, he still underestimated Shen Jiali.
At this time, the big screen went dark, and the white letters “END” appeared on the black background.
The boring and lengthy movie finally ended, and the impatient Shen Jiali didn’t see the end.
Nan Liujing turned off the player, gently rubbed her red lips with her fingertips, but unconsciously looked towards the bed again.
I never thought that I would be so close to someone in this life, without reservations or reservations. It was just that the atmosphere was thick and the temperature was rising. It was more like I was seeking some kind of comfort, so I couldn’t help but get closer, and things happened naturally.
Nan Liujing pulled the thin quilt over, covered Shen Jiali with very light movements, and tucked the corners of the quilt slowly.
“Good night, have a sweet dream.”
After the click of the switch, the room fell into silent darkness.
Late-night cafe.
The dim yellow light exuded a bit of comfortable sleepiness. There was no one around at this point, except for a slender and tall man sitting in a hidden corner of the cafe.
Shen Lanqing’s finger gently dragged the screen of the phone, and the man with slightly drooped tired eyes in the photo was infinitely enlarged, and his facial features gradually became clearer.
He used a pink pen to draw two cat ears on the man’s head, and a thin black pen to draw a few cat whiskers on both cheeks.
Finally, write the word “brother” and draw a small red heart.
Shen Lanqing raised her phone and looked at it carefully. She placed one hand on her chin, a tenderness on her lips, and her eyes as she stared at the photo were filled with tenderness that was so thick that it couldn’t be melted away.
At this time, a tall figure wearing a black shirt stepped into the room. After looking around, his eyes fell on Shen Lanqing.
No matter how many times we meet, every time I see him all the sorrow in my heart disappears, and a strange fatal attraction pulls him closer step by step.
“Qingqing.” Shen Lanqing heard a familiar voice above her head and subconsciously turned off her phone and looked up.
The smile on his face just now disappeared in an instant.
Nan Feiyao sat down opposite him, carefully observing the changes in his expression, and whispered: “Qingqing, long time no see, how are you doing recently?” It was obviously just a
routine inquiry, but Shen Lanqing seemed to be gradually assimilated by Shen Jiali. Even the most ordinary greetings bored him.
Not interested in chatting with him, Shen Lanqing went straight to the topic: “Didn’t you say you wanted to talk to me about my brother? Let’s talk. It’s getting late. Go home as soon as possible after talking.” Nan Feiyao secretly clenched his hands under the table
. , but he couldn’t get angry at Shen Lanqing. This was the man he loved most, and he was afraid of melting even if he held it in his mouth.
He forced a smile and ordered coffee pretending to be calm.
After a century, he suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, relaxed his tense body, and leaned on the backrest casually.
“Qingqing, I have been thinking calmly for a long time these days. I have gone through a painful and long time from not being reconciled to letting go.” Said, Nan Feiyao stretched out his hand, “I have thought clearly, if you really love someone , instead of tying him to your side, it is better to let him go and give him happiness.”
Shen Lanqing remained calm, her eyes hesitantly crossing his outstretched hand.
“Although you don’t want to admit it at first, not admitting it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. To be honest, you have developed feelings for your brother, Shen Jiali, that go beyond brothers. I’m not wrong.” Shen Lanqing suddenly raised his eyes, with a look in his eyes
. A strong warning.
He had never thought of hiding his feelings, but when someone put them on the stage and told them, he still couldn’t help but doubt the other person’s true intentions.
“So what, you want to threaten me?” Shen Lanqing raised her chin arrogantly, with a sneer at the corner of her mouth, “We have no blood relationship in the first place, even if it rises to the legal level, it’s my fault.” Nan Feiyao waved her hand
hurriedly , smiled apologetically: “You misunderstood, how could I do such a shameless thing? I just can’t bear to see you always love me, and I sincerely want to help you.” ‘Help me?’ Shen Lanqing narrowed her eyes, “You?”
Yes, I admit that I like you, so I understand your mood. I may never be able to let you go in this life, so I decided to give you happiness with my own hands, in another way. “These words were too sincere. Shen Lanqing looked at
her After a long while, his body relaxed a little, and he seemed to have lowered his guard.” How can I help? “he asked.” It is an indisputable fact that as long as Shen Jiali and my brother have the marriage certificate, no matter what they think in their hearts, they are still husband and wife. As long as there is this relationship, outsiders who want to interfere will be scorned by morality and even law. Unless , one of them took the initiative to file for divorce. “Nan Feiyao slowly leaned down and lowered his voice to persuade.” Will Nan Liujing let go? “Shen Lanqing didn’t dare to make any judgments. Not to mention the depth of their relationship, people like Nan Liujing who came from a big conglomerate valued face more than their lives. No matter who proposed divorce, he would It has become a topic of discussion among the people after dinner, and when it comes to the division of property, how can the consortium be willing to suffer losses?” No. “Nan Feiyao said truthfully,” But unless there are force majeure factors. “Shen Lanqing slowly raised his eyes, and the draft blew the broken hair on his forehead.
, allowing him to see more clearly the ever-expanding smile at the corner of Nan Feiyao’s mouth opposite him.
When the dike bursts, the only option is to make a desperate move. Everyone will be happy if they win. If they lose, it will be a big deal.
Next day.
Shen Jiali slowly opened his eyes. After a moment of confusion, a slight pain suddenly hit the corner of his mouth.
After the passionate kiss, the teeth scratched the tender flesh at the corner of the mouth, like a sore at the corner of the mouth, causing bursts of slight pain.
Looking back now, it still feels like a dream I had when I lost my mind. Even after I woke up from the dream, I was still distracted by the hazy camera.
Strange and absurd.
Shen Jiali had never thought that he would be so close to anyone in his life. He admitted that his heartbeat quickened for a moment when the incident happened. To say the least, he was not that resistant.
That’s all, I don’t think about it anymore, just think it was bitten by a dog.
Today is the day to shoot the new Lancer jewelry product commercial, and it is rare for Shen Jiali to get up early.
I washed up and went downstairs. When I got to the door, I was called to have breakfast by Uncle Li.
He subconsciously looked at the dining table and saw Nan Liujing eating breakfast calmly and naturally as usual.
Although both of them were trying their best to pretend that nothing happened, Uncle Li was able to bite the same bite marks on the corners of their mouths for ten thousand years!
How intense it must be when he can’t see!
Hehe, he also has many videos of the same type. If you like them, watch them all.
Shen Jiali has no appetite, not so much because he has no appetite, but because he wants to make room to wait for the loving breakfast cooked by his mother.
He said “I won’t eat” and went out.
As soon as the person left, Nan Liujing slowly put down the knife and fork, and gently rubbed the scar on the corner of his lip with his thumb.
After a long moment, he chuckled.
I’m in a particularly good mood today.
In a narrow and dilapidated alley, a boy who looks like a college student is walking slowly through the deserted alley while talking on the phone.
“Hey, let me tell you, it doesn’t matter whether you really do it or not, as long as you have a deterrent effect.” “Look at your courage. Even if the police come to interrogate you, so what? Come up with evidence. Why, I can’t do it online. Orally high? Oral high is illegal?”
“Crack, crack.”
Suddenly, he seemed to hear a strange sound, like the sound of some kind of metal rubbing against the ground.
The boy suddenly stopped and looked back quietly from the corner of his eye.
This is a dilapidated building renovation area, and there are signs everywhere prohibiting access. Normally you don’t see many people, but the boy took the risk and took this path in order to take a shortcut.
At this time, the sounds in the alley became particularly strange.
The boy swallowed. Although it was daytime, the wires above his head were crisscrossed and woven into a dense web, blocking the sunlight and adding a bit of eerie coolness to the alley.
Although this strange sound can be regarded as a night owl hopping around or other normal sounds, people seem to have a crisis warning and a premonition of danger, so this sound becomes weird and weird.
Don’t dare to look back, what you have to do now is to leave quickly.
The boy said to the person on the other end of the phone, “Hang up now.” He concentrated on his legs and moved quickly forward.
But the strange voice behind him seemed to speed up with his rhythm. It sounded a little distant just now, but now it seemed to be close to his back.
My back felt cold, like millions of ants crawling crazily.
Out of fear and uncontrollable curiosity, the boy looked back sharply.
In front of him, a man wearing a baseball cap swung a bat. After a sharp pain in his forehead, his brain immediately buzzed, his consciousness was constantly being pulled away, and his body kept falling into an endless whirlpool — Chapter 47
Entertainment Studio.
“Sister Weiwei! Today’s shooting went well!”
“Sister Weiwei fighting!”
A large number of fans gathered not far from the studio and were surrounded by isolation tapes outside the activity area, but this still could not affect their enthusiasm when facing their idols.
Bai Wei got out of the nanny car, triggering bursts of screams.
She was wearing a snow-white shirt with ruffled sleeves, swung into black trousers, and was dressed smartly. Her long curly hair, tied high, swayed in the breeze, and the tips of her hair brushed the back of her slender, white neck. She did not apply any makeup on her face, but she was still clean. Too young and gentle, he waved hello to every fan.
Among the fans was a teenage girl, who held up a support sign she made by herself and called “sister”, her eyes filled with excitement and tears.
Shen Jiali’s taxi followed closely behind. When he saw Bai Wei, the gloominess of getting up early disappeared. Just as he was about to go up and say hello —
“Hi.” A familiar male voice sounded from behind.
Shen Jiali looked back. The foreigner looks familiar, but who is it?
Seeing his confused face, Ivan knew that he had probably forgotten his name again, so he reached out to show his kindness: “I am Ivan Rossander, Lancer’s general agent. We have met several times.”
Shen Jiali’s puzzled brows gradually widened.
Oh, a Western-style cash machine, I remember it.
Shen Jiali nodded at him as a greeting.
He didn’t mean to attract Ivan’s attention in this way. Due to his personality, he rarely remembers other people’s names and appearances. After all, it is a very troublesome thing. If he remembers it wrong, it will be embarrassing, and they are all passers-by in a hurry. It needs to be too real.
As for the spokesperson’s advertising shoot, there was no need for Ivan to follow up personally. There were many people under his command, so it was impossible for him to get involved. However, he postponed the important meeting and went to the shooting site in person.
When the fans around him saw this person, they thought he was a model who was participating in the shooting together, holding up their equipment and taking pictures wildly.
“I must kiss foreigners in my next life.”
“Then it’s a deal!”
During the filming process, there were no people who thought they were big names, and the whole process was fast and smooth. In addition to the double shots of Bai Wei and Shen Jiali, there was also a need for a Single shot of Shen Jiali.
Wearing a loose and casual white shirt, he sat at the table with one hand clenching his fist against his chin. The camera zoomed in on the gold ring on his ring finger for an ultra-clear close-up.
The gold ring is designed in the shape of a laurel branch, with exquisite and small diamonds embedded in the center of the stamen, encircling thin and white fingers.
Shen Jiali has always been like this, with an indifferent expression and no smile, and he can’t make any meaningful expressions according to the director’s demands.
But it is this expression that is different from the traditional advertising shooting concept that opens the door to a new century for directors!
The laurel tree is the companion tree of the sun god Apollo in Greek mythology. It is said that Daphne, the daughter of the river god Parnassus, was graceful and beautiful. She pursued freedom throughout her life. Because she could not stand the pursuit of the sun god Apollo, she begged her father to transform her into a girl. Apollo became a laurel tree. Apollo was very sad when he knew it and made a vow to the laurel tree:
“May your branches and leaves be evergreen all year round, decorate my hair and strings, and make you a symbol of the highest glory.”
In this way, he expressed his love for Daphne . remembrance and admiration.
Although the expression of Shen Jiali in the camera is not vivid, the emotions shown in this mythical story are exactly the same.
The face that was originally indifferent and slightly sad, against the background of gold, which symbolizes wealth, highlights an extremely decadent beauty. Under the metaphor of the laurel branches, in a trance, people seem to see the sun forever clothed in the highest glory. The god Apollo dimmed his glory for the people he admired, and the heaven and earth were eclipsed. He only pushed a simple word “love” to the temple that attracted everyone’s attention, becoming a sacred thing that even the gods at the center of power and wealth could not touch.
Ivan, who was watching the whole process from the sidelines, stared blankly at the camera, unable to look away for a long time.
If he had to make a metaphor, he might be that existence like the sun god. He has been in the center of wealth and power since he was born. In the short first half of his life, he had seen all kinds of beauties, but they were all passing by for a moment. At most, they were left behind. Shallow memory.
There has never been anyone like Shen Jiali who stretched out countless claws to firmly grasp the deepest place in his memory. ③Think ③Rabbit ③ Text ③ File ③ Share ③ Share ③ and ③ Online ③ Online ③ Read ③ Read ③ “Director.” Ivan lowered his voice, “Can you give me a copy of the sample?”
The director hesitated. Originally, this kind of business Samples cannot be shared before official advertising and launch. Since the brand wants them, there is no reason not to give them.
But, what does he want with this?
“Then we will make simple adjustments and modifications to the master film before sending it to you.”
“No, just the original film.”
When the commercial shooting officially ended, Bai Wei came over with her small lunch box and opened it. The exquisite and beautiful pastries are neatly stacked. I don’t know what method was used, but they are all crystal clear, as if they were carved from crystal.
Shen Jiali didn’t even have time to take off her makeup, so she picked up a piece of lavender grape custard and took a bite. It was sour and sweet and melted in her mouth.
He couldn’t help but think of the mother in that world. She also liked to make some beautiful cakes when she had nothing to do, and took them to the orphanage to distribute to the children. From there, the children experienced maternal love. Every time she went there, she would hug her and call her mother enthusiastically. I was jealous of other children because of this, but my mother always found a way to make herself happy.
After the divorce, Bai Wei has been committed to supporting the orphanage. She often visits the children and brings them exquisite snacks made by herself. At that time, she always had hope that her son would be here. If it really happened, Now, I hope that my kind deeds can bring blessings and good fortune to my son. I hope that he will meet warm and kind people in his life and love and protect him on his behalf.
Looking at Shen Jiali’s silly look as he licked the cream from his fingertips, she felt relieved that she had regained something, but also regretted not being able to witness her son’s growth.
But no matter how many years of blank relationships she had in the past, she always believed that mother and son were connected, and when they meet again, they will still be tied together again by the invisible ties between relatives.
Bai Wei took out the wet wipes and gently wiped Shen Jiali’s fingers like she was taking care of an ignorant child: “If you like to eat, my mother will cook it for you every day.” No matter she is forty, sixty or eighty years old
. , this boy has always been the child who has never grown up in her heart.
Shen Jiali hugged the pastry box and nodded: “Okay, no one will give it to him, we will eat it ourselves.”
Everything can be divided, but mother’s love cannot be given away to anyone.
The two were chatting, and Ivan leaned forward: “You two, thank you for your hard work on the shooting. It’s still early. If you two are free soon, I would like to have a meal with you. I wonder if you are willing to show your favor.” Bai Wei
: “Then thank you Mr. Rossander for spending the money.”
Shen Jiali didn’t want to go. He reasonably suspected that given Ivan’s level of hairiness, his mother would take care of him in every way, but since his mother had spoken, he had no reason to refuse.
Ivan’s original intention was to invite only Shen Jiali, but there were too many people and he was worried that someone with bad intentions would add insult to injury, so he had no choice but to invite Bai Wei along with him. Therefore, it became reasonable and logical for the brand to invite the spokesperson to dinner.
Bai Wei’s reason for agreeing is also very simple. Ivan and Huanhai Electronics are formulating a cooperation. As a member of Huanhai Electronics, Galli has established a good relationship with Ivan in advance, which will be good for future company cooperation.
The dinner location is still set at the British restaurant where I met Shen Galli last time.
When the waiter saw this brother, he withered.
Why are they here again? ! Spare us! Although you didn’t complain about us last time, the boss still concluded from your expression when you left that our service attitude was not good, and angrily deducted the bonus and gave in to one thing but not three. The British don’t want to make things easier for us, right?
This time the waiters acted more cautiously than ever before, and even the restaurant owner came to serve him personally.
The boss is also British. He has lived here for decades. In addition to studying local specialties, he also learned a few Chinese dishes.
He handed over the menu respectfully. Ivan looked around, closed the menu, put it on the table, and asked:
“Aren’t there braised pork, beef tenderloin with green pepper, etc.?”
The boss broke into a cold sweat: “Mr. Ivan, what are you talking about?” They are all traditional Chinese home-cooked dishes. Ours is a British restaurant and we do not serve such dishes for the time being. “Ivan was silent for a moment, raised his eyebrows, and asked the two people opposite him:” Then, why don’t we switch to a Chinese restaurant? “Shen Jiali Gritting teeth.jpg
Already crazy enough to find trouble in another way? Looking for Chinese food in a Western restaurant, and you said it was not intentional?
He was very tired after shooting commercials all day and didn’t want to move any further.
Before he could speak, the boss suddenly came in with a smile on his face: “Mr. Ivan, please wait a moment, isn’t it braised pork… yes!” The last word “yes” was almost squeezed out from between the teeth.
Damn it, when I think about it now, the employees look so miserable and explain that it’s not their fault but they still don’t believe it. Why don’t they believe it? You were slapped in the face!
The boss never thought that one day he would roll up his sleeves and weigh a large spoon in the back kitchen, with flames in the pot and sweat pouring down. The blond and blue-eyed Western chefs around him were stunned, applauding and lamenting his cooking skills. Highly skilled.
Fortunately, I didn’t return all the knowledge about Chinese food I learned to the teacher.
Half an hour later, the sweaty restaurant owner appeared with braised pork and other dishes.
As a service industry, we know that customers are God. Even if the other party is riding a donkey looking for a horse, we can still lead the mule for him.
I thought this man would be satisfied, but in the end —
Ivan looked around and slowly raised his eyes: “Excuse me, are there no chopsticks for us to eat Chinese food?”
He will never forget this humiliation. One day, as a leader in the Western food industry, he was stabbed in the back by a foreign compatriot.
Bai Wei and Shen Jiali opposite were equally silent. They looked at their boss’s sad face that was about to cry without tears, and silently mourned for him in their hearts.
Bai Wei said: “Soba is a very famous Western restaurant. Its service tenet is to let every foreigner who is wandering abroad fully feel the warmth of home. Therefore, in order to give everyone a warm and welcoming feeling, we strive to provide the best decoration, tableware and dishes.” It perfectly restores the characteristics of Western food. It’s normal without chopsticks. We can eat with a knife and fork. “She comforted her voice, fearing that the boss, a strong man nearly two meters tall, would cry in public in front of the guests.
Ivan disagreed, looked at Shen Jiali, and asked in a very soft voice:” How about I ask the waiter to go to the nearest mall to buy chopsticks. “Ivan was not deliberately looking for trouble. His
idea was simple. If Shen Jiali returned to the UK with him, If he can’t adapt to the eating habits there, then he is willing to learn to use chopsticks for Shen Jiali, and even let the whole family learn to use chopsticks. In such an environment, Shen Jiali will not be homesick and can live a stable life with him.
Shen Jiali was about to die from his abacus. Even one glance at him was too much, and he said indifferently:”
No, the waiters don’t want to rest? Let the poor workers go. “The waiters said
to Shen Jiali with tears in their eyes. He cast a grateful look:
Good man, this brother is definitely a good man!
Ivan was scolded by Ji Chi with a white face, and he restrained himself, scratching his head:” Then… just a knife and fork. “During this period, in order to restore his favorability in Shen Jiali’s heart, he began to show off his financial resources intentionally or unintentionally:” I have a very wide garden in London that accommodates all kinds of rare plants from all over the world. The place is so big that you may not be able to walk it all in one day. If you have time to come to London, I will take you for a walk in the garden. “Shen Jiali thought of Nanliu
. Looking at the garden that he had cut down into barren land, he reasonably suspected that Ivan wanted to trick him into coming to England to work as a free labor force.
Ivan added:” I have an old manor left by my ancestors on Lake Windermere in Manchester. From the top floor, you can directly see the whole view of the largest lake in the UK. There are also golden-billed ducks inhabiting this season. It is very beautiful. Maybe you can see Have you ever been to Harry Potter? The Prisoner of Azkaban was filmed there. If you are interested, I will take you there for a walk, and we will take a cruise to the island to buy souvenirs. “Shen Jiali was speechless
Made in China souvenirs? He can also buy it in Yiwu.
Ivan kept chattering, even though Shen Jiali was not interested and didn’t want to respond to him. Although he didn’t say it clearly, Bai Wei couldn’t see what Ivan was thinking. He wanted to coax Shen Jiali to divorce and return to England with him.
Sure enough, beauty is the original sin, and my Hao Lili is the best.
Bai Wei finally couldn’t help interrupting Ivan:” Mr. Rossander, Chinese food should be eaten while it’s hot. Li Li didn’t eat much that day. Why don’t we eat first? “Want to ruin
my son’s marriage? no way.
A trace of embarrassment appeared on Ivan’s face. He picked up the chopsticks unskillfully and twisted his fingers:” I’m sorry, I’m too excited. Let’s eat. “After
a silent meal, Shen Jiali decided to stay at his mother’s house tonight. The text message informed Uncle Li that he would not be coming home tonight.
at the same time.
The police car roared across the street and stopped in front of a remote and narrow alley. The sound of chaotic footsteps passed through the alley. The sanitation worker immediately came to meet him. His hands were shaking with fear and he stammered to the police:”
Just Inside, it looked like a corpse. It was so scary that I didn’t dare to take a closer look. Everything can happen to a person if he lives for a long time. “After the sanitation worker discovered something strange, he did not choose to call the police immediately. He was so scared that he ran away. He went to the street and shouted” murder “, attracting many passers-by to find out.
The narrow alley was already packed with onlookers, and the police quickly evacuated the crowd and set up a cordon to prevent more damage to the scene.
But when they got closer to check the situation, they suddenly discovered what kind of corpse was there.
A boy who looked like a college student in his early twenties was stripped of his clothes, leaving only a pair of boxer briefs on his body. He was tied to a telephone pole and his naked body was covered with large letters written in oil-based pen: [Scum] [Scum
] 】【Silverfish in Society】【Damn】
The boy was not dead, he was just in a coma. When he woke up, he saw more than a dozen police officers surrounding him, and there were onlookers behind him holding up their mobile phones to take pictures.
The cold wind blew by, and he shivered. When he looked down, he realized that his clothes had been stripped off, and his body was covered with insulting remarks.
He cried out with a” woof “and twisted his body to try to hide his shame, but the police asked him to hold on for a while on the pretext of investigating the scene to look for evidence… The police asked him
if he had seen the suspect. The boy thought for a long time, no. He confirmed:” I seem to be quite tall, wearing a baseball cap, I couldn’t see my face clearly… he knocked me unconscious with a bat. “Photos of the scene were quickly posted online by onlookers, and quickly became a hot search topic.
Netizens who have watched too many criminal investigation dramas jumped out to speculate, and finally came to a unanimous conclusion:
[The criminal has a high level of education, and the word” worm “is written clearly, and the victim is also a college student, and may be an acquaintance who committed the crime. 】
Some people also said:
【The perpetrator is absolutely psychopathic. The victim is my classmate. He is good at teaching and helpful. Everyone thinks highly of him. He has never offended anyone. Maybe he is too good and makes people jealous. , this time it was truly a disaster. 】
While people sympathized with the victims, they also lamented that the world was unsafe. Some even made some extreme remarks, which made people panic. They all said that it would be better not to go out in the next few days.…
As soon as Nan Liujing got home, he habitually asked Uncle Li:” Where is Shen Jiali? “Uncle Li:” Mr. Shen just sent me a message, saying that he would stay at Ms. Bai’s house tonight. “Nan Liujing was stunned. Then he lowered his eyes and said,” I know. “Because he hadn’t seen his biological mother for a long time, it was normal for him to want to stay at her house for a night, but Nan Liujing felt inexplicably empty in his heart. He went upstairs and opened Shen Jiali’s door, but he didn’t see that person. The corpse had been lying there for many years, with only the unfolded quilt left on the bed, and a strange emotion surged in his heart.
This seems to be the first time Shen Jiali has spent the night outside since entering the house, and it is also the first time he has spent the night alone at home.
He went out early in the morning to shoot a commercial, but he would not send a message to let him know how it went. Although he knew that he would not send a message, he still waited for a day. When he was about to get off work, he couldn’t help but send him a message to ask if he wanted to go. Picked him up, but he didn’t reply.
If he’s not there, then he’s not here. There’s no need to coax him to eat, or look at his face, and he will be at ease.
Uncle Li specially prepared a sumptuous dinner to replenish the young master’s body. In the past few days, the second young master has been confused when he first joined the company. He needs the young master to teach him step by step, and the young master has also lost weight visibly.
At the dinner table, Nan Liujing repeatedly cut the steak on the plate. He cut off a piece and just brought it to his mouth, but he didn’t bring it to his mouth. After thinking for a long time, he put it back silently and continued to cut the next piece of beef.” Master, don’t you have appetite? Is it because Mr. Shen is not here? “Uncle Li saw the clue and insisted on exposing it.
Nan Liujing glanced at him coldly and said casually:” If I lose my appetite just because he is not at home, how did I live in the first twenty-eight years. “Uncle Li smiled. The young master’s mouth is as good as diamond and granite.
In order to prevent the young master from thinking about Shen Jiali who was not at home, Uncle Li tried to change the topic:” Master, have you seen the news? A male college student was stripped of his clothes and tied up on a telephone pole. He also wrote some insulting remarks on his body. , Tsk tsk, tell me what kind of world this is. “The villain in the original text did not do such a thing to the original owner. Perhaps he inherited the indifference from the original text. Nanliu Jing disagreed:” Does it have something to do with me? “@思@Rabbit@ File@share@and@online@read@read@” It doesn’t matter, but the place where the crime happened is near the old city. The young master often passes by here when he goes to work, so be more careful. “Nan Liujing said softly He sighed and put down his knife and fork:” I don’t have much appetite. Uncle Li, you have eaten everything. Don’t waste it. “After that, he slid the wheelchair upstairs.
Passing by Shen Jiali’s room, he suddenly stopped and took a few steps back. After a moment of silence, he entered the room.
He came to live in this house just after he got married. It didn’t last long, about five months, and this room also welcomed its owner on the first day after their marriage.
Its owner is very lazy and spends 25 of the 24 hours a day in bed. There are also times when he is diligent, such as cutting down the garden he has carefully taken care of without permission.
Looking through the window of Shen Jiali’s room, he could just see the garden that no longer existed.
Since then, Nanliujing has no thought of replanting. The salt marsh has always been paved. On rainy days, you can occasionally see the gorgeous scene like a sky.
No one remembered his birthday when he was a child. Although he was born in a financial group, he could only get a simple small cake from Uncle Li on his birthday.
Later, when I grew up, I gradually stopped caring about it, but at this time, more and more people got the news from nowhere. Every birthday, a large number of rare treasures were sent to them. Countless people were sent to them. I sent him a text message and phone call to wish him” Happy Birthday, Mr. Nan. “Probably because those are not what he wants, so no matter how rare the treasure is, it will just end up gathering dust in the storage room.
But this year’s birthday was unexpectedly unforgettable, and years of obsession were fulfilled at this moment.
In a daze, he seemed to be hallucinating and saw Shen Jiali lying lazily on the bed and asking him when he was going out.” My house, why should I go out? “Nan Liujing replied smoothly.
When he received no further response, he realized that Shen Jiali was not at home.
Are you crazy enough to have hallucinations after just one night apart?
Nan Liujing smiled self-deprecatingly, and was about to turn around and leave, but then paused.
After a long time, he calmly stood up and climbed into Shen Jiali’s bed, pulled the quilt that covered him and wrapped him up like a silkworm chrysalis.
Every corner of the room was stained with Shen Gali’s unique scent, that special fragrance that only he could smell, wrapping his whole body.
Nan Liujing felt that he was very worthless, and his mind was always filled with the ever-deepening kiss, the hot skin, the flickering blue light, and the pale eyes staring deeply into him.
As long as you stay awake at this time, you will not continue to fall.
He took out his cell phone and scrolled to Shen Jiali’s number, quickly typed a few words and sent it:
[Miss you. 】
When are you coming back.
Come back soon.
The first time Shen Jiali visited Bai Wei’s residence, it was different from what he imagined. It was just a simple residential area, a commercial residence of over 100 square meters, and the decoration was also very simple.
Only the balcony was transformed into a fully covered glass greenhouse with a lot of effort, and a large area of lisianthus was planted. It is not the flowering season now, so only a patch of green can be seen.
This is also Shen Jiali’s first time staying out for the night since he entered school, and it is at the home of his mother who passed away three years ago. It is somewhat unbelievable and it always feels unreal.
He carefully observed every little scene, and became even more convinced that Bai Wei must be his mother, both in terms of living habits and decoration preferences.
Even a trivial habit like the way he places his toothbrush is so much like his mother.
Bai Wei cut fruit for Shen Jiali, and then she was busy tidying up his room and making his bed. She was usually the only one in the house, and the other bedrooms were always empty. Fortunately, she had the habit of drying the quilts frequently, so that her beloved Li Li would not be infected with dust mold. The child falls asleep.
Shen Jiali helped make the bed together, just like when he was a child, changing the pillow core and quilt cover with his mother, and then naughtily got into the quilt and shouted “Mom, guess where I am”. At this time, his mother would not scold him for being naughty, but would play along with him. , looking around anxiously:
“Where is my little baby Li Li? You hid it so well, mother can’t find you.” At
this time, he would jump out of the quilt and hug his mother: “Mom It’s little Benben!”
Seeing Shen Jiali deep in thought, Bai Wei guessed that he might be tired and said, “Go to bed early. If you want to eat something tomorrow, you can write a small note and stick it on the bedside.”
Shen Jiali was stunned.
Just like when he was a child, his mother would ask him what he wanted for breakfast before going to bed. He couldn’t think of it for a while, and his mother was afraid that asking in the morning would disturb his sleep, so she asked him to write a note and stick it on the bedside after he thought about it. This habit persisted for many years, until after his mother passed away, he seemed to rarely eat breakfast anymore.
The chandelier was turned off, Bai Wei said good night, gently closed the door and left.
Shen Jiali was lying on the bed, looking at the moonlit ceiling. Although he loved sleeping so much, he couldn’t fall asleep at this time.
He got up and turned on the lamp, touched the note and bit his pen, thinking hard about what to write.
But inexplicably, he wrote two words:
[Get out. 】
go out?
Of course not to my mother.
But I suddenly thought of Nanliu Jing, this bad guy who always liked to disturb people’s dreams. He would come to his room from time to time, and when he asked him to go out, he would plausibly say that this was his house.
Why can’t he sleep? It’s probably because he didn’t eat sweet pumpkin porridge today, which is one of the few things he likes.
His confused thoughts made him more awake, but his brain kept reminding him that it was time to sleep.
After thinking for a long time, Shen Jiali got out of the car, went to the next door and knocked on Bai Wei’s door.
Bai Wei thought he was not used to living there, but Shen Jiali said:
“Mom, I’m sorry, I’m hungry.”
“I’ll cook you a supper.”
Shen Jiali shook his head and took a bowl from the kitchen: “I’ll go back Come back soon, mom doesn’t have to wait for me, go to bed early.”
Bai Wei didn’t know why, and thought he had some favorite late-night snack stall, so she got dressed and wanted to go with him.
Shen Jiali held her hand. He didn’t want his mother to toss with him after a hard day, so he said firmly:
“Mom, go to bed quickly. I will be back soon.”
Bai Wei suddenly understood what he was thinking and chuckled: “Really Will you come back?”
Shen Jiali said firmly: “Definitely.”
In Chapter 48
, when Shen Jiali left, Bai Wei asked his assistant to take him back. Shen Jiali just put himself in his shoes and thought about it. If it were him, sleeping soundly in the middle of the night, he would be called by someone. If you get up and drive to see off someone you haven’t met for a few times and you’re not even acquainted with him, he’ll probably be emoticon and go crazy.
He refused and said he would call a ride-hailing service himself.
But when he was standing downstairs, he couldn’t remember the road and number of Nanliu Jing’s house. He only remembered that it was very close to Jinhai University, so he set the destination to Jinhai University and searched for it according to his memory when he got to the school. go back.
At twelve o’clock at night, the streets are deserted. Perhaps it is because of the recent hot search. Nightlife originally started at twelve o’clock, but these days, all businesses have closed their doors early, which is rare in the bustling Jinhai City. The emptiness and loneliness.
The driver stopped the car at the entrance of Jinhai University. Shen Jiali thought for a moment and asked the driver to go further. He didn’t stop until he reached a dark and narrow alley.
He remembered that walking through this alley could lead directly to the private path leading to Nanliu Jing’s house. If he followed the main road, it would take more than ten minutes to walk.
The driver looked around and reminded: “The car in front can’t go in, so I can only send you here. The world is not peaceful recently, so you must pay attention to your safety.” After saying this, the driver didn’t rush away, but turned on the headlights and
faced Walking down the alley, the originally dark alley was instantly illuminated like daylight. The driver kindly said: “Young man, go faster. Parking is limited to two minutes here. If you are caught by the camera, I will pay a ticket.”
He stuck his head out and looked around, and muttered: “I don’t know if there are cameras.”
Shen Jiali thanked him and walked along the alley, but for the mourning group whose limit distance was only fifty meters, it was more than a hundred meters. The long alley is difficult to walk through in one go.
Halfway down the road, perhaps because the driver had calculated that the parking limit had passed, the headlights suddenly went out. As the sound of the car starting to leave was heard, the long and narrow alley fell into darkness again.
This is an urban renewal area, which has long been demolished beyond recognition. Some stupid person smashed a big hole in the only street lamp, causing it to be completely scrapped.
At a glance, the entire alley was pitch black with no end in sight, and it was difficult to move even an inch.
Shen Jiali stood in shock for a long time before he remembered that his phone had a lighting function.
However, the light from the mobile phone can only illuminate a distance of about one meter in the surrounding area. Shen Jiali pressed against the wall, stepping on the gravel and bricks and flowing sewage, walking extremely slowly step by step.
The silent night amplified all the small sounds in the world. Shen Jia walked very slowly and lightly in the morning, but the sound of his footsteps was still very clear, rubbing against the rough ground.
Swish, swish.
Rustling, rustling —
Shen Jiali suddenly raised his eyes, and a strange rhythm suddenly jumped out of his heart.
Whether it was an illusion or not, he seemed to hear another out-of-rhythm “rustling” sound in his unusually rhythmic footsteps.
The mobile phone lighting cast a regular semicircle on the ground connecting the wall. But after the footsteps that were different from my own appeared, a semicircular black shadow suddenly appeared on the edge of the semicircle light. It looked very similar. It’s…
the top of a person’s head.
Shen Jiali stopped, trying to judge whether the “rustling” sound interspersed with it was his hallucination, but when he stopped, all the footsteps suddenly stopped, and the semicircular black shadow raised on the edge of the semicircular light also shook twice. Stopped abruptly.
That’s not a dark shadow caused by impurities in the lighting lens, because it’s moving.
At this time, the phone suddenly vibrated. It was a Weibo push followed by several text messages and missed calls. The signal on the upper right side of the phone was only one bar, because the signal from the building smashing here was extremely poor. The short signal reception would All the messages that had been blocked by the signal were sent out at once.
In the Weibo push, a short sentence was followed by several exclamation points representing a strong tone.
【Another vicious case occurred in Jinhai! The second victim appeared in just two days! The criminal’s modus operandi is the same as before! Citizens, please take precautions! Try not to go out alone! ]
Shen Jiali saw the news, so he was even more sure…
there was someone behind it.
Nan Liujing slowly opened his eyes and subconsciously looked at the phone.
At half past twelve, Shen Jiali still didn’t reply to his message.
Looking back now, is it because he didn’t want to reply to that disgusting “I miss you”? No, he was Shen Jiali, and maybe he didn’t read the text message at all.
Nan Liujing breathed a sigh of relief.
So people must not be impulsive. Things they do impulsively will be regretted when they wake up. Now I just pray that Shen Jiali didn’t see that “miss you”, otherwise he will misunderstand that he is in love with him. With Shen Jiali’s arrogant character, if he mistakenly believes that she has other feelings for him, there is no guarantee that he will not directly ride on her head.
But if he didn’t see it, would he have misunderstood that he didn’t care about him at all, and all the kindness he had done to him before was just profitable in his heart.
Do you want him to see it or not? ▓思▓Rabbit▓Document▓Share▓and▓Online▓Read▓Read▓Nan Liujing held the
quilt tightly, wrapping herself up like a weak, pitiful and helpless silkworm chrysalis.
He has never been so entangled before. He, who has always done things vigorously and resolutely, would actually make him sleepless because of a text message.
The more she thought about it, the more confused she became. Nan Liujing became more and more upset. Since Shen Jiali wouldn’t come back, he might as well call Bai Wei and at least know whether he slept well there and whether he had dinner, and let Bai Wei know by the way. , Shen Jiali has many quirks and must sleep with two pillows, otherwise he will have neck pain when he wakes up the next day.
But when Nan Liujing learned from Bai Wei that Shen Jiali said he would come back for supper, he stood up suddenly, with unbearable joy in his voice: “He really said that? He couldn’t sleep because he didn’t eat pumpkin porridge?”
Bai Wei asked back: “Li Li hasn’t arrived home yet? He took a taxi 40 minutes ago and there’s no traffic jam for the four to five kilometers journey. He should be home in ten minutes.” Nan Liujing suddenly suspected that
Shen Jiali really knew this . The house number of the place?
He said that Shen Jiali would message Bai Wei when he got home and hurriedly hung up the phone. He tried to call Shen Jiali again, but it still rang for a long time and no one answered.
Suddenly, the news that Uncle Li said during dinner flashed in my mind.
Young men were specifically targeted, stripped naked and tied to telephone poles, with insulting remarks written all over their bodies.
There was a buzz in my head, and everything went blank for an instant.
Shen Jiali did have a bad habit of not looking at his phone, but since he had just used his phone to take a taxi, there was no reason why he couldn’t see his subsequent phone messages.
At that moment, the legal program ran through his mind.
Shen Jiali, if we catch him this time, no matter if he cries or complains, he will be put in electronic shackles and locked up at home. He will never leave home again in this life.
Fortunately, Nanliu Jing was still sensible and notified his private bodyguard team to go out and look for someone. He planned to call the police if no one was found within half an hour.
Then he dragged his wheelchair to the parking lot and analyzed Shen Jiali’s behavior. It was very possible that he couldn’t remember the house number of his home, so he walked back near a landmark building like Jinhai University, and with Shen Jiali’s laziness Son, you must take a small path to save energy.
The only shortcut was the urban reformed area at the back gate of Jinhai University. Although it was smashed to pieces, it saved at least ten minutes compared to taking the main road.
Nanliu Jing drove straight to the trail. He drove the car until it was flying, and he could faintly see the sparks coming from the tires rubbing against the ground.
I was very anxious, so painful that I was about to lose my mind, and my mind was filled with those bloody and tragic pictures.
The most painful thing is that he knows that Shen Jiali doesn’t have much attachment to the world. It is very likely that when he encounters trouble, he will not even make unnecessary resistance and just accept his fate.
Nan Liujing took a deep breath and warned himself not to lose his mind at this time. If he also collapsed, what would Shen Jiali do?
He raised his hand and slammed it at the horn, and the piercing whistle pierced the dark night sky over and over again.
It is not to vent, but to warn the criminal that there is someone nearby, to warn him to stop committing crimes as soon as possible, and to stop losses as much as possible.
As the car drove to the alley, Nan Liujing no longer cared about the wheelchair he used to disguise himself. If Shen Jiali really had an accident, all the disguises would only become a stumbling block to the possibility of saving him at the last second.
But as soon as he got out of the car, he saw two figures of about the same height walking slowly towards this side in the alley from a distance.
The environment was dark and it was difficult to see who was coming, but Nanliu Jing could still recognize one of the figures at a glance. The familiar silhouette and walking posture were undoubtedly Shen Jiali.
In a flash, he dragged the wheelchair out of the trunk and sat on it, while the two figures also walked out of the alley and stood under the streetlight.
It’s Shen Jiali, but the other one is…
Shen Lanqing?
The source of the anger was unknown. Veins appeared on the surface of Nan Liujing’s tense and strong arms. He slid vigorously to assist.
Huan stood in front of the two of them.
“Shen Gali.” He said in a low voice, his dark eyes burning with fire.
Seeing Nanliu Jing, Shen Lanqing, who had been smiling just now, instantly dropped her face.
Shen Jiali blinked: “Why are you here?”
Nan Liujing sneered in disbelief: “Just to ask for trouble.”
He seemed to be used to speaking harshly. In this family where everyone uses him as a stepping stone, if he doesn’t If you are tougher, you will fall into a more chaotic situation.
But when he saw Shen Jiali standing in front of him safe and sound, his heart still softened, soft and painful.
It was great that the only man who cared about him was safe.
He could still maintain his sanity and calmly informed the bodyguards to close the team, and informed Bai Wei that she had seen Shen Jiali to reassure her. He was like a strategist in a shopping mall, everything he did was done in an orderly manner.
But only when facing Shen Jiali, all reason fell apart.
He always finds a way to make him angry and torture him.
But he was happy with it and kept repeating in his heart, “It’s really good that it’s okay.”
Just like the last time he ran to the barren mountains a hundred kilometers away, Nan Liujing stretched out his hand to pull Shen Jiali to his side, hugged him tightly, hugged his waist, and buried his face deeply into his belly, like a hug. The only thing in the world that belongs to him lives in it.
Being blocked by the clothes, his voice became louder and louder:
“I was very worried and started to go crazy irrationally, but I regained my composure when I saw that you were safe and sound.”
Shen Jiali was sure that he was indeed crazy, otherwise how could he be taken for granted? Hugging himself tightly in front of outsiders and saying embarrassing and disgusting love words is not at all suitable for his southern scenery. He should buy an electronic shackle to handcuff himself, making it difficult for him to move and never leave the cold Big house.
Instead of making myself have strange thoughts like now, I feel that I am needed and that I am cared for and loved.
Shen Jiali remained calm, and he really didn’t know what to say.
Is it comfort? If you still think he is disgusting, tell him to go away.
The hands hugging him locked his body tightly like iron chains, unable to move, as if they were trying hard to squeeze him into their hearts, thinking that was the safest place.
Hey, it’s so troublesome. Why do people have so many strange emotions, and finally turn their emotions into shackles, locking up those original unshakable beliefs.
After a long time, Shen Jiali reached out and patted Nanliu Jing on the shoulder: “Go back, I’m hungry.”
Nanliu Jing nodded. He had never thought that “hungry” was such a beautiful word.
But Shen Lanqing on the side suddenly took Shen Jiali’s hand, frowned, and her tone began to tremble: “Brother, didn’t you promise me to have supper together?” Just now, when Shen Jiali was walking alone through the alley, he heard strange footsteps
. At that time, a scary news notification popped up on his phone. He turned around and planned to tell this man that he had no money. He originally had a lifeline, but he didn’t want to give it to him now. After all, he finally saw his mother again, and he was thinking about how to discuss the matter. He cut off a little finger and gave up, but when he turned around, he found that Shen Lanqing was following him.
Shen Lanqing said that she came to school today to go through the formalities. She met her former classmates and had dinner together near the school. They were so busy chatting that they forgot about time. Then she happened to see Shen Jiali taking a taxi and parked at the back door of the school. Out of concern, she followed him to take a look.
He then pointed out that he hadn’t eaten enough. Seeing his brother carrying a bowl, he guessed that he hadn’t had dinner either, so he proposed to find a place to eat and chat together.
Shen Jiali didn’t respond, he just accepted it as acquiescence, and he was so happy that he didn’t expect to see an eyesore as soon as he came out of the alley.
This eyesore once again snatched away his brother in front of him, whether intentionally or not, as if he was declaring his sovereignty.
Shen Jiali didn’t agree to eat supper with him at all, and didn’t want to mess around in the middle of the night. He got into the car with a bowl and said, “I’m
The word “tired” seemed to say a lot, but it seemed like he said nothing.
Shen Lanqing’s hands in her pockets were clenched so hard that her fingertips dug deeply into her palms, and strong veins protruded from the back of her hands.
In his eyes, Nan Liujing’s next words became a provocation like a villain:
“Isn’t there anyone to accompany you for supper? Do you want me to call Nan Feiyao? Although you and Shen Jiali are brothers, in the middle of the night It’s inappropriate to ask someone else’s wife to go out for dinner.”
Shen Lanqing looked at her brother’s indifferent profile in the car, and her originally normal thoughts gradually became extreme.
If Nan Liujing had not been there at the beginning, the relationship between him and his brother would not be so weak now. Perhaps Nan Liujing had seen his thoughts, so he tried his best to interfere with it.
This person, who provoked and obstructed him time and time again, was the biggest stumbling block between him and his brother.
This person simply does not deserve to exist in this world.
He used to not understand why Nan Feiyao hated his half-brother so much, but now he understood that all the hatred had its origin. It was just because of the existence of this scourge that it took away the happiness that others should have.
The corners of Shen Lanqing’s lips slowly turned into a smile, looking a bit cute as usual: “It’s okay, brother is tired too. Go home early and rest, pay attention to safety, then I’ll leave first.” Taking advantage of the night, Shen Lanqing turned around and left, one step at a
time Footprints, stepping on the dark earth.
Shen Jiali sat in the car, looking at the empty cab like last time, and asked, “How did you get here.”
Nan Liujing looked away, seeming a little guilty: “The driver brought me here.”
“The driver Here.”
“I went to buy water.”
The driver, who was supposed to sleep peacefully on the soft bed, finally came, gritting his teeth in hatred, and drove the two of them home.
Uncle Li didn’t understand why Shen Jiali came back in the middle of the night and had a bowl of pumpkin porridge with the young master.
I thought he was not used to sleeping on Bai Wei’s side because he recognized the bed, but after finishing the porridge, Shen Jiali put down his spoon and wanted to take a taxi to leave.
Nan Liujing’s tone was displeased: “You think this is a restaurant? You have to eat before leaving.”
Shen Jiali glanced sideways at the bowl of pumpkin porridge: “If restaurants were all made with this kind of craftsmanship, they should have closed long ago.”
Nan Liujing:…
Shen Jiali was the first to eat the food from the pot and smash it.
“Don’t leave, go upstairs and sleep.” Nanliu Jingyi ordered angrily.
As soon as Shen Jiali left, wouldn’t he have to be wrapped in his quilt and sleepless until dawn?
Shen Jiali: “But I miss my mother.”
Nan Liujing sneered: “Don’t you think it’s funny for a person in his twenties to call his mother every day?”
Shen Jiali lowered his head, thinking about whether to knock the person unconscious and run away, but beating him would not work. It’s very troublesome, and he might be punished instead of stealing the chicken. He is happy to be in the dark room, but not if he can’t see his mother.
But in Nanliu Jing’s eyes, Shen Gali, who was bowing his head in thought, became Shen Gali, who was bowing his head and feeling sad and about to cry.
He has long seen clearly that he is a younger brother in the family. How can someone with a high ranking like Pi Chuo dare to compete with the eldest sister who is No. 1 on the ranking list?
Forget it, if he wants to leave, let him go.
But before you leave, you need to figure it out: “Shen Gali, let me ask you one last time, if I and the toilet plunger fall into the water at the same time, you can only save one, who will you save.” Shen Gali: “I can’t swim.”
Nan Liu Jing helplessly raised his forehead: “If you could, you would still be a swimming champion.”
This time, Shen Jiali said without thinking, “Save you.”
Nan Liu Jing’s cold mouth couldn’t help but raise slightly. Look, he also said that he didn’t care about me, he chose me without considering it. Maybe I have surpassed Shen Lanqing and my father-in-law and ranked second.
“Why save me?” Nan Liujing refused to give up and wanted to ask why. Answers such as ‘I care about you’ and “You are very important” can all be said, and he doesn’t find it disgusting.
Shen Jiali: “Because the material of the toilet pusher is destined to float on the water and not drown. If it can’t, then… I’m sorry.”
Nan Liujing:.
Nan Liujing turned to Uncle Li and said, “Send Shen Jiali back to his parents’ home. He will stay as long as he wants. I don’t want to see him for the time being.”
Uncle Li couldn’t hold back his laughter, but he didn’t dare to be too presumptuous, so he laughed “Puff.” More than just like farting.
Nan, who didn’t want to meet for the time being, Liu Jing got into the car and followed to the door of Bai Wei’s house. Under Bai Wei’s surprised eyes, he followed into the house and said, “I’m sorry, mother-in-law, it’s too late. I have to go to the company to have a morning breakfast tomorrow morning.” Yes, I wonder if my mother-in-law is willing to let me disturb her for one night. “⌒思⌒Rabbit⌒Written⌒File⌒Share⌒and⌒Line⌒Up⌒Read⌒Read⌒Bai Wei:…” You’re talking about disturbing me, of course I don’t want to
. Question, but there are only two bedrooms in the house, so you and Li Li can sleep together. “She didn’t think it was inappropriate to say this, it was normal for the couple to sleep together.
But strictly speaking, this is the first time that Shen Jiali and Nan Liujing sleep in the same bed.
Because it was a guest room, the bed was only 1.5 meters wide, so two grown men over 180 years old could only sleep on it right next to each other.
Shen Jiali was too sleepy to pay attention to anything. He almost lay down and fell asleep in a second.
In the dead of night, even the sound of the leaves blowing in the evening wind was particularly clear, as well as the sudden and violent heartbeat of Nanliu Jing.
Nan Liujing lay upright.jpg
Nanliu Jing’s whole body was tense.jpg
It was not the first time that he had such intimate physical contact with Shen Jiali, but before, he had always disliked and avoided it, but now he realized that the closer he got, the more The aroma that only he could smell became stronger. It was also the first time he knew that Shen Jiali was motionless after falling asleep, like a corpse, which made him check the bottom of his nose again and again to see if he was breathing.
Slowly, the heartbeat rhythm slowed down and gradually became normal.
I don’t know whether it was the first time I slept with someone else or the lingering fear of Shen Jiali’s disappearance. Nan Liujing couldn’t sleep. It felt like there was a thorn in his heart. He recalled over and over again the ten tortures that Shen Jiali proposed and the sentence:” Even if I disappear, no one will care. “Nan Liujing turned his gaze and looked at the person beside his pillow. The moonlight was bright and white, gently reflecting his delicate facial features. I don’t know what he was dreaming about. His long eyelashes trembled slightly, causing soft ripples.
As he watched, Nan Liujing’s originally anxious heart slowly became calmer.
How could such a person poison others? It must be a misunderstanding. After all, many people don’t know that some Chinese medicines are highly toxic if eaten together. And those rumors about him before marriage are probably just rumors. There is no truth or falsehood without verification. A person who finds it troublesome to eat would go out of his way to harm someone?
Shen Jiali always has the ability to overturn irrefutable evidence without even moving a finger and label everything as a” misunderstanding. “Nan Liujing cleared his throat gently to make sure that Shen Jiali was asleep. He gently reached out and put his arms around his shoulders, pulled him into his arms, and whispered:”
Shen Jiali, live well, I will slowly torture you. “.”
Whatever you want, I’ll give it to you.
He touched his cell phone, found the number of the company’s human resources manager, and sent a long text message to it.
In the police station.
The policeman in charge of taking notes looked at the crying young man opposite and rubbed his brows tiredly.
It was clearly September, but he was wearing cotton trousers and a down jacket to cover himself so that no flesh could be seen. Although he was a very pitiful victim, and although it was an urgent responsibility and obligation for the police to support justice and fight against evil forces, he kept crying. After asking for a long time, I couldn’t find anything useful. How to conduct the investigation?
I heard that the victim of today’s second crime also kept crying next door. After reading books for more than ten years, he only learned how to cry? Upset.
In the second case, the victim was attacked from behind in the same way and fell unconscious. When he woke up, he was tied to a pillar with words like “scum” and “scum” written all over his body. Moreover, he and the first The victim has no relation and is not known at all.
The two crime scenes were very close to each other, and they were both areas with weak public security. Due to urban reform, the scene was in chaos, and the surveillance cameras at the main entrances and exits were accidentally destroyed. I asked the municipal government several times to replace new equipment, but the other party only gave lip service to it. Stand, turn around and forget.
If it is this kind of serial case, the victims must be inextricably linked, but the two are sure that they do not know each other and are not in the same school. The only thing they have in common is that they are both fans of a small star. The star’s name is Pei Jing.
“Don’t blame
My words are ugly. You celebrity fans love to stir up trouble online. Have you offended an extreme fan of your opponent and the other party is deliberately retaliating? “The policeman asked.” No, absolutely not. “Victim No. 1 cried,” It’s not enough time just to help my brothers to gain popularity every day. Who has time to quarrel with them. “Victim No. 2 also made the same statement.
The police felt that they couldn’t get anything out of the question, so they collected their mobile phones and planned to focus on their interpersonal relationships and narrow the scope of the investigation. Needless to say,
the two of them were exactly what their classmates said. He is good at teaching and is willing to help others. He likes to run on the road and help the old lady cross the road when he has nothing to do. He has also received a banner from the elderly family member. He is also very popular among his classmates. He is praised by everyone when he mentions it. The police opened one of
them On Weibo, I scrolled through his comment records from two years ago to the recent one. When he saw the records, a sentence came to his mind:” Knowing the person, knowing the face, but not knowing the heart, it is difficult to paint the bones and skin to
paint the heart. “These two young men with both good morals and academics seem to be different people when they go online. If you can find a word to describe them, it would be: they share the same party and reject those who are different.
Anyone who says that Pei Jing’s acting skills are not good or his appearance is not good, They fight back like crazy and bite people to death. Even if the other party blocks them, they can apply for a small account and speak nonsense in private messages. Among
them, the person who has been pestered the most is a person named” Shen Jiali “, in addition to endless insults and curses, the two people also sent a large number of bloody and horrific photos to Shen Jiali’s private messages. The
policemen looked at each other suspiciously.
Shen Jiali? This name is very familiar. If you think about it carefully, isn’t it the parent of Huanhai Electronics? Daughter-in-law?
Things suddenly became interesting.
The next day,
Bai Wei got up early and made breakfast with her own hands after receiving an announcement. She planned to wake them up for dinner. As soon as she opened
the door, she immediately left.
The two of them hugged each other tightly on the bed. The tips of their noses were touching, and they looked extremely intimate. As an elder, she naturally didn’t want to disturb people’s dreams. She left breakfast and a note and followed the assistant out. She hoped that
Shen Jiali could stay here for a few more days, but Afraid that Nan Liujing would have any objections, he said it very cryptically:
[Mom has made a lot of announcements these days, so I can’t accompany you during the day. If you want to eat at night, just send a message to mom. I love you, my baby.] When
Shen Jiali woke up , I felt itchy on my face. I looked closely and saw that Nan Liujing’s face was very close. If I moved a little further forward, I could touch the tip of his nose. The hot breath from his nose sprayed on his face. One hand was still resting on his face. He hugged his waist unconsciously.
Shen Jiali pushed his hand away. It was annoying to get up early. How could someone sleep in such a bad posture?
Nanliu Jing was woken up by him. He slowly opened his eyes, and what he saw was a Zhang Miyan’s face was smooth, and her cheeks were still lightly pink.
I have to admit that this face is indeed as great as netizens said.
Although her heart was beating erratically, Nan Liujing still behaved calmly:” Get up and go to work. “Shen Jiali didn’t understand why the tone made it sound like he was going to work too.” Me? work? Shen Jiali asked.
“Well, you go to work.” Nan Liujing changed his clothes and said calmly, ‘I told the HR department last night that you can join the job directly without an interview.’”
As for the sudden reason, it was probably because he thought of Nan Feiyao, who had temporarily changed his mind and lost his position as chairman, and Shen Lanqing’s meaningful eyes last night. Maybe things were going to change. Shen Jiali lay back and said, “I don’t want to go to
. , just want to lie down.”
What reason does he have to go to work? Besides, even if he works, Nan Liujing has no right to decide his freedom of work.
If it were put in the past, Nan Liujing would have said that it doesn’t matter what reason you have to go to work with me, but today’s He seemed to be more patient and said in a very light tone:
“The work is easy and simple, the salary minus six insurances and one housing fund plus a full set of subsidies, you can get 100,000, it doesn’t matter whether you leave or not. Shen
Jiali looked at him warily:” Does the one hundred thousand you mentioned refer to the annual salary? “Nan Liujing’s tie-tying hand paused:” I am so stingy in your eyes. “”
Shen Jiali really didn’t expect it.
According to Nan Liujing’s words, he is also a senior leader with an annual salary of one million. Although everything is worse than resting in peace, it is also the law of society to get corresponding remuneration for hard work. It only takes a few years
. The money earned from the luxurious matryoshka earth palace is not a loss.
But when he goes to work, he has to face all kinds of people. Maybe his list of annoying people will be directly expanded to a hundred by then. That kind of scenario, think about it It was very refreshing.
Seeing that Shen Jiali remained silent, Nanliu Jing guessed that he might have committed another crime, so in order to reassure him, he promised: “Don’t be afraid, as long as
I am here, I will be the only person you work with every day.” “When Shen Jiali calculated it all, he might kick someone like Nan Liujing, who is a perverted villain in the original text, one day. It is almost impossible to earn a million yuan a year with his own ability. It is better to make more money before he changes his mind. After two strokes, the end of life is always the” back garden of life. “He raised his eyes and said lazily:” Since you are begging me like this, go ahead.”
Chapter 49
Huanhai Electronics is a large company. The dress of each employee represents the spirit of the company in the eyes of others. Therefore, the company’s rules and regulations have always required employees to wear formal attire to work, without exception. Nan Liujing called his assistant
. Ask him to send an L size suit to Shen Jiali.
The black suit is equipped with an inner vest and a white lining. In order not to look too lifeless, dark gray vertical stripes are cleverly made on the black surface and a dark blue tie lining. There are white round polka dots, which is a style that is not rigid and can never go wrong.
This is the first time Shen Jiali wears a suit. One cuff is designed with four buttons. The reason why he hates formal suits is the reason for buttons. More than half, just buttoning these complicated and difficult buttons exhausted all his patience.
He once again had the question “Do I have to be in this class?” “thought.
He simply stopped buttoning his shirt and opened his arms. Shen Jiali planned to go out like this.
Nan Liujing pulled the man back, patted his arms to signal him to stand upright, and then helped him one by one. Button up the buttons, tie him up, fasten the tie clip, and finally smooth out every pleat carefully.
Although Shen Jiali is thin, he is a natural dresser. His frame is slender and well-proportioned, his shoulders are straight, his waist is slender but not weak, even though It is a popular size and still looks like a tailor-made one when worn on the body. It also has the exquisite stitching unique to high-end suits. The upper body of a suit looks like a handsome nobleman from a novel. He is so dignified and dignified that Assistant Lin on the side praised him repeatedly.” Except for
us Mr. Nan, I have never seen another person who can wear a suit with such charm as Mr. Shen. Nan Liujing glanced at his watch calmly: “Don’t flatter me, let’s go quickly.”
“But for Shen Jiali, the slim and straight suit was like a shackle across his neck. If the movement range was slightly larger, there would be an obvious sense of restraint. Fortunately, he didn’t like to move, but he still felt uncomfortable. Before getting off the
car , Nan Liujing put on a mask and sunglasses, as if he was still afraid of showing his true face to others, Shen Jiali looked at him from the side, feeling tired for him. Today Nan Liujing went to the
company without going through the back door, probably because he wanted to show it to others on purpose, so he took Shen Jiali with him The main entrance.
Huanhai Electronics is a large company that dominates the country. The employees who can apply for the entrance are basically graduates from key colleges and universities. They have achieved good results in school and won various national awards when they were studying. It can be said that they are the best among people.
Moreover, Huanhai Electronics has very high requirements for job interviews. Generally, they do not want newcomers who have just graduated without experience. They think that these people are troublesome and lack the ability to respond flexibly. They may one day make big mistakes. After Nan Liujing took over Huanhai Electronics this year, he went against all the odds and conducted the first school recruitment. As a young man, he believed that the company also needed this kind of energetic young blood. When the reception ladies at the front desk saw the visitor, they immediately stood up and bowed to say hello
. . Ψ思ΨRabbitΨ在线ΨReadingΨReadingΨ waited
for a few people to walk away before they dared to come together and whisper.” Wow, that new face next to Mr. Nan is so handsome. Is he the new assistant? “You don’t know him? He is Mr. Nan’s lover, Shen… Shen Jiali?”
It seems to be the name. “I’m out. I haven’t heard of it.”
“It’s normal. I heard that President Nan was very dissatisfied with this person at first. He didn’t bother to make any fuss about the wedding. No one in the company has seen it.” “But this one is so good-looking, like a star. Suddenly I feel motivated to go to work.”
“What are you thinking about? I am a married man. Do you still remember the incident of ten thousand paper cranes? Mr. Nan did it to make his lover happy.” “” It’s just for eye candy, I have no other thoughts. “Shen Jiali, who was walking beside Nan Liujing, felt that the atmosphere was very strange and seemed like he was his little follower, so he moved slightly to the side, deliberately keeping a distance. Along the way,
Shen Jiali heard too many” Mr. Nan! “, from the beginning to subconsciously avoid the sight of strangers, but later became numb.
Several people were waiting for the elevator, and the elevator door next to them suddenly opened, and a middle-aged man with no grass on his head walked out of it. He was in a suit and tie, and there were people around him. There were several male employees, as well as a young female employee wearing a professional skirt with a look of innocence and innocence on her
face. The middle-aged man looked obviously impatient, while the female employee shrank in panic, tears welling up in her eyes. , bowed and trotted after the middle-aged man.” Director Yu, please give me another chance. Please, I really can’t live without this job. My mother is going to have an operation soon. Money is needed for everything big and small. I promise I will definitely work hard to repay you in the future. Please give me another chance. “The middle-aged man sighed heavily, with the word” bad luck “clearly written on his face, and said in a bad tone:” You college students, what do you think of the company? You asked for leave on the first day of joining the company. If I set this precedent for you, From now on, everyone will come to me to ask for leave. Why should we open a company or become a charity? The female employee burst into tears and begged with choked sobs: “My grandpa passed away suddenly from a heart attack. I really can’t help it. Our family is in a special situation. My grandpa took care of me when I grew up. I can’t. I won’t go back to see him even after his death.”
The last side. The middle-aged man twisted his face and asked angrily: “You are the only one who has a grandfather?”
! Stop arguing here. This is the company’s policy. If you don’t agree, go to the president and the chairman of the board and leave immediately. If you don’t leave, I’ll call the police. “Just by turning his face, he happened to see Nan Liujing and others.
Shen Jiali watched the show for a long time and thought that this bald middle-aged man looked familiar. After thinking about it carefully, he was the father of the little star’s sponsor. Yu
Jin When the host saw a few people, he was happy:” Mr. Nan really didn’t mention it without mentioning it. I mentioned you just now, and you will see me right away. Nanliu
Jing didn’t even look at him, and looked at the changing numbers on the elevator display board: “Why do you have to make a noise here?” “Yu Jinzhu glanced at the female employee who was still crying, and said in a dismissive tone:” It was not President Nan’s original decision to inject young blood into the company and recruit a bunch of college students with no brains and no sense of responsibility. This secretary has to take leave on her first day of employment to pay her respects. She takes leave for a week and can come and leave whenever she wants at the company’s vegetable market? There are so many people waiting for this position, why should others bear her workload just for her? “The words are rough but the reasoning is rough. Especially in a large company like Huanhai, everyone’s position is very important. If a person takes leave, his colleagues will have to share an extra workload. The financial owner looked at
Shen Jiali again and smiled even more wildly. :” Mr. Nan really loves college students, here comes another one. “There are many employees around, and everyone can see it. Master Yu Jin has clearly thrown the problem to Nanliu Jing. If Nanliu Jing shows mercy and keeps this employee, he will personally destroy the rules he has set. system; if you are fired according to the articles of association, you will only get the nickname” Zhou Bapi “and” cold-blooded vampire “. No matter what you do, it is wrong. This is the first time a
female employee has met
The immediate boss was so frightened that he even forgot to cry. He hid and trembled like a quail.
Just then, the elevator arrived.
If Nan Liujing planned to pretend that nothing happened and leave, some people would laugh at him behind his back and question his management ability.
However, Nanliu Jing still entered the elevator.
Just before the elevator door closed, I heard him say coldly:
“The company’s articles of association do not say that you cannot ask for leave, but it also clearly stipulates that you will be given a half-month preparation period before joining the company, and all matters must be handled within this period.” It’s a private matter, otherwise I will be fired according to the regulations. “The female employee took a deep breath and closed her eyes in despair.
She has lost her favorite grandpa, and she is the only one in the world who depends on her. If she cannot afford her mother’s treatment because she loses her job, by then, this job will really be impossible for her. No more.” But white matters are force majeure factors. Similarly, the company will not accumulate work waiting for you to come back to deal with it. It is urgent to find someone to take over. “At this time, the elevator door was about to close.
However, Shen Jiali always felt that Nan Liujing still had something to say, so he reached out to block the elevator door, and the elevator door reopened.
Nan Liujing whispered:” Go back and deal with your personal matters. Make sure to re-submit your resume to my private mailbox after everything is processed. “After he finished speaking to the
female employee, he looked at the funder, his eyes covered by sunglasses. He didn’t feel any emotion, just listened to his calm tone:” Director Yu, according to what you said, the cost of one person taking leave is that more people share the workload. You and some leaders can hardly see anyone all year round. Do you have any idea? But, am I taking on your workload? With such a huge workload, two secretaries are really not enough for me. If you want, you can assign the secretary you resigned to my office. Of course, She needs to resubmit her resume for an interview, and we will follow the rules and procedures. “He deliberately emphasized the words” rules and procedures. “Shen Jiali also retracted his hand in time.
The moment the elevator door closed, they saw the embarrassed face of Mr. Yu Jin with eyes wide open, and the look of the female employees crying with joy and bowing non-stop.
Master Yu Jin’s cheeks were trembling with anger because he heard the whispers of the employees watching behind him:” Wow, I always thought that Nan was always the living king of hell. It’s because I have blind eyes but not Taishan. I have high EQ and high IQ. I’m so awesome. “”
No one has an unexpected situation. It just so happens that they have no choice. They are fired according to the system and given a chance. The explanation is reasonable and reasonable. President Nan needs a secretary. I give full marks to this operation. “” The person next to President Nan is President Nan
. Madam? He is so cute, and he would even reach out to block the door to let Mr. Nan finish what he said. “”
Hey, I want my wife to see my gentle side, tsk tsk, Mr. Nan is also an ordinary man. “In the elevator, Nan Liu Jing looked at the imageless Shen Jiali leaning against the wall, chuckled and turned away.
What I hated the most was meaningless tears. The company is not a place to vent your emotions. Hold back the tears and shed them at home. It doesn’t matter what weddings, weddings or emergencies you have. If you can’t do your job, it will be useless. Paying a few dollars to persuade you to quit is good for both parties. , this has always been his management philosophy.
But after seeing Shen Jiali’s tears last time, he realized that people have emotions, have moments when they can’t control themselves, and have their own difficulties. He finally understood:
those normal people with good psychological quality are not born normal, but They are in a relaxed and stress-free environment. If you throw them into a high-pressure environment, there will still be a few normal people in the world.
There are a few people in this world who can be like Shen Jiali, who can join a big company after graduation and easily earn an annual salary of one million with the support of his husband. However, he does not stop eating minced meat, and he does not think that this small thing has anything to do with him. It has nothing to do with it. He stretched out his hand to block the elevator door. In fact, he was giving Nanliu Jing a chance. After all, once the door is closed, the world behind it has nothing to do with him. He can still sit back and relax and live his happy life, but he chose to listen to the voices of the people at the bottom. —Choose
to be a warm person.
After that, no one mentioned it again, and it was tacitly understood.
Nan Liujing gave Shen Jiali a pile of documents and said that this was his work today. Look, he saw that he was off work.
Compared with several other secretaries who were busy responding to documents sent by major companies and drafting meeting procedures, he was really relaxed.
But it’s not that easy either. Wearing a restrictive suit and looking at incomprehensible financial terms, I accompanied Nan Liujing without saying a word, just listening to him pointing and typing on the keyboard beside him like a gust of wind.
Just like Nan Liujing said, he doesn’t need to see anyone, he just needs to be a delicate canary by Nan Liujing’s side.
It’s just that he, the canary, still wants to read the documents.
It’s strange. Nan Liujing asked him to be a personal assistant. Does the personal assistant need to see the company’s private documents?
Perhaps the desire for knowledge is instinctive. After looking at it for a long time, Shen Jiali actually found it interesting that the originally boring documents were constantly conveying knowledge beyond his cognition to him.
If only suits weren’t so restrictive.
At noon, after finishing the morning’s work, Secretary Yan asked if he needed help ordering food. Nanliu Jing said,” Shen Gali and I will go to the staff restaurant to eat today. “Shen Gali said,” I don’t want to eat. It’s fun to read the documents, so let me continue reading.
Nan Liujing took his hand and said firmly and unquestionably: “Eat, eat.”
When they arrived at the restaurant, there were many employees. When they saw the leader who appeared here for the first time, everyone else stood up and bowed to say hello.
By the way, I would like to say hello to Shen Jiali.
This may be the first time that Shen Jiali feels the warmth of humanity, because when he was a child, his classmates always shunned him because of his health and treated him as a virus. But these employees are different. They will kindly come up to ask Shen Jiali what he wants to eat. , will take the initiative to bring him drinks and help him clean the table.
Shen Jiali also understood that this treatment was given to him by Nanliu Jing.
Nan Liujing still wore a mask and sunglasses, and did not eat. He only stayed with him silently and watched him eat.
Shen Jiali didn’t think they were noisy at all. He saw a lot of people at Shen Lanqing’s birthday party last time, but Shen Jiali thought they were annoying and would only ask meaningless questions, such as “Why are you here dressed like this?”
But these employees would ask him:
“Does Mrs. Nan usually travel?”
Shen Jiali said honestly: “No, she is not in good health.” She
regretted saying it, for fear that these people would treat him as a time bomb and avoid him.
But the employee said: “Nowadays, medical technology is very advanced. All kinds of weird diseases can be cured. If you treat it on time and pay attention to a healthy diet, you will be fine. Then you can happily travel with Mr. Nan.”
“Yes, yes, I recommend you a route in South America, Chile, Peru and Bolivia. The scenery there is very good and full of charm. There are also five Nordic countries. It’s just the right time to go there.” “After going to Northern Europe, I’ll take a trip to the UK
. , you can go to London Tower Bridge to watch the sunset.”
Shen Gali couldn’t resist what you said to me.
Although the employees of Huanhai Electronics are all highly educated and high-quality people, gossip is a common feature of human beings. In just one morning, the news that Shen Jiali blocked the door and left a way for employees to survive spread throughout the company. Everyone felt that he and those The arrogant and domineering rich man Kuotai is completely different. When he met me, his outlook on things followed his appearance. When he saw that he spoke slowly and sincerely, his favorable impression of him skyrocketed. I liked him very much.
In fact, Shen Jiali was also quietly waiting for everyone to ask him questions, but Nan Liujing said:
“Okay everyone, the lunch break is limited. How about I let my wife go back to rest after dinner?”
The employees realized that they were losing their temper and got up hurriedly. Say don’t bother.
Shen Jiali’s face drooped, and Nanliu Jing, who was originally at the same level as Pi Chue, fell under Pi Chue again.
Seeing the employees leaving, Nan Liujing breathed a sigh of relief. After a whole morning, he finally had a chance to talk to Shen Jiali.
Seeing the green peppers left on his plate, Nan Liujing asked: “Are you Crayon Shin-chan? You don’t eat green peppers either.”
Shen Gali: “Yeah.”
He didn’t force Shen Gali to eat green peppers. Instead, he said: “Tomorrow I will go to the restaurant with you.” Tell me, I won’t make green peppers. “” Yeah. “”
Apart from um, don’t you want to say thank you? “”
Why do you want to say thank you? I didn’t ask you to do it. “”
Yeah, yes, then, meat stuffed with green peppers is better than meat stuffed with green peppers. The shreds are delicious, stir-fried green peppers are better than stuffed meat with green peppers, and the green peppers are juiced… “Shen Jiali interrupted him:” Thank you. “Nan Liujing raised the corners of his lips with a hint of pride. Still can’t cure you?
While eating, there was a sudden commotion at the door.
Everyone looked curiously and saw several police officers filing in, circling the crowd, and then walked straight to Shen Jiali. ○ This ○ work ○ is written by ○ Si ○ Rabbit ○ Online ○ Read ○ Read ○ Netizens ○ Organize ○ Upload ○ The sudden scene shocked everyone. Everyone stopped eating and watched
. lively.
The leading policeman took out his ID and said in a serious tone:” Hello, Mr. Shen, we are the Special Case Investigation Section of the General Bureau of Criminal Investigation. Regarding the two recent personal injury cases, we hope you can come with us to the General Bureau for investigation. “The policeman’s voice was very serious
. Big, sonorous and powerful, it echoes continuously in such a large restaurant.
Upon hearing this, everyone immediately understood that it was a recent case of a male college student being knocked unconscious, stripped naked, and tied to a pillar. No matter what the truth of the matter was, the police came to find Shen Jiali and asked him to go back for investigation, and things became subtle.
The originally noisy restaurant fell silent for an instant, and some employees even had images of Shen Jiali knocking people out and stripping them naked in their minds.
But some people think it must be a misunderstanding, thinking that Shen Jiali is only under investigation. Anyone here may be under investigation, and there is nothing wrong with it.
Shen Jiali knew about this case last night.
Although he didn’t want to go and felt that the malicious inquiries were annoying, he still knew how to handle it, at least it would not disrupt the police’s law enforcement and handling of the case.
At that moment, he thought a lot, such as not being able to catch the real murderer, and finding a scapegoat with a bad reputation to appease the people. It was reasonable but unclear.
After that, he would work on a sewing machine in the bureau, make parasols, receive political education, and get up very early every day.
Feeling bad.
Nan Liujing found it extremely ridiculous, even if it was just a normal inquiry and investigation, it would be ridiculous. How did Shen Jiali get involved in this matter? How the fact that he stayed at home 24 hours a day had anything to do with this matter was beyond belief.
He could learn from the Ba Zong in the Ba Zong article, and let the policemen go away with a roar of dragons and tigers, and then use financial resources and connections to change the entire general bureau. Shen Jiali didn’t even have to go to the bureau and could just stay here and eat.
As long as he wanted to, employees would not dare to gossip behind his back. He could stop the spread of rumors from the source.
But he chose to trust law enforcement agencies and maintain their credibility.” Go now. I hope to accompany my lover and request that the final investigation results be published on the website. “Only the police’s investigation results are the most authoritative.
When they were going out, they happened to bump into Master Yu who was coming back from lunch. They were very happy when they saw Shen Jiali following the police around.
Weasel also asked the rooster to pretend to be kind and ask,” What’s going on? You were fine this morning. Why did you call the police here now? “No one paid any attention to him, including the police.
Financial owner Yu couldn’t bear the loneliness and called a reporter he knew:” General Bureau of Criminal Investigation, Shen Jiali, you have good information to report~ “It’s
great! Damn it, Nanliu Jing, let me see how arrogant you are, making me unable to get off the stage in public and making me a laughing stock, right? Then let’s see who is the laughing stock.
# Shen Jiali was touched #
# Deep, hard, hard #
Shen Jiali is still on his way to the police station, but the hot searches are overwhelmingly overwhelming.
Netizens are happy to take advantage of the situation and have caused a huge commotion on the Internet.
[I heard that the two victims both sent ghost pictures to Shen Gali, or sent them in private messages. Only Shen Gali knows about this. Please take a closer look. 】
【I would say they are not good birds, one sends ghost pictures and the other deliberately insults and retaliates, dog bites dog. 】
【There is no result, so you are better off. Shen Jiali is labeled as a criminal suspect first.
[What, are you upstairs questioning the credibility of law enforcement agencies? ]
[Don’t blame me, it’s not difficult to wait for the result, right? Misfortune comes from words, don’t you know? Next time, use your brain to surf the Internet. ]
[No, no, no, it’s not true that some people change their views on SJL just because of a sad frog, right? There are still old stories about him hanging over the melon field. I’m not surprised that he could do this today. When will the legal court be held? I applied to audit. ]
[Don’t be too happy too early. With the financial resources of Huanhai Electronics, it won’t be a matter of minutes to recruit people? 】
【Silk-bone mackerel, I was just accepting the investigation and didn’t say it must be him. Brainless netizens started to search for enemies in vain. 】
【Is it OK to wait for the result? Each one of you is so restless, look at your potential. 】
【Waiting for the result, waiting for a slap in the face. 】
Entertainment reporters seemed to enjoy the excitement and released several sets of photos, claiming that they captured Shen Jiali entering and leaving Bai Wei’s residence last night. Combined with Shen Jiali’s endorsem*nt, things became even more interesting.
【Frog fun! I’m really going to feel sick. Is there a lower limit for Shen Jiali? Even an old woman in her forties can do it. ]
[Why are you feeding us sh*t in broad daylight? Just talk about how Shen Jiali got involved in the entertainment industry for no reason. It turns out that there is a big hand like Bai Wei behind him, and he is not ashamed to eat young grass. ]
[The house collapsed T_T I really like Bai Wei. 】
【Bai Wei is also involved in this blind guess. Her little love is scolded by others, and the eldest sister is here to teach you. It is true that one family does not enter the same family. 】
【Understood, SJL wants to join the entertainment industry and hug Bai Wei’s thick thigh. The age difference of more than 20 years is almost enough for mother and son. It also inspired Bai Wei’s motherly love to overflow. When she saw someone insulting SJL, Bai Wei couldn’t Forbearance, find someone to take revenge. 】
Not long after, another hot search was added:
#Comprehensive collection of Shenjiali Baiwei# Nanfeng
was playing golf with a few friends when he received a call from his secretary saying that Shen Jiali was on the hot search. He hurriedly took out his mobile phone to check. , when he saw it, he became anxious and informed his secretary to prepare money to get people.
Yu Huaisu held him back: “Are you crazy? You are trying to get someone out of trouble. If your daughter-in-law really does such a thing, she deserves to be punished by law. What you did has ruined the reputation of our Huanhai Group, hasn’t it? You Don’t worry, I’ll ask again.”
Nanfeng held his head in pain: “It’s impossible, Li Li is not such a person, I’m just worried about Li Li, what if he is beaten into a trick, Li Li won’t be able to endure the hardship, if he goes in, I will feel sad in my heart Uncomfortable!”
Yu Huaisu rolled his eyes.
The speechless, hopeless Lao Immortal should let Shen Jiali sit down and let the Lao Immortal die of grief. Then she can naturally take over the position of chairman.
Rumors continue to ferment, and the claims are getting more and more outrageous. Netizens’ daily lives are too boring, so they need this kind of topic to adjust their mood. What truth and facts are important? They only believe what they want to believe.
Now Shen Jiali has become a scumbag who acts as a lover for old women and deliberately commits revenge crimes.
Although there were many rational voices hoping that everyone would calm down and wait for a result, they were quickly buried in malicious voices.
Bai Wei was filming in Linshi when she saw her assistant coming up to her crying and holding her mobile phone.
She calmly read all the hot searches and comments below, no matter how bad the remarks were, they remained intact.
After watching, she greeted the director and said to her assistant: “Pack up your things and break the news to reporters. I’m going back to Jinhai now and will arrive on time at five o’clock in the afternoon.” *
City Criminal Investigation Bureau.
Nan Liujing gently stroked Shen Jiali’s back: “It doesn’t matter, I’ll wait for you outside. If you have anything to say, don’t admit it.” He reasonably suspected that
with Shen Jiali’s character who didn’t like to cause trouble, it was very possible that Jump into the police trap. Because this incident caused panic and if the real culprit could not be caught, they could not rule out the possibility of finding a scapegoat in order to close the case as soon as possible.
He was not questioning the police, he just held a high position and had seen this kind of thing a lot.
Shen Jiali sat in the interrogation room, the narrow table and the straight suit constraining his body.
The police first gave a brief statement of the case and then asked him where he was at the time of the incident.
Shen Jiali: “Changteng Entertainment Studios, and online taxis.”
“The second incident happened at 12 o’clock last night. You took a taxi from WD Residence to Jinhai University. The departure time was 11:30 pm. According to the Internet According to the feedback from the taxi, you arrived at Jinhai University at 11:45, and you happened to be near the scene of the crime. I would like to ask, Jinhai University turns off the lights and closes the gate at 11 o’clock. What did you do there?” Shen Jiali said concisely and to the point:
“Go home.”
“Do you live at Jinhai University?”
“Live nearby.”
“Then why don’t you just go home.”
Shen Jiali sighed: “If you can’t remember your home address, walk back near the university.”
The policeman couldn’t believe it. An adult with a good IQ cannot remember his home address? There is suspicion of lying.
Well, even if he didn’t lie, after investigating the victim’s interpersonal relationship, only Shen Jiali had a grudge against them. Although Shen Jiali looked thin and had a history of heart disease, it didn’t mean that he wouldn’t commit murder.
“Have you seen the ghost pictures sent to you by the two victims?”
Shen Jiali didn’t know what ghost picture he was talking about: “I haven’t seen it.” “We investigated your Weibo private messages, and you did read their private messages. , if you haven’t read it, there will be a red dot prompt for the message.”
Shen Jiali also reiterated: “I haven’t seen it, I am very lazy, I can’t read the message, it is too troublesome.” The
policeman looked down at his other software, indeed Yes, each one has 1000+ unread red dots next to the icon, and his phone does not have a password lock.
Could it be the fault of someone close to him?
It’s impossible for his husband. He has been in a wheelchair for more than ten years, and if a large consortium wants to deal with this kind of thing, there is no need for such dirty methods. He will make you kneel down and apologize every minute.
There are too many people who have good relationships with him and can get his mobile phone. The youngest son of the Shen Group, the daughter of the media company, the British guy from the Rose End family, etc. are all possible.
Of course, it is also possible that he is a fan of Shen Jiali. After all, although he is not an artist, his number of fans cannot be underestimated. The suspects are not people who have read his private messages. These two “victims” have often spoken out online. Wild words, how many people are staring at them.
According to the confessions of online ride-hailing and Changteng Entertainment, Shen Jiali’s timeline of actions completely did not match the time of the crime. It was determined that he had nothing to do with the incident. The police planned to keep his mobile phone to further investigate other possibilities.
Finally, several people saluted Shen Jiali to express their hard work and sent him out of the interrogation room respectfully.

After the Mourning Beauty Married a Disabled Villain/丧系美人替嫁给残疾反派后[穿书] - Chapter 3 - madawac13 (2024)
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Author: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Author information

Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

Phone: +6111989609516

Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.